# @HEADER # ************************************************************************ # # TriBITS: Tribal Build, Integrate, and Test System # Copyright 2013 Sandia Corporation # # Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, # the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the Corporation nor the names of the # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY SANDIA CORPORATION "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SANDIA CORPORATION OR THE # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # ************************************************************************ # @HEADER """ Python module containing general support functions for creating scripts """ # # Check the python version # import sys if sys.version_info < (2,7): print("Error, Python version is " + sys.version + " < 2.7!") sys.exit(1) # # Import commands # import os import re import math import subprocess import time import datetime import optparse import traceback from Python2and3 import b, s, u verboseDebug = False # # Determine what system we are on: # rePlatformName = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z]+") platformStr = rePlatformName.findall(sys.platform)[0] #print("\nplatformStr = " + platformStr) ###################################### # Script location functions ###################################### def getScriptBaseDir(): return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))) def getScriptName(): return os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) def getCompleteFileDirname(filename): return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(filename))) ###################################### # List helper functions ###################################### def findInSequence(seq, item): for i in range(0, len(seq)): if seq[i] == item: return i return -1 def removeItemsFromList(list, items): numItemsRemoved = 0 for item in items: if item in list: idx = list.index(item) del list[idx] numItemsRemoved = numItemsRemoved + 1 return numItemsRemoved ###################################### # String helper functions ###################################### def stripWhitespaceFromStringList(stringList): return [x.strip() for x in stringList] def isSubstrInMultiLineString(inputStr, findStr): return inputStr.find(findStr) >= 0 def getStrUnderlineStr(width): underlineStr = "" for i in range(width): underlineStr += "-" return underlineStr def arrayToFormattedString(array_in, offsetStr = ""): sout = "" sout += offsetStr + "[\n" for i in range(0, len(array_in)): if i != len(array_in)-1: commaChar = "," else: commaChar = "" sout += (offsetStr + " \'" + str(array_in[i]) + "\'"+commaChar+"\n") sout += offsetStr + "]\n" return sout def extractLinesAfterRegex(string_in, regex_in): #print("regex_in = " + regex_in) reMatch = re.compile(regex_in) linesExtracted = "" foundRegex = False for line in string_in.strip().splitlines(): #print("line = '" + line + "'") if not foundRegex: matchObj = reMatch.match(line) #print("matchObj = " + matchObj) if matchObj: foundRegex = True if foundRegex: linesExtracted += line + "\n" return linesExtracted def extractLinesMatchingRegex(string_in, regex_in): #print("regex_in = " + regex_in) string_in = s(string_in) reMatch = re.compile(regex_in) linesExtracted = "" for line in string_in.strip().splitlines(): #print("line = '" + line + "'") matchObj = reMatch.match(line) #print("matchObj = " + matchObj) if matchObj: linesExtracted += line + "\n" return linesExtracted # NOTE: Above is *NOT* using tested! def extractLinesMatchingSubstr(string_in, substr_in): #print("substr_in = '" + substr_in + "'") string_in = s(string_in) linesExtracted = "" for line in string_in.strip().splitlines(): #print("line = '" + line + "'") if substr_in in line: #print("matched '" + substr_in + "'") linesExtracted += line + "\n" return linesExtracted # NOTE: Above is *NOT* unit tested! # Convert a dictionary to a string, using a sorted set of keys. # # This is needed to provide a portable string representation across various # versions of Python and platforms (see TriBITS GitHub Issue #119). def sorted_dict_str(d): items = [] keys = list(d.keys()) keys.sort() for key in keys: if isinstance(d[key], dict): value = sorted_dict_str(d[key]) else: value = repr(d[key]) items.append(repr(key) + ": " + value) return "{" + ", ".join(items) + "}" ############################################## # System command unit testing utilities ############################################## class InterceptedCmndStruct: def __init__(self, cmndRegex, cmndReturn, cmndOutput): self.cmndRegex = cmndRegex self.cmndReturn = cmndReturn self.cmndOutput = cmndOutput def __str__(self): return "{cmndRegex='"+self.cmndRegex+"'," \ " cmndReturn="+str(self.cmndReturn)+"," \ " cmndOutput='"+str(self.cmndOutput)+"'}" # # Class that is used to record a set of commands that will be used to # intercept commands # class SysCmndInterceptor: def __init__(self): self.__fallThroughCmndRegexList = [] self.__interceptedCmndStructList = [] self.__allowExtraCmnds = True def setFallThroughCmndRegex(self, cmndRegex): self.__fallThroughCmndRegexList.append(cmndRegex) def setInterceptedCmnd(self, cmndRegex, cmndReturn, cmndOutput=None): self.__interceptedCmndStructList.append( InterceptedCmndStruct(cmndRegex, cmndReturn, cmndOutput) ) def setAllowExtraCmnds(self, allowExtraCmnds): self.__allowExtraCmnds = allowExtraCmnds def hasInterceptedCmnds(self): return len(self.__interceptedCmndStructList) > 0 def getFallThroughCmndRegexList(self): return self.__fallThroughCmndRegexList[:] def getInterceptedCmndStructList(self): return self.__interceptedCmndStructList[:] def doProcessInterceptedCmnd(self, cmnd): #print("doProcessInterceptedCmnd(): cmnd='" + cmnd + "'") if self.isFallThroughCmnd(cmnd): return False if len(self.__interceptedCmndStructList) > 0: return True if not self.__allowExtraCmnds: return True return False def isFallThroughCmnd(self, cmnd): for interceptCmndStruct in self.__interceptedCmndStructList: if re.match(interceptCmndStruct.cmndRegex, cmnd): return False for cmndRegex in self.__fallThroughCmndRegexList: if re.match(cmndRegex, cmnd): return True return False def nextInterceptedCmndStruct(self, cmnd): assert(not self.isFallThroughCmnd(cmnd)) if len(self.__interceptedCmndStructList) == 0: raise Exception("Error, cmnd='"+cmnd+"' is past the last expected command!") ics = self.__interceptedCmndStructList[0] if not re.match(ics.cmndRegex, cmnd): raise Exception("Error, cmnd='" + cmnd + "' did not match the" \ " expected regex='" + ics.cmndRegex + "'!") self.__interceptedCmndStructList.pop(0) return (ics.cmndReturn, ics.cmndOutput) def clear(self): self.__fallThroughCmndRegexList = [] self.__interceptedCmndStructList = [] self.__allowExtraCmnds = True def readCommandsFromStr(self, cmndsStr): lines = cmndsStr.splitlines() for line in lines: #print("line: '" + line + "'") if line == "": continue splitArray = line.split(':') (tag, entry) = (splitArray[0], ':'.join(splitArray[1:])) #(tag, entry) = line.split(':') #print("(tag, entry) = " + str((tag, entry))) if tag == "FT": self.__fallThroughCmndRegexList.append(entry.strip()) elif tag == "IT": entryArray = entry.split(';') if len(entryArray) < 3: raise Exception("Error, invalid line {"+line+"}") cmndRegex = entryArray[0] cmndReturn = entryArray[1] cmndOutput = "" for cmndOutputEntry in entryArray[2:]: #print("cmndOutputEntry = {" + cmndOutputEntry + "}") cmndOutput += cmndOutputEntry.strip()[1:-1]+"\n" #print("(cmndRegex, cmndReturn, cmndOutput) = " + # str((cmndRegex, cmndReturn, cmndOutput))) self.__interceptedCmndStructList.append( InterceptedCmndStruct(cmndRegex.strip(), int(cmndReturn), cmndOutput) ) else: raise Exception("Error, invalid tag = '"+tag+"'!") def assertAllCommandsRun(self): if len(self.__interceptedCmndStructList) > 0: raise Exception("Error, all of the commands have not been run starting with" \ " the command " + str(self.__interceptedCmndStructList[0]) + "!") g_sysCmndInterceptor = SysCmndInterceptor() # Read the command interepts from a file? cmndInterceptsFile = os.environ.get( "GENERAL_SCRIPT_SUPPORT_CMND_INTERCEPTS_FILE","") if cmndInterceptsFile: cmndInterceptsFileStr = open(cmndInterceptsFile, 'r').read() print("\nReading system command intercepts from file '" + cmndInterceptsFile + "' with contents:\n" + "-----------------------------------\n" + cmndInterceptsFileStr + "-----------------------------------\n") g_sysCmndInterceptor.readCommandsFromStr(cmndInterceptsFileStr) g_sysCmndInterceptor.setAllowExtraCmnds(False) # Dump all commands being performed? g_dumpAllSysCmnds = "GENERAL_SCRIPT_SUPPORT_DUMD_COMMANDS" in os.environ # Run a command (or the mock of that command) and optionally return the stdout # # Returns the commandline exit code or, if 'rtnOutput=True' returns the tuple # (rtnCode, cmndOutput). # # For Python 2, this returns stdout as a standard ASCII byte array for the # output. For Python 3, the stdout output is converted to standard unicode # (i.e. 'utf-8') # def runSysCmndInterface(cmnd, outFile=None, rtnOutput=False, extraEnv=None, \ workingDir="", getStdErr=False \ ): if g_dumpAllSysCmnds: print("\nDUMP SYS CMND: " + cmnd + "\n") if outFile!=None and rtnOutput==True: raise Exception("Error, both outFile and rtnOutput can not be true!") if g_sysCmndInterceptor.doProcessInterceptedCmnd(cmnd): (cmndReturn, cmndOutput) = g_sysCmndInterceptor.nextInterceptedCmndStruct(cmnd) if rtnOutput: if cmndOutput==None: raise Exception("Error, the command '"+cmnd+"' gave None output when" \ " non-null output was expected!") return (cmndOutput, cmndReturn) if outFile: writeStrToFile(outFile, cmndOutput) return cmndReturn # Else, fall through if extraEnv: fullEnv = os.environ.copy() fullEnv.update(extraEnv) else: fullEnv = None pwd = None if workingDir: pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(workingDir) rtnObject = None try: if rtnOutput: if getStdErr: child = subprocess.Popen(cmnd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, env=fullEnv) else: child = subprocess.Popen(cmnd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=fullEnv) data = child.stdout.read() if sys.version_info >= (3,): data = data.decode('utf-8') child.stdout.close() child.wait() rtnCode = child.returncode rtnObject = (data, rtnCode) else: outFileHandle = None if outFile: outFileHandle = open(outFile, 'w') rtnCode = subprocess.call(cmnd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=outFileHandle, env=fullEnv) if outFileHandle: outFileHandle.close() rtnObject = rtnCode finally: if pwd: os.chdir(pwd) return rtnObject ###################################### # System interaction utilities ###################################### def runSysCmnd(cmnd, throwExcept=True, outFile=None, workingDir="", extraEnv=None, echoCmndForDebugging=False \ ): """Run system command and optionally throw on failure""" sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() try: outFileHandle = None if echoCmndForDebugging: print("Running: "+cmnd) rtnCode = runSysCmndInterface(cmnd, outFile=outFile, extraEnv=extraEnv, workingDir=workingDir) except OSError as e: rtnCode = 1 # Just some error code != 0 please! if rtnCode != 0 and throwExcept: raise RuntimeError("Error, the command '%s' failed with error code %d" % (cmnd, rtnCode)) return rtnCode def echoRunSysCmnd(cmnd, throwExcept=True, outFile=None, msg=None, timeCmnd=False, verbose=True, workingDir="", returnTimeCmnd=False, extraEnv=None ): """Echo command to be run and run command with runSysCmnd()""" if verbose: print("\nRunning: " + cmnd + "\n") if workingDir: print(" Running in working directory: " + workingDir + " ...\n") if extraEnv: print(" Appending environment:" + sorted_dict_str(extraEnv) + "\n") if outFile: print(" Writing console output to file " + outFile + " ...") if msg and verbose: print(" " + msg + "\n") t1 = time.time() totalTimeMin = -1.0 try: rtn = runSysCmnd(cmnd, throwExcept, outFile, workingDir, extraEnv) finally: if timeCmnd: t2 = time.time() totalTimeMin = (t2-t1)/60.0 if verbose: print("\n Runtime for command = %f minutes" % totalTimeMin) if returnTimeCmnd: return (rtn, totalTimeMin) return rtn # Return a shell command's output and optionally its return code # # For Python 2, this returns a standard ASCII byte array for the output. For # Python 3, the output is converted to standard unicode (i.e. 'utf-8') # def getCmndOutput(cmnd, stripTrailingSpaces=False, throwOnError=True, workingDir="", \ getStdErr=False, rtnCode=False \ ): (data, errCode) = runSysCmndInterface(cmnd, rtnOutput=True, workingDir=workingDir, getStdErr=getStdErr) if errCode != 0: if throwOnError: raise RuntimeError('%s failed w/ exit code %d:\n\n%s' % (cmnd, errCode, data)) dataToReturn = data if stripTrailingSpaces: dataToReturn = data.rstrip() if rtnCode: return (dataToReturn, errCode) return dataToReturn def pidStillRunning(pid): #print("\npid = '" + pid + "'") cmnd = "kill -s 0 "+pid cmndReturn = runSysCmnd(cmnd, False) #print("\ncmndReturn = " + cmndReturn) return cmndReturn == 0 ###################################### # File/path utilities ###################################### def getFilePathArray(filePathStr): return filePathStr.split('/') def joinDirs(dirArray): """ Join directories. 2009/06/09: rabartl: We should be able to just use os.path.join(...) but I found when used in at least on context that it resulted in not joining the elements but instead just returning the array. """ dirPath = "" for dir in dirArray: if not dirPath: dirPath = dir else: dirPath = dirPath + "/" + dir return dirPath def downDirsArray(numDownDirs): downDirsPathArray = [] for i in range(0, numDownDirs): downDirsPathArray.append("..") #print("\ndownDirsPathArray = " + downDirsPathArray) return downDirsPathArray def normalizePath(path): return os.path.normpath(path) def echoChDir(dirName, verbose=True): if verbose: print("\nChanging current directory to \'" + dirName + "\'") if not os.path.isdir(dirName): raise OSError("Error, the directory \'"+dirName+"\' does not exist in the" \ + " base directory \'"+os.getcwd()+"\"!" ) os.chdir(dirName) if verbose: print("\nCurrent directory is \'" + os.getcwd() + "\'\n") def createDir(dirName, cdIntoDir=False, verbose=False): """Create a directory if it does not exist""" if os.path.exists(dirName): if not os.path.isdir(dirName): errMsg = "\nError the path '" + dirName + \ "'already exists but it is not a directory!" if verbose: print(errMsg) raise RuntimeError(errMsg) if verbose: print("\nThe directory " + dirName + "already exists!") else: if verbose: print("\nCreating directory " + dirName + " ...") os.mkdir(dirName) if cdIntoDir: echoChDir(dirName, verbose=verbose) def createDirsFromPath(path): #print("\npath = " + path) pathList = path.split("/") #print("\npathList = " + pathList) if not pathList[0]: currDir = "/" for dir in pathList: currDir = os.path.join(currDir, dir) if currDir and not os.path.exists(currDir): #print("\ncurrDir = " + currDir) createDir(currDir) def expandDirsDict(trilinosDirsDict_inout): for dir in list(trilinosDirsDict_inout): subdirsList = dir.split("/") #print("\nsubdirsList = " + subdirsList) for i in range(len(subdirsList)): trilinosDirsDict_inout.update({joinDirs(subdirsList[:i+1]) : 0}) def removeIfExists(fileName): if os.path.exists(fileName): echoRunSysCmnd("rm "+fileName) def removeDirIfExists(dirName, verbose=False): if os.path.exists(dirName): if verbose: print("Removing existing directory '" + dirName + "' ...") echoRunSysCmnd("rm -rf "+dirName) def writeStrToFile(fileName, fileBodyStr): with open(fileName, 'w') as fileHandle: fileHandle.write(fileBodyStr) def readStrFromFile(fileName): with open(fileName, 'r') as fileHandle: return fileHandle.read() def getFileNamesWithFileTag( baseDir, fileTag ): """Get a list of file names with a given date stamp""" return getCmndOutput( 'cd %s && ls *%s*' % (baseDir, fileTag), throwOnError=False ).split() def getFileNameFromGlob( baseDir, fileNameGlob ): return getCmndOutput("cd "+baseDir+" && ls "+fileNameGlob, True, False) def isEmptyDir( absDir ): return (len(os.listdir(absDir)) == 0) def getDirSizeInGb(dir): sizeIn1024Kb = int(getCmndOutput("du -s "+dir).split('\t')[0]) #print("\nsizeIn1024Kb = " + str(sizeIn1024Kb)) return float(sizeIn1024Kb)/1e+6 # Size in Gb! def isPathChar(char): return (char.isalnum() or char == '/') and (not char == ' ') # 2008/07/08: rabartl: This silly function is needed because on the sun # machine (i.e. sass8000), the 'which' command returns some non-printable # chars from the beginning of the output string that don't form a valid path. # This was *very* hard to debug but this function is able to select the valid # path string. This has been tested at least on linux and the sun and should # work anywhere. def cleanBadPath(inputPath): cleanPath = "" for i in range(len(inputPath)-1, -1, -1): char = inputPath[i] if not isPathChar(char): break cleanPath = char + cleanPath return cleanPath def getRelativePathFrom1to2(absPath1, absPath2): #print("\nabsPath1 =" + absPath1) #print("\nabsPath2 =" + absPath2) absPath1_array = absPath1.split('/') absPath2_array = absPath2.split('/') #print("\nabsPath1_array =" + absPath1_array) #print("\nabsPath2_array =" + absPath2_array) absPath1_array_len = len(absPath1_array) absPath2_array_len = len(absPath2_array) maxBaseDirDepth = min(absPath1_array_len, absPath2_array_len) baseDirDepth = 0 for dirIdx in range(0, maxBaseDirDepth): dir1 = absPath1_array[dirIdx] dir2 = absPath2_array[dirIdx] if dir1 != dir2: break baseDirDepth = baseDirDepth + 1 #print("\nbaseDirDepth = %d" % baseDirDepth) numDownDirs = absPath1_array_len - baseDirDepth #print("\nnumDownDirs = %d" % numDownDirs) if numDownDirs > 0: downDirPath = joinDirs(downDirsArray(numDownDirs)) else: downDirPath = "." #print("\ndownDirPath = '" + downDirPath + "'") if baseDirDepth == absPath2_array_len: upDirPath = "." else: upDirPath = joinDirs(absPath2_array[baseDirDepth:]) #print("\nupDirPath = " + upDirPath ) #print("\nupDirPath = '" + upDirPath + "'") relPath = os.path.join(downDirPath, upDirPath) if relPath == "./.": return "." return relPath def getExecBaseDir(execName): whichOutput = getCmndOutput("type -p "+execName, True, False) # Handle the outpue 'execName is execFullPath' output execFullPath = whichOutput.split(' ')[-1] #print("\nexecFullPath = " + execFullPath) execNameMatchRe = r"^(.+)/"+execName execNameGroups = re.findall(execNameMatchRe, execFullPath) #print("\nexecNameGroups = " + execNameGroups) if not execNameGroups: return None execBaseDir = execNameGroups[0] #print("\nexecBaseDir = \"" + execBaseDir + "\"") #execBaseDir = cleanBadPath(execBaseDir) #print("\nexecBaseDir = \"" + execBaseDir + "\"") return execBaseDir def extractAppendUniqueDirsDictFromFileNames(filenamesArray, dirsDict): for filename in filenamesArray: dirsDict.update( { normalizePath(os.path.dirname(filename)) : 0 } ) def copyFileAndReplaceTokens( scriptsDir, inputFile, tokenReplacementList, outputFile ): """Copies an input stub file and then does a set of token replacements""" echoRunSysCmnd("cp "+inputFile+" "+outputFile, verbose=verboseDebug) for tokenReplacementPair in tokenReplacementList: oldToken = tokenReplacementPair[0] newToken = tokenReplacementPair[1] echoRunSysCmnd( scriptsDir+"/token-replace.pl "+oldToken+" "+newToken\ +" "+outputFile+" "+outputFile, verbose=verboseDebug ); # ToDo: Replace above with native re commands class TeeOutput(object): """ Object that directs all calls to its write method to stdout as well as a file. This is to be used as a simple replacement for the Unix tee command. """ def __init__(self, outputfile): """ Constructor takes a file-like object to write output to.""" self._realstdout = sys.stdout self._outputfile = outputfile def _safe_outputfile_method(self, methodname, *args): """ Calls the method specified by methodname with the given args on the internal file object if it is non-null. """ if self._outputfile is not None: if hasattr(self._outputfile, methodname): method = getattr(self._outputfile, methodname) if method and callable(method): method(*args) def write(self, data): """ Write the given data to stdout and to the log file. """ self._realstdout.write(data) self._safe_outputfile_method('write', data) def flush(self): """ Flush the internal file buffers. """ self._realstdout.flush() self._safe_outputfile_method('flush') ###################################### # Shell argument helpers ###################################### reCmndLineArg = re.compile(r"(--.+=)(.+)") def requoteCmndLineArgs(inArgs): argsStr = "" for arg in inArgs: splitArg = arg.split("=") newArg = None if len(splitArg) == 1: newArg = arg else: newArg = splitArg[0]+"=\""+'='.join(splitArg[1:])+"\"" #print("\nnewArg = " + newArg) argsStr = argsStr+" "+newArg return argsStr def commandLineOptionsToList(stringOptions): """ Convert a string of space separated command line options to a python list of the individual optionstrings. TODO: Handle shell quoting. """ return stringOptions.split() class ConfigurableOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): """ OptionParser that accepts a python dictionary as a configuration file to provide default value overrides for the options. """ def __init__(self, configuration, **kwargs): """ Constructor accepts a configuration dictionary with default values for arguments and all of the OptionParser arguments as well. """ optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._configuration = configuration def add_option(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Checks for a default override in the configuration dictionary and modifies the default and help arguments before dispatching them to the base class implementation. """ if 'default' in kwargs: for arg in args: kwargs['default'] = self._configuration.get(arg, kwargs['default']) optparse.OptionParser.add_option(self, *args, **kwargs) ###################################### # Debugging support ###################################### def printStackTrace(): sys.stdout.flush() traceback.print_exc() class ErrorCaptureOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): __sawError = None def __init__(self, usage="%prog [options]", version=None): optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, usage, version) __sawError = False def error(self, msg): raise Exception("Received error message: " + msg) ###################################### # HTML directory browsing ###################################### def createIndexHtmlBrowserList(baseDir, fileDirList = None): htmlList = "" # Get the fileDirList if empty if not fileDirList: fileDirList = os.listdir(baseDir) fileDirList.sort() # Create the HTML header htmlList += "" \ + "<ul>\n" \ + "<li><a href=\"..\">..</a></li>\n" # Fill in links to directories first for fd in fileDirList: absFd = baseDir+"/"+fd #print("isfile(" + fd + ") = " + str(os.path.isfile(absFd))) #print("isdir(" + fd + ") = " + str(os.path.isdir(absFd) )) if not os.path.isfile(absFd): htmlList = htmlList \ +"<li>dir: <a href=\""+fd+"\">"+fd+"</a></li>\n" # Fill in links to regular files second for fd in fileDirList: absFd = baseDir+"/"+fd if os.path.isfile(absFd): if fd != 'index.html': htmlList = htmlList \ +"<li>file: <a href=\""+fd+"\">"+fd+"</a></li>\n" # Write the footer htmlList = htmlList \ + "</ul>\n" return htmlList def createIndexHtmlBrowserFile(baseDir, fileDirList): """Creates an HTML browser file as a returned string.""" htmlFile = "" \ + "<html>\n" \ + "<head>\n" \ + "<title>"+baseDir+"</title>\n" \ + "</head>\n" \ + "<body>\n" \ + "<b>"+baseDir+"</b>\n" \ + createIndexHtmlBrowserList(baseDir, fileDirList) \ + "</body>\n" \ + "</html>\n" return htmlFile def createHtmlBrowserFiles(absBaseDir, depth, verbose=False): """Create a hierarchy of index.html files that will build a directory/file browser for a web server that will not allow directory/file browsing.""" #print("\nEntering createHtmlBrowserFiles(" + absBaseDir + ",%d" % (depth) + ")") # Get the list of all of the files/directories in absBaseDir fileDirList = os.listdir(absBaseDir) fileDirList.sort() #print("\nfileDirList = " + str(fileDirList) #sys.stdout.flush() # Get the index.html file HTML indexHtml = createIndexHtmlBrowserFile(absBaseDir, fileDirList) #print("\nindexHtml:\n" + indexHtml) # Write the index.html file indexFileName = absBaseDir+"/index.html" if verbose: print("\nWriting " + indexFileName) open(indexFileName,'w').write(indexHtml) # Loop through all of the directories and recursively call this function if depth > 0: for fd in fileDirList: absFd = absBaseDir+"/"+fd if os.path.isdir(absFd): subDir = absFd #print("\nCalling createHtmlBrowserFiles(" + subDir + ",%d" % (depth-1) # + ")") createHtmlBrowserFiles(absBaseDir+"/"+fd,depth-1) #print("\nLeaving createHtmlBrowserFiles(" + absBaseDir + ",%d" % (depth) + # ")")