C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE DBICON (NDB, NDIM, NAMECO) C======================================================================= C --*** DBICON *** Read and pack coordinate names C -- Modified from DBINAM for ExodusIIV2 database format 8/26/95 C --*** DBINAM *** (EXOLIB) Read database names C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 02/08/88 C -- C --DBINAM performed a number of different input file read base C --on the passed in option argument. DBINAM was split up C --into a number of different subroutins C -- C --Parameters: C -- NDB - IN - the database number C -- NDIM - IN - the number of coordinates per node C -- NAMECO - OUT - the names of the coordinates; max size = 6 (if OPTION) C --Routines Called: C -- EXUPCS - (SUPES) Convert to uppercase and blank non-standard C -- PCKSTR - (STRLIB) Remove embedded blanks include 'ag_namlen.blk' PARAMETER (MAXDIM=6) INTEGER NDB INTEGER NDIM CHARACTER*(namlen) NAMECO(*) C Read and pack coordinate names IF (NDIM .GT. MAXDIM) THEN CALL PRTERR ('WARNING', & 'Too many coordinate names in the database') RETURN END IF C Read the name of the coordinate arrays from the database call exgcon(ndb, nameco, ierr) C Make upper case & remove blanks DO 100 I = 1, MIN(NDIM,MAXDIM) CALL EXUPCS (NAMECO(I)) 100 CONTINUE CALL PCKSTR (MIN(NDIM,MAXDIM), NAMECO) RETURN END