C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE INITIM (MAXTIM, NSTEPS, TIMES, TMIN, TMAX, & DELT, NINTV, NPTIMS, IPTIMS) C======================================================================= C --*** INITIM *** (TIMSEL) Initialize time step parameters C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 11/12/87 C -- C --INITIM initializes the time step parameters. The initialization C --is dependent on the MAXTIM parameter. C -- C --Parameters: C -- MAXTIM - IN - the initialization parameter C -- =0 - select all times C -- >0 - select NINTV interval times (up to number of steps - 1) C -- with interval starting at TMIN + offset C -- <0 - select -NINTV interval times (up to number of steps) C -- with interval starting at TMIN C -- NSTEPS - IN - the number of time steps C -- TIMES - IN - the database times C -- TMIN - OUT - the minimum selected time; set to minimum time C -- TMAX - OUT - the maximum selected time; set to maximum time C -- DELT - OUT - the interval between selected times C -- (<0 = selected times) C -- set to 0 (for all times) or interval C -- NINTV - IN/OUT - the number of times between tmin and tmax to select C -- (negative for zero interval); C -- NPTIMS - OUT - the number of selected times C -- IPTIMS - OUT - the selected time step numbers C --Routines Called: C -- MINMAX - (ETCLIB) Find minimum and maximum value C -- MINMXL - (ETCLIB) Find minimum and maximum value of selected values C -- NUMEQL - (ETCLIB) Count the number of equal values INTEGER MAXTIM INTEGER NSTEPS REAL TIMES(*) REAL TMIN REAL TMAX INTEGER IPTIMS(*) CALL MINMAX (NSTEPS, TIMES, TMIN, TMAX) NSTEPX = NSTEPS IF (MAXTIM .NE. 0) THEN IF (MAXTIM .GT. 0) THEN NINTV = MIN (MAXTIM, NSTEPX-1) ELSE NINTV = - MIN (MAXTIM, NSTEPX) END IF DELT = 999.0 ELSE IF (MAXTIM .EQ. 0) THEN DELT = 0.0 NINTV = 0 END IF NPTIMS = -999 CALL CALTIM (TMIN, TMAX, DELT, NINTV, & NSTEPS, TIMES, NPTIMS, IPTIMS) RETURN END