C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE NXTTIM () C======================================================================= C --*** NXTTIM *** (ALGEBRA) Move current time variables to last time C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 12/10/87 C -- C --NXTTIM moves the values of the variables for the current time to the C --location for the last time. The move is implemented by swapping C --the location pointers for the last and current time. C -- C --Parameters: C -- C --Common Variables: C -- Sets ISTVAR of /VAR../ C -- Uses NUMINP, IXLHS of /VAR../ PARAMETER (ICURTM = 1, ILSTTM = 2, IONETM = 3) include 'ag_namlen.blk' include 'ag_var.blk' c LOGICAL WHOTIM c LOGICAL ISHIST C --If previous time requested, swap pointers for current and previous time DO 100 IVAR = 1, NUMINP c ISHIST = ((TYPVAR(IVAR) .EQ. 'H') .OR. (TYPVAR(IVAR) .EQ. 'T')) c IF (ISHIST .OR. WHOTIM) THEN IF (ISTVAR(ILSTTM,IVAR) .GT. 0) THEN I = ISTVAR(ICURTM,IVAR) ISTVAR(ICURTM,IVAR) = ISTVAR(ILSTTM,IVAR) ISTVAR(ILSTTM,IVAR) = I END IF c END IF 100 CONTINUE DO 110 IVAR = IXLHS, MAXVAR c ISHIST = ((TYPVAR(IVAR) .EQ. 'H') .OR. (TYPVAR(IVAR) .EQ. 'T')) c IF (ISHIST .OR. WHOTIM) THEN IF (ISTVAR(ILSTTM,IVAR) .GT. 0) THEN I = ISTVAR(ICURTM,IVAR) ISTVAR(ICURTM,IVAR) = ISTVAR(ILSTTM,IVAR) ISTVAR(ILSTTM,IVAR) = I END IF c END IF 110 CONTINUE RETURN END