C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details subroutine getssn(ia, ierr) include 'dbase.blk' integer ia(*) CALL MDFIND ('LTSESS', KLTSSS, LESSEL) CALL MDFIND ('IXNESS', KIXNSS, NUMESS) CALL MDFIND ('IDESS', KIDSS, NUMESS) CALL MDFIND ('LTNNSS', KLTNNN, LESSEL) CALL MDFIND ('LTNESS', KLTNSS, LESSNL) CALL MDFIND ('NNESS', KNNSS, NUMESS) c ...Convert sides to nodes.... a(kltsss), C offset into element list for current side set isoff = 0 C node count for current side set nodcnt = 0 do i=0,numess-1 C update index array ia(kixnss+i)=nodcnt+1 C get num of sides & df call exgsp(ndb,ia(kidss+i),nsess,ndess,ierr) if (ierr .gt. 0) goto 170 C get side set nodes if (nsess .gt. 0) then call exgssn(ndb,ia(kidss+i),ia(kltnnn+isoff), & ia(kltnss+nodcnt),ierr) if (ierr .gt. 0) goto 170 end if nness = 0 C sum node counts to calculate next index do ii=0,nsess-1 nness=nness+ia(kltnnn+isoff+ii) end do ia(knnss+i)=nness nodcnt=nodcnt+nness isoff=isoff+nsess end do 170 continue return end