C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE GRAXES (XYSAME, WVIEW, DVIEW, WXATIC, WYATIC, & TXLAB, TYLAB) C======================================================================= C --*** GRAXES *** (GRPLIB) Draw axes (PLT) C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 02/20/87 C -- C --GRAXES sets up and draws the axes for the plot. It determines C --"good" numbers for the axes numbers (including the exponents) and C --sets the label/numbering size. C -- C --Parameters: C -- XYSAME - IN - true iff the X and Y axis have the same scale; C -- i.e., they are the same type although the values may differ C -- WVIEW - IN - the window corners (left, right, bottom, top) C -- in window (user) coordinates C -- DVIEW - IN - the window corners (left, right, bottom, top) C -- in device coordinates C -- WXATIC, WYATIC - IN - the X and Y axis tick-mark interval; C -- default if equal zero or invalid C -- TXLAB, TYLAB - IN - the X and Y axis labels C --Routines Called: C -- PLTGPH - (PLTLIB) Draw the axes with labels C -- PLTSTG - (PLTLIB) Set graph parameter C -- 1, 2 = (KXORIG, KYORIG) X, Y axis origin location C -- 3, 4 = (KXLENG, KYLENG) X, Y axis length C -- 11 = (KSCALE) axes parameters (see documentation) C -- 22, 47 = (KXNUMS, KYNUMS) X, Y axis number size C -- 23, 48 = (KXLABS, KYLABS) X, Y axis label size C -- GRAPAR - (GRPLIB) Select axis parameters PARAMETER (KLFT=1, KRGT=2, KBOT=3, KTOP=4) PARAMETER (KXORIG=1, KYORIG=2, KXLENG=3, KYLENG=4, KSCALE=11) PARAMETER (KXNUMS=22, KXLABS=23, KYNUMS=47, KYLABS=48) LOGICAL XYSAME REAL WVIEW(KTOP), DVIEW(KTOP) REAL WXATIC, WYATIC CHARACTER*80 TXLAB, TYLAB LOGICAL LDUM, PLTSTG, PLTSTG1 REAL BUF(11) C --Set device axis start and length DXAST = DVIEW(KLFT) DYAST = DVIEW(KBOT) DXALEN = DVIEW(KRGT) - DVIEW(KLFT) DYALEN = DVIEW(KTOP) - DVIEW(KBOT) LDUM = PLTSTG1 (KXORIG, DXAST) LDUM = PLTSTG1 (KYORIG, DYAST) LDUM = PLTSTG1 (KXLENG, DXALEN) LDUM = PLTSTG1 (KYLENG, DYALEN) C --Set axis minimum and maximum and tick intervals (and exponents and C --numbering size) TXATIC = WXATIC TYATIC = WYATIC CALL GRAPAR (XYSAME, WVIEW, DVIEW, & WXALAB, WYALAB, WXAEND, WYAEND, TXATIC, TYATIC) BUF(1) = 4 BUF(2) = WVIEW(KLFT) BUF(3) = WXALAB BUF(4) = WVIEW(KRGT) BUF(5) = TXATIC BUF(6) = 0.0 BUF(7) = WVIEW(KBOT) BUF(8) = WYALAB BUF(9) = WVIEW(KTOP) BUF(10)= TYATIC BUF(11)= 0.0 LDUM = PLTSTG (KSCALE, BUF) C --Draw the axes CALL PLTGPH (0., 0., 0, TXLAB, ' ', TYLAB, ' ') RETURN END