C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details COMMON /MSHOPT/ MSHLIN(4), MLNTYP(-1:1,4), NNPSET(4), NESSET(4), & IHIDOP, NALVAR, DEADNP, ALIVAL LOGICAL DEADNP COMMON /MSHOPC/ MSHDEF(4), MSHNUM(4) CHARACTER*8 MSHDEF, MSHNUM C --MSHDEF - the display mode for each view: C -- 'NONE' = undefined view C -- 'EMPTY' = empty view C -- 'DEFORM' = deform mesh C -- 'UNDEFORM' = undeformed mesh C --MSHNUM - the mesh numbering: C -- 'NONE' = no numbering C -- 'NODE' = number nodes C -- 'ELEMENT' = number elements C -- 'ALL' = number both C -- 'SELECTED' = number selected nodes or elements C --MSHLIN - the mesh lines to display: C -- 0 = MSHNON = none C -- 1 = MSHBOR = boundary lines only C -- 2 = MSHDIV = above + element block boundary lines C -- 3 = MSHSEL = above + lines of selected element blocks C -- 4 = MSHALL = above + lines of all element blocks C --MLNTYP - the line type (and color) of the lines: C -- (-1) for mesh boundary, C -- ( 0) for element block boundary, C -- ( 1) for element boundary C -- -2 = dotted line in black C -- -1 = solid line in black C -- 0 = valid only if undefined/empty view C -- 1 = solid line C -- 2 = dotted line C --NNPSET - the number of node sets to be displayed C --NESSET - the number of side sets to be displayed C --IHIDOP - hidden line removal flag (3D only) C -- 0 = no hidden lines removed C -- 1 = hidden surfaces not facing screen removed C -- 2 = hidden surfaces with hidden nodes removed C -- 3 = 2 + partial lines C --NALVAR - the index of the element birth/death variable C --DEADNP - true iff dead nodes are to be displayed C --ALIVAL - value to indicate element is alive -- 0.0 by default