C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE MSSCAL (DOSCAL, NNPSEL, NPSEL, XN, YN, ZN) C======================================================================= C --*** MSSCAL *** (MESH) Set the mesh scale C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 08/31/87 C -- C --MSSCAL sets the mesh window from the selected nodes, if requested, C --and calls SETUP to calculate the mesh scaling variables. C -- C --Parameters: C -- DOSCAL - IN - true iff the mesh window limits are to be calculated C -- NNPSEL - IN - the number of nodes in the mesh window C -- NPSEL - IN - the nodes in the mesh window C -- XN, YN, ZN - IN - the nodal coordinates (ZN for 3D only) C -- C --Common Variables: C -- Uses MSHDEF of /MSHOPT/ C -- Uses XISSYM, YISSYM, LFTSYM, BOTSYM of /VIEWS/ C -- Sets and uses ZMMESH of /MSHLIM/ C -- Uses SQMESH, RDMESH of /MSHLIM/ PARAMETER (KLFT=1, KRGT=2, KBOT=3, KTOP=4, KNEA=5, KFAR=6) include 'mshopt.blk' COMMON /VIEWS/ MULTIM, & XISSYM, YISSYM, XAXSYM, YAXSYM, LFTSYM, BOTSYM LOGICAL MULTIM, XISSYM, YISSYM, LFTSYM, BOTSYM COMMON /MSHLIM/ UNMESH(KFAR), ALMESH(KFAR), & ZMMESH(KTOP), RDMESH(KTOP), TICMSH, SQMESH LOGICAL SQMESH COMMON /MSHLIC/ MSCTYP CHARACTER*8 MSCTYP LOGICAL DOSCAL, INHBF SAVE INHBF INTEGER NPSEL(*) REAL XN(*), YN(*), ZN(*) DATA INHBF /.TRUE./ C --Calculate the axis limits INHBF = (INHBF .AND. * RDMESH(KLFT) .EQ. 0.0 .and. RDMESH(KRGT) .EQ. 0.0 .AND. * RDMESH(KBOT) .EQ. 0.0 .and. RDMESH(KTOP) .EQ. 0.0) IF (DOSCAL .OR. INHBF) THEN INHBF = .FALSE. C --Calculate the axis limits CALL MINMXS (NNPSEL, NPSEL, XN, RDMESH(KLFT), RDMESH(KRGT)) CALL MINMXS (NNPSEL, NPSEL, YN, RDMESH(KBOT), RDMESH(KTOP)) C --Expand limits a little CALL EXPLIM (2, RDMESH, RDMESH) CALL ADJLIM (MSHDEF, & XISSYM, YISSYM, LFTSYM, BOTSYM, XAXSYM, YAXSYM, & SQMESH, RDMESH, ZMMESH) END IF C --Set up graphics CALL SETUP (MSHDEF, ZMMESH) RETURN END