C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details c ====================================================================== c ====================================================================== c ====================================================================== c ====================================================================== c ROUTINE: pack c DESCRIPTION: Removes all spaces from an ASCII character c string and counts the number of remaining c non-space characters. c AUTHOR: John H. Glick c Sandia National Laboratories c Division 1511 c DATE: December 20, 1988 c TYPE OF SUBPROGRAM: subroutine c USAGE: call pack ( string, lstr ) c PARAMETERS: c character * (*) string ( INPUT/OUTPUT ) c string to be stripped of spaces. c integer lstr ( OUTPUT ) c number of non-space characters c remaining. c CALLS: none c GLOBAL VARIABLES REFERENCED: none c CALLING ROUTINE(S): getins (BLOT) c filhnd (BLOT) c SYSTEM DEPENDENCIES: none c ====================================================================== c ====================================================================== subroutine pack ( string, lstr ) c parameters character * (*) string integer lstr c declarations integer length, pt1, pt2 c ************************************************************* c ************************************************************* length = len(string) pt1 = 0 pt2 = 1 100 continue if ( string(pt2:pt2) .ne. ' ' ) then pt1 = pt1 + 1 string(pt1:pt1) = string(pt2:pt2) endif pt2 = pt2 + 1 if ( pt2 .le. length ) go to 100 lstr = pt1 c fill remainder of string with spaces do 110 i = lstr + 1, length string(i:i) = ' ' 110 continue return end