C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE QNPICK (TYPE, ISUP, ISDEF, & A, KXN, KYN, KZN, KHIDEN, KNPSUR) C======================================================================= C --*** QNPICK *** (MESH) Query last mesh display for node information C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 04/06/88 C -- C --QNPICK returns the address of the last displayed mesh characteristics C --for cursor input. This routine assumes that the characteristics C --are in dynamic memory. C -- C --This routine uses MDFIND to find the following dynamic memory arrays: C -- XN, YN, ZN - the nodal coordinates (ZN for 3D only) C -- DHZ, DVT, DPD - the deformed nodal coordinates (DPD for 3D only) C -- HIDENP - true iff node i is hidden (3D only) C -- NPSURF - the node numbers of the surface nodes (3D only) C -- C --Parameters: C -- TYPE - IN - the type of mesh information needed: C -- 'QUERY' - return ISUP and ISDEF only C -- 'ORIGINAL' - original mesh coordinates C -- 'DISPLAYED' - last displayed mesh coordinates C -- ISUP - OUT - true iff a mesh is displayed C -- ISDEF - OUT - true iff the displayed mesh is deformed C -- A - IN - the dynamic memory base array C -- KXN, KYN, KZN - OUT - the dynamic memory index of the coordinates C -- requested (KZN in 3D only) C -- KHIDEN - OUT - the dynamic memory index of the node hidden indicator C -- (3D only) C -- KNPSUR - OUT - the dynamic memory index of the surface node indices C -- (3D only) C -- C --Common Variables: C -- Uses /PICK/ C -- Uses IS3DIM of /D3NUMS/ PARAMETER (KLFT=1, KRGT=2, KBOT=3, KTOP=4, KNEA=5, KFAR=6) COMMON /PICK/ INITP, PKDEF, & PKMESH(KTOP), PKRMAT(3,3), PKRCEN(3), & DMESH(KTOP), DVRAT, DXMID, DYMID, DXLAST, DYLAST LOGICAL INITP, PKDEF COMMON /D3NUMS/ IS3DIM, NNPSUR, NUMNPF, LLNSET LOGICAL IS3DIM LOGICAL ISUP, ISDEF CHARACTER*(*) TYPE ISUP = INITP IF (ISUP) THEN ISDEF = PKDEF ELSE ISDEF = .FALSE. END IF KXN = 1 KYN = 1 KZN = 1 KHIDEN = 1 KNPSUR = 1 IF (TYPE .EQ. 'ORIGINAL') THEN CALL MDFIND ('XN', KXN, IDUM) CALL MDFIND ('YN', KYN, IDUM) IF (IS3DIM) CALL MDFIND ('ZN', KZN, IDUM) END IF IF (ISUP) THEN IF (TYPE .EQ. 'DISPLAYED') THEN IF (.NOT. PKDEF) THEN IF (.NOT. IS3DIM) THEN CALL MDFIND ('XN', KXN, IDUM) CALL MDFIND ('YN', KYN, IDUM) IF (IS3DIM) CALL MDFIND ('ZN', KZN, IDUM) ELSE CALL MDFIND ('HZ', KXN, IDUM) CALL MDFIND ('VT', KYN, IDUM) IF (IS3DIM) CALL MDFIND ('PD', KZN, IDUM) END IF ELSE CALL MDFIND ('DHZ', KXN, IDUM) CALL MDFIND ('DVT', KYN, IDUM) IF (IS3DIM) CALL MDFIND ('DPD', KZN, IDUM) END IF IF (IS3DIM) CALL MDFIND ('HIDENP', KHIDEN, IDUM) IF (IS3DIM) CALL MDFIND ('NPSURF', KNPSUR, IDUM) END IF END IF RETURN END