C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE RNDVAR (A, IA, LA, IVAR, IELBLK, INSTEP, LENVAR, VAR) C======================================================================= C --*** RNDVAR *** (BLOT) Read variable C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 07/27/88 C -- C --RNDVAR returns the values for the requested variable for the C --requested time step. It either reads the values from the sequential C --database file and writes them to a direct access scratch file or it C --reads the values from the direct access scratch file. C -- C --This routine uses MDFIND to find the following dynamic memory arrays: C -- NUMELB - the number of elements per element block C -- ISEVOK - the element block variable truth table; C -- variable i of block j exists iff ISEVOK(j,i) C -- WHOTIM - true iff whole (versus history) time step C -- C --Parameters: C -- A - IN - the dynamic memory base array C -- IVAR - IN - the variable index C -- (0 to initialize random file only) C -- IELBLK - IN - the element block number, <=0 for all C -- (for element blocks only) C -- INSTEP - IN - the time step number C -- = +n to read time step n C -- = -n to transfer time step n to random file only C -- = 0 to transfer all time steps to random file C -- LENVAR - IN - the length of VAR C -- VAR - OUT - the variable values (indeterminate if INSTEP <= 0) C -- C --Common Variables: C -- Uses NDB of /DBASE/ C -- Uses NUMNP, NUMEL, NELBLK, NVARHI, NVARGL, NVARNP, NVAREL, C -- NSTEPS, NSTEPW of /DBNUMS/ C -- C --Database is rewound upon the first entry of this routine; upon C --exit a flag is set to keep track of the database position; the C --database should not be moved between calls to this routine. C -- C --A scratch random file is created and read and written in this routine. C --It is connected to unit 90. include 'exodusII.inc' include 'dbase.blk' include 'dbnums.blk' REAL VAR(*) DIMENSION A(*) INTEGER IA(*) LOGICAL LA(*) CHARACTER TYP INTEGER KNELB, KIEVOK, KIDELB C --KNELB - the dynamic memory index of NUMELB - the number of elements C -- per element block C --KIEVOK - the dynamic memory index of ISEVOK - the element block C -- variable truth table; variable i of block j exists iff ISEVOK(j,i) IF (IVAR .EQ. 0) return if (instep .le. 0) return CALL DBVTYP_BL (IVAR, TYP, IDVAR) if (typ .eq. 'G') then if (lenvar .lt. nvargl) then call prterr ('PROGRAM', 'Invalid Array length in rndvar') end if call exggv(ndb, instep, nvargl, var, ierr) end if if (typ .eq. 'N') then if (lenvar .lt. numnp) then call prterr ('PROGRAM', 'Invalid Array length in rndvar') end if call exgnv(ndb, instep, idvar, numnp, var, ierr) END IF if (typ .eq. 'E') then if (lenvar .lt. numel) then call prterr ('PROGRAM', 'Invalid Array length in rndvar') end if call inirea(numel, 0.0, var) if (ielblk .le. 0) then imin = 1 imax = nelblk else imin = ielblk imax = ielblk end if CALL MDFIND ('ISEVOK', KIEVOK, IDUM) CALL MDFIND ('IDELB', KIDELB, IDUM) CALL MDFIND ('NUMELB', KNELB, IDUM) CALL MDSTAT (NERR, MEM) IF (NERR .GT. 0) GOTO 130 call rndelv(ndb, imin, imax, instep, idvar, ia(kidelb), & ia(knelb), var(1), la(kievok), nelblk) END IF 130 CONTINUE RETURN END subroutine rndelv(ndb, imin,imax, instep, idvar, & idelb, numelb, var, isevok, nelblk) real var(*) integer idelb(*), numelb(*) logical isevok(nelblk, *) ibeg = 1 do 10 iel = imin, imax C--- Check truth table. if (isevok(iel, idvar)) then call exgev(ndb, instep, idvar, idelb(iel), numelb(iel), & var(ibeg), ierr) end if ibeg = ibeg + numelb(iel) 10 continue return end C --Converted