C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE SETVW (IVIEW, *) C======================================================================= C --*** SETVW *** (MESH) Set up viewport for view C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 02/12/85 C -- C --SETVW sets up the the viewport for the specified view. C -- C --Parameters: C -- IVIEW - IN - the view number C -- * - return statement the cancel function is active C -- C --Common Variables: C -- Uses DVIEW, WVIEW of /LAYOUT/ PARAMETER (KLFT=1, KRGT=2, KBOT=3, KTOP=4) COMMON /LAYOUD/ DVIEW(KTOP,4), WVIEW(KTOP,4) LOGICAL MPVIEW, MPORT2, LDUM LOGICAL GRABRT IF (GRABRT ()) RETURN 1 LDUM = MPVIEW (DVIEW(KLFT,IVIEW), DVIEW(KRGT,IVIEW), & DVIEW(KBOT,IVIEW), DVIEW(KTOP,IVIEW)) LDUM = MPORT2 (WVIEW(KLFT,IVIEW), WVIEW(KRGT,IVIEW), & WVIEW(KBOT,IVIEW), WVIEW(KTOP,IVIEW)) RETURN END