C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE RDEB1 (NDB, IDELB, NUMELB, NUMLNK, NUMATR, & LINK, ATRIB, ATRNM, NAMLEN) C======================================================================= C --*** RDEB1 *** (EXPLORE) Read database element block misc. C -- C --RDEB1 reads the element block connectivity and attribute information C --from the database. An error message is displayed if the end of file C --is read. C -- C --Parameters: C -- NDB - IN - the database file C -- IDELB - IN - the element block number (for errors) C -- NUMELB - IN - the number of elements in the block C -- NUMLNK - IN - the number of nodes per element C -- NUMATR - IN - the number of attributes C -- LINK - OUT - the element connectivity for this block C -- ATRIB - OUT - the attributes for this block C -- include 'exodusII.inc' INTEGER LINK(*) REAL ATRIB(*) CHARACTER*80 ERRMSG CHARACTER*(NAMLEN) ATRNM(*) IF (NUMELB .GT. 0 .AND. NUMLNK .GT. 0) THEN CALL EXGELC (NDB, IDELB, LINK, IERR) IF (IERR .NE. 0) GO TO 100 END IF IF (NUMELB .GT. 0 .AND. NUMATR .GT. 0) THEN CALL EXGEAT (NDB, IDELB, ATRIB, IERR) IF (IERR .NE. 0) GO TO 110 CALL EXGEAN (NDB, IDELB, NUMATR, ATRNM, IERR) IF (IERR .NE. 0) GO TO 115 END IF RETURN 100 CONTINUE WRITE (ERRMSG, 10000, IOSTAT=IDUM) * 'CONNECTIVITY for block', IDELB GOTO 120 110 CONTINUE WRITE (ERRMSG, 10000, IOSTAT=IDUM) * 'ATTRIBUTES for block', IDELB GOTO 120 115 CONTINUE WRITE (ERRMSG, 10000, IOSTAT=IDUM) * 'ATTRIBUTE NAMES for block', IDELB GOTO 120 120 CONTINUE CALL WDBERR (IERR, ERRMSG) RETURN 10000 FORMAT (5 (A, I12)) END