C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C -*- Mode: fortran -*- PARAMETER (MAXINT = 1024) PARAMETER (MAXSET = 100) COMMON /PARAMS/ ITRANT, NNREPL, NEREPL, DIM3, NRTRAN(MAXINT), * D3TRAN(MAXINT), ZGRAD(MAXINT), CENTER, NUMCOL, NUMCDM, $ NUMROW, RGRAD, IWARP, DWARP, VEDGE, NBLK, HRAD, ROTAX, ISCENT LOGICAL VEDGE, ISCENT C --ITRANT - type of transformation: C = 1 if translation C = 2 if rotation C = 4 if warping C = 8 if twist C = 16 if plane mapping C --NNREPL - the number of node translations or rotations C --NEREPL - the number of element translations or rotations C --DIM3 - for a translation, the 3rd coordinate total translation; C -- for a rotation, the total rotation angle in degrees C --NRTRAN - for a translation, the number of element translations C -- with the corresponding total translation and gradient C --D3TRAN - for a translation, the total translation for C -- NRTRAN translations C --ZGRAD - for a translation, the gradient for NRTRAN translations C --CENTER - for a rotation, the center of rotation C --NUMCOL - for a rotation, the number of columns in a "center" block; C -- if 1, single point of rotation C --NUMCDM - dimension for NPCEN (MAX(1,NUMCOL)) C --NUMROW - for a rotation, the number of rows in all "center" blocks C --RGRAD - for a rotation, the gradient for angles C --IWARP - type of warping selected: 1=Point, 2=Line C --DWARP - Distance from point or line for warp C --VEDGE = true if vertical edges for warp, false if radial edges C --NBLK - number of transformation subincrements. C --HRAD - Major axis of ellipse C --ROTAX - For rotation, axis of rotation (0=Y (default), 1=X) C --ISCENT - True if CENTER specified.