C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE WRNPS (A, IA, IDFRO, IDBCK, & IDNPS, NNNP3, IXNNP3, LTNNP3, FACNP3, & IXNP, NRNP, *) C======================================================================= C --*** WRNPS *** (GEN3D) Write 3D node sets C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 05/05/86 C -- C --WRNPS writes the node set information for the 3D database. C --Calculations have been done elsewhere. C -- C --Parameters: C -- IDFRO - IN - ids for front surface node sets; (0) = length C -- IDBCK - IN - ids for back surface node sets; (0) = length C -- IDNPS - IN - the 2D node sets ids C -- NNNP3 - IN - the number of nodes for each 3D set C -- IXNNP3 - IN - the index of the first node for each 3D set C -- LTNNP3 - IN - the nodes for all 3D sets C -- FACNP3 - IN - the distribution factors for all 3D sets C -- IXNP - IN - the new index for each node C -- NRNP - IN - the number of new nodes generated for each node C -- C --Common Variables: C -- Uses NDBOUT of /DBASE/ C -- Uses NUMNPS, LNPSNL of /DBNUMS/ C -- Uses LNPSNO of /DBNUM3/ INCLUDE 'exodusII.inc' INCLUDE 'g3_dbase.blk' INCLUDE 'g3_dbnums.blk' INCLUDE 'g3_dbnum3.blk' REAL A(*) INTEGER IA(*) INTEGER IDFRO(0:*) INTEGER IDBCK(0:*) INTEGER IDNPS(*) INTEGER NNNP3(*) INTEGER IXNNP3(*) INTEGER LTNNP3(*) REAL FACNP3(*) INTEGER IXNP(*), NRNP(*) LOGICAL ANYNPS NFRO = IDFRO(0) NBCK = IDBCK(0) ANYNPS = (NFRO .GT. 0) .OR. (NBCK .GT. 0) .OR. (NUMNPS .GT. 0) C --Write 3D call expnp (exoid, 20, 5, 5, ierr) call expns (exoid, 20, node_list, ierr) call expnsd (exoid, 20, dist_fact, ierr) IF (ANYNPS) THEN C ... Output nodeset id, number nodes, number dist factors C Assumes that there are the same number of distribution factors C as there are nodes in the nodeset. DO 10 ins = 1, numnps call expnp (ndbout, idnps(ins), nnnp3(ins), nnnp3(ins), ierr) if (ierr .lt. 0) then call exerr('gen3d2', 'Error from expnp', exlmsg) go to 50 endif call expns (ndbout, idnps(ins), LTNNP3(IXNNP3(ins)), ierr) if (ierr .lt. 0) then call exerr('gen3d2', 'Error from expns', exlmsg) go to 50 endif call expnsd(ndbout, idnps(ins), FACNP3(IXNNP3(ins)), ierr) if (ierr .lt. 0) then call exerr('gen3d2', 'Error from expnsd', exlmsg) go to 50 endif 10 continue C ... Output front and back nodesets (if any) C Front and back nodesets contain NUMNP (2D database) nodes C If there are any front or back, then create a temporary C Array to hold the distribution factors. Defaulted to 1.0 if (nfro .gt. 0 .or. nbck .gt. 0) then call mdrsrv('factorns', knfac, numnp) call mdstat(mnerrs, mnused) if (mnerrs .gt. 0) goto 50 call inirea(numnp, 1.0, a(knfac)) do 20 ins = 1, nfro call expnp (ndbout, idfro(ins), numnp, numnp, ierr) if (ierr .lt. 0) then call exerr('gen3d2', 'Error from expnp', exlmsg) go to 50 endif call expns (ndbout, idfro(ins), IXNP, ierr) if (ierr .lt. 0) then call exerr('gen3d2', 'Error from expns', exlmsg) go to 50 endif call expnsd(ndbout, idfro(ins), a(knfac), ierr) if (ierr .lt. 0) then call exerr('gen3d2', 'Error from expnsd', exlmsg) go to 50 endif 20 continue if (nbck .gt. 0) then call mdrsrv('nodelist', knlst, numnp) call mdstat(mnerrs, mnused) if (mnerrs .gt. 0) goto 50 do 30 i=1, numnp ia(knlst+i-1) = ixnp(i) + nrnp(i) - 1 30 continue do 40 ins = 1, nbck call expnp (ndbout, idbck(ins), numnp, numnp, ierr) if (ierr .lt. 0) then call exerr('gen3d2', 'Error from expnp', exlmsg) go to 50 endif call expns (ndbout, idbck(ins), ia(knlst), ierr) if (ierr .lt. 0) then call exerr('gen3d2', 'Error from expns', exlmsg) go to 50 endif call expnsd(ndbout, idbck(ins), a(knfac), ierr) if (ierr .lt. 0) then call exerr('gen3d2', 'Error from expnsd', exlmsg) go to 50 endif 40 continue end if end if end if if (nfro .gt. 0 .or. nbck .gt. 0) then call mddel('factorns') if (nbck .gt. 0) then call mddel('nodelist') end if end if call mdstat(mnerrs, mnused) if (mnerrs .gt. 0) goto 50 RETURN 50 continue RETURN 1 END