C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE DBOELB (A, NDB, & IDELB, NUMELB, NUMLNK, NUMATR, LINK, NAMELB, ATRIB, ATRIBNW) C======================================================================= C --*** DBOELB *** (EXOLIB) Write database element blocks C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 10/12/87 C -- C --DBOELB writes the element block information to the database. C --Some dynamic dimensioning is done. C -- C --Parameters: C -- NDB - IN - the database file C -- NELBS, NELBE - IN - the number of first and last element blocks C -- to write C -- IDELB - IN - the element block IDs for each block C -- NUMELB - IN - the number of elements in each block C -- NUMLNK - IN - the number of nodes per element in each block C -- NUMATR - IN - the number of attributes in each block C -- LINK - IN - the connectivity for each block C -- ATRIB - IN - the attributes for each block C -- ATRIBNW - IN - the new attributes if block is a 3D beam include 'exodusII.inc' REAL A(*) INTEGER NDB INTEGER IDELB INTEGER NUMELB INTEGER NUMLNK INTEGER NUMATR INTEGER LINK(*) REAL ATRIB(*) REAL ATRIBNW(7) CHARACTER*(mxstln) NAMELB IELNK = 0 IEATR = 0 call expelb(ndb, IDELB, NAMELB, NUMELB, NUMLNK, NUMATR, IERR) call expelc(ndb, idelb, link, ierr) if (numatr .gt. 0) then if (namelb(:4) .eq. 'BEAM') then C ... A 3D beam needs special treatment since it has 7 attributes C and the input 2D beam will only have 1 or 3 attributes. C The attributes have been specified in the 'ATRIBNW' array C by the user (or the defaults are used). Need to expand the C single value per block values from the ATRIBNW array into C 7 values per element. call mdlong('ATRIBNW', KATRIB, 7*numelb) CALL MDSTAT (NERR, MEM) IF (NERR .GT. 0) THEN CALL MEMERR STOP 'memory error' END IF call geneat(ndb, idelb, a(katrib), atribnw, numelb) else call expeat(ndb, idelb, atrib, ierr) end if end if RETURN END subroutine geneat(ndb, idelb, atrib, atribnw, numelb) real atrib(*) real atribnw(7) i = 0 do 20 ie = 1, numelb do 10 ia=1, 7 i = i + 1 atrib(i) = atribnw(ia) 10 continue 20 continue call expeat(ndb, idelb, atrib, ierr) return end