C Copyright(C) 1999-2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C -*- Mode: fortran -*- QAINFO(1) = 'GJoin2 ' QAINFO(2) = '2023/04/17 ' QAINFO(3) = ' 1.40 ' C - Added EXPXYZ - By material matching C - Fixes in expxyz, matxyz, comand, irennp C - added mirroring, scaling, offsetting C - Added sorting to matxyz/expxyz -- seems to work better (2-4 times faster) c - Added revolve and revcen commands c - Added expect command c - Added copyright notice c - Added CUBIT kludge C - Added adding %gjoin c - Added bar mirroring connectivity fixup c - Added code to disregard comments (from aprepro?) at beginning of input file c - Modified so no temporary file C - fixed problems with the no temporary fix c - fixed input problem in setitl.f (used getinp instead of frefld) c - strip leading spaces from filenames c - added CHANGE to setsta -- assign new id to old id c - more functionality in setsta CHANGE c - sort on largest overlap delta direction c - bug fix last change c - problem with link array size not getting updated c - zero variables if no second database c - efficiency c - check for zero length sideset element list c - needsdoubleescape for prt* routines c - fix accessing z array for 2D problems c - made 'closest' the default matching behavior, always on c - fix renix call for link arrays. c - missing mdlong for yn zn in gjoin.f c - handle comments better c - fix connectivity input to reduce mdlong calls c - fix element map handling, error detection, coordinate names c - fix info record filename appending c - fix attribute reading, better file open diagnostics c - fix info recore filename appending (again...) c - fix maximum element block names -- now dynamic c - add increment, fix problem with block name reserve c - fix incorrect memory error message in rdgen c - fix exodus error reporting c - fix by-material matching c - minor change in setsta help message c - check block names when merging blocks c - removed unused routines c - reorder writing of qa and info c - modified to use sides instead of nodes for sidesets. c - remove debugging code in zmess c - fix for no sideset distribution factors c - fix for incorrect dist factor offset for 3 or more dbs c - matching mods -- pick based on set size. c - removed write of element map -- default provided by exodusII c - eliminate writing distribution factors if they are all unity c - better message for dist factor error; write dist factor even if all unity.. c - mirroring of 20-node hexes c - add addlog c - fix 'grepos' in error message c - mirroring of tet sidesets supported if only tets in model c - use expclb instead of multiple calls to expelb c - fix so can combine two blocks with same id c - handle mirroring in models with all shells c - fix shell sset mirroring -- since connectivity is fixed up, the shell side remains the same c - optimize nodeset combining since locint was taking lots of time on some compilers c - fixing sideset node count information for large models c - fixing sideset df copy if no sideset df c - call mdfree() c - add basic support for named entities. c - don't mclong if adding zero bytes c - remove warning about expxyz material matching routine c - fix name length issues c - fix parsing if no nodesets on models