C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE WRPXYZ (X, Y, Z, NUMNP, IWARP, NORMAL, REFDIS) C======================================================================= REAL X(NUMNP), Y(NUMNP), Z(NUMNP) C ... Origin if (iwarp .eq. 1) then call PRTERR('PROGRAM', 'Origin warping not implemented yet.') C ... Xaxis else if (iwarp .eq. -1) then if (normal .eq. 2) then call warpit(x, y, z, numnp, refdis) else if (normal .eq. 3) then call warpit(x, z, y, numnp, refdis) end if C ... Yaxis else if (iwarp .eq. -2) then if (normal .eq. 3) then call warpit(y, z, x, numnp, refdis) else if (normal .eq. 1) then call warpit(y, x, z, numnp, refdis) end if C ... Zaxis else if (iwarp .eq. -3) then if (normal .eq. 1) then call warpit(z, x, y, numnp, refdis) else if (normal .eq. 2) then call warpit(z, y, x, numnp, refdis) end if end if RETURN END SUBROUTINE WARPIT(C1, C2, C3, NUMNP, REFDIS) REAL C1(NUMNP), C2(NUMNP), C3(NUMNP) do 10 i=1, numnp c1(i) = c1(i) radius = c2(i) theta = c3(i) / refdis c3(i) = radius * sin(theta) c2(i) = radius * cos(theta) 10 continue return end