/* * Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions * of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with * NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. * * See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details */ #include "defs.h" #include "structs.h" #include // for printf void assign(struct vtx_data **graph, /* data structure with vtx weights */ double **yvecs, /* ptr to list of y-vectors (lengths nvtxs+1) */ int nvtxs, /* number of vertices in graph */ int ndims, /* number of vectors for dividing */ int cube_or_mesh, /* 0 => hypercube, d => d-dimensional mesh */ int nsets, /* number of sets to divide into */ double *wsqrt, /* sqrt of vertex weights */ int *sets, /* processor assignment for my vtxs */ int *active, /* space for nvtxs integers */ int mediantype, /* which partitioning strategy to use */ double *goal, /* desired set sizes */ int vwgt_max /* largest vertex weight */ ) { extern int DEBUG_TRACE; /* trace execution path of code */ extern int DEBUG_ASSIGN; /* turn on debugging in assignment */ double theta, phi, gamma; /* angles for optimal rotation */ double temp; int using_vwgts; /* are vertex weights active? */ if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) { printf("\n", nvtxs, ndims); } using_vwgts = (vwgt_max != 1); if (ndims == 1) { /* Unscale yvecs to get xvecs. */ y2x(yvecs, ndims, nvtxs, wsqrt); mapper(graph, yvecs, nvtxs, active, sets, ndims, cube_or_mesh, nsets, mediantype, goal, vwgt_max); } else if (ndims == 2) { theta = opt2d(graph, yvecs, nvtxs, nvtxs); rotate2d(yvecs, nvtxs, theta); y2x(yvecs, ndims, nvtxs, wsqrt); mapper(graph, yvecs, nvtxs, active, sets, ndims, cube_or_mesh, nsets, mediantype, goal, vwgt_max); } else if (ndims == 3) { if (DEBUG_ASSIGN > 0) { temp = tri_prod(yvecs[1], yvecs[2], yvecs[3], wsqrt, nvtxs); printf("Before rotation, 3-way orthogonality = %e\n", temp); } opt3d(graph, yvecs, nvtxs, nvtxs, wsqrt, &theta, &phi, &gamma, using_vwgts); rotate3d(yvecs, nvtxs, theta, phi, gamma); if (DEBUG_ASSIGN > 0) { temp = tri_prod(yvecs[1], yvecs[2], yvecs[3], wsqrt, nvtxs); printf("After rotation (%f,%f,%f), 3-way orthogonality = %e\n", theta, phi, gamma, temp); } y2x(yvecs, ndims, nvtxs, wsqrt); mapper(graph, yvecs, nvtxs, active, sets, ndims, cube_or_mesh, nsets, mediantype, goal, vwgt_max); } }