/* * Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions * of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with * NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. * * See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details */ #include "defs.h" #include "structs.h" #include #include /* Check graph for errors */ int check_graph(struct vtx_data **graph, /* graph data structure */ int nvtxs, /* number of vertices */ int nedges /* number of edges */ ) { extern FILE *Output_File; /* output file or null */ float eweight; /* edge weight */ double wgt_sum = 0.0; /* sum of edge weights */ int flag; /* flag for error free graph */ int no_edge_count; /* warning flag for isolated vertex */ int bad_vwgt_count; /* number of vertices with bad vwgts */ int using_ewgts; /* are edge weights being used? */ int narcs; /* number of neighbors of a vertex */ int neighbor; /* neighbor of a vertex */ int i, j; /* loop counters */ flag = FALSE; no_edge_count = 0; bad_vwgt_count = 0; using_ewgts = (graph[1]->ewgts != NULL); narcs = 0; for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) { narcs += graph[i]->nedges - 1; if (graph[i]->edges[0] != i) { printf(" Self edge wrong for vtx %d\n", i); flag = TRUE; } if (graph[i]->nedges == 1) { if (!no_edge_count) { printf("WARNING: Vertex %d has no neighbors\n", i); if (Output_File != NULL) { fprintf(Output_File, "WARNING: Vertex %d has no neighbors\n", i); } } ++no_edge_count; } if (graph[i]->vwgt <= 0) { if (!bad_vwgt_count) { printf("Vertex %d has bad vertex weight %d.\n", i, graph[i]->vwgt); } ++bad_vwgt_count; flag = TRUE; } if (using_ewgts) { wgt_sum = graph[i]->ewgts[0]; } for (j = 1; j < graph[i]->nedges; j++) { neighbor = graph[i]->edges[j]; if (using_ewgts) { wgt_sum += graph[i]->ewgts[j]; } /* Move it to the end and delete instead? */ if (neighbor == i) { printf("Self edge (%d,%d) not allowed\n", i, neighbor); flag = TRUE; } if (neighbor < 1 || neighbor > nvtxs) { printf("Edge (%d,%d) included, but nvtxs = %d\n", i, neighbor, nvtxs); flag = TRUE; } /* Move it to the end and delete instead? */ if (using_ewgts && graph[i]->ewgts[j] <= 0) { printf("Bad edge weight %g for edge (%d, %d)\n", graph[i]->ewgts[j], i, neighbor); flag = TRUE; } if (!is_an_edge(graph[neighbor], i, &eweight)) { printf("Edge (%d,%d) included but not (%d,%d)\n", i, neighbor, neighbor, i); flag = TRUE; } else if (using_ewgts && eweight != graph[i]->ewgts[j]) { printf("Weight of (%d,%d)=%g, but weight of (%d,%d)=%g\n", i, neighbor, graph[i]->ewgts[j], neighbor, i, eweight); flag = TRUE; } } if (using_ewgts && fabs(wgt_sum) > 1.0e-7 * fabs(graph[i]->ewgts[0])) { printf("Sum of edge weights for vertex %d = %g\n", i, wgt_sum); flag = TRUE; } } if (no_edge_count > 1) { printf("WARNING: %d vertices have no neighbors\n", no_edge_count); if (Output_File != NULL) { fprintf(Output_File, "WARNING: %d vertices have no neighbors\n", no_edge_count); } } if (bad_vwgt_count > 1) { printf("%d vertices have bad vertex weights\n", bad_vwgt_count); } if (narcs != 2 * nedges) { printf(" twice nedges = %d, but I count %d\n", 2 * nedges, narcs); flag = TRUE; } return (flag); } int is_an_edge(struct vtx_data *vertex, /* data for a vertex */ int v2, /* neighbor to look for */ float *weight2 /* weight of edge if found */ ) { int i; /* loop counter */ for (i = 1; i < vertex->nedges; i++) { if (vertex->edges[i] == v2) { if (vertex->ewgts != NULL) { *weight2 = vertex->ewgts[i]; } else { *weight2 = 1; } return (TRUE); } } return (FALSE); }