/* * Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions * of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with * NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. * * See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details */ #include "refine_map.h" // for refine_vdata #include // for NULL void update_mesh_vdata(int old_loc, /* previous node for moved vertex in moved dimension */ int new_loc, /* new node for moved vertex in moved dimension */ int dim, /* dimension that was changed */ double ewgt, /* weight of edge */ struct refine_vdata *vdata, /* array of vertex data */ int mesh_dims[3], /* size of processor mesh */ int neighbor, /* vertex impacted by flip */ int *vtx2node /* mapping from comm_graph vtxs to processors */ ) { struct refine_vdata *vptr = NULL; /* correct element in vdata */ int offset = 0; /* index into vdata array */ int my_loc = 0; /* my location in relevant dimension */ int neighbor_node = 0; /* processor neighbor assigned to */ neighbor_node = vtx2node[neighbor]; if (dim == 0) { offset = 0; my_loc = neighbor_node % mesh_dims[0]; } else if (dim == 1) { offset = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2]; my_loc = (neighbor_node / mesh_dims[0]) % mesh_dims[1]; } else if (dim == 2) { offset = 2 * mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2]; my_loc = neighbor_node / (mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1]); } vptr = &vdata[offset + neighbor]; /* If I'm far away from the flipped edge, I'm not effected. */ if (!((old_loc < my_loc && new_loc < my_loc) || (old_loc > my_loc && new_loc > my_loc))) { if (old_loc < my_loc) { /* Old moves to the right to line up with me. */ vptr->same += ewgt; vptr->below -= ewgt; } else if (old_loc > my_loc) { /* Old moves to the left to line up with me. */ vptr->same += ewgt; vptr->above -= ewgt; } else if (new_loc < my_loc) { /* Old moves to the left to pass me. */ vptr->same -= ewgt; vptr->below += ewgt; } else if (new_loc > my_loc) { /* Old moves to the right to pass me. */ vptr->same -= ewgt; vptr->above += ewgt; } } }