C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details block data cdrabc integer*4 machin(3),maclen integer*4 kidsiz,kjobid(4),kusrsz,kusrid(4),kszrou integer*4 kjrout(4),ksecur,kjtime(4),kjdate(4) common /vcjob/ kidsiz,kjobid,kusrsz,kusrid,kszrou, 1 kjrout,ksecur,kjtime,kjdate,machin,maclen integer*4 kwrtfl,krdfl,koutfl,kinfl,kwrdsz,kbytel,kcpw,kbaud, 1kcomtp common /cdrcom/ kwrtfl,krdfl,koutfl,kinfl,kwrdsz,kbytel,kcpw, 1 kbaud,kcomtp common /cdrcm2 / KGNAME character*80 KGNAME integer*4 kuntfd(0:999) common /cdrunx/ kuntfd logical*4 onode common /vconod/ onode #if defined(CRAY) data kwrdsz /64/ data kcpw /8/ #else data kwrdsz /32/ data kcpw /4/ #endif data kwrtfl /6/ data krdfl /5/ data koutfl /77/ data kinfl /66/ data kbytel /8/ data kbaud /9600/ c COMPUTER TYPE WHERE DATA ORIGINATED c VAX NETWORK = 4 c NOS = 5 c SCOPE 2.1 = 6 c UNIVAC = 7 c cray = 8 c ALLIANT = 9 c APOLLO = 10 c SUN = 11 c HP = 12 c DEC/ULTRIX = 13 data kcomtp /11/ c initialize unit to file descriptor table (cdrunx) data kuntfd/1000 * 0/ C initialize graphics output filename to blank (cdrcm2) data kgname/' '/ C following initializations done just to force common block symbol C to object file on some compilers... data onode /.true./ data kidsiz /0/ end