""" exodus.py v 1.20.23 (seacas-py3) is a python wrapper of some of the exodus library (Python 3 Version) Exodus is a common database for multiple application codes (mesh generators, analysis codes, visualization software, etc.) affording flexibility and robustness for both the application code developer and application code user. By using the Exodus data model, a user inherits the flexibility of using a large array of application codes (including vendor-supplied codes) which access this common data file directly or via translators. The uses of the Exodus data model include the following: * problem definition -- mesh generation, specification of locations of boundary conditions and load application, specification of material types. * simulation -- model input and results output. * visualization -- model verification, results postprocessing, data interrogation, and analysis tracking. The data in Exodus files can be divided into three primary categories: initialization data, model data, and results data. * Initialization data includes sizing parameters (number of nodes, number of elements, etc.), optional quality assurance information (names of codes that have operated on the data), and optional informational text. * The model is described by data which are static (do not change through time). This data includes nodal coordinates, element connectivity (node lists for each element), element attributes, and node sets and side sets (used to aid in applying loading conditions and boundary constraints). * The results are optional and include five types of variables -- nodal, element, nodeset, sideset, and global -- each of which is stored through time. Nodal results are output (at each time step) for all the nodes in the model. An example of a nodal variable is displacement in the X direction. Element, nodeset, and sideset results are output (at each time step) for all entities (elements, nodes, sides) in one or more entity block. For example, stress may be an element variable. Another use of element variables is to record element status (a binary flag indicating whether each element is "alive" or "dead") through time. Global results are output (at each time step) for a single element or node, or for a single property. Linear momentum of a structure and the acceleration at a particular point are both examples of global variables. Although these examples correspond to typical FE applications, the data format is flexible enough to accommodate a spectrum of uses. Copyright(C) 1999-2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details """ import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: raise Exception("Python-3 version. If using python-2, try `import exodus2 as exodus`") import ctypes import os import locale from enum import Enum EXODUS_PY_COPYRIGHT_AND_LICENSE = __doc__ EXODUS_PY_VERSION = "1.20.23 (seacas-py3)" EXODUS_PY_COPYRIGHT = """ You are using exodus.py v 1.20.23 (seacas-py3), a python wrapper of some of the exodus library. Copyright (c) 2013-2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. """ EXODUS_PY_CONTACTS = """ Authors: Greg Sjaardema (gdsjaar@sandia.gov) Mario LoPrinzi (mvlopri@sandia.gov) Timothy Shelton (trshelt@sandia.gov) Michael Veilleux (mgveill@sandia.gov) David Littlewood (djlittl@sandia.gov) """ # show the banner on first use SHOW_BANNER = True # Documentation is generated on a Mac laptop using: # pdoc --force --html ../lib/exodus.py sys.dont_write_bytecode = True ONELINE = "Gather from or export to Exodus files using the Exodus library" def basename(file_name): """ Extract base name from file_name. `basename("test.e") -> "test"` """ return os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] def getExodusVersion(): """ Parse the exodusII.h header file and return the version number or 0 if not found. """ version_major = -1 version_minor = -1 with open(f"{ACCESS}/@SEACAS_INCLUDEDIR@/exodusII.h") as header_file: for line in header_file: fields = line.split() if len(fields) == 3 and fields[0] == '#define': if fields[1] == 'EXODUS_VERSION_MAJOR': version_major = int(fields[2]) if fields[1] == 'EXODUS_VERSION_MINOR': version_minor = int(fields[2]) if (version_major > 0 and version_minor >= 0): return 100 * version_major + version_minor return 0 try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.utf-8') except locale.Error: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C') class ex_options(Enum): """ `ex_opts()` function codes - codes are OR'ed into exopts Parameters ---------- EX_DEFAULT Application responsible for calling `ex_err()` to get error and warning messages to output; library is quiet EX_VERBOSE Verbose mode -- output all error and warning messages EX_DEBUG Output Debug messages EX_ABORT If an error is detected, library will abort instead of letting application decide EX_NULLVERBOSE Output error and warning messages for NULL Entity errors and warnings """ EX_DEFAULT = 0 EX_VERBOSE = 1 EX_DEBUG = 2 EX_ABORT = 4 EX_NULLVERBOSE = 8 ACCESS = os.getenv('ACCESS', '@ACCESSDIR@') if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': EXODUS_SO = f"{ACCESS}/@SEACAS_LIBDIR@/libexodus.dylib" else: EXODUS_SO = f"{ACCESS}/@SEACAS_LIBDIR@/libexodus.so" EXODUS_LIB = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(EXODUS_SO) MAX_STR_LENGTH = 32 # match exodus default MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 256 # match exodus default MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 80 # match exodus default EX_API_VERSION_NODOT = getExodusVersion() EX_READ = 0x0002 if EX_API_VERSION_NODOT >= 608 else 0x0000 EX_WRITE = 0x0001 # ex_open(): open existing file for appending. EX_NOCLOBBER = 0x0004 # does not overwrite existing exodus file EX_CLOBBER = 0x0008 # overwrites existing exodus file EX_NORMAL_MODEL = 0x0010 # disable mods that permit storage of larger models EX_64BIT_OFFSET = 0x0020 # enable mods that permit storage of larger models # enable mods that permit storage of larger models EX_LARGE_MODEL = EX_64BIT_OFFSET EX_64BIT_DATA = 0x400000 # CDF-5 format: classic model but 64 bit dimensions and sizes EX_NETCDF4 = 0x0040 # use the hdf5-based netcdf4 output EX_NOSHARE = 0x0080 # Do not open netcdf file in "share" mode EX_SHARE = 0x0100 # Do open netcdf file in "share" mode EX_NOCLASSIC = 0x0200 # Do not force netcdf to classic mode in netcdf4 mode EX_DISKLESS = 0x100000 # Experimental EX_MMAP = 0x200000 # Experimental # Need to distinguish between storage on database (DB in name) and # passed through the API functions (API in name). EX_MAPS_INT64_DB = 0x0400 # All maps (id, order, ...) store int64_t values # All entity ids (sets, blocks, maps) are int64_t values EX_IDS_INT64_DB = 0x0800 # All integer bulk data (local indices, counts, maps); not ids EX_BULK_INT64_DB = 0x1000 # All of the above... EX_ALL_INT64_DB = EX_MAPS_INT64_DB + EX_IDS_INT64_DB + EX_BULK_INT64_DB EX_MAPS_INT64_API = 0x2000 # All maps (id, order, ...) store int64_t values # All entity ids (sets, blocks, maps) are int64_t values EX_IDS_INT64_API = 0x4000 # All integer bulk data (local indices, counts, maps); not ids EX_BULK_INT64_API = 0x8000 EX_INQ_INT64_API = 0x10000 # Integers passed to/from ex_inquire are int64_t # All of the above... EX_ALL_INT64_API = EX_MAPS_INT64_API + EX_IDS_INT64_API + \ EX_BULK_INT64_API + EX_INQ_INT64_API # Parallel IO mode flags... EX_MPIIO = 0x20000 EX_MPIPOSIX = 0x40000 # \deprecated As of libhdf5 1.8.13. EX_PNETCDF = 0x80000 # set exodus error output option exErrPrintMode = ctypes.c_int(ex_options.EX_VERBOSE.value) EXODUS_LIB.ex_opts(exErrPrintMode) class ex_inquiry(Enum): EX_INQ_FILE_TYPE = 1 # inquire EXODUS file type EX_INQ_API_VERS = 2 # inquire API version number EX_INQ_DB_VERS = 3 # inquire database version number EX_INQ_TITLE = 4 # inquire database title EX_INQ_DIM = 5 # inquire number of dimensions EX_INQ_NODES = 6 # inquire number of nodes EX_INQ_ELEM = 7 # inquire number of elements EX_INQ_ELEM_BLK = 8 # inquire number of element blocks EX_INQ_NODE_SETS = 9 # inquire number of node sets EX_INQ_NS_NODE_LEN = 10 # inquire length of node set node list EX_INQ_SIDE_SETS = 11 # inquire number of side sets EX_INQ_SS_NODE_LEN = 12 # inquire length of side set node list EX_INQ_SS_ELEM_LEN = 13 # inquire length of side set element list EX_INQ_QA = 14 # inquire number of QA records EX_INQ_INFO = 15 # inquire number of info records EX_INQ_TIME = 16 # inquire number of time steps in the database EX_INQ_EB_PROP = 17 # inquire number of element block properties EX_INQ_NS_PROP = 18 # inquire number of node set properties EX_INQ_SS_PROP = 19 # inquire number of side set properties # inquire length of node set distribution factor list EX_INQ_NS_DF_LEN = 20 # inquire length of side set distribution factor list EX_INQ_SS_DF_LEN = 21 EX_INQ_LIB_VERS = 22 # inquire API Lib vers number EX_INQ_EM_PROP = 23 # inquire number of element map properties EX_INQ_NM_PROP = 24 # inquire number of node map properties EX_INQ_ELEM_MAP = 25 # inquire number of element maps EX_INQ_NODE_MAP = 26 # inquire number of node maps EX_INQ_EDGE = 27 # inquire number of edges EX_INQ_EDGE_BLK = 28 # inquire number of edge blocks EX_INQ_EDGE_SETS = 29 # inquire number of edge sets # inquire length of concat edge set edge list EX_INQ_ES_LEN = 30 # inquire length of concat edge set dist factor list EX_INQ_ES_DF_LEN = 31 # inquire number of properties stored per edge block EX_INQ_EDGE_PROP = 32 # inquire number of properties stored per edge set EX_INQ_ES_PROP = 33 EX_INQ_FACE = 34 # inquire number of faces EX_INQ_FACE_BLK = 35 # inquire number of face blocks EX_INQ_FACE_SETS = 36 # inquire number of face sets # inquire length of concat face set face list EX_INQ_FS_LEN = 37 # inquire length of concat face set dist factor list EX_INQ_FS_DF_LEN = 38 # inquire number of properties stored per face block EX_INQ_FACE_PROP = 39 # inquire number of properties stored per face set EX_INQ_FS_PROP = 40 EX_INQ_ELEM_SETS = 41 # inquire number of element sets # inquire length of concat element set element list EX_INQ_ELS_LEN = 42 # inquire length of concat element set dist factor list EX_INQ_ELS_DF_LEN = 43 # inquire number of properties stored per elem set EX_INQ_ELS_PROP = 44 EX_INQ_EDGE_MAP = 45 # inquire number of edge maps EX_INQ_FACE_MAP = 46 # inquire number of face maps EX_INQ_COORD_FRAMES = 47 # inquire number of coordinate frames # inquire size of MAX_NAME_LENGTH dimension on database EX_INQ_DB_MAX_ALLOWED_NAME_LENGTH = 48 # inquire size of MAX_NAME_LENGTH dimension on database EX_INQ_DB_MAX_USED_NAME_LENGTH = 49 # inquire client-specified max size of returned names EX_INQ_MAX_READ_NAME_LENGTH = 50 # inquire size of floating-point values stored on database EX_INQ_DB_FLOAT_SIZE = 51 EX_INQ_ASSEMBLY = 60 EX_INQ_BLOB = 61 EX_INQ_INVALID = -1 class ex_type(Enum): EX_CHAR = 2 # NC_CHAR (from netcdf.h) EX_INTEGER = 4 # NC_INT (from netcdf.h) EX_DOUBLE = 6 # NC_DOUBLE (from netcdf.h) EX_INVALID = -1 def ex_type_map(type): """ Map the exodus inquiry flags to an enum value. """ return ex_type[type].value def ex_inquiry_map(inquiry): """ Map the exodus inquiry flags to an enum value. """ return ex_inquiry[inquiry].value def ex_obj_to_inq(objType): """ Return the ex_inquiry string corresponding to the specified objType. This can be passed to the ex_inquiry_map() function to get the number of objects of the specified objType """ entity_dictionary = { 'EX_ASSEMBLY': 'EX_INQ_ASSEMBLY', 'EX_BLOB': 'EX_INQ_BLOB', 'EX_EDGE_BLOCK': 'EX_INQ_EDGE_BLK', 'EX_FACE_BLOCK': 'EX_INQ_FACE_BLK', 'EX_ELEM_BLOCK': 'EX_INQ_ELEM_BLK', 'EX_NODE_SET': 'EX_INQ_NODE_SETS', 'EX_EDGE_SET': 'EX_INQ_EDGE_SETS', 'EX_FACE_SET': 'EX_INQ_FACE_SETS', 'EX_ELEM_SET': 'EX_INQ_ELEM_SETS', 'EX_SIDE_SET': 'EX_INQ_SIDE_SETS', 'EX_NODE_MAP': 'EX_INQ_NODES', 'EX_EDGE_MAP': 'EX_INQ_EDGE', 'EX_FACE_MAP': 'EX_INQ_FACE', 'EX_ELEM_MAP': 'EX_INQ_ELEM', } return entity_dictionary.get(objType, -1) def ex_entity_type_to_objType(entity_type): """ """ entity_dictionary = { get_entity_type('EX_ASSEMBLY'): "assembly", get_entity_type('EX_BLOB'): "blob", get_entity_type('EX_EDGE_BLOCK'): "edge block", get_entity_type('EX_FACE_BLOCK'): "face block", get_entity_type('EX_ELEM_BLOCK'): "element block", get_entity_type('EX_NODE_SET'): "node set", get_entity_type('EX_EDGE_SET'): "edge set", get_entity_type('EX_FACE_SET'): "face set", get_entity_type('EX_ELEM_SET'): "element set", get_entity_type('EX_SIDE_SET'): "side set", get_entity_type('EX_NODE_MAP'): "node map", get_entity_type('EX_EDGE_MAP'): "edge map", get_entity_type('EX_FACE_MAP'): "face map", get_entity_type('EX_ELEM_MAP'): "element map" } return entity_dictionary.get(entity_type, 'EX_INVALID') class ex_entity_type(Enum): """ The ex_entity_type enum from the exodusII.h include file Parameters ---------- EX_NODAL nodal \"block\" for variables EX_NODE_BLOCK alias for EX_NODAL EX_NODE_SET node set property code EX_EDGE_BLOCK edge block property code EX_EDGE_SET edge set property code EX_FACE_BLOCK face block property code EX_FACE_SET face set property code EX_ELEM_BLOCK element block property code EX_ELEM_SET face set property code EX_SIDE_SET side set property code EX_ELEM_MAP element map property code EX_NODE_MAP node map property code EX_EDGE_MAP edge map property code EX_FACE_MAP face map property code EX_GLOBAL global \"block\" for variables EX_COORDINATE kluge so some internal wrapper functions work EX_ASSEMBLY assemblies (collections of other entities) EX_BLOB blob (arbitrary sized binary object) EX_INVALID invalid """ EX_NODAL = 14 EX_NODE_BLOCK = 14 EX_NODE_SET = 2 EX_EDGE_BLOCK = 6 EX_EDGE_SET = 7 EX_FACE_BLOCK = 8 EX_FACE_SET = 9 EX_ELEM_BLOCK = 1 EX_ELEM_SET = 10 EX_SIDE_SET = 3 EX_ELEM_MAP = 4 EX_NODE_MAP = 5 EX_EDGE_MAP = 11 EX_FACE_MAP = 12 EX_GLOBAL = 13 EX_COORDINATE = 15 EX_ASSEMBLY = 16 EX_BLOB = 17 EX_INVALID = -1 def get_entity_type(varType): """ Map the exodus ex_entity_type flags to an integer value. """ try: return ex_entity_type[varType].value except KeyError: return varType if (isinstance(varType, int)) else varType.value # init params struct class ex_init_params(ctypes.Structure): """ Parameters defining the model dimension, note that many are optional. Parameters ---------- num_dim : int number of model dimensions num_nodes : int number of model nodes num_edge : int number of model edges num_edge_blk : int number of model edge blocks num_face : int number of model faces num_face_blk : int number of model face blocks num_elem : int number of model elements num_elem_blk : int number of model element blocks num_node_sets : int number of model node sets num_edge_sets : int number of model edge sets num_face_sets : int number of model face sets num_side_sets : int number of model side sets num_elem_sets : int number of model elem sets num_node_maps : int number of model node maps num_edge_maps : int number of model edge maps num_face_maps : int number of model face maps num_elem_maps : int number of model elem maps num_assembly : int number of assemblies num_blob : int number of blobs """ _fields_ = [("title", ctypes.c_char * (MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1)), ("num_dim", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_nodes", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_edge", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_edge_blk", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_face", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_face_blk", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_elem", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_elem_blk", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_node_sets", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_edge_sets", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_face_sets", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_side_sets", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_elem_sets", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_node_maps", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_edge_maps", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_face_maps", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_elem_maps", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_assembly", ctypes.c_longlong), ("num_blob", ctypes.c_longlong)] class assembly: def __init__(self, name, id, type): self.name = name self.id = id if isinstance(type, str): type = ex_entity_type[type].value if isinstance(type, ex_entity_type): type = type.value self.type = type self.entity_list = [] def __repr__(self): return "assembly(name=%r, type=%r, id=%r, members=%r)" % (self.name, self.type, self.id, self.entity_list) class ex_assembly(ctypes.Structure): """ Structure defining the assembly parameters. Parameters ---------- id : int64_t name : char * type : ex_entity_type entity_count : int entity_list : void_int * """ _fields_ = [("id", ctypes.c_longlong), ("name", ctypes.c_char_p), ("type", ctypes.c_int), ("entity_count", ctypes.c_int), ("entity_list", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_longlong))] def setup_ex_assembly(assembly): ctype_assem = ex_assembly(id=assembly.id, name=assembly.name.encode(), type=assembly.type) ctype_assem.entity_count = len(assembly.entity_list) ctype_assem.entity_list = (ctypes.c_longlong * ctype_assem.entity_count)(*assembly.entity_list) return ctype_assem class blob(object): def __init__(self, name, id, num_entry): self.name = name self.id = id self.num_entry = num_entry def __repr__(self): return "blob(name=%r, id=%r, num_entry=%r)" % (self.name, self.id, self.num_entry) class ex_blob(ctypes.Structure): """ Structure defining the blob parameters. Parameters ---------- id : int64_t name : char * num_entry : int64_t """ _fields_ = [("id", ctypes.c_longlong), ("name", ctypes.c_char_p), ("num_entry", ctypes.c_longlong)] class attribute: def __init__(self, name, type, id): self.name = name if isinstance(type, str): type = ex_entity_type[type].value if isinstance(type, ex_entity_type): type = type.value self.entity_type = type self.entity_id = id self.values = [] def __repr__(self): return "attribute(name=%r, entity_type=%r, entity_id=%r, values=%r)" % (self.name, self.entity_type, self.entity_id, self.values) class ex_attribute(ctypes.Structure): """ Used for accessing underlying exodus library... Parameters ---------- entity_type : ex_entity_type entity_id : int64_t name : char[257] type : ex_type value_count : int values : void* """ _fields_ = [("entity_type", ctypes.c_int), ("entity_id", ctypes.c_longlong), ("name", ctypes.c_char * 257), ("type", ctypes.c_int), ("value_count", ctypes.c_int), ("values", ctypes.c_void_p)] class exodus: """ The exodus model abstraction """ # # construction of a new exodus object # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, file, mode=None, array_type='ctype', title=None, numDims=None, numNodes=None, numElems=None, numBlocks=None, numNodeSets=None, numSideSets=None, numAssembly=None, numBlob=None, init_params=None, io_size=0): """ Open exodus database for data insertion/extraction. Parameters ---------- file_name : string name of exodus file to open mode : string 'r' for read, 'a' for append, 'w' for write, 'w+' for write+clobber existing file title : string database title array_type : string 'ctype' for c-type arrays, 'numpy' for numpy arrays num_dims : int number of model dimensions ('w'/'w+' mode only) num_nodes : int number of model nodes ('w'/'w+' mode only) num_elems : int number of model elements ('w'/'w+' mode only) num_blocks : int number of model element blocks ('w'/'w+' mode only) num_ns : int number of model node sets ('w'/'w+' mode only) num_ss : int number of model side sets ('w'/'w+' mode only) init_params : ex_init_params see `exodus.ex_init_params` for more info. Returns ------- exo : exodus object the open exodus database Usage ----- >>> ex_pars = ex_init_params(num_dim=numDims, num_nodes=numNodes, ... num_elem=numElems, num_elem_blk=numElemBlocks, num_assembly=numAssembly) >>> exo = exodus(file_name, mode=mode, title=title, ... array_type=array_type, init_params=ex_pars) >>> with exodus(file_name, mode=mode, title=title,\ ... array_type=array_type, init_params=ex_pars) as exo: ... pass """ global SHOW_BANNER if SHOW_BANNER: print(EXODUS_PY_COPYRIGHT) SHOW_BANNER = False if mode is None: mode = 'r' if array_type == 'numpy': # Import numpy to convert from c-type arrays to numpy arrays # (Numpy is imported here rather than at the module level, so that # the import only occurs if the user specifies a numpy array type. # This way, platforms without numpy installed can still import the # exodus.py module and just use ctype arrays.) import numpy as np self.np = np self.use_numpy = True # Warnings module is needed to suppress the invalid warning when # converting from c-type arrays to numpy arrays # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4964101/pep-3118-warning-when-using-ctypes-array-as-numpy-array import warnings self.warnings = warnings else: self.use_numpy = False self.EXODUS_LIB = EXODUS_LIB self.fileName = str(file) self.basename = basename(file) self.modeChar = mode self.fileId = None self.__open(io_size=io_size) EXODUS_LIB.ex_set_max_name_length(self.fileId, MAX_NAME_LENGTH) if mode.lower() in ['w', 'w+']: if init_params is not None: self.init_params = init_params if title is not None: self.init_params.title = title self.put_info_ext(self.init_params) else: if numNodeSets is None: numNodeSets = 0 if numSideSets is None: numSideSets = 0 if numNodes is None: numNodes = 0 if numElems is None: numElems = 0 if numBlocks is None: numBlocks = 0 info = [title, numDims, numNodes, numElems, numBlocks, numNodeSets, numSideSets] if None not in info: self.__ex_put_info(info) self.numTimes = ctypes.c_int(0) else: self.__ex_get_info() self.numTimes = ctypes.c_int( self.__ex_inquire_int( ex_inquiry_map('EX_INQ_TIME'))) self.coordsX = None self.coordsY = None self.coordsZ = None self.times = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if not traceback: return True def summarize(self): """ Outputs a summary of the exodus file data. Output is similar to: ``` Database: base_ioshell_copy.e Title: This is the title Number of spatial dimensions = 3 Number of global variables = 10 Number of node blocks = 1 Number of nodes = 1,331 Number of nodal variables = 2 Number of element blocks = 1 Number of elements = 1,000 Number of element variables = 5 Number of node sets = 3 Length of node list = 363 Number of nodeset variables = 4 Number of element side sets = 3 Length of element sides = 300 Number of sideset variables = 3 Number of assemblies = 4 Number of assembly variables = 10 Number of blobs = 0 Number of blob variables = 0 Number of time steps = 5 ``` """ sidesets = self.get_ids('EX_SIDE_SET') total_sides = sum(self.num_faces_in_side_set(sideset) for sideset in sidesets) nodesets = self.get_ids('EX_NODE_SET') total_ns_nodes = sum(self.num_nodes_in_node_set(nodeset) for nodeset in nodesets) num_glo_vars = self.get_variable_number('EX_GLOBAL') num_nod_vars = self.get_variable_number('EX_NODAL') num_ele_vars = self.get_variable_number('EX_ELEM_BLOCK') num_ns_vars = self.get_variable_number('EX_NODE_SET') num_ss_vars = self.get_variable_number('EX_SIDE_SET') num_assem_vars = self.get_reduction_variable_number('EX_ASSEMBLY') num_blob_vars = self.get_reduction_variable_number('EX_BLOB') print("\n Database: {0}\n" " Title:\t{17}\n\n" " Number of spatial dimensions = {1:3d}\t" " {2:11s}\t" " Number of global variables = {11:6d}\n" " Number of node blocks = {5:3d}\t" " Number of nodes = {3:10n}\t" " Number of nodal variables = {12:6d}\n" " Number of element blocks = {6:3n}\t" " Number of elements = {4:10n}\t" " Number of element variables = {13:6d}\n" " Number of node sets = {7:3n}\t" " Length of node list = {9:10n}\t" " Number of nodeset variables = {14:6d}\n" " Number of element side sets = {8:3n}\t" " Length of element sides = {10:10n}\t" " Number of sideset variables = {15:6d}\n" " Number of assemblies = {18:3n}\t" " {2:11s}\t" " Number of assembly red vars = {19:6d}\n" " Number of blobs = {20:3n}\t" " {2:11s}\t" " Number of blob red vars = {21:6d}\n" " Number of time steps = {16:3n}\n" .format(self.fileName, self.num_dimensions(), "", self.num_nodes(), self.num_elems(), 1, self.num_blks(), self.num_node_sets(), self.num_side_sets(), total_ns_nodes, total_sides, num_glo_vars, num_nod_vars, num_ele_vars, num_ns_vars, num_ss_vars, self.num_times(), self.title(), self.num_assembly(), num_assem_vars, self.num_blob(), num_blob_vars)) def put_info_ext(self, p): """ put initialization information into exodus file >>> e.put_info_ext(info_struct) """ if len(p.title) > MAX_LINE_LENGTH: print(f'WARNING: Exodus title \"{p.title}\" exceeds maximum line length ({MAX_LINE_LENGTH}). It will be truncated.') p.title = p.title[-1 * MAX_LINE_LENGTH:] self.Title = ctypes.create_string_buffer(p.title, MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1) self.numDim = ctypes.c_longlong(p.num_dim) self.numNodes = ctypes.c_longlong(p.num_nodes) self.numElem = ctypes.c_longlong(p.num_elem) self.numElemBlk = ctypes.c_longlong(p.num_elem_blk) self.numNodeSets = ctypes.c_longlong(p.num_node_sets) self.numSideSets = ctypes.c_longlong(p.num_side_sets) self.numAssembly = ctypes.c_longlong(p.num_assembly) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_init_ext(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(p)) return True def copy(self, fileName, include_transient=False, mode='a'): """ Copies exodus database to file_name and returns an opened copy as a new exodus object. This object will need to be closed when it is done being used. >>> exo_copy = exo.copy(file_name) >>> exo_copy.close() Parameters ---------- file_name : str name of exodus file to open Returns ------- exo_copy : exodus object opened in append mode by default """ i64Status = EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) fileId = EXODUS_LIB.ex_create_int(fileName.encode('ascii'), EX_NOCLOBBER | i64Status, ctypes.byref(self.comp_ws), ctypes.byref(self.io_ws), EX_API_VERSION_NODOT) self.copy_file(fileId, include_transient) EXODUS_LIB.ex_close(fileId) return exodus(fileName, mode) def copy_file(self, file_id, include_transient=False): """ Copies exodus database to the database pointed to by `fileId` Returns the passed in `file_id`. >>> with exodus.exodus(file_name, mode='w') as exofile: >>> with exo.copy_file(exofile.fileId, include_transient=True) as exo_copy: >>> exo_copy.close() Parameters ---------- fileId : str name of exodus file to open include_transient: bool should the transient data in the original file also be copied to the output file or just the mesh (non-transient) portion. Returns ------- file_id: The file_id of the copied to file """ EXODUS_LIB.ex_copy(self.fileId, file_id) if include_transient: EXODUS_LIB.ex_copy_transient(self.fileId, file_id) return file_id def title(self): """ get the database title >>> title = exo.title() Returns ------- title : string """ return self.Title.value.decode('utf8') def version_num(self): """ get exodus version number used to create the database >>> version = exo.version_num() Returns ------- version : string representation of version number """ return "%1.2f" % self.version.value def put_info(self, Title, numDim, numNodes, numElem, numElemBlk, numNodeSets, numSideSets): """ Initialize static metadata for the database. >>> status = exo.put_info(title, num_dims, num_nodes, num_elems, ... num_blocks, num_ns, num_ss) Parameters ---------- title : string database title num_dims : int number of model dimensions num_nodes : int number of model nodes num_elems : int number of model elements num_blocks : int number of model element blocks num_ns : int number of model node sets num_ss : int number of model side sets Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_info([Title, numDim, numNodes, numElem, numElemBlk, numNodeSets, numSideSets]) return True def inquire(self, inquiry): """ Inquire about various properties of the database Returns ------- inq_res : int """ return self.__ex_inquire_int(ex_inquiry_map(inquiry)) def num_qa_records(self): """ get the number of qa records >>> num_qa_recs = exo.num_qa_records() Returns ------- num_qa_recs : int """ return int(self.__ex_inquire_int(ex_inquiry_map('EX_INQ_QA'))) def get_qa_records(self): """ get a list of QA records where each QA record is a length-4 tuple of strings: 1. the software name that accessed/modified the database 2. the software descriptor, e.g. version 3. additional software data 4. time stamp >>> qa_recs = exo.get_qa_records() Returns ------- qa_recs : >> """ return self.__ex_get_qa() def put_qa_records(self, records): """ store a list of QA records where each QA record is a length-4 tuple of strings: 1. the software name that accessed/modified the database 2. the software descriptor, e.g. version 3. additional software data 4. time stamp >>> status = exo.put_qa_records() Parameter --------- qa_recs : >> Returns ------ status : bool True = successful execution """ for rec in records: assert len(rec) == 4 for recEntry in rec: assert len(str(recEntry).encode('ascii')) < MAX_STR_LENGTH return self.__ex_put_qa(records) def num_info_records(self): """ get the number of info records >>> num_info_recs = exo.num_info_records() Returns ------- num_info_recs : int """ return int(self.__ex_inquire_int(ex_inquiry_map('EX_INQ_INFO'))) def get_info_records(self): """ get a list info records where each entry in the list is one info record, e.g. a line of an input deck >>> info_recs = exo.get_info_records() Returns ------- info_recs : > """ return self.__ex_get_info_recs() def put_info_records(self, info): """ store a list of info records where each entry in the list is one line of info, e.g. a line of an input deck >>> status = exo.put_info_records(info) Parameters ---------- info_recs : >> Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ for rec in info: if len(str(rec).encode('ascii')) > MAX_LINE_LENGTH: print("WARNING: max line length reached for one or more info records;") print( " info stored to exodus file is incomplete for these records") break return self.__ex_put_info_recs(info) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_sierra_input(self, inpFileName=None): """ parse sierra input deck from the info records if inp_file_name is passed the deck is written to this file; otherwise a list of input deck file lines is returned >>> inp = exo.get_sierra_input(inpFileName=inp_file_name) Parameters ---------- inp_file_name : string, optional Name of text file where info records corresponding to the Sierra input deck will be written Returns ------- inp : list lines if inp_file_name not provided; otherwise, an empty list """ info_recs = self.__ex_get_info_recs() sierra_inp = [] begin = False for rec in info_recs: vals = rec.split() if not begin: # have not reached Sierra block if len(vals) >= 2 and vals[0].lower() == "begin" and vals[1].lower() == "sierra": begin = True if begin: # inside Sierra block sierra_inp.append(rec) if len(rec) > MAX_LINE_LENGTH: print( "WARNING: max line length reached for one or more input lines;") print(" input data might be incomplete for these lines") break if len(vals) >= 2 and vals[0].lower() == "end" and vals[1].lower() == "sierra": break # end of Sierra block if inpFileName: with open(inpFileName.encode('ascii'), "w") as fd: for fileLine in sierra_inp: fd.write(fileLine + "\n") return [] return sierra_inp # # time steps # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def num_times(self): """ get the number of time steps >>> num_times = exo.num_times() Returns ------- num_times : int """ return self.numTimes.value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_times(self): """ get the time values >>> time_vals = exo.get_times() Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype' : > time_vals if array_type == 'numpy' : > time_vals """ if self.numTimes.value == 0: self.times = [] else: self.__ex_get_all_times() if self.use_numpy: self.times = ctype_to_numpy(self, self.times) return self.times # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_time(self, step, value): """ store a new time >>> exo.put_time(time_step, time_val) Parameters ---------- time_step : int time step index (1-based) time_val : float time value for this step Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_time(step, value) self.numTimes = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(ex_inquiry_map('EX_INQ_TIME'))) return True # # coordinate system # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def num_dimensions(self): """ get the number of model spatial dimensions >>> num_dims = exo.num_dimensions() Returns ------- num_dims : >> coord_names = exo.get_coord_names() Returns ------- > coord_names """ return self.__ex_get_coord_names() # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_coord_names(self, names): """ store a list of length exo.num_dimensions() that has the name of each model coordinate direction, e.g. ['x', 'y', 'z'] >>> exo.put_coord_names() Parameters ---------- > coord_names """ self.__ex_put_coord_names(names) # # nodes # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def num_nodes(self): """ get the number of nodes in the model >>> num_nodes = exo.num_nodes() Returns ------- num_nodes : int """ return self.numNodes.value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_coords(self): """ get model coordinates of all nodes; for each coordinate direction, a length exo.num_nodes() list is returned >>> x_coords, y_coords, z_coords = exo.get_coords() Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > x_coords global x-direction coordinates > y_coords global y-direction coordinates > z_coords global z-direction coordinates if array_type == 'numpy': > x_coords global x-direction coordinates > y_coords global y-direction coordinates > z_coords global z-direction coordinates """ self.__ex_get_coord() if self.use_numpy: self.coordsX = ctype_to_numpy(self, self.coordsX) self.coordsY = ctype_to_numpy(self, self.coordsY) self.coordsZ = ctype_to_numpy(self, self.coordsZ) return self.coordsX, self.coordsY, self.coordsZ # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_coord(self, i): """ get model coordinates of a single node >>> x_coord, y_coord, z_coord = exo.get_coord(node_index) Parameters ---------- node_index : int the 1-based node index (indexing is from 1 to exo.num_nodes()) Returns ------- x_coord : double global x-direction coordinate y_coord : double global y-direction coordinate z_coord : double global z-direction coordinate Note: ----- >>> x_coords, y_coords, z_coords = exo.get_coords() >>> x_coord = x_coords[node_index-1] >>> y_coord = y_coords[node_index-1] >>> z_coord = z_coords[node_index-1] ... is equivalent to ... >>> x_coord, y_coord, z_coord = exo.get_coords(node_index) """ listX, listY, listZ = self.__ex_get_partial_coord(i, 1) return listX[0], listY[0], listZ[0] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_coords(self, xCoords, yCoords, zCoords): """ store model coordinates of all nodes; for each coordinate direction, a length exo.num_nodes() list is input >>> status = exo.put_coords(x_coords, y_coords, z_coords) Parameters ---------- x_coord : > global x-direction coordinates y_coord : > global y-direction coordinates z_coord : > global z-direction coordinates Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_coord(xCoords, yCoords, zCoords) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_num_map(self): """ **DEPRECATED** use: `get_node_id_map()` get mapping of exodus node index to user- or application- defined node id; node_id_map is ordered the same as the nodal coordinate arrays returned by exo.get_coords() -- this ordering follows the exodus node *INDEX* order, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_nodes(); a user or application can optionally use a separate node *ID* numbering system, so the node_id_map points to the node *ID* for each node *INDEX* >>> node_id_map = exo.get_node_num_map() Returns ------- > node_id_map """ return self.__ex_get_node_num_map() # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_id_map(self, id_map): """ store mapping of exodus node index to user- or application- defined node id; node_id_map is ordered the same as the nodal coordinate arrays returned by exo.get_coords() -- this ordering follows the exodus node *INDEX* order, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_nodes(); a user or application can optionally use a separate node *ID* numbering system, so the node_id_map points to the node *ID* for each node *INDEX* >>> status = exo.put_node_id_map(node_id_map) Parameters ---------- > node_id_map Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ return self.__ex_put_id_map('EX_NODE_MAP', id_map) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_variable_names(self): """ get the list of nodal variable names in the model >>> nvar_names = exo.get_node_variable_names() Returns ------- > nvar_names """ if self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_NODAL').value == 0: return [] return self.__ex_get_variable_names('EX_NODAL') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_variable_number(self): """ get the number of nodal variables in the model >>> num_nvars = exo.get_node_variable_number() Returns ------- num_nvars : int """ return self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_NODAL').value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_node_variable_number(self, number): """ update the number of nodal variables in the model >>> status = exo.set_node_variable_number(num_nvars) Parameters ---------- num_nvars : int Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_variable_param('EX_NODAL', number) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_variable_name(self, name, index): """ add the name and index of a new nodal variable to the model; nodal variable indexing goes from 1 to exo.get_node_variable_number() >>> status = exo.put_node_variable_name(nvar_name, nvar_index) Parameters ---------- nvar_name name of new nodal variable nvar_index 1-based index of new nodal variable Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution Note: ---- this method is often called within the following sequence: >>> num_nvars = exo.get_node_variable_number() >>> new_nvar_index = num_nvars + 1 >>> num_nvars += 1 >>> exo.set_node_variable_number(num_nvars) >>> exo.put_node_variable_name("new_nvar_name", new_nvar_index) """ NDvarNames = self.get_variable_names('EX_NODAL') if name in NDvarNames: print(f'WARNING: node variable \"{name}\" already exists.') if index > len(NDvarNames): raise Exception("ERROR: variable index out of range.") self.__ex_put_variable_name('EX_NODAL', index, name) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_variable_values(self, name, step): """ get list of nodal variable values for a nodal variable name and time step >>> nvar_vals = exo.get_node_variable_values(nvar_name, time_step) Parameters ---------- nvar_name name of nodal variable time_step 1-based index of time step Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > nvar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > nvar_vals """ names = self.get_variable_names('EX_NODAL') var_id = names.index(name) + 1 numVals = self.num_nodes() values = self.__ex_get_var(step, 'EX_NODAL', var_id, 0, numVals) if self.use_numpy: values = ctype_to_numpy(self, values) return values # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_partial_node_variable_values(self, name, step, start_index, num_nodes): """ get partial list of nodal variable values for a nodal variable name and time step. Start at node `node_index` (1-based) and return `num_nodes` from that point. >>> nvar_vals = exo.get_partial_node_variable_values(nvar_name, time_step, 10, 100) Parameters ---------- nvar_name name of nodal variable time_step 1-based index of time step start_index 1-based index of node to start returning data num_nodes number of nodes to return data for. Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > nvar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > nvar_vals """ names = self.get_variable_names('EX_NODAL') var_id = names.index(name) + 1 values = self.__ex_get_partial_var(step, 'EX_NODAL', var_id, 0, start_index, num_nodes) if self.use_numpy: values = ctype_to_numpy(self, values) return values # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_variable_values(self, name, step, values): """ store a list of nodal variable values for a nodal variable name and time step >>> status = exo.put_node_variable_values(nvar_name, time_step, nvar_vals) Parameters ---------- nvar_name name of nodal variable time_step 1-based index of time step > nvar_vals Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ names = self.get_variable_names('EX_NODAL') var_id = names.index(name) + 1 numVals = self.num_nodes() self.__ex_put_var(step, 'EX_NODAL', var_id, 0, numVals, values) return True # # elements # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def num_elems(self): """ get the number of elements in the model >>> num_elems = exo.num_elems() Returns ------- num_elems : int """ return self.numElem.value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_num_map(self, mapType, idx): """ get user-defined map of exodus element/node/edge/face index to user- or application- defined element/node/edge/face values. Map values are arbitary integers >>> elem_num_map = exo.get_num_map(`EX_ELEM_MAP`, 1) Parameters ---------- mapType : ex_entity_type type of map being queried (`EX_ELEM_MAP`, `EX_NODE_MAP`, `EX_FACE_MAP`, `EX_EDGE_MAP`) idx : int which map to return (1-based). Use `inquire(mapType)` to get number of maps stored on database. Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > num_map if array_type == 'numpy': > num_map Usage ----- >>> em_cnt = exo.inquire('EX_INQ_ELEM_MAP') >>> em = exo.get_names('EX_ELEM_MAP') >>> map = exo.get_num_map('EX_ELEM_MAP', 2) """ return self.__ex_get_num_map(mapType, idx) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_num_map(self, mapType, idx, num_map): """ put user-defined map of exodus element/node/edge/face index to user- or application- defined element/node/edge/face values. Map values are arbitary integers Parameters ---------- mapType : ex_entity_type type of map being written (`EX_ELEM_MAP`, `EX_NODE_MAP`, `EX_FACE_MAP`, `EX_EDGE_MAP`) idx : int which map to write (1-based). Use `put_map_param(node_map_cnt, elem_map_cnt)` prior to this function to define number of maps on the database. > elem_id_map Usage ----- >>> exo.put_map_param(nm_cnt, em_cnt) >>> nm[0] = "My_Node_Map" >>> exo.put_names('EX_NODE_MAP', nm); >>> exo.put_num_map('EX_NODE_MAP', 1, scale_map) """ return self.__ex_put_num_map(mapType, idx, num_map) def put_map_param(self, node_map_cnt, elem_map_cnt): """ Define number of node and element maps that will be written to the database Parameters ---------- node_map_cnt : int number of node maps elem_map_cnt : int number of element maps """ return self.__ex_put_map_param(node_map_cnt, elem_map_cnt) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_id_map(self, mapType): """ get mapping of exodus element/node/edge/face index to user- or application- defined element/node/edge/face id; id_map is ordered by the *INDEX* ordering, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_???s(), used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the elements/nodes/edges/faces; a user or application can optionally use a separate *ID* numbering system, so the id_map points to the element/node/edge/face *ID* for each *INDEX* >>> elem_id_map = exo.get_id_map(`EX_ELEM_MAP`) Parameters ---------- mapType : ex_entity_type type of map being queried (`EX_ELEM_MAP`, `EX_NODE_MAP`, `EX_FACE_MAP`, `EX_EDGE_MAP`) Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > id_map if array_type == 'numpy': > id_map """ return self.__ex_get_id_map(mapType) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_elem_id_map(self): """ get mapping of exodus element index to user- or application- defined element id; elem_id_map is ordered by the element *INDEX* ordering, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_elems(), used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the elements; a user or application can optionally use a separate element *ID* numbering system, so the elem_id_map points to the element *ID* for each element *INDEX* >>> elem_id_map = exo.get_elem_id_map() Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > elem_id_map if array_type == 'numpy': > elem_id_map """ return self.__ex_get_id_map('EX_ELEM_MAP') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_elem_id_map(self, id_map): """ store mapping of exodus element index to user- or application- defined element id; elem_id_map is ordered by the element *INDEX* ordering, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_elems(), used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the elements; a user or application can optionally use a separate element *ID* numbering system, so the elem_id_map points to the element *ID* for each element *INDEX* >>> status = exo.put_elem_id_map(elem_id_map) Parameters ---------- > elem_id_map Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ return self.__ex_put_id_map('EX_ELEM_MAP', id_map) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_id_map(self, map_type, id_map): """ store mapping of exodus entity index to user- or application- defined entity id; id_map is ordered by the entity *INDEX* ordering, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_XXX(), used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the entities; a user or application can optionally use a separate entity *ID* numbering system, so the elem_id_map points to the entity *ID* for each entity *INDEX* >>> status = exo.put_id_map('EX_ELEM_MAP', elem_id_map) Parameters ---------- ex_entity_type map_type type of map being queried (`EX_ELEM_MAP`, `EX_NODE_MAP`, `EX_FACE_MAP`, `EX_EDGE_MAP`) > elem_id_map Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ return self.__ex_put_id_map(map_type, id_map) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_block_id_map(self, obj_type, entity_id): """ Gets the map of elements found in the given entity_id of an object of obj_type. *INDEX* ordering, a 1-based system going from 1 to number of elements in the elem_block, used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the elements; a user or application can optionally use a separate element *ID* numbering system, so the elem_id_map points to the element *ID* for each element *INDEX* >>> elem_block_id_map = exo.get_block_id_map("EX_ELEM_BLOCK", 100) Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > elem_id_map if array_type == 'numpy': > elem_id_map """ return self.__ex_get_block_id_map(obj_type, entity_id) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_elem_num_map(self): """ **DEPRECATED** use: `get_elem_id_map()` get mapping of exodus element index to user- or application- defined element id; elem_id_map is ordered by the element *INDEX* ordering, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_elems(), used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the elements; a user or application can optionally use a separate element *ID* numbering system, so the elem_id_map points to the element *ID* for each element *INDEX* >>> elem_id_map = exo.get_elem_num_map() Returns ------- > elem_id_map """ return self.__ex_get_elem_num_map() # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_elem_order_map(self): """ get mapping of exodus element index to application-defined optimal ordering; elem_order_map is ordered by the element index ordering used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the elements; a user or application can optionally use a separate element ordering, e.g. for optimal solver performance, so the elem_order_map points to the index used by the application for each exodus element index >>> elem_order_map = exo.get_elem_order_map() Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > elem_order_map if array_type == 'numpy': > elem_order_map """ elemOrderMap = self.__ex_get_elem_order_map() if self.use_numpy: elemOrderMap = ctype_to_numpy(self, elemOrderMap) return elemOrderMap # Generic (objType) get/put/query... # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_id_map(self): """ get mapping of exodus node index to user- or application- defined node id; node_id_map is ordered the same as the nodal coordinate arrays returned by exo.get_coords() -- this ordering follows the exodus node *INDEX* order, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_nodes(); a user or application can optionally use a separate node *ID* numbering system, so the node_id_map points to the node *ID* for each node *INDEX* >>> node_id_map = exo.get_node_id_map() Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > node_id_map if array_type == 'numpy': > node_id_map """ return self.__ex_get_id_map('EX_NODE_MAP') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_name(self, object_type, object_id): """ get the name of the specified entity_type and entity >>> elem_blk_name = exo.get_name('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- object_type : int block/set type object_id : int block/set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- name : string """ return self.__ex_get_name(object_type, object_id) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_name(self, object_type, object_id, name): """ put the name of the specified entity_type and entity >>> exo.put_name('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id, block_name) Parameters ---------- object_type : int block/set type object_id : int block/set *ID* (not *INDEX*) name : string block/set name Returns ------- elem_blk_name : string """ self.__ex_put_name(object_type, object_id, name) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_names(self, object_type): """ get a list of all block/set names ordered by block/set *INDEX*; (see `exodus.get_ids` for explanation of the difference between *ID* and *INDEX*) >>> blk_names = exo.get_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK') Parameters ---------- object_type : int block/set type Returns ------- > names """ return self.__ex_get_names(object_type) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_names(self, object_type, names): """ store a list of all block/set names of the specified `object_type` ordered by *INDEX*; (see `exodus.get_ids` for explanation of the difference between *ID* and *INDEX*) >>> exo.put_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_names) Parameters ---------- object_type : int names : > """ self.__ex_put_names(object_type, names) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_reduction_variable_values(self, objType, id, step): """ get list of reduction variable values for a specified entity type and id, and time step >>> evar_vals = exo.get_reduction_variable_values('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id, time_step) Parameters ---------- objType : ex_entity_type type of object being queried id : int entity *ID* (not *INDEX*) time_step : int 1-based index of time step Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > evar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > evar_vals """ numVals = self.get_reduction_variable_number(objType) values = self.__ex_get_reduction_vars(step, objType, id, numVals) if self.use_numpy: values = ctype_to_numpy(self, values) return values # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_reduction_variable_values(self, objType, id, step, values): """ store a list of 'objType' variable values for a specified entity, and time step >>> status = exo.put_redcution_variable_values('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id, ... time_step, evar_vals) Parameters ---------- objType : ex_entity_type type of object begin queried id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) time_step 1-based index of time step > evar_vals Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ numVals = self.get_reduction_variable_number(objType) self.__ex_put_reduction_vars(step, objType, id, numVals, values) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_ids(self, objType): """ get mapping of exodus block/set index to user- or application- defined block/set id; ids is ordered by the *INDEX* ordering, a 1-based system going from 1 to number_set_or_block, used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the blocks/sets; a user or application can optionally use a separate block/set *ID* numbering system, so the ids array points to the block/set *ID* for each set *INDEX* >>> node_set_ids = exo.get_ids('EX_NODE_SET') Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > ids if array_type == 'numpy': > ids """ ids = self.__ex_get_ids(objType) if self.use_numpy: ids = self.np.array(ids) return ids # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_variable_truth_table(self, objType, entId=None): """ gets a truth table indicating which variables are defined for specified entity type; if entId is not passed, then a concatenated truth table for all entities is returned with variable index cycling faster than entity index >>> ssvar_truth_tab = exo.get_variable_truth_table('EX_SIDE_SET', sideSetID=side_set_id) Parameters ---------- entId : int, optional entity *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- truth_tab : > True for variable defined in an entity, False otherwise """ if entId is None: return self.__ex_get_truth_table(objType) else: return self.__ex_get_object_truth_vector(objType, entId) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_variable_truth_table(self, objType, table): """ stores a truth table indicating which variables are defined for all sets/blocks of the specified `objType` and all variables; variable index cycles faster than entity index >>> status = exo.set_variable_truth_table('EX_NODE_SET', nsvar_truth_tab) Parameters ---------- table : > True for variable defined in a node set, False otherwise Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ return self.__ex_put_truth_table(objType, table) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_variable_names(self, objType): """ get the list of variable names in the model for the specified object type. >>> nar_names = exo.get_variable_names('EX_NODAL') Returns ------- > nvar_names """ if self.__ex_get_variable_param(objType).value == 0: return [] return self.__ex_get_variable_names(objType) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_reduction_variable_names(self, objType): """ get the list of reduction variable names in the model for the specified object type. >>> nar_names = exo.get_reduction_variable_names('EX_ASSEMBL"Y') Returns ------- > nvar_names """ if self.__ex_get_reduction_variable_param(objType).value == 0: return [] return self.__ex_get_reduction_variable_names(objType) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_reduction_variable_name(self, objType, varId): """ get a single reduction variable name in the model for the specified object type and index. >>> nar_name = exo.get_reduction_variable_name('EX_ASSEMBL"Y', 100) Returns ------- string nvar_name """ if self.__ex_get_reduction_variable_param(objType).value == 0: return "" return self.__ex_get_reduction_variable_name(objType, varId) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_variable_number(self, objType): """ get the number of variables of the specified type in the model >>> num_nvars = exo.get_variable_number('EX_NODAL') Returns ------- num_nvars : """ return self.__ex_get_variable_param(objType).value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_reduction_variable_number(self, objType): """ get the number of reduction variables of the specified type in the model >>> num_nvars = exo.get_reduction_variable_number('EX_ASSEMBLY') Returns ------- num_nvars : """ return self.__ex_get_reduction_variable_param(objType).value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_variable_number(self, objType, number): """ update the number of variables in the model >>> status = exo.set_variable_number('EX_NODAL', num_nvars) Parameters ---------- num_nvars : Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_variable_param(objType, number) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_reduction_variable_number(self, objType, number): """ update the number of reduction variables in the model >>> status = exo.set_reduction_variable_number('EX_ASSEMBLY', num_nvars) Parameters ---------- num_nvars : Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_reduction_variable_param(objType, number) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_variable_name(self, objType, name, index): """ add the name and index of a new variable to the model; variable indexing goes from 1 to exo.get_variable_number() >>> status = exo.put_variable_name('EX_NODAL', nvar_name, nvar_index) Parameters ---------- objType : string object type var_name : string name of new variable nvar_index : int 1-based index of new nodal variable Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution Note: ---- this method is often called within the following sequence: >>> num_nvars = exo.get_variable_number('EX_NODAL') >>> new_nvar_index = num_nvars + 1 >>> num_nvars += 1 >>> exo.set_variable_number('EX_NODAL', num_nvars) >>> exo.put_variable_name('EX_NODAL', "new_nvar_name", new_nvar_index) """ varNames = self.get_variable_names(objType) if name in varNames: print(f'WARNING: variable \"{name}\" already exists.') if index > len(varNames): raise Exception("ERROR: variable index out of range.") self.__ex_put_variable_name(objType, index, name) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_reduction_variable_name(self, objType, name, index): """ add the name and index of a new reduction variable to the model; variable indexing goes from 1 to exo.get_reductino_variable_number() >>> status = exo.put_reduction_variable_name('EX_ASSEMBLY', assemvar_name, assemvar_index) Parameters ---------- objType : string object type var_name : string name of new variable nvar_index : int 1-based index of new nodal variable Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution Note: ---- this method is often called within the following sequence: >>> num_assem_vars = exo.get_reduction_variable_number('EX_ASSEMBLY') >>> new_assem_var_index = num_assem_vars + 1 >>> num_assem_vars += 1 >>> exo.set_reduction_variable_number('EX_ASSEMBLY', num_assem_vars) >>> exo.put_reduction_variable_name('EX_ASSEMBLY', "new_assem_var_name", new_assem_var_index) """ varNames = self.get_reduction_variable_names(objType) if name in varNames: print(f'WARNING: variable \"{name}\" already exists.') if index > len(varNames): raise Exception("ERROR: variable index out of range.") self.__ex_put_reduction_variable_name(objType, index, name) return True def get_entity_count(self, objType, entityId): """ get number of nodes/elements in the specified set/block. Typically used internally by other user-callable functions. Parameters ---------- objType : ex_entity_type type of object being queried entityId : int id of the entity (block, set) *ID* (not *INDEX*) """ numVals = 0 if objType == "EX_NODAL": numVals = self.num_nodes() elif objType in ['EX_ELEM_BLOCK', 'EX_FACE_BLOCK', 'EX_EDGE_BLOCK']: (_elemType, numVals, _nodesPerElem, _numAttr) = self.__ex_get_block(objType, entityId) elif objType in ['EX_NODE_SET', 'EX_EDGE_SET', 'EX_FACE_SET', 'EX_SIDE_SET']: (numVals, _numDistFactInSet) = self.__ex_get_set_param(objType, entityId) return numVals def get_variable_values(self, objType, entityId, name, step): """ get list of `objType` variable values for a specified object id block, variable name, and time step >>> evar_vals = exo.get_variable_values('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id, ... evar_name, time_step) Parameters ---------- objType : ex_entity_type type of object being queried entityId : int id of the entity (block, set) *ID* (not *INDEX*) name : string name of variable time_step : int 1-based index of time step Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > evar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > evar_vals """ names = self.get_variable_names(objType) var_id = names.index(name) + 1 numVals = self.get_entity_count(objType, entityId) values = self.__ex_get_var(step, objType, var_id, entityId, numVals) if self.use_numpy: values = ctype_to_numpy(self, values) return values def put_variable_values(self, objType, entityId, name, step, values): """ store a list of element variable values for a specified element block, element variable name, and time step >>> status = exo.put_variable_values('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id, ... evar_name, time_step, evar_vals) Parameters ---------- entityId : int entity *ID* (not *INDEX*) name name of variable time_step 1-based index of time step > values the variable values to be output Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ names = self.get_variable_names(objType) var_id = names.index(name) + 1 numVals = self.get_entity_count(objType, entityId) self.__ex_put_var(step, objType, var_id, entityId, numVals, values) return True def get_attribute_count(self, objType, objId): """ IS THIS NEEDED, PYTHONIC WAY MAY BE TO JUST GET THEM... get the number of attributes on the specified entity >>> num_attribute = exo.get_attribute_count('EX_ASSEMBLY', 100) Parameters ---------- objType : ex_entity_type type of object being queried id : int entity *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- num_attribute """ return self.__ex_get_attribute_count(objType, objId) def get_attributes(self, objType, objId): """ >>> attributes = exo.get_attributes('EX_ASSEMBLY', 100) Returns ------- attributes """ return self.__ex_get_attributes(objType, objId) def put_attribute(self, attribute): """ >>> attribute = exodus.attribute('Scale', 'EX_ASSEMBLY', 100) >>> attribute.values = [1.1, 1.0, 1.2] >>> attributes = exo.put_attribute(attribute) Returns ------- attributes """ return self.__ex_put_attribute(attribute) def num_assembly(self): """ get the number of assemblies in the model >>> num_assembly = exo.num_assembly() Returns ------- num_assembly """ return self.inquire('EX_INQ_ASSEMBLY') def get_assembly(self, object_id): """ reads the assembly parameters and assembly data for one assembly """ assem = ex_assembly(id=object_id) self.__ex_get_assembly(assem) assmbly = assembly(assem.name.decode('utf8'), assem.id, assem.type) for j in range(assem.entity_count): assmbly.entity_list.append(assem.entity_list[j]) return assmbly def get_assemblies(self, object_ids): """ reads the assembly parameters and assembly data for all assemblies with ids in object_ids """ assemblies = [ex_assembly(id=object_id) for object_id in object_ids] assems = (ex_assembly * len(assemblies))(*assemblies) self.__ex_get_assemblies(assems) assembs = [assembly(assem.name.decode('utf8'), assem.id, assem.type) for assem in assems] for i, a in enumerate(assems): for j in range(a.entity_count): assembs[i].entity_list.append(a.entity_list[j]) return assembs def put_assembly(self, assembly): """ writes the assembly parameters and assembly data for one assembly """ self.__ex_put_assembly(assembly) def put_assemblies(self, assemblies): """ writes the assembly parameters and assembly data for multiple assemblies """ self.__ex_put_assemblies(assemblies) def num_blob(self): """ get the number of blobs in the model >>> num_assembly = exo.num_blob() Returns ------- num_blob """ return self.numBlob.value def get_blob(self, object_id): """ reads the blob parameters and blob data for one blob """ blob = ex_blob(id=object_id) self.__ex_get_blob(blob) return blob def num_blks(self): """ get the number of element blocks in the model >>> num_elem_blks = exo.num_blks() Returns ------- num_elem_blks : int """ return self.numElemBlk.value def get_elem_blk_ids(self): """ get mapping of exodus element block index to user- or application-defined element block id; elem_blk_ids is ordered by the element block *INDEX* ordering, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_blks(), used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the element blocks; a user or application can optionally use a separate element block *ID* numbering system, so the elem_blk_ids array points to the element block *ID* for each element block *INDEX* >>> elem_blk_ids = exo.get_elem_blk_ids() Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > elem_blk_ids if array_type == 'numpy': > elem_blk_ids """ return self.get_ids('EX_ELEM_BLOCK') def get_elem_blk_name(self, object_id): """ get the element block name >>> elem_blk_name = exo.get_elem_blk_name(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- elem_blk_name : string """ return self.__ex_get_name('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id) def put_elem_blk_name(self, object_id, name): """ store the element block name >>> exo.put_elem_blk_name(elem_blk_id, elem_blk_name) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) elem_blk_name : string """ self.__ex_put_name('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id, name) def get_elem_blk_names(self): """ get a list of all element block names ordered by block *INDEX*; (see `exodus.get_ids` for explanation of the difference between block *ID* and block *INDEX*) >>> elem_blk_names = exo.get_elem_blk_names() Returns ------- elem_blk_names : > """ return self.__ex_get_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK') def put_elem_blk_names(self, names): """ store a list of all element block names ordered by block *INDEX*; (see `exodus.get_ids` for explanation of the difference between block *ID* and block *INDEX*) >>> exo.put_elem_blk_names(elem_blk_names) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_names : > """ self.__ex_put_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', names) def elem_blk_info(self, object_id): """ get the element block info >>> elem_type, num_blk_elems, num_elem_nodes, num_elem_attrs ... = exo.elem_blk_info(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- elem_type element type, e.g. 'HEX8' num_blk_elems number of elements in the block num_elem_nodes number of nodes per element num_elem_attrs number of attributes per element """ (elemType, numElem, nodesPerElem, numAttr) = self.__ex_get_block('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id) return elemType, numElem, nodesPerElem, numAttr def put_elem_blk_info(self, elem_blk_id, elem_type, num_blk_elems, num_elem_nodes, num_elem_attrs): """ store the element block *ID* and element block info >>> exo.put_elem_blk_info(elem_blk_id, elem_type, num_blk_elems, ... num_elem_nodes, num_elem_attrs) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) elem_type : string element type (all caps), e.g. 'HEX8' num_blk_elems : int number of elements in the block num_elem_nodes : int number of nodes per element num_elem_attrs : int number of attributes per element """ self.__ex_put_block('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id, elem_type, num_blk_elems, num_elem_nodes, num_elem_attrs) def put_concat_elem_blk(self, elem_blk_ids, elem_type, num_blk_elems, num_elem_nodes, num_elem_attrs, defineMaps): """ same as exo.put_elem_blk_info() but for all blocks at once >>> status = exo.put_concat_elem_blk(elem_blk_ids, elem_types, ... num_blk_elems, num_elem_nodes, num_elem_attrs) Parameters ---------- > elem_blk_ids element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) for each block > elem_types element type for each block > num_blk_elems number of elements for each block > num_elem_nodes number of nodes per element for each block > num_elem_attrs number of attributes per element for each block Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_concat_elem_blk( elem_blk_ids, elem_type, num_blk_elems, num_elem_nodes, num_elem_attrs, defineMaps) return True def get_elem_connectivity(self, object_id): """ get the nodal connectivity, number of elements, and number of nodes per element for a single block >>> elem_conn, num_blk_elems, num_elem_nodes ... = exo.get_elem_connectivity(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > elem_conn ordered list of node *INDICES* that define the connectivity of each element in the block; the list cycles through all nodes of the first element, then all nodes of the second element, etc. (see `exodus.get_id_map` for explanation of node *INDEX* versus node *ID*) if array_type == 'numpy': > elem_conn (same description) num_blk_elems number of elements in the block num_elem_nodes number of nodes per element """ (elem_block_connectivity, num_elem_this_blk, num_nodes_per_elem) = self.__ex_get_elem_conn(object_id) if self.use_numpy: elem_block_connectivity = ctype_to_numpy( self, elem_block_connectivity) return elem_block_connectivity, num_elem_this_blk, num_nodes_per_elem def put_elem_connectivity(self, object_id, connectivity): """ store the nodal connectivity, number of elements, and number of nodes per element for a single block >>> exo.put_elem_connectivity(elem_blk_id, elem_conn) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) > elem_conn ordered list of node *INDICES* that define the connectivity of each element in the block; the list cycles through all nodes of the first element, then all nodes of the second element, etc. (see `exodus.get_id_map` for explanation of node *INDEX* versus node *ID*) """ _d1, numBlkElems, numNodesPerElem, _d2 = self.elem_blk_info(object_id) assert len(connectivity) == (numBlkElems * numNodesPerElem) self.__ex_put_elem_conn(object_id, connectivity) def get_elem_attr(self, elem_blk_id): """ get all attributes for each element in a block >>> elem_attrs = exo.get_elem_attr(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype' : > elem_attrs if array_type == 'numpy' : > elem_attrs list of attribute values for all elements in the block; the list cycles through all attributes of the first element, then all attributes of the second element, etc. Attributes are ordered by the ordering of the names returned by exo.get_attribute_names() """ elem_attrs = self.__ex_get_elem_attr(elem_blk_id) if self.use_numpy: elem_attrs = ctype_to_numpy(self, elem_attrs) return elem_attrs def get_elem_attr_values(self, elem_blk_id, elem_attr_name): """ get an attribute for each element in a block >>> elem_attrs = exo.get_elem_attr(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) elem_attr_name element attribute name Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > values if array_type == 'numpy': > values array of values for the requested attribute. Array has dimensions of 1 x num_elem, where num_elem is the number of elements on the element block. """ # Determine index of requested attribute in attribute list elem_attr_names = self.get_attribute_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id) a_ndx = elem_attr_names.index(elem_attr_name) values = self.__ex_get_one_attr('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id, a_ndx + 1) if self.use_numpy: values = ctype_to_numpy(self, values) return values def get_attr_values(self, objType, elem_blk_id, elem_attr_name): """ get an attribute for each element in a block >>> elem_attrs = exo.get_elem_attr(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) elem_attr_name element attribute name Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > values if array_type == 'numpy': > values array of values for the requested attribute. Array has dimensions of 1 x num_elem, where num_elem is the number of elements on the element block. """ # Determine index of requested attribute in attribute list elem_attr_names = self.get_attribute_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id) a_ndx = elem_attr_names.index(elem_attr_name) values = self.__ex_get_one_attr('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id, a_ndx + 1) if self.use_numpy: values = ctype_to_numpy(self, values) return values def put_elem_attr(self, elem_blk_id, elem_attrs): """ store all attributes for each element in a block >>> exo.put_elem_attr(elem_blk_id, elem_attrs) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) > elem_attrs list of all attribute values for all elements in the block; the list cycles through all attributes of the first element, then all attributes of the second element, etc. Attributes are ordered by the ordering of the names returned by exo.get_attribute_names() """ self.__ex_put_elem_attr(elem_blk_id, elem_attrs) def put_elem_attr_values(self, elem_blk_id, elem_attr_name, values): """ store an attribute for each element in a block >>> exo.put_elem_attr_values(elem_blk_id, elem_attr_name, values) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) elem_attr_name element attribute name > values list of values for a single attribute on a element block. List dimensions should be 1 x N_elem, where N_elem is the number of elements on the element block. """ # Determine index of requested attribute in attribute list elem_attr_names = self.get_attribute_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id) a_ndx = elem_attr_names.index(elem_attr_name) self.__ex_put_one_attr('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id, a_ndx + 1, values) def elem_type(self, object_id): """ get the element type, e.g. "HEX8", for an element block >>> elem_type = exo.elem_type(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- elem_type """ (elemType, _numElem, _nodesPerElem, _numAttr) = self.__ex_get_block('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id) return elemType def num_attr(self, object_id): """ get the number of attributes per element for an element block >>> num_elem_attrs = exo.num_attr(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- num_elem_attrs """ (_elemType, _numElem, _nodesPerElem, numAttr) = self.__ex_get_block('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id) return numAttr def num_elems_in_blk(self, object_id): """ get the number of elements in an element block >>> num_blk_elems = exo.num_elems_in_blk(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- num_blk_elems """ vals = self.get_entity_count('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id) return vals def num_nodes_per_elem(self, object_id): """ get the number of nodes per element for an element block >>> num_elem_nodes = exo.num_nodes_per_elem(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- num_elem_nodes """ (_elemType, _numElem, nodesPerElem, _numAttr) = self.__ex_get_block('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id) return nodesPerElem def get_element_variable_truth_table(self, entId=None): """ See `exodus.get_variable_truth_table` """ return self.get_variable_truth_table('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', entId) def set_element_variable_truth_table(self, table): """ See `exodus.set_variable_truth_table` """ return self.set_variable_truth_table('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', table) def get_element_variable_values(self, blockId, name, step): """ get list of element variable values for a specified element block, element variable name, and time step >>> evar_vals = exo.get_element_variable_values(elem_blk_id, ... evar_name, time_step) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) evar_name : string name of element variable time_step : int 1-based index of time step Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > evar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > evar_vals """ return self.get_variable_values('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', blockId, name, step) def get_partial_element_variable_values(self, blockId, name, step, start_index, num_elements): """ get list of element variable values for a specified element block, element variable name, and time step >>> evar_vals = exo.get_element_variable_values(elem_blk_id, ... evar_name, time_step) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) evar_name : string name of element variable time_step : int 1-based index of time step start_index: int 1-based index of element in block to start returning data num_elements: int number of elements to return data for. Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > evar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > evar_vals """ names = self.get_variable_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK') var_id = names.index(name) + 1 values = self.__ex_get_partial_var(step, 'EX_ELEM_BLOCK', var_id, blockId, start_index, num_elements) if self.use_numpy: values = ctype_to_numpy(self, values) return values # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_element_variable_values(self, blockId, name, step, values): """ store a list of element variable values for a specified element block, element variable name, and time step >>> status = exo.put_element_variable_values(elem_blk_id, ... evar_name, time_step, evar_vals) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) evar_name name of element variable time_step 1-based index of time step > evar_vals Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.put_variable_values('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', blockId, name, step, values) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_element_variable_number(self): """ get the number of element variables in the model >>> num_evars = exo.get_element_variable_number() Returns ------- num_evars """ return self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_ELEM_BLOCK').value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_element_variable_number(self, number): """ update the number of element variables in the model >>> status = exo.set_element_variable_number(num_evars) Parameters ---------- num_evars Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_variable_param('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', number) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_element_variable_names(self): """ get the list of element variable names in the model >>> evar_names = exo.get_element_variable_names() Returns ------- > evar_names """ if self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_ELEM_BLOCK').value == 0: return [] return self.__ex_get_variable_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_element_variable_name(self, name, index): """ add the name and index of a new element variable to the model; element variable indexing goes from 1 to exo.get_element_variable_number() >>> status = exo.put_element_variable_name(evar_name, evar_index) Parameters ---------- evar_name name of new element variable evar_index 1-based index of new element variable Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution Note: ---- this method is often called within the following sequence: >>> num_evars = exo.get_element_variable_number() >>> new_evar_index = num_evars + 1 >>> num_evars += 1 >>> exo.set_element_variable_number(num_evars) >>> exo.put_element_variable_name("new_evar", new_evar_index) """ EBvarNames = self.get_variable_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK') if name in EBvarNames: print(f'WARNING: element variable \"{name}\" already exists.') if index > len(EBvarNames): print(("index", index, "len", len(EBvarNames))) raise Exception("ERROR: variable index out of range.") self.__ex_put_variable_name('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', index, name) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_attribute_names(self, objType, blkId): """ get the list of attribute names for the specified block/set >>> attr_names = exo.get_attribute_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- objType: entity type blkId : int block/set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- > attr_names """ names = self.__ex_get_attr_names(objType, blkId) return list(names) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_element_attribute_names(self, blkId): """ get the list of element attribute names for a block >>> attr_names = exo.get_element_attribute_names(elem_blk_id) Parameters ---------- blkId : int block/set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- > attr_names """ names = self.__ex_get_attr_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', blkId) return list(names) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_attribute_names(self, objType, blkId, names): """ store the list of element attribute names for a block >>> status = exo.put_attribute_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elem_blk_id, attr_names) Parameters ---------- objType: entity type blkId : int block/set *ID* (not *INDEX*) > attr_names Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ return self.__ex_put_attr_names(objType, blkId, names) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_element_attribute_names(self, blkId, names): """ store the list of element attribute names for a block >>> status = exo.put_attribute_names(elem_blk_id, attr_names) Parameters ---------- blkId : int block/set *ID* (not *INDEX*) > attr_names Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ return self.__ex_put_attr_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', blkId, names) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_element_property_names(self): """ get the list of element property names for all element blocks in the model >>> eprop_names = exo.get_element_property_names() Returns ------- > eprop_names """ names = self.__ex_get_prop_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', 'EX_INQ_EB_PROP') return list(names) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_element_property_value(self, object_id, name): """ get element property value (an integer) for a specified element block and element property name >>> eprop_val = exo.get_element_property_value(elem_blk_id, eprop_name) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) eprop_name Returns ------- eprop_val """ propVal = self.__ex_get_prop('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id, name) return int(propVal) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_element_property_value(self, object_id, name, value): """ store an element property name and its integer value for an element block >>> status = exo.put_element_property_value(elem_blk_id, ... eprop_name, eprop_val) Parameters ---------- elem_blk_id : int element block *ID* (not *INDEX*) eprop_name eprop_val Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ return self.__ex_put_prop('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id, name, value) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # nodesets # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def num_node_sets(self): """ get the number of node sets in the model >>> num_node_sets = exo.num_node_sets() Returns ------- num_node_sets """ return self.numNodeSets.value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_ids(self): """ get mapping of exodus node set index to user- or application- defined node set id; node_set_ids is ordered by the *INDEX* ordering, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_node_sets(), used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the node sets; a user or application can optionally use a separate node set *ID* numbering system, so the node_set_ids array points to the node set *ID* for each node set *INDEX* >>> node_set_ids = exo.get_ids('EX_NODE_SET') Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > node_set_ids if array_type == 'numpy': > node_set_ids """ return self.get_ids('EX_NODE_SET') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_name(self, object_id): """ get the name of a node set >>> node_set_name = exo.get_node_set_name(node_set_id) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- node_set_name """ return self.__ex_get_name('EX_NODE_SET', object_id) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_set_name(self, object_id, name): """ store the name of a node set >>> exo.put_node_set_name(node_set_id, node_set_name) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) node_set_name """ self.__ex_put_name('EX_NODE_SET', object_id, name) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_names(self): """ get a list of all node set names ordered by node set *INDEX*; (see `exodus.get_ids` for explanation of the difference between node set *ID* and node set *INDEX*) >>> node_set_names = exo.get_node_set_names() Returns ------- > node_set_names """ return self.__ex_get_names('EX_NODE_SET') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_set_names(self, names): """ store a list of all node set names ordered by node set *INDEX*; (see `exodus.get_ids` for explanation of the difference between node set *ID* and node set *INDEX*) >>> exo.put_node_set_names(node_set_names) Parameters ---------- > node_set_names """ self.__ex_put_names('EX_NODE_SET', names) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def num_nodes_in_node_set(self, object_id): """ get the number of nodes in a node set >>> num_ns_nodes = exo.num_nodes_in_node_set(node_set_id) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- num_ns_nodes """ node_set_nodes = self.get_node_set_nodes(object_id) return len(node_set_nodes) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_nodes(self, object_id): """ get the list of node *INDICES* in a node set (see `exodus.get_id_map` for explanation of node *INDEX* versus node *ID*) >>> ns_nodes = exo.get_node_set_nodes(node_set_id) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > ns_nodes if array_type == 'numpy': > ns_nodes """ node_set_ids = self.get_ids('EX_NODE_SET') assert object_id in node_set_ids node_set_nodes = self.__ex_get_node_set(object_id) node_set_nodes = list(node_set_nodes) if self.use_numpy: node_set_nodes = self.np.array(node_set_nodes) return node_set_nodes # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_set(self, object_id, nodeSetNodes): """ store a node set by its id and the list of node *INDICES* in the node set (see `exodus.get_id_map` for explanation of node *INDEX* versus node *ID*) >>> exo.put_node_set(node_set_id, ns_nodes) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) > ns_nodes """ self.__ex_put_node_set(object_id, nodeSetNodes) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_dist_facts(self, object_id): """ get the list of distribution factors for nodes in a node set >>> ns_dist_facts = exo.get_node_set_dist_facts(node_set_id) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > ns_dist_facts a list of distribution factors, e.g. nodal 'weights' if array_type == 'numpy': > ns_dist_facts a list of distribution factors, e.g. nodal 'weights' """ node_set_dfs = self.__ex_get_node_set_dist_fact(object_id) node_set_dfs = list(node_set_dfs) if self.use_numpy: node_set_dfs = self.np.array(node_set_dfs) return node_set_dfs # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_set_dist_fact(self, object_id, nodeSetDistFact): """ store the list of distribution factors for nodes in a node set >>> exo.put_node_set_dist_fact(node_set_id, ns_dist_facts) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) > ns_dist_facts a list of distribution factors, e.g. nodal 'weights' """ self.__ex_put_node_set_dist_fact(object_id, nodeSetDistFact) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_variable_number(self): """ get the number of node set variables in the model >>> num_nsvars = exo.get_node_set_variable_number() Returns ------- num_nsvars """ return self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_NODE_SET').value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_node_set_variable_number(self, number): """ update the number of node set variables in the model >>> status = exo.set_node_set_variable_number(num_nsvars) Parameters ---------- num_nsvars Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_variable_param('EX_NODE_SET', number) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_variable_truth_table(self, entId=None): """ See `exodus.get_variable_truth_table` """ return self.get_variable_truth_table('EX_NODE_SET', entId) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_node_set_variable_truth_table(self, table): """ See `exodus.set_variable_truth_table` """ return self.set_variable_truth_table('EX_NODE_SET', table) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_variable_names(self): """ get the list of node set variable names in the model >>> nsvar_names = exo.get_node_set_variable_names() Returns ------- > nsvar_names """ if self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_NODE_SET').value == 0: return [] return self.__ex_get_variable_names('EX_NODE_SET') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_set_variable_name(self, name, index): """ add the name and index of a new node set variable to the model; node set variable indexing goes from 1 to exo.get_node_set_variable_number() >>> status = exo.put_node_set_variable_name(nsvar_name, nsvar_index) Parameters ---------- nsvar_name name of new node set variable nsvar_index 1-based index of new node set variable Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution Note: ----- this method is often called within the following sequence: >>> num_nsvars = exo.get_node_set_variable_number() >>> new_nsvar_index = num_nsvars + 1 >>> num_nsvars += 1 >>> exo.set_node_set_variable_number(num_nsvars) >>> exo.put_node_set_variable_name("new_nsvar", new_nsvar_index) """ NSvarNames = self.get_variable_names('EX_NODE_SET') if name in NSvarNames: print(f'WARNING: Node set variable \"{name}\" already exists.') if index > len(NSvarNames): raise Exception("ERROR: variable index out of range.") self.__ex_put_variable_name('EX_NODE_SET', index, name) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_variable_values(self, object_id, name, step): """ get list of node set variable values for a specified node set, node set variable name, and time step; the list has one variable value per node in the set >>> nsvar_vals = ... exo.get_node_set_variable_values(node_set_id, ... nsvar_name, time_step) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) nsvar_name name of node set variable time_step 1-based index of time step Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > nsvar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > nsvar_vals """ return self.get_variable_values('EX_NODE_SET', object_id, name, step) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_partial_node_set_variable_values(self, object_id, name, step, start_index, num_nodes): """ get list of node set variable values for a specified node set, node set variable name, and time step; the list has one variable value per node in the set >>> nsvar_vals = ... exo.get_node_set_variable_values(node_set_id, ... nsvar_name, time_step) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) nsvar_name name of node set variable time_step 1-based index of time step start_index 1-based index of node to start returning data num_nodes number of nodes to return data for. Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > nsvar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > nsvar_vals """ names = self.get_variable_names('EX_NODE_SET') var_id = names.index(name) + 1 values = self.__ex_get_partial_var(step, 'EX_NODE_SET', var_id, object_id, start_index, num_nodes) if self.use_numpy: values = ctype_to_numpy(self, values) return values # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_set_variable_values(self, object_id, name, step, values): """ store a list of node set variable values for a specified node set, node set variable name, and time step; the list has one variable value per node in the set >>> status = ... exo.put_node_set_variable_values(node_set_id, ... nsvar_name, time_step, nsvar_vals) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) nsvar_name name of node set variable time_step 1-based index of time step > nsvar_vals Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.put_variable_values('EX_NODE_SET', object_id, name, step, values) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_all_node_set_params(self): """ get total number of nodes and distribution factors (e.g. nodal 'weights') combined among all node sets >>> tot_num_ns_nodes, ... tot_num_ns_dist_facts = exo.get_all_node_set_params() Returns ------- tot_num_ns_nodes tot_num_ns_dist_facts """ nodeSetIds = self.__ex_get_ids('EX_NODE_SET') totNumSetNodes, totNumSetDistFacts = 0, 0 for nodeSetId in nodeSetIds: (numSetNodes, numSetDistFacts) = self.__ex_get_set_param('EX_NODE_SET', nodeSetId) totNumSetNodes += numSetNodes totNumSetDistFacts += numSetDistFacts return totNumSetNodes, totNumSetDistFacts # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_set_params(self, object_type, object_id): """ get number of entities and distribution factors (e.g. nodal 'weights') in the specified set >>> num_ns_nodes, num_ns_dist_facts = ... exo.get_set_params('EX_NODE_SET', node_set_id) Parameters ---------- set_id : int set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- num_set_entities : int num_set_dist_facts : int """ (numSetEntities, numSetDistFacts) = self.__ex_get_set_param(object_type, object_id) return numSetEntities, numSetDistFacts # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_set_params(self, object_type, object_id, numSetEntity, numSetDistFacts=None): """ initialize a new set of the specified type >>> exo.put_set_params('EX_NODE_SET', node_set_id, ... num_ns_nodes, num_ns_dist_facts) Parameters ---------- set_id : int set *ID* (not *INDEX*) num_set_entity : int number of nodes/edges/faces/elements to be added to set num_dist_facts : int, optional number of distribution factors (e.g. nodal 'weights') -- must be equal to zero or num_set_entity """ if numSetDistFacts is None: numSetDistFacts = numSetEntity assert numSetDistFacts in (0, numSetEntity) self.__ex_put_set_param(object_type, object_id, numSetEntity, numSetDistFacts) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_params(self, object_id): """ See `exodus.put_set_params` """ (numSetNodes, numSetDistFacts) = self.__ex_get_set_param('EX_NODE_SET', object_id) return numSetNodes, numSetDistFacts # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_set_params(self, object_id, numSetNodes, numSetDistFacts=None): """ See `exodus.put_set_params` """ if numSetDistFacts is None: numSetDistFacts = numSetNodes assert numSetDistFacts in (0, numSetNodes) self.__ex_put_set_param('EX_NODE_SET', object_id, numSetNodes, numSetDistFacts) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_property_names(self): """ get the list of node set property names for all node sets in the model >>> nsprop_names = exo.get_node_set_property_names() Returns ------- > nsprop_names """ names = self.__ex_get_prop_names('EX_NODE_SET', 'EX_INQ_NS_PROP') return list(names) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_node_set_property_value(self, object_id, name): """ get node set property value (an integer) for a specified node set and node set property name >>> nsprop_val = exo.get_node_set_property_value(node_set_id, nsprop_name) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) nsprop_name Returns ------- nsprop_val """ propVal = self.__ex_get_prop('EX_NODE_SET', object_id, name) return int(propVal) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_set_property_value(self, object_id, name, value): """ store a node set property name and its integer value for a node set >>> status = exo.put_node_set_property_value(node_set_id, ... nsprop_name, nsprop_val) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) nsprop_name nsprop_val Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ return self.__ex_put_prop('EX_NODE_SET', object_id, name, value) # # sidesets # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def num_side_sets(self): """ get the number of side sets in the model >>> num_side_sets = exo.num_side_sets() Returns ------- num_side_sets """ return self.numSideSets.value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_ids(self): """ get mapping of exodus side set index to user- or application- defined side set id; side_set_ids is ordered by the *INDEX* ordering, a 1-based system going from 1 to exo.num_side_sets(), used by exodus for storage and input/output of array data stored on the side sets; a user or application can optionally use a separate side set *ID* numbering system, so the side_set_ids array points to the side set *ID* for each side set *INDEX* >>> side_set_ids = exo.get_ids('EX_SIDE_SET') Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > side_set_ids if array_type == 'numpy': > side_set_ids """ return self.get_ids('EX_SIDE_SET') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_name(self, object_id): """ get the name of a side set >>> side_set_name = exo.get_side_set_name(side_set_id) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- side_set_name """ return self.__ex_get_name('EX_SIDE_SET', object_id) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_side_set_name(self, object_id, name): """ store the name of a side set >>> exo.put_side_set_name(side_set_id, side_set_name) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) side_set_name """ self.__ex_put_name('EX_SIDE_SET', object_id, name) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_names(self): """ get a list of all side set names ordered by side set *INDEX*; (see `exodus.get_ids` for explanation of the difference between side set *ID* and side set *INDEX*) >>> side_set_names = exo.get_side_set_names() Returns ------- > side_set_names """ return self.__ex_get_names('EX_SIDE_SET') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_side_set_names(self, names): """ store a list of all side set names ordered by side set *INDEX*; (see `exodus.get_ids` for explanation of the difference between side set *ID* and side set *INDEX*) >>> exo.put_side_set_names(side_set_names) Parameters ---------- > side_set_names """ self.__ex_put_names('EX_SIDE_SET', names) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def num_faces_in_side_set(self, object_id): """ get the number of faces in a side set >>> num_ss_faces = exo.num_faces_in_side_set(side_set_id) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- num_ss_faces """ ssids = self.get_ids('EX_SIDE_SET') if object_id not in ssids: print("WARNING: queried side set ID does not exist in database") return 0 (num_side_in_set, _num_dist_fact_in_set) = self.__ex_get_set_param('EX_SIDE_SET', object_id) return num_side_in_set # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_all_side_set_params(self): """ get total number of sides, nodes, and distribution factors (e.g. nodal 'weights') combined among all side sets >>> tot_num_ss_sides, tot_num_ss_nodes, tot_num_ss_dist_facts = ... exo.get_all_side_set_params() Returns ------- tot_num_ss_sides tot_num_ss_nodes tot_num_ss_dist_facts Note: ----- The number of nodes (and distribution factors) in a side set is the sum of all face nodes. A single node can be counted more than once, i.e. once for each face it belongs to in the side set. """ ids = self.__ex_get_ids('EX_SIDE_SET') totNumSetSides, totNumSetDistFacts = 0, 0 # totNumSetDistFacts = totNumSetNodes for sideSetId in ids: (numSetSides, numSetDistFacts) = self.__ex_get_set_param('EX_SIDE_SET', sideSetId) totNumSetSides += numSetSides totNumSetDistFacts += numSetDistFacts totNumSetNodes = totNumSetDistFacts return totNumSetSides, totNumSetNodes, totNumSetDistFacts # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_params(self, object_id): """ get number of sides and nodal distribution factors (e.g. nodal 'weights') in a side set >>> num_ss_sides, num_ss_dist_facts = exo.get_side_set_params(side_set_id) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- num_ss_sides num_ss_dist_facts Note: ----- The number of nodes (and distribution factors) in a side set is the sum of all face nodes. A single node can be counted more than once, i.e. once for each face it belongs to in the side set. """ (numSetSides, numSetDistFacts) = self.__ex_get_set_param('EX_SIDE_SET', object_id) return numSetSides, numSetDistFacts # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_side_set_params(self, object_id, numSetSides, numSetDistFacts): """ initialize a new side set >>> exo.put_side_set_params(side_set_id, num_ss_sides, num_ss_dist_facts) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) num_ss_sides number of sides to be added to set num_ss_dist_facts number of nodal distribution factors (e.g. nodal 'weights') Note: ----- The number of nodes (and distribution factors) in a side set is the sum of all face nodes. A single node can be counted more than once, i.e. once for each face it belongs to in the side set. """ self.__ex_put_set_param('EX_SIDE_SET', object_id, numSetSides, numSetDistFacts) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set(self, object_id): """ get the lists of element and side indices in a side set; the two lists correspond: together, ss_elems[i] and ss_sides[i] define the face of an element >>> ss_elems, ss_sides = exo.get_side_set(side_set_id) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > ss_elems > ss_sides if array_type == 'numpy': > ss_elems > ss_sides """ (side_set_elem_list, side_set_side_list) = self.__ex_get_side_set(object_id) if self.use_numpy: side_set_elem_list = ctype_to_numpy(self, side_set_elem_list) side_set_side_list = ctype_to_numpy(self, side_set_side_list) return side_set_elem_list, side_set_side_list # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_side_set(self, object_id, sideSetElements, sideSetSides): """ store a side set by its id and the lists of element and side indices in the side set; the two lists correspond: together, ss_elems[i] and ss_sides[i] define the face of an element >>> exo.put_side_set(side_set_id, ss_elems, ss_sides) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) > ss_elems > ss_sides """ self.__ex_put_side_set(object_id, sideSetElements, sideSetSides) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_dist_fact(self, object_id): """ get the list of distribution factors for nodes in a side set >>> ss_dist_facts = exo.get_side_set_dist_fact(side_set_id) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > ss_dist_facts a list of distribution factors, e.g. nodal 'weights' if array_type == 'numpy': > ss_dist_facts a list of distribution factors, e.g. nodal 'weights' Note: ----- The number of nodes (and distribution factors) in a side set is the sum of all face nodes. A single node can be counted more than once, i.e. once for each face it belongs to in the side set. """ side_set_dfs = list(self.__ex_get_side_set_dist_fact(object_id)) if self.use_numpy: side_set_dfs = self.np.array(side_set_dfs) return side_set_dfs # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_side_set_dist_fact(self, object_id, sideSetDistFact): """ store the list of distribution factors for nodes in a side set >>> exo.put_side_set_dist_fact(side_set_id, ss_dist_facts) Parameters ---------- node_set_id node set *ID* (not *INDEX*) > ns_dist_facts a list of distribution factors, e.g. nodal 'weights' Note: ----- The number of nodes (and distribution factors) in a side set is the sum of all face nodes. A single node can be counted more than once, i.e. once for each face it belongs to in the side set. """ self.__ex_put_side_set_dist_fact(object_id, sideSetDistFact) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_node_list(self, object_id): """ get two lists: 1. number of nodes for each side in the set 2. concatenation of the nodes for each side in the set >>> ss_num_nodes_per_side, ss_nodes = exo.get_side_set_node_list(side_set_id) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > ss_num_side_nodes > ss_nodes if array_type == 'numpy': > ss_num_side_nodes > ss_nodes Note: ----- The number of nodes (and distribution factors) in a side set is the sum of all face nodes. A single node can be counted more than once, i.e. once for each face it belongs to in the side set. """ (side_set_node_cnt_list, side_set_node_list) = self.__ex_get_side_set_node_list(object_id) if self.use_numpy: side_set_node_cnt_list = ctype_to_numpy( self, side_set_node_cnt_list) side_set_node_list = ctype_to_numpy(self, side_set_node_list) return side_set_node_cnt_list, side_set_node_list # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_variable_truth_table(self, entId=None): """ See `exodus.get_variable_truth_table` """ return self.get_variable_truth_table('EX_SIDE_SET', entId) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_side_set_variable_truth_table(self, table): """ See `exodus.set_variable_truth_table` """ return self.set_variable_truth_table('EX_SIDE_SET', table) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_variable_number(self): """ get the number of side set variables in the model >>> num_ssvars = exo.get_side_set_variable_number() Returns ------- num_ssvars """ return self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_SIDE_SET').value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_side_set_variable_number(self, number): """ update the number of side set variables in the model >>> status = exo.set_side_set_variable_number(num_ssvars) Parameters ---------- num_ssvars Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_variable_param('EX_SIDE_SET', number) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_variable_names(self): """ get the list of side set variable names in the model >>> ssvar_names = exo.get_side_set_variable_names() Returns ------- > ssvar_names """ if self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_SIDE_SET').value == 0: return [] return self.__ex_get_variable_names('EX_SIDE_SET') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_side_set_variable_name(self, name, index): """ add the name and index of a new side set variable to the model; side set variable indexing goes from 1 to exo.get_side_set_variable_number() >>> status = exo.put_side_set_variable_name(ssvar_name, ssvar_index) Parameters ---------- ssvar_name name of new side set variable ssvar_index 1-based index of new side set variable Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution Note: ----- this method is often called within the following sequence: >>> num_ssvars = exo.get_side_set_variable_number() >>> new_ssvar_index = num_ssvars + 1 >>> num_ssvars += 1 >>> exo.set_side_set_variable_number(num_ssvars) >>> exo.put_side_set_variable_name("new_ssvar", new_ssvar_index) """ SSvarNames = self.get_variable_names('EX_SIDE_SET') if name in SSvarNames: print(f'WARNING: Side set variable \"{name}\" already exists.') if index > len(SSvarNames): raise Exception("ERROR: variable index out of range.") self.__ex_put_variable_name('EX_SIDE_SET', index, name) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_variable_values(self, object_id, name, step): """ get list of side set variable values for a specified side set, side set variable name, and time step; the list has one variable value per side in the set >>> ssvar_vals = exo.get_side_set_variable_values(side_set_id, ... ssvar_name, time_step) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) ssvar_name name of side set variable time_step 1-based index of time step Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > ssvar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > ssvar_vals """ return self.get_variable_values('EX_SIDE_SET', object_id, name, step) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_partial_side_set_variable_values(self, object_id, name, step, start_index, num_sides): """ get list of side set variable values for a specified side set, side set variable name, and time step; the list has one variable value per side in the set >>> ssvar_vals = exo.get_side_set_variable_values(side_set_id, ... ssvar_name, time_step) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) ssvar_name name of side set variable time_step 1-based index of time step start_index 1-based index of side to start returning data num_nodes number of sides to return data for. Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > ssvar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > ssvar_vals """ names = self.get_variable_names('EX_SIDE_SET') var_id = names.index(name) + 1 values = self.__ex_get_partial_var(step, 'EX_SIDE_SET', var_id, object_id, start_index, num_sides) if self.use_numpy: values = ctype_to_numpy(self, values) return values # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_side_set_variable_values(self, object_id, name, step, values): """ store a list of side set variable values for a specified side set, side set variable name, and time step; the list has one variable value per side in the set >>> status = exo.put_side_set_variable_values(side_set_id, ... ssvar_name, time_step, ssvar_vals) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) ssvar_name name of side set variable time_step 1-based index of time step > ssvar_vals Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.put_variable_values('EX_SIDE_SET', object_id, name, step, values) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_property_names(self): """ get the list of side set property names for all side sets in the model >>> ssprop_names = exo.get_side_set_property_names() Returns ------- > ssprop_names """ names = self.__ex_get_prop_names('EX_SIDE_SET', 'EX_INQ_SS_PROP') return list(names) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_side_set_property_value(self, object_id, name): """ get side set property value (an integer) for a specified side set and side set property name >>> ssprop_val = exo.get_side_set_property_value(side_set_id, ssprop_name) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) ssprop_name Returns ------- ssprop_val """ propVal = self.__ex_get_prop('EX_SIDE_SET', object_id, name) return int(propVal) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_side_set_property_value(self, object_id, name, value): """ store a side set property name and its integer value for a side set >>> status = exo.put_side_set_property_value(side_set_id, ... ssprop_name, ssprop_val) Parameters ---------- side_set_id side set *ID* (not *INDEX*) ssprop_name ssprop_val Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ return self.__ex_put_prop('EX_SIDE_SET', object_id, name, value) # # global variables # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_global_variable_number(self): """ get the number of global variables in the model >>> num_gvars = exo.get_global_variable_number() Returns ------- num_gvars """ return self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_GLOBAL').value # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_global_variable_number(self, number): """ update the number of global variables in the model >>> status = exo.set_global_variable_number(num_gvars) Parameters ---------- num_gvars Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ self.__ex_put_variable_param('EX_GLOBAL', number) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_global_variable_names(self): """ get the list of global variable names in the model >>> gvar_names = exo.get_global_variable_names() Returns ------- > gvar_names """ if self.get_variable_number('EX_GLOBAL') == 0: return [] return self.__ex_get_variable_names('EX_GLOBAL') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_global_variable_name(self, name, index): """ add the name and index of a new global variable to the model; global variable indexing goes from 1 to exo.get_global_variable_number() >>> status = exo.put_global_variable_name(gvar_name, gvar_index) Parameters ---------- gvar_name name of new global variable gvar_index 1-based index of new global variable Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution Note: ----- this method is often called within the following sequence: >>> num_gvars = exo.get_global_variable_number() >>> new_gvar_index = num_gvars + 1 >>> num_gvars += 1 >>> exo.set_global_variable_number(num_gvars) >>> exo.put_global_variable_name("new_gvar", new_gvar_index) """ GlobVarNames = self.get_variable_names('EX_GLOBAL') if name in GlobVarNames: print(f'WARNING: Global variable \"{name}\" already exists.') if index > len(GlobVarNames): print(("index", index, "len", len(GlobVarNames))) raise Exception("ERROR: variable index out of range.") self.__ex_put_variable_name('EX_GLOBAL', index, name) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_global_variable_value(self, name, step): """ get a global variable value for a specified global variable name and time step >>> gvar_val = exo.get_global_variable_value(gvar_name, time_step) Parameters ---------- gvar_name name of global variable time_step 1-based index of time step Returns ------- gvar_val """ names = self.get_variable_names('EX_GLOBAL') var_id = names.index(name) num = self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_GLOBAL') gvalues = self.__ex_get_var(step, 'EX_GLOBAL', 0, 1, num.value) return gvalues[var_id] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_all_global_variable_values(self, step): """ get all global variable values (one for each global variable name, and in the order given by exo.get_global_variable_names()) at a specified time step >>> gvar_vals = exo.get_all_global_variable_values(time_step) Parameters ---------- time_step 1-based index of time step Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > gvar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > gvar_vals """ num = self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_GLOBAL') gvalues = self.__ex_get_var(step, 'EX_GLOBAL', 0, 1, num.value) values = [gvalues[i] for i in range(num.value)] if self.use_numpy: values = self.np.array(values) return values # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_global_variable_value(self, name, step, value): """ store a global variable value for a specified global variable name and time step >>> status = exo.put_global_variable_value(gvar_name, time_step, gvar_val) Parameters ---------- gvar_name name of global variable time_step 1-based index of time step gvar_val Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ # we must write all values at once, not individually names = self.get_variable_names('EX_GLOBAL') # get all values numVals = self.get_variable_number('EX_GLOBAL') values = (ctypes.c_double * numVals)() for i in range(numVals): values[i] = ctypes.c_double( self.get_global_variable_value( names[i], step)) # adjust one of them values[names.index(name)] = ctypes.c_double(value) # write them all EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_var(self.fileId, ctypes.c_int(step), ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_GLOBAL')), ctypes.c_int(1), ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(numVals), values) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_all_global_variable_values(self, step, values): """ store all global variable values (one for each global variable name, and in the order given by exo.get_global_variable_names()) at a specified time step >>> status = exo.put_all_global_variable_values(time_step, gvar_vals) Parameters ---------- time_step 1-based index of time step > gvar_vals Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ numVals = self.get_variable_number('EX_GLOBAL') gvalues = (ctypes.c_double * numVals)() for i in range(numVals): gvalues[i] = ctypes.c_double(values[i]) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_var(self.fileId, ctypes.c_int(step), ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_GLOBAL')), ctypes.c_int(1), ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(numVals), gvalues) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_global_variable_values(self, name): """ get global variable values over all time steps for one global variable name >>> gvar_vals = exo.get_global_variable_values(gvar_name) Parameters ---------- gvar_name name of global variable Returns ------- if array_type == 'ctype': > gvar_vals if array_type == 'numpy': > gvar_vals """ names = self.get_variable_names('EX_GLOBAL') var_id = names.index(name) num = self.__ex_get_variable_param('EX_GLOBAL') values = [] for i in range(self.numTimes.value): gvalues = self.__ex_get_var(i + 1, 'EX_GLOBAL', 0, 1, num.value) values.append(gvalues[var_id]) if self.use_numpy: values = self.np.array(values) return values # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_polyhedra_elem_blk(self, blkID, num_elems_this_blk, num_faces, num_attr_per_elem): """ put in an element block with polyhedral elements >>> status = exo.put_polyhedra_elem_blk(blkID, num_elems_this_blk, ... num_faces, num_attr_per_elem) Parameters ---------- blkID id of the block to be added num_elems_this_blk num_faces total number of faces in this block num_attr_per_elem Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ ebType = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_ELEM_BLOCK')) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_block(self.fileId, ebType, ctypes.c_longlong(blkID), ctypes.create_string_buffer(b"NFACED"), ctypes.c_longlong(num_elems_this_blk), ctypes.c_longlong(0), ctypes.c_longlong(0), ctypes.c_longlong(num_faces), ctypes.c_longlong(num_attr_per_elem)) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_polyhedra_face_blk(self, blkID, num_faces_this_blk, num_nodes, num_attr_per_face): """ put in a block of faces >>> status = exo.put_polyhedra_face_blk(blkID, num_faces_this_blk, ... num_nodes, num_attr_per_face) Parameters ---------- blkID id of the block to be added num_faces_this_blk num_nodes total number of nodes in this block num_attr_per_face Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ fbType = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_FACE_BLOCK')) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_block(self.fileId, fbType, ctypes.c_longlong(blkID), ctypes.create_string_buffer(b"NSIDED"), ctypes.c_longlong(num_faces_this_blk), ctypes.c_longlong(num_nodes), ctypes.c_longlong(0), ctypes.c_longlong(0), ctypes.c_longlong(num_attr_per_face)) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_face_count_per_polyhedra(self, blkID, entityCounts): """ put in a count of faces in for each polyhedra in an elem block >>> status = exo.put_face_count_per_polyhedra(blkID, entityCounts) Parameters ---------- blkID id of the block to be added if array_type == 'ctype': > entityCounts if array_type == 'numpy': > entityCounts Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ ebType = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_ELEM_BLOCK')) entity_counts = (ctypes.c_int * len(entityCounts))() entity_counts[:] = entityCounts EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_entity_count_per_polyhedra( self.fileId, ebType, ctypes.c_longlong(blkID), entity_counts) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_node_count_per_face(self, blkID, entityCounts): """ put in a count of nodes in for each face in a polygonal face block >>> status = exo.put_node_count_per_face(blkID, entityCounts) Parameters ---------- blkID id of the block to be added if array_type == 'ctype': > entityCounts if array_type == 'numpy': > entityCounts Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ ebType = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_FACE_BLOCK')) entity_counts = (ctypes.c_int * len(entityCounts))() entity_counts[:] = entityCounts EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_entity_count_per_polyhedra( self.fileId, ebType, ctypes.c_longlong(blkID), entity_counts) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_elem_face_conn(self, blkId, elemFaceConn): """ put in connectivity information from elems to faces >>> status = exo.put_elem_face_conn(blkID, elemFaceConn) Parameters ---------- blkID id of the elem block to be added if array_type == 'ctype': > elemFaceConn (raveled/flat list) if array_type == 'numpy': > elemFaceConn (raveled/flat array) Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ ebType = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_ELEM_BLOCK')) elem_face_conn = (ctypes.c_int * len(elemFaceConn))() elem_face_conn[:] = elemFaceConn EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_conn(self.fileId, ebType, ctypes.c_longlong(blkId), None, None, elem_face_conn) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def put_face_node_conn(self, blkId, faceNodeConn): """ put in connectivity information from faces to nodes >>> status = exo.put_face_node_conn(blkID, faceNodeConn) Parameters ---------- blkID id of the face block to be added if array_type == 'ctype': > faceNodeConn (raveled/flat list) if array_type == 'numpy': > faceNodeConn (raveled/flat array) Returns ------- status : bool True = successful execution """ ebType = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_FACE_BLOCK')) node_conn = (ctypes.c_int * len(faceNodeConn))() node_conn[:] = faceNodeConn EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_conn(self.fileId, ebType, ctypes.c_longlong(blkId), node_conn, None, None) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def close(self): """ close the exodus file >>> exo.close() Note: ----- Can only be called once for an exodus object, and once called all methods for that object become inoperable """ print(f"Closing exodus file: {self.fileName}") errorInt = EXODUS_LIB.ex_close(self.fileId) if errorInt != 0: raise Exception( "ERROR: Closing file " + self.fileName + " had problems.") # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Private Exodus API calls # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __open(self, io_size=0): print(f"Opening exodus file: {self.fileName}") self.mode = EX_READ if self.modeChar.lower() == "a": self.mode = EX_WRITE if self.modeChar.lower() == "w+": self.mode = EX_CLOBBER if self.modeChar.lower() in [ "a", "r"] and not os.path.isfile(self.fileName): raise Exception( "ERROR: Cannot open " + self.fileName + " for read. Does not exist.") elif self.modeChar.lower() == "w" and os.path.isfile(self.fileName): raise Exception(f"ERROR: Cowardly not opening {self.fileName} for write. File already exists.") elif self.modeChar.lower() not in ["a", "r", "w", "w+"]: raise Exception( "ERROR: File open mode " + self.modeChar + " unrecognized.") self.comp_ws = ctypes.c_int(8) self.io_ws = ctypes.c_int(io_size) self.version = ctypes.c_float(0.0) if self.modeChar.lower() in ["a", "r"]: # open existing file self.fileId = EXODUS_LIB.ex_open_int(self.fileName.encode('ascii'), self.mode, ctypes.byref(self.comp_ws), ctypes.byref(self.io_ws), ctypes.byref(self.version), EX_API_VERSION_NODOT) else: # create file if io_size == 0: io_size = 8 self.io_ws = ctypes.c_int(io_size) self.__create() # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __create(self): self.fileId = EXODUS_LIB.ex_create_int(self.fileName.encode('ascii'), self.mode, ctypes.byref(self.comp_ws), ctypes.byref(self.io_ws), EX_API_VERSION_NODOT) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_get_info(self): self.Title = ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: self.numDim = ctypes.c_longlong(0) self.numNodes = ctypes.c_longlong(0) self.numElem = ctypes.c_longlong(0) self.numElemBlk = ctypes.c_longlong(0) self.numNodeSets = ctypes.c_longlong(0) self.numSideSets = ctypes.c_longlong(0) self.numAssembly = ctypes.c_longlong(0) self.numBlob = ctypes.c_longlong(0) else: self.numDim = ctypes.c_int(0) self.numNodes = ctypes.c_int(0) self.numElem = ctypes.c_int(0) self.numElemBlk = ctypes.c_int(0) self.numNodeSets = ctypes.c_int(0) self.numSideSets = ctypes.c_int(0) self.numAssembly = ctypes.c_int(0) self.numBlob = ctypes.c_int(0) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_init( self.fileId, self.Title, ctypes.byref(self.numDim), ctypes.byref(self.numNodes), ctypes.byref(self.numElem), ctypes.byref(self.numElemBlk), ctypes.byref(self.numNodeSets), ctypes.byref(self.numSideSets)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_put_info(self, info): self.Title = ctypes.create_string_buffer(info[0].encode('ascii'), MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1) self.numDim = ctypes.c_longlong(info[1]) self.numNodes = ctypes.c_longlong(info[2]) self.numElem = ctypes.c_longlong(info[3]) self.numElemBlk = ctypes.c_longlong(info[4]) self.numNodeSets = ctypes.c_longlong(info[5]) self.numSideSets = ctypes.c_longlong(info[6]) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_init( self.fileId, self.Title, self.numDim, self.numNodes, self.numElem, self.numElemBlk, self.numNodeSets, self.numSideSets) self.version = self.__ex_inquire_float(ex_inquiry_map('EX_INQ_DB_VERS')) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_put_concat_elem_blk(self, elemBlkIDs, elemType, numElemThisBlk, numNodesPerElem, numAttr, defineMaps): if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_IDS_INT64_API: elem_blk_ids = (ctypes.c_longlong * len(elemBlkIDs))() elem_blk_ids[:] = elemBlkIDs num_elem_this_blk = (ctypes.c_longlong * len(elemBlkIDs))() num_elem_this_blk[:] = numElemThisBlk num_nodes_per_elem = (ctypes.c_longlong * len(elemBlkIDs))() num_nodes_per_elem[:] = numNodesPerElem num_attr = (ctypes.c_longlong * len(elemBlkIDs))() else: elem_blk_ids = (ctypes.c_int * len(elemBlkIDs))() elem_blk_ids[:] = elemBlkIDs num_elem_this_blk = (ctypes.c_int * len(elemBlkIDs))() num_elem_this_blk[:] = numElemThisBlk num_nodes_per_elem = (ctypes.c_int * len(elemBlkIDs))() num_nodes_per_elem[:] = numNodesPerElem num_attr = (ctypes.c_int * len(elemBlkIDs))() num_attr[:] = numAttr elem_type = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(elemBlkIDs))() elem_type[:] = elemType define_maps = ctypes.c_int(defineMaps) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_concat_elem_block( self.fileId, elem_blk_ids, elem_type, num_elem_this_blk, num_nodes_per_elem, num_attr, define_maps) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_get_qa(self): num_qa_recs = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(ex_inquiry_map('EX_INQ_QA'))) qa_rec_ptrs = ((ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1)) * 4) * num_qa_recs.value)() for i in range(num_qa_recs.value): for j in range(4): qa_rec_ptrs[i][j] = ctypes.pointer( ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1)) if num_qa_recs.value: EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_qa(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(qa_rec_ptrs)) qa_recs = [] for qara in qa_rec_ptrs: qa_rec_list = [ptr.contents.value.decode("utf8") for ptr in qara] qa_rec_tuple = tuple(qa_rec_list) assert len(qa_rec_tuple) == 4 qa_recs.append(qa_rec_tuple) return qa_recs # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_put_qa(self, qaRecs): num_qa_recs = ctypes.c_int(len(qaRecs)) qa_rec_ptrs = ((ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1)) * 4) * num_qa_recs.value)() for i in range(num_qa_recs.value): for j in range(4): qa_rec_ptrs[i][j] = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.create_string_buffer( str(qaRecs[i][j]).encode('ascii'), MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_qa(self.fileId, num_qa_recs, ctypes.byref(qa_rec_ptrs)) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def _ex_get_info_recs_quietly(self): num_infos = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(ex_inquiry_map('EX_INQ_INFO'))) info_ptrs = (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1)) * num_infos.value)() for i in range(num_infos.value): info_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1)) if num_infos.value: EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_info(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(info_ptrs)) return [irp.contents.value.decode("utf8") for irp in info_ptrs] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_get_info_recs(self): num_infos = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(ex_inquiry_map('EX_INQ_INFO'))) info_ptrs = (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1)) * num_infos.value)() for i in range(num_infos.value): info_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_info(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(info_ptrs)) info_recs = [irp.contents.value.decode("utf8") for irp in info_ptrs] for rec in info_recs: if len(rec) > MAX_LINE_LENGTH: print("WARNING: max line length reached for one or more info records;") print(" info might be incomplete for these records") break return info_recs # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_put_info_recs(self, infoRecs): num_infos = ctypes.c_int(len(infoRecs)) info_ptrs = (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1)) * num_infos.value)() for i in range(num_infos.value): info_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.create_string_buffer( str(infoRecs[i]).encode('ascii'), MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_info(self.fileId, num_infos, ctypes.byref(info_ptrs)) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_inquire_float(self, inq_id): dummy_char = ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1) ret_float = ctypes.c_float(0.0) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_INQ_INT64_API: dummy_int = ctypes.c_longlong(0) else: dummy_int = ctypes.c_int(0) val = EXODUS_LIB.ex_inquire( self.fileId, inq_id, ctypes.byref(dummy_int), ctypes.byref(ret_float), dummy_char) if val < 0: raise Exception( "ERROR: ex_inquire(" + str(inq_id) + ") failed on " + self.fileName) return ret_float # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_inquire_int(self, inq_id): val = EXODUS_LIB.ex_inquire_int(self.fileId, inq_id) if val < 0: raise Exception( "ERROR: ex_inquire_int(" + str(inq_id) + ") failed on " + self.fileName) return val # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_get_coord_names(self): coord_name_ptrs = ( ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) * self.numDim.value)() for i in range(self.numDim.value): coord_name_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer( ctypes.create_string_buffer( MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_coord_names(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(coord_name_ptrs)) return [cnp.contents.value.decode('utf8') for cnp in coord_name_ptrs] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_put_coord_names(self, names): coord_name_ptrs = ( ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) * self.numDim.value)() assert len(names) == self.numDim.value for i in range(self.numDim.value): coord_name_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer( ctypes.create_string_buffer( names[i].encode('ascii'), MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_coord_names(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(coord_name_ptrs)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_get_all_times(self): self.times = (ctypes.c_double * self.numTimes.value)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_all_times(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(self.times)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_get_time(self, timeStep): time_step = ctypes.c_int(timeStep) time_val = ctypes.c_double(0.0) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_time(self.fileId, time_step, ctypes.byref(time_val)) return time_val.value() # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_put_time(self, timeStep, timeVal): time_step = ctypes.c_int(timeStep) time_val = ctypes.c_double(timeVal) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_time(self.fileId, time_step, ctypes.byref(time_val)) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_get_name(self, objType, objId): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) obj_id = ctypes.c_longlong(objId) obj_name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_name(self.fileId, obj_type, obj_id, ctypes.byref(obj_name)) return obj_name.value.decode('utf8') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_put_name(self, objType, objId, objName): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) obj_id = ctypes.c_longlong(objId) obj_name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(objName.encode('ascii'), MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_name(self.fileId, obj_type, obj_id, obj_name) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ex_get_names(self, objType): inqType = ex_inquiry_map(ex_obj_to_inq(objType)) num_objs = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(inqType)).value obj_name_ptrs = (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) * num_objs)() for i in range(num_objs): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) obj_name_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer( ctypes.create_string_buffer( MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_names(self.fileId, obj_type, ctypes.byref(obj_name_ptrs)) return [onp.contents.value.decode('utf8') for onp in obj_name_ptrs] def __ex_put_names(self, objType, objNames): inqType = ex_inquiry_map(ex_obj_to_inq(objType)) numObjs = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(inqType)).value assert numObjs == len(objNames) obj_name_ptrs = (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) * numObjs)() obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) for i in range(numObjs): obj_name_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer( ctypes.create_string_buffer( objNames[i].encode('ascii'), MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_names(self.fileId, obj_type, ctypes.byref(obj_name_ptrs)) def __ex_get_ids(self, objType): inqType = ex_inquiry_map(ex_obj_to_inq(objType)) numObjs = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(inqType)).value if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_IDS_INT64_API: ids = (ctypes.c_longlong * numObjs)() else: ids = (ctypes.c_int * numObjs)() if numObjs > 0: obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_ids(self.fileId, obj_type, ctypes.byref(ids)) return ids def __ex_get_assembly(self, assem_struct): EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_assembly(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(assem_struct)) ptr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) assem_struct.name = ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_char_p) eptr = (ctypes.c_longlong * assem_struct.entity_count)() assem_struct.entity_list = eptr EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_assembly(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(assem_struct)) def __ex_get_assemblies(self, assem_list): EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_assemblies(self.fileId, assem_list) for assem_struct in assem_list: ptr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) assem_struct.name = ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_char_p) eptr = (ctypes.c_longlong * assem_struct.entity_count)() assem_struct.entity_list = eptr EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_assemblies(self.fileId, assem_list) def __ex_get_blob(self, blob_struct): EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_blob(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(blob_struct)) ptr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) blob_struct.name = ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_char_p) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_blob(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(blob_struct)) def __ex_put_assembly(self, assembly): assem = setup_ex_assembly(assembly) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_assembly(self.fileId, assem) def __ex_put_assemblies(self, assemblies): assembly_list = [] for assembly in assemblies: assem = setup_ex_assembly(assembly) assembly_list.append(assem) assems = (ex_assembly * len(assemblies))(*assembly_list) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_assemblies(self.fileId, len(assembly_list), assems) def __ex_get_attribute_count(self, objType, objId): # Get attribute count... obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) obj_id = ctypes.c_longlong(objId) return EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_attribute_count(self.fileId, obj_type, obj_id) def __ex_get_attributes(self, objType, objId): # Get attribute count... obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) obj_id = ctypes.c_longlong(objId) att_count = EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_attribute_count(self.fileId, obj_type, obj_id) attributes = {} if att_count > 0: att = (ex_attribute * att_count)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_attribute_param(self.fileId, obj_type, obj_id, ctypes.byref(att)) for i in range(att_count): EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_attribute(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(att[i])) tmp_att = attribute(att[i].name.decode('utf8'), att[i].entity_type, att[i].entity_id) if (att[i].type == 2): vals = ctypes.cast(att[i].values, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)) tmp = [vals[j] for j in range(att[i].value_count - 1)] tmp_att.values = b''.join(tmp).decode('utf8') if (att[i].type == 4): vals = ctypes.cast(att[i].values, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)) for j in range(att[i].value_count): tmp_att.values.append(vals[j]) if (att[i].type == 6): vals = ctypes.cast(att[i].values, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)) for j in range(att[i].value_count): tmp_att.values.append(vals[j]) attributes[att[i].name.decode('utf8')] = tmp_att return attributes def __ex_put_attribute(self, attribute): att_id = ctypes.c_longlong(attribute.entity_id) att = ex_attribute(entity_id=att_id) att.name = attribute.name.encode('ascii') att.entity_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(attribute.entity_type)) att.value_count = len(attribute.values) if (isinstance(attribute.values[0], int)): eptr = (ctypes.c_int * len(attribute.values))() for i in range(len(attribute.values)): eptr[i] = ctypes.c_int(attribute.values[i]) att.values = ctypes.cast(eptr, ctypes.c_void_p) att.type = 4 elif (isinstance(attribute.values[0], float)): eptr = (ctypes.c_double * len(attribute.values))() for i in range(len(attribute.values)): eptr[i] = ctypes.c_double(attribute.values[i]) att.values = ctypes.cast(eptr, ctypes.c_void_p) att.type = 6 elif (isinstance(attribute.values[0], str)): eptr = (ctypes.c_char * (len(attribute.values) + 1))() eptr = attribute.values[0].encode('ascii') att.values = ctypes.cast(eptr, ctypes.c_void_p) att.type = 2 EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_attribute(self.fileId, att) def __ex_get_node_set(self, nodeSetId): node_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(nodeSetId) num_node_set_nodes = self.__ex_get_set_param('EX_NODE_SET', nodeSetId)[0] if num_node_set_nodes == 0: return [] if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: set_nodes = (ctypes.c_longlong * num_node_set_nodes)() else: set_nodes = (ctypes.c_int * num_node_set_nodes)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_set(self.fileId, ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_NODE_SET')), node_set_id, ctypes.byref(set_nodes), None) return set_nodes def __ex_put_node_set(self, nodeSetId, nodeSetNodes): node_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(nodeSetId) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: node_set_nodes = (ctypes.c_longlong * len(nodeSetNodes))() for i, node_set_node in enumerate(nodeSetNodes): node_set_nodes[i] = ctypes.c_longlong(node_set_node) else: node_set_nodes = (ctypes.c_int * len(nodeSetNodes))() for i, node_set_node in enumerate(nodeSetNodes): node_set_nodes[i] = ctypes.c_int(node_set_node) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_set(self.fileId, ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_NODE_SET')), node_set_id, node_set_nodes, None) def __ex_get_node_set_dist_fact(self, nodeSetId): node_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(nodeSetId) num_node_set_nodes = self.__ex_get_set_param('EX_NODE_SET', nodeSetId)[0] set_dfs = (ctypes.c_double * num_node_set_nodes)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_node_set_dist_fact( self.fileId, node_set_id, ctypes.byref(set_dfs)) return set_dfs def __ex_put_node_set_dist_fact(self, nodeSetId, nodeSetDistFact): node_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(nodeSetId) node_set_dist_fact = (ctypes.c_double * len(nodeSetDistFact))() for i, dist_fact in enumerate(nodeSetDistFact): node_set_dist_fact[i] = ctypes.c_double(dist_fact) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_node_set_dist_fact( self.fileId, node_set_id, node_set_dist_fact) def __ex_get_object_truth_vector(self, objType, entId): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) entity_id = ctypes.c_longlong(entId) variable_count = self.__ex_get_variable_param(objType) truth_table = (ctypes.c_int * (variable_count.value))() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_object_truth_vector(self.fileId, obj_type, entity_id, variable_count, ctypes.byref(truth_table)) truthTab = [] for val in truth_table: if val: truthTab.append(True) else: truthTab.append(False) return truthTab def __ex_get_truth_table(self, objType): inqType = ex_inquiry_map(ex_obj_to_inq(objType)) num_objs = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(inqType)).value obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) variable_count = self.__ex_get_variable_param(objType) truth_table = (ctypes.c_int * (num_objs * variable_count.value))() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_truth_table(self.fileId, obj_type, num_objs, variable_count, ctypes.byref(truth_table)) truthTab = [] for val in truth_table: if val: truthTab.append(True) else: truthTab.append(False) return truthTab def __ex_put_truth_table(self, objType, truthTab): inqType = ex_inquiry_map(ex_obj_to_inq(objType)) num_objs = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(inqType)).value obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) num_vars = self.__ex_get_variable_param(objType).value assert len(truthTab) == (num_objs * num_vars) truth_tab = (ctypes.c_int * (num_objs * num_vars))() for i, boolVal in enumerate(truthTab): truth_tab[i] = ctypes.c_int(1) if boolVal else ctypes.c_int(0) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_truth_table( self.fileId, obj_type, num_objs, num_vars, truth_tab) return True def __ex_get_coord(self): self.coordsX = (ctypes.c_double * self.numNodes.value)() self.coordsY = (ctypes.c_double * self.numNodes.value)() self.coordsZ = (ctypes.c_double * self.numNodes.value)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_coord( self.fileId, ctypes.byref(self.coordsX), ctypes.byref(self.coordsY), ctypes.byref(self.coordsZ)) def __ex_put_coord(self, xCoords, yCoords, zCoords): self.coordsX = (ctypes.c_double * self.numNodes.value)() self.coordsY = (ctypes.c_double * self.numNodes.value)() self.coordsZ = (ctypes.c_double * self.numNodes.value)() for i in range(self.numNodes.value): self.coordsX[i] = float(xCoords[i]) self.coordsY[i] = float(yCoords[i]) self.coordsZ[i] = float(zCoords[i]) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_coord( self.fileId, ctypes.byref(self.coordsX), ctypes.byref(self.coordsY), ctypes.byref(self.coordsZ)) def __ex_get_partial_coord(self, startNodeId, numNodes): start_node_num = ctypes.c_longlong(startNodeId) num_nodes = ctypes.c_longlong(numNodes) coordsX = (ctypes.c_double * numNodes)() coordsY = (ctypes.c_double * numNodes)() coordsZ = (ctypes.c_double * numNodes)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_partial_coord( self.fileId, start_node_num, num_nodes, ctypes.byref(coordsX), ctypes.byref(coordsY), ctypes.byref(coordsZ)) return list(coordsX), list(coordsY), list(coordsZ) def __ex_get_id_map(self, objType): inqType = ex_obj_to_inq(objType) obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) inq_type = ctypes.c_int(ex_inquiry_map(inqType)) num_objs = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(inq_type)) numObjs = num_objs.value if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_IDS_INT64_API: id_map = (ctypes.c_longlong * numObjs)() else: id_map = (ctypes.c_int * numObjs)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_id_map(self.fileId, obj_type, ctypes.byref(id_map)) idMap = [id_map[i] for i in range(numObjs)] if self.use_numpy: idMap = self.np.array(idMap) return idMap def __ex_get_num_map(self, objType, idx): inqType = ex_obj_to_inq(objType) map_id = ctypes.c_longlong(idx) obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) inq_type = ctypes.c_int(ex_inquiry_map(inqType)) num_objs = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(inq_type)) numObjs = num_objs.value if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_IDS_INT64_API: id_map = (ctypes.c_longlong * numObjs)() else: id_map = (ctypes.c_int * numObjs)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_num_map(self.fileId, obj_type, map_id, ctypes.byref(id_map)) idMap = [id_map[i] for i in range(numObjs)] if self.use_numpy: idMap = self.np.array(idMap) return idMap def __ex_put_map_param(self, nodeMapCnt, elemMapCnt): node_map_cnt = ctypes.c_int(nodeMapCnt) elem_map_cnt = ctypes.c_int(elemMapCnt) errorInt = EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_map_param( self.fileId, node_map_cnt, elem_map_cnt) if errorInt != 0: print(("ERROR code =", errorInt)) raise Exception( "ERROR: ex_put_map_param had problems.") return True def __ex_put_num_map(self, objType, idx, numMap): inqType = ex_obj_to_inq(objType) map_id = ctypes.c_longlong(idx) obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) inq_type = ctypes.c_int(ex_inquiry_map(inqType)) num_objs = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(inq_type)) numObjs = num_objs.value assert numObjs == len(numMap) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_IDS_INT64_API: num_map = (ctypes.c_longlong * numObjs)() for i in range(numObjs): num_map[i] = ctypes.c_longlong(numMap[i]) else: num_map = (ctypes.c_int * numObjs)() for i in range(numObjs): num_map[i] = ctypes.c_int(numMap[i]) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_num_map(self.fileId, obj_type, map_id, ctypes.byref(num_map)) return True def __ex_get_block_id_map(self, obj_type, id): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(obj_type)) entity_id = ctypes.c_longlong(id) _, numObjs, _, _ = self.__ex_get_block('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', id) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_IDS_INT64_API: id_map = (ctypes.c_longlong * numObjs)() else: id_map = (ctypes.c_int * numObjs)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_block_id_map(self.fileId, obj_type, entity_id, id_map) if self.use_numpy: id_map = ctype_to_numpy(self, id_map) return id_map else: idMap = [id_map[i] for i in range(numObjs)] return idMap def __ex_put_id_map(self, objType, idMap): inqType = ex_obj_to_inq(objType) obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) inq_type = ctypes.c_int(ex_inquiry_map(inqType)) num_objs = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(inq_type)) numObjs = num_objs.value assert numObjs == len(idMap) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_IDS_INT64_API: id_map = (ctypes.c_longlong * numObjs)() for i in range(numObjs): id_map[i] = ctypes.c_longlong(idMap[i]) else: id_map = (ctypes.c_int * numObjs)() for i in range(numObjs): id_map[i] = ctypes.c_int(idMap[i]) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_id_map(self.fileId, obj_type, ctypes.byref(id_map)) return True def __ex_get_elem_num_map(self): if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_MAPS_INT64_API: elemNumMap = (ctypes.c_longlong * self.numElem.value)() else: elemNumMap = (ctypes.c_int * self.numElem.value)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_elem_num_map(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(elemNumMap)) return elemNumMap def __ex_get_node_num_map(self): if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_MAPS_INT64_API: nodeNumMap = (ctypes.c_longlong * self.numNodes.value)() else: nodeNumMap = (ctypes.c_int * self.numNodes.value)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_node_num_map(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(nodeNumMap)) return nodeNumMap def __ex_get_elem_order_map(self): if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_MAPS_INT64_API: elemOrderMap = (ctypes.c_longlong * self.numElem.value)() else: elemOrderMap = (ctypes.c_int * self.numElem.value)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_map(self.fileId, ctypes.byref(elemOrderMap)) return elemOrderMap def __ex_get_block(self, object_type, object_id): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(object_type)) block_id = ctypes.c_longlong(object_id) blk_type = ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: num_elem_this_blk = ctypes.c_longlong(0) num_nodes_per_elem = ctypes.c_longlong(0) num_edges_per_elem = ctypes.c_longlong(0) num_faces_per_elem = ctypes.c_longlong(0) num_attr = ctypes.c_longlong(0) else: num_elem_this_blk = ctypes.c_int(0) num_nodes_per_elem = ctypes.c_int(0) num_edges_per_elem = ctypes.c_int(0) num_faces_per_elem = ctypes.c_int(0) num_attr = ctypes.c_int(0) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_block( self.fileId, obj_type, block_id, blk_type, ctypes.byref(num_elem_this_blk), ctypes.byref(num_nodes_per_elem), ctypes.byref(num_edges_per_elem), ctypes.byref(num_faces_per_elem), ctypes.byref(num_attr)) return blk_type.value, int(num_elem_this_blk.value), int(num_nodes_per_elem.value), int(num_attr.value) def __ex_put_block( self, object_type, object_id, eType, numElems, numNodesPerElem, numAttrsPerElem): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(object_type)) block_id = ctypes.c_longlong(object_id) if type(eType) == str: eType = eType.encode('ascii') elem_type = ctypes.create_string_buffer(eType.upper(), MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) num_elem_this_blk = ctypes.c_longlong(numElems) num_nodes_per_elem = ctypes.c_longlong(numNodesPerElem) num_edges_per_elem = ctypes.c_longlong(0) num_faces_per_elem = ctypes.c_longlong(0) num_attr = ctypes.c_longlong(numAttrsPerElem) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_block(self.fileId, obj_type, block_id, elem_type, num_elem_this_blk, num_nodes_per_elem, num_edges_per_elem, num_faces_per_elem, num_attr) def __ex_get_elem_conn(self, object_id): (_elem_type, num_elem_this_blk, num_nodes_per_elem, _num_attr) = self.__ex_get_block('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id) elem_block_id = ctypes.c_longlong(object_id) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: elem_block_connectivity = ( ctypes.c_longlong * (num_elem_this_blk * num_nodes_per_elem))() else: elem_block_connectivity = ( ctypes.c_int * (num_elem_this_blk * num_nodes_per_elem))() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_conn( self.fileId, ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_ELEM_BLOCK')), elem_block_id, ctypes.byref(elem_block_connectivity), None, None) return elem_block_connectivity, num_elem_this_blk, num_nodes_per_elem def __ex_put_elem_conn(self, object_id, connectivity): (_elem_type, num_elem_this_blk, num_nodes_per_elem, _num_attr) = self.__ex_get_block('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', object_id) elem_block_id = ctypes.c_longlong(object_id) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: elem_block_connectivity = ( ctypes.c_longlong * (num_elem_this_blk * num_nodes_per_elem))() for i in range(num_elem_this_blk * num_nodes_per_elem): elem_block_connectivity[i] = ctypes.c_longlong(connectivity[i]) else: elem_block_connectivity = ( ctypes.c_int * (num_elem_this_blk * num_nodes_per_elem))() for i in range(num_elem_this_blk * num_nodes_per_elem): elem_block_connectivity[i] = ctypes.c_int(connectivity[i]) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_conn( self.fileId, ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_ELEM_BLOCK')), elem_block_id, elem_block_connectivity, None, None) def __ex_put_one_attr(self, objType, elemBlkID, attrIndx, Attr): elem_blk_id = ctypes.c_longlong(elemBlkID) obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) attr_index = ctypes.c_longlong(attrIndx) attrib = (ctypes.c_double * len(Attr))() for i, attr in enumerate(Attr): attrib[i] = float(attr) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_one_attr( self.fileId, obj_type, elem_blk_id, attr_index, attrib) def __ex_get_one_attr(self, objType, entityId, attrIndx): entity_id = ctypes.c_longlong(entityId) obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) attr_index = ctypes.c_longlong(attrIndx) numVals = self.get_entity_count(objType, entityId) attrib = (ctypes.c_double * numVals)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_one_attr( self.fileId, obj_type, entity_id, attr_index, ctypes.byref(attrib)) return attrib def __ex_put_elem_attr(self, elemBlkID, Attr): elem_blk_id = ctypes.c_longlong(elemBlkID) attrib = (ctypes.c_double * len(Attr))() for i, attr in enumerate(Attr): attrib[i] = ctypes.c_double(attr) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_attr( self.fileId, ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_ELEM_BLOCK')), elem_blk_id, attrib) def __ex_get_elem_attr(self, elemBlkID): elem_blk_id = ctypes.c_longlong(elemBlkID) numAttrThisBlk = self.num_attr(elemBlkID) numElemsThisBlk = self.get_entity_count('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', elemBlkID) totalAttr = numAttrThisBlk * numElemsThisBlk attrib = (ctypes.c_double * totalAttr)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_attr( self.fileId, ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_ELEM_BLOCK')), elem_blk_id, ctypes.byref(attrib)) return attrib def __ex_get_variable_param(self, varType): var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) num_vars = ctypes.c_int() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_variable_param( self.fileId, var_type, ctypes.byref(num_vars)) return num_vars def __ex_get_variable_names(self, varType): num_vars = self.__ex_get_variable_param(varType) var_name_ptrs = ( ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) * num_vars.value)() for i in range(num_vars.value): var_name_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer( ctypes.create_string_buffer( MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_variable_names( self.fileId, var_type, num_vars, ctypes.byref(var_name_ptrs)) return [vnp.contents.value.decode('utf8') for vnp in var_name_ptrs] def __ex_get_var(self, timeStep, varType, varId, blkId, numValues): step = ctypes.c_int(timeStep) var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) var_id = ctypes.c_int(varId) block_id = ctypes.c_longlong(blkId) num_values = ctypes.c_longlong(numValues) var_vals = (ctypes.c_double * num_values.value)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_var( self.fileId, step, var_type, var_id, block_id, num_values, var_vals) return var_vals def __ex_get_partial_var(self, timeStep, varType, varId, blkId, startIndex, numValues): step = ctypes.c_int(timeStep) var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) var_id = ctypes.c_int(varId) block_id = ctypes.c_longlong(blkId) start_index = ctypes.c_longlong(startIndex) num_values = ctypes.c_longlong(numValues) var_vals = (ctypes.c_double * num_values.value)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_var( self.fileId, step, var_type, var_id, block_id, start_index, num_values, var_vals) return var_vals def __ex_put_var(self, timeStep, varType, varId, blkId, numValues, values): step = ctypes.c_int(timeStep) var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) var_id = ctypes.c_int(varId) block_id = ctypes.c_longlong(blkId) num_values = ctypes.c_longlong(numValues) var_vals = (ctypes.c_double * num_values.value)() for i in range(num_values.value): var_vals[i] = float(values[i]) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_var( self.fileId, step, var_type, var_id, block_id, num_values, var_vals) return True def __ex_put_reduction_variable_param(self, varType, numVars): num_vars = ctypes.c_int(numVars) current_num = self.__ex_get_reduction_variable_param(varType) if current_num.value == num_vars.value: # print "value already set" return True var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) errorInt = EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_reduction_variable_param( self.fileId, var_type, num_vars) if errorInt != 0: print(("ERROR code =", errorInt)) raise Exception( "ERROR: ex_put_reduction_variable_param had problems." " This can only be called once per varType.") return True def __ex_get_reduction_variable_param(self, varType): var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) num_vars = ctypes.c_int() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_reduction_variable_param( self.fileId, var_type, ctypes.byref(num_vars)) return num_vars def __ex_get_reduction_variable_name(self, varType, varId): var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) var_id = ctypes.c_int(varId) name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_reduction_variable_name(self.fileId, var_type, var_id, name) return name.value.decode("utf8") def __ex_put_reduction_variable_name(self, varType, varId, varName): var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) var_id = ctypes.c_int(varId) name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(varName.encode('ascii'), MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_reduction_variable_name(self.fileId, var_type, var_id, name) return True def __ex_get_reduction_variable_names(self, varType): num_vars = self.__ex_get_reduction_variable_param(varType) var_name_ptrs = ( ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) * num_vars.value)() for i in range(num_vars.value): var_name_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer( ctypes.create_string_buffer( MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)) var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_reduction_variable_names( self.fileId, var_type, num_vars, ctypes.byref(var_name_ptrs)) return [vnp.contents.value.decode('utf8') for vnp in var_name_ptrs] def __ex_get_reduction_vars(self, timeStep, varType, blkId, numValues): step = ctypes.c_int(timeStep) var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) block_id = ctypes.c_longlong(blkId) num_values = ctypes.c_longlong(numValues) var_vals = (ctypes.c_double * num_values.value)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_reduction_vars( self.fileId, step, var_type, block_id, num_values, var_vals) return var_vals def __ex_put_reduction_vars(self, timeStep, varType, blkId, numValues, values): step = ctypes.c_int(timeStep) var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) block_id = ctypes.c_longlong(blkId) num_values = ctypes.c_longlong(numValues) var_vals = (ctypes.c_double * num_values.value)() for i in range(num_values.value): var_vals[i] = float(values[i]) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_reduction_vars( self.fileId, step, var_type, block_id, num_values, var_vals) return True def __ex_get_side_set_node_list_len(self, object_id): side_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(object_id) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: side_set_node_list_len = ctypes.c_longlong(0) else: side_set_node_list_len = ctypes.c_int(0) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_side_set_node_list_len( self.fileId, side_set_id, ctypes.byref(side_set_node_list_len)) return side_set_node_list_len def __ex_get_set_param(self, objType, object_id): object_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) side_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(object_id) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: num_side_in_set = ctypes.c_longlong(0) num_dist_fact_in_set = ctypes.c_longlong(0) else: num_side_in_set = ctypes.c_int(0) num_dist_fact_in_set = ctypes.c_int(0) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_set_param( self.fileId, object_type, side_set_id, ctypes.byref(num_side_in_set), ctypes.byref(num_dist_fact_in_set)) return int(num_side_in_set.value), int(num_dist_fact_in_set.value) def __ex_put_set_param(self, objType, object_id, numSides, numDistFacts): object_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) side_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(object_id) num_side_in_set = ctypes.c_longlong(numSides) num_dist_fact_in_set = ctypes.c_longlong(numDistFacts) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_set_param( self.fileId, object_type, side_set_id, num_side_in_set, num_dist_fact_in_set) return True def __ex_get_side_set(self, sideSetId): side_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(sideSetId) (num_side_in_set, _num_dist_fact_in_set) = self.__ex_get_set_param('EX_SIDE_SET', sideSetId) if num_side_in_set == 0: return [], [] if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: side_set_elem_list = (ctypes.c_longlong * num_side_in_set)() side_set_side_list = (ctypes.c_longlong * num_side_in_set)() else: side_set_elem_list = (ctypes.c_int * num_side_in_set)() side_set_side_list = (ctypes.c_int * num_side_in_set)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_set( self.fileId, ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_SIDE_SET')), side_set_id, ctypes.byref(side_set_elem_list), ctypes.byref(side_set_side_list)) return side_set_elem_list, side_set_side_list def __ex_put_side_set(self, object_id, sideSetElements, sideSetSides): side_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(object_id) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: side_set_elem_list = (ctypes.c_longlong * len(sideSetElements))() side_set_side_list = (ctypes.c_longlong * len(sideSetSides))() for i, sse in enumerate(sideSetElements): side_set_elem_list[i] = ctypes.c_longlong(sse) side_set_side_list[i] = ctypes.c_longlong(sideSetSides[i]) else: side_set_elem_list = (ctypes.c_int * len(sideSetElements))() side_set_side_list = (ctypes.c_int * len(sideSetSides))() for i, sse in enumerate(sideSetElements): side_set_elem_list[i] = ctypes.c_int(sse) side_set_side_list[i] = ctypes.c_int(sideSetSides[i]) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_set( self.fileId, ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type('EX_SIDE_SET')), side_set_id, side_set_elem_list, side_set_side_list) return True def __ex_get_side_set_dist_fact(self, sideSetId): side_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(sideSetId) side_set_node_list_len = self.__ex_get_side_set_node_list_len( sideSetId) set_dfs = (ctypes.c_double * side_set_node_list_len.value)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_side_set_dist_fact( self.fileId, side_set_id, ctypes.byref(set_dfs)) return set_dfs def __ex_put_side_set_dist_fact(self, sideSetId, sideSetDistFact): side_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(sideSetId) side_set_dist_fact = (ctypes.c_double * len(sideSetDistFact))() for i, df in enumerate(sideSetDistFact): side_set_dist_fact[i] = ctypes.c_double(df) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_side_set_dist_fact( self.fileId, side_set_id, side_set_dist_fact) def __ex_get_side_set_node_list(self, object_id): side_set_id = ctypes.c_longlong(object_id) side_set_node_list_len = self.__ex_get_side_set_node_list_len(object_id) (num_side_in_set, _num_dist_fact_in_set) = self.__ex_get_set_param('EX_SIDE_SET', object_id) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_BULK_INT64_API: side_set_node_cnt_list = (ctypes.c_longlong * num_side_in_set)() side_set_node_list = (ctypes.c_longlong * side_set_node_list_len.value)() else: side_set_node_cnt_list = (ctypes.c_int * num_side_in_set)() side_set_node_list = (ctypes.c_int * side_set_node_list_len.value)() EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_side_set_node_list(self.fileId, side_set_id, ctypes.byref(side_set_node_cnt_list), ctypes.byref(side_set_node_list)) return side_set_node_cnt_list, side_set_node_list def __ex_put_variable_param(self, varType, numVars): num_vars = ctypes.c_int(numVars) current_num = self.__ex_get_variable_param(varType) if current_num.value == num_vars.value: # print "value already set" return True var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) errorInt = EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_variable_param( self.fileId, var_type, num_vars) if errorInt != 0: print(("ERROR code =", errorInt)) raise Exception( "ERROR: ex_put_variable_param had problems." " This can only be called once per varType.") return True def __ex_get_variable_name(self, varType, varId): var_type = ctypes.c_int(varType) var_id = ctypes.c_int(varId) name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_variable_name(self.fileId, var_type, var_id, name) return name.decode('utf8') def __ex_put_variable_name(self, varType, varId, varName): var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) var_id = ctypes.c_int(varId) name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(varName.encode('ascii'), MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_variable_name(self.fileId, var_type, var_id, name) return True def __ex_get_attr_names(self, objType, blkId): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) object_id = ctypes.c_longlong(blkId) num_attr = ctypes.c_int(self.num_attr(blkId)) len_name = self.__ex_inquire_int(ex_inquiry_map('EX_INQ_MAX_READ_NAME_LENGTH')) attr_name_ptrs = (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (len_name + 1)) * num_attr.value)() for i in range(num_attr.value): attr_name_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.create_string_buffer(len_name + 1)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_attr_names( self.fileId, obj_type, object_id, ctypes.byref(attr_name_ptrs)) return [cnp.contents.value.decode('utf8') for cnp in attr_name_ptrs] def __ex_put_attr_names(self, objType, blkId, varNames): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) object_id = ctypes.c_int(blkId) num_attr = ctypes.c_int(self.num_attr(blkId)) len_name = self.__ex_inquire_int(ex_inquiry_map('EX_INQ_MAX_READ_NAME_LENGTH')) attr_name_ptrs = (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (len_name + 1)) * num_attr.value)() assert len(varNames) == num_attr.value for i in range(num_attr.value): attr_name_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer( ctypes.create_string_buffer( varNames[i].encode('ascii'), len_name + 1)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_attr_names( self.fileId, obj_type, object_id, ctypes.byref(attr_name_ptrs)) return True def __ex_get_prop_names(self, varType, inqType): var_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(varType)) num_props = ctypes.c_int(self.__ex_inquire_int(ex_inquiry_map(inqType))) prop_name_ptrs = ( ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * (MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1)) * num_props.value)() for i in range(num_props.value): prop_name_ptrs[i] = ctypes.pointer( ctypes.create_string_buffer( MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1)) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_prop_names( self.fileId, var_type, ctypes.byref(prop_name_ptrs)) return [cnp.contents.value.decode('utf8') for cnp in prop_name_ptrs] def __ex_get_prop(self, objType, objId, propName): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) obj_id = ctypes.c_longlong(objId) prop_name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(propName.encode('ascii'), MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1) if EXODUS_LIB.ex_int64_status(self.fileId) & EX_IDS_INT64_API: prop_val = ctypes.c_longlong(0) else: prop_val = ctypes.c_int(0) EXODUS_LIB.ex_get_prop( self.fileId, obj_type, obj_id, ctypes.byref(prop_name), ctypes.byref(prop_val)) return prop_val.value def __ex_put_prop(self, objType, objId, propName, propVal): obj_type = ctypes.c_int(get_entity_type(objType)) obj_id = ctypes.c_longlong(objId) prop_name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(propName.encode('ascii'), MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1) prop_val = ctypes.c_longlong(propVal) EXODUS_LIB.ex_put_prop( self.fileId, obj_type, obj_id, ctypes.byref(prop_name), prop_val) return True def __ex_update(self): EXODUS_LIB.ex_update(self.fileId) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility Functions # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def collectElemConnectivity(exodusHandle, connectivity): """ This function generates a list of lists that represent the element connectivity. Usage: ------ >>> with exodus("file.g", "r") as exodusHandle: >>> connectivity = [] >>> collectElemConnectivity(exodusHandle, connectivity) """ if not isinstance(connectivity, list): raise Exception( "ERROR: connectivity is not a list in call to collectElemConnectivity().") if connectivity: raise Exception( "ERROR: connectivity is not empty in call to collectElemConnectivity().") blockIds = exodusHandle.get_ids('EX_ELEM_BLOCK') for blId in blockIds: (elem_block_conn, num_elem, num_nodes) = exodusHandle.get_elem_connectivity(blId) for k in range(num_elem): i = k * num_nodes j = i + num_nodes local_elem_conn = elem_block_conn[i:j] connectivity.append(local_elem_conn) def collectLocalNodeToLocalElems( exodusHandle, connectivity, localNodeToLocalElems): """ This function generates a list of lists to go from local node id to local elem id. Usage: ------ >>> connectivity = [] ## If this is not empty it will assume it is already filled. >>> localNodeToLocalElems = [] >>> with exodus("file.g", "r") as exodusHandle: >>> collectLocalNodeToLocalElems(exodusHandle, connectivity, localNodeToLocalElems) """ if not isinstance(connectivity, list): raise Exception( "ERROR: connectivity is not a list in call to collectLocalNodeToLocalElems().") if not isinstance(localNodeToLocalElems, list): raise Exception( "ERROR: localNodeToLocalElems is not a list in call to collectLocalNodeToLocalElems().") if localNodeToLocalElems: raise Exception( "ERROR: localNodeToLocalElems is not empty in call to collectLocalNodeToLocalElems().") if not connectivity: collectElemConnectivity(exodusHandle, connectivity) numNodes = exodusHandle.num_nodes() for _i in range(numNodes + 1): localNodeToLocalElems.append([]) localElemId = 0 for local_elem_conn in connectivity: for n in local_elem_conn: localNodeToLocalElems[n].append(localElemId) localElemId = localElemId + 1 def collectLocalElemToLocalElems( exodusHandle, connectivity, localNodeToLocalElems, localElemToLocalElems): """ This function generates a list of lists to go from local elem id to connected local elem ids. Usage: ------ >>> connectivity = [] ## If this is not empty it will assume it is already filled. >>> localNodeToLocalElems = [] ## If this is not empty it will assume it is already filled. >>> localElemToLocalElems = [] >>> with exodus("file.g", "r") as exodusHandle: >>> collectLocalElemToLocalElems(exodusHandle, connectivity, localNodeToLocalElems, ... localElemToLocalElems) """ if not isinstance(connectivity, list): raise Exception( "ERROR: connectivity is not a list in call to collectLocalElemToLocalElems().") if not isinstance(localNodeToLocalElems, list): raise Exception( "ERROR: localNodeToLocalElems is not a list in call to collectLocalElemToLocalElems().") if not isinstance(localElemToLocalElems, list): raise Exception( "ERROR: localElemToLocalElems is not a list in call to collectLocalElemToLocalElems().") if localElemToLocalElems: raise Exception( "ERROR: localElemToLocalElems is not empty in call to collectLocalElemToLocalElems().") if not connectivity: collectElemConnectivity(exodusHandle, connectivity) if not localNodeToLocalElems: collectLocalNodeToLocalElems( exodusHandle, connectivity, localNodeToLocalElems) numElems = exodusHandle.num_elems() for _i in range(numElems): localElemToLocalElems.append([]) for localElemId in range(numElems): nodeList = list(connectivity[localElemId]) newConnectedElems = [] for n in nodeList: newConnectedElems.extend(iter(localNodeToLocalElems[n])) localElemToLocalElems[localElemId] = list(set(newConnectedElems)) def copy_mesh(fromFileName, toFileName, exoFromObj=None, additionalElementAttributes=None, array_type='ctype'): """ Copies the mesh data from an existing exodus database to a new exodus database. Parameters ---------- fromFileName : string File name of the exodus mesh to be copied toFileName : string File name of the new exodus mesh exoFromObj : exodus object, optional Exodus object to be copied from. If an exodus object is supplied, the fromFileName string will be ignored. additionalElementAttributes : list list of element attribute names to add to all blocks or tuples ( name, blkIds ) where name is the element attribute to add and blkIds is a list of blkIds to add it to. array_type : 'ctype' | 'numpy' Specifies whether arrays will be imported and copied as ctype or numpy arrays. (This option should make no difference to the user, but it can be used by developers to test whether the commands within this function handle both array types correctly.) Returns ------- exo_to : exodus object New exodus mesh Note: ----- This function also allows one to add new element attributes during the copy process. The number of element attributes is permanently set when the block is created, meaning new element attributes can only be added to an existing mesh by copying it to a new mesh. The values of the element attributes are set to their defaults so that the user can populate them later. """ if additionalElementAttributes is None: additionalElementAttributes = [] # If the user did not supply a exodus object to copy from, attempt to read an # exodus database with the name "fromFileName" if exoFromObj is None: exoFrom = exodus(fromFileName, "r", array_type=array_type) else: exoFrom = exoFromObj if os.path.isfile(toFileName): raise Exception( "ERROR: ", toFileName, " file already exists cowardly exiting instead of overwriting in call to copy_mesh().") title = exoFrom.title().encode('ascii') ex_pars = ex_init_params(num_dim=exoFrom.num_dimensions(), num_nodes=exoFrom.num_nodes(), num_elem=exoFrom.num_elems(), num_elem_blk=exoFrom.num_blks(), num_node_sets=exoFrom.num_node_sets(), num_side_sets=exoFrom.num_side_sets(), num_assembly=exoFrom.num_assembly(), num_blob=exoFrom.num_blob()) exo_to = exodus(toFileName, mode="w", array_type=array_type, title=title, init_params=ex_pars) debugPrint = False if debugPrint: print("Transfer QA records") qaRecords = exoFrom.get_qa_records() exo_to.put_qa_records(qaRecords) if debugPrint: print("Transfer Nodal Coordinates and Names") exo_to.put_coord_names(exoFrom.get_coord_names()) (xCoords, yCoords, zCoords) = exoFrom.get_coords() exo_to.put_coords(xCoords, yCoords, zCoords) if debugPrint: print("Transfer Node Id Map") nodeIdMap = exoFrom.get_node_id_map() exo_to.put_node_id_map(nodeIdMap) if debugPrint: print("Construct mapping from block ID to element attribute data") # The exodus library does not provide a way to add only new element # attributes, so we must collect both the new and the old element # attributes e_attr_names = {} e_attr_vals = {} # Collect the old element attribute names and the number of elements in each # block blk_ids = exoFrom.get_ids('EX_ELEM_BLOCK') blk_num_elem = {} for blk_id in blk_ids: (elemType, numElem, nodesPerElem, numAttr) = exoFrom.elem_blk_info(blk_id) e_attr_names[blk_id] = [] e_attr_vals[blk_id] = [] if numAttr > 0: e_attr_names[blk_id].extend( exoFrom.get_attribute_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', blk_id)) e_attr_vals[blk_id].extend(exoFrom.get_elem_attr(blk_id)) blk_num_elem[blk_id] = numElem # Collect the new element attribute names # (The new names are mapped from "attribute name" to "list of block IDs that # contain that attribute". We need to have them be mapped as "block ID" to # "list of attribute names contained in that block".) for item in additionalElementAttributes: if isinstance(item, tuple): e_attr_name = item[0] e_attr_blk_ids = item[1] elif isinstance(item, str): e_attr_name = item e_attr_blk_ids = blk_ids else: print(f"Warning additional element attribute item {item} is not right type to add.") print("should be a string or tuple, skipping") for blk_id in e_attr_blk_ids: if blk_id in blk_ids: e_attr_names[blk_id].append(e_attr_name) # Concatenate all element attribute values into a single big list, # because that is format required by exo.put_elem_attr(). e_attr_vals[blk_id].extend([0.0] * blk_num_elem[blk_id]) if debugPrint: print("Transfer Element Data") blkIds = exoFrom.get_ids('EX_ELEM_BLOCK') for blkId in blkIds: (elemType, numElem, nodesPerElem, _oldnumAttr) = exoFrom.elem_blk_info(blkId) numAttr = len(e_attr_names[blkId]) exo_to.put_elem_blk_info(blkId, elemType, numElem, nodesPerElem, numAttr) (connectivity, numElem, nodesPerElem) = exoFrom.get_elem_connectivity(blkId) exo_to.put_elem_connectivity(blkId, connectivity) if numAttr > 0: exo_to.put_attribute_names('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', blkId, e_attr_names[blkId]) exo_to.put_elem_attr(blkId, e_attr_vals[blkId]) elemProps = exoFrom.get_element_property_names() for elemProp in elemProps: propVal = exoFrom.get_element_property_value(blkId, elemProp) if elemProp == "ID" and propVal == blkId: continue else: exo_to.put_element_property_value(blkId, elemProp, propVal) blockName = exoFrom.get_name('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', blkId) exo_to.put_name('EX_ELEM_BLOCK', blkId, blockName) if debugPrint: print("Transfer Element Id Map") elemIdMap = exoFrom.get_elem_id_map() exo_to.put_elem_id_map(elemIdMap) if debugPrint: print("Transfer Node Sets") if exoFrom.num_node_sets() > 0: nodeSetProps = exoFrom.get_node_set_property_names() nodeSetIds = exoFrom.get_ids('EX_NODE_SET') for nsId in nodeSetIds: (numSetNodes, numSetDistFacts) = exoFrom.get_set_params('EX_NODE_SET', nsId) exo_to.put_node_set_params(nsId, numSetNodes, numSetDistFacts) nsNodes = exoFrom.get_node_set_nodes(nsId) exo_to.put_node_set(nsId, nsNodes) if numSetDistFacts > 0: nsDF = exoFrom.get_node_set_dist_facts(nsId) exo_to.put_node_set_dist_fact(nsId, nsDF) nodeSetName = exoFrom.get_name('EX_NODE_SET', nsId) exo_to.put_name('EX_NODE_SET', nsId, nodeSetName) for nodeSetProp in nodeSetProps: propVal = exoFrom.get_node_set_property_value( nsId, nodeSetProp) if nodeSetProp == "ID" and propVal == nsId: continue else: exo_to.put_node_set_property_value( nsId, nodeSetProp, propVal) if debugPrint: print("Transfer Side Sets") if exoFrom.num_side_sets() > 0: sideSetProps = exoFrom.get_side_set_property_names() sideSetIds = exoFrom.get_ids('EX_SIDE_SET') for ssId in sideSetIds: (numSetSides, numSetDistFacts) = exoFrom.get_set_params('EX_SIDE_SET', ssId) exo_to.put_side_set_params(ssId, numSetSides, numSetDistFacts) (elemList, sideList) = exoFrom.get_side_set(ssId) exo_to.put_side_set(ssId, elemList, sideList) if numSetDistFacts > 0: ssDF = exoFrom.get_side_set_dist_fact(ssId) exo_to.put_side_set_dist_fact(ssId, ssDF) sideSetName = exoFrom.get_name('EX_SIDE_SET', ssId) exo_to.put_name('EX_SIDE_SET', ssId, sideSetName) for sideSetProp in sideSetProps: propVal = exoFrom.get_side_set_property_value( ssId, sideSetProp) if sideSetProp == "ID" and propVal == ssId: continue else: exo_to.put_side_set_property_value( ssId, sideSetProp, propVal) # If the user did not supply an exodus object to copy from, then close the # database. if exoFromObj is None: exoFrom.close() return exo_to def transfer_variables(exoFrom, exo_to, array_type='ctype', additionalGlobalVariables=None, additionalNodalVariables=None, additionalElementVariables=None, additionalNodeSetVariables=None, additionalSideSetVariables=None): """ This function transfers variables from `exoFrom` to `exo_to` and allows additional variables to be added with `additionalGlobalVariables`, `additionalNodalVariables`, and `additionalElementVariables`. Additional variables values are set to their defaults so that the user can populate them later. Parameters ---------- exoFrom : exodus database object exodus object to transfer from exo_to : exodus database object exodus object to transfer to additionalGlobalVariables : list list of global variable names to add. additionalNodalVariables : list list of nodal variable names to add. additionalElementVariables : list should be a list of element variable names to add to all blocks or tuples `(name, blkIds)` where `name` is the element variable to add and `blkIds` is a list of block ids to add it to. """ if additionalGlobalVariables is None: additionalGlobalVariables = [] if additionalNodalVariables is None: additionalNodalVariables = [] if additionalElementVariables is None: additionalElementVariables = [] if additionalNodeSetVariables is None: additionalNodeSetVariables = [] if additionalSideSetVariables is None: additionalSideSetVariables = [] # IDEA: It may make sense to make transfer_variables() strictly transfer # variables, and use add_variables() to add new variables. Alternatively, # add_variables() could be called within transfer_variables() to add # new variables to the exo_to database. Either way, we should minimize # duplicate code if possible. debugPrint = False if not isinstance(additionalGlobalVariables, list): raise Exception("ERROR: additionalGlobalVariables is not a list.") if not isinstance(additionalNodalVariables, list): raise Exception("ERROR: additionalNodalVariables is not a list.") if not isinstance(additionalElementVariables, list): raise Exception("ERROR: additionalElementVariables is not a list.") if not isinstance(additionalNodeSetVariables, list): raise Exception("ERROR: additionalNodeSetVariables is not a list.") if not isinstance(additionalSideSetVariables, list): raise Exception("ERROR: additionalSideSetVariables is not a list.") if debugPrint: print("Transfer Info records") numInfoRecs = exoFrom.num_info_records() if numInfoRecs > 0: infoRecs = exoFrom.get_info_records() exo_to.put_info_records(infoRecs) if debugPrint: print("Transfer time values") nSteps = exoFrom.num_times() if nSteps == 0: return exo_to timeVals = exoFrom.get_times() for step in range(nSteps): exo_to.put_time(step + 1, timeVals[step]) if debugPrint: print("Add Global Variables") nNewGlobalVars = len(additionalGlobalVariables) nGlobalVars = exoFrom.get_variable_number('EX_GLOBAL') + nNewGlobalVars defaultNewVarVals = [0.0 for _ in range(nNewGlobalVars)] if nGlobalVars > 0: exo_to.set_variable_number('EX_GLOBAL', nGlobalVars) gVarNames = exoFrom.get_variable_names('EX_GLOBAL') gVarNames.extend(additionalGlobalVariables) for nameIndex in range(nGlobalVars): globalVarName = gVarNames[nameIndex] exo_to.put_variable_name('EX_GLOBAL', globalVarName, nameIndex + 1) for step in range(nSteps): gValues = exoFrom.get_all_global_variable_values(step + 1) if array_type == 'numpy': gValues = exo_to.np.append(gValues, defaultNewVarVals) else: gValues.extend(defaultNewVarVals) exo_to.put_all_global_variable_values(step + 1, gValues) if debugPrint: print("Add Nodal Variables") nNewNodalVars = len(additionalNodalVariables) nOrigNodalVars = exoFrom.get_variable_number('EX_NODAL') nNodalVars = nOrigNodalVars + nNewNodalVars if nNodalVars > 0: exo_to.set_variable_number('EX_NODAL', nNodalVars) nVarNames = exoFrom.get_variable_names('EX_NODAL') nVarNames.extend(additionalNodalVariables) for nameIndex in range(nNodalVars): nodalVarName = nVarNames[nameIndex] exo_to.put_variable_name('EX_NODAL', nodalVarName, nameIndex + 1) if nameIndex < nOrigNodalVars: for step in range(nSteps): nValues = exoFrom.get_node_variable_values( nodalVarName, step + 1) exo_to.put_node_variable_values( nodalVarName, step + 1, nValues) internal_transfer_variables(exoFrom, exo_to, 'EX_ELEM_BLOCK', additionalElementVariables, debugPrint) internal_transfer_variables(exoFrom, exo_to, 'EX_NODE_SET', additionalNodeSetVariables, debugPrint) internal_transfer_variables(exoFrom, exo_to, 'EX_SIDE_SET', additionalSideSetVariables, debugPrint) return exo_to def internal_transfer_variables(exoFrom, exo_to, obj_type, additionalVariables, debugPrint): """ Internal support function for `exodus.transfer_variables` """ if debugPrint: print("Construct Truth Table for additionalVariables") blkIds = exoFrom.get_ids(obj_type) numBlks = len(blkIds) newVariableNames = [] newVariableBlocks = [] for item in additionalVariables: if isinstance(item, tuple): newVariableNames.append(item[0]) inBlks = [blkId for blkId in item[1] if blkId in blkIds] newVariableBlocks.append(inBlks) elif isinstance(item, str): newVariableNames.append(item) newVariableBlocks.append(blkIds) else: print(("Warning additionalVariable item ", item, " is not right type to add.")) print("should be a string or tuple, skipping") nSteps = exoFrom.num_times() if debugPrint: print("Add Variables") nNewVars = len(newVariableNames) nOrigVars = exoFrom.get_variable_number(obj_type) nVars = nOrigVars + nNewVars if nVars > 0: exo_to.set_variable_number(obj_type, nVars) origVarNames = exoFrom.get_variable_names(obj_type) origVarNames.extend(newVariableNames) truthTable = [] if nOrigVars > 0: truthTable = exoFrom.get_variable_truth_table(obj_type) if nNewVars > 0: newTruth = [] for j in range(numBlks): for k in range(nOrigVars): index = j * nOrigVars + k newTruth.append(truthTable[index]) for m in range(nNewVars): if blkIds[j] in newVariableBlocks[m]: newTruth.append(True) else: newTruth.append(False) truthTable = newTruth exo_to.set_variable_truth_table(obj_type, truthTable) for nameIndex in range(nVars): varName = origVarNames[nameIndex] exo_to.put_variable_name(obj_type, varName, nameIndex + 1) truthIndex = 0 for blkId in blkIds: for origVarName in origVarNames: if truthTable[truthIndex]: for step in range(nSteps): eValues = exoFrom.get_variable_values(obj_type, blkId, origVarName, step + 1) exo_to.put_variable_values(obj_type, blkId, origVarName, step + 1, eValues) truthIndex = truthIndex + 1 truthIndex = truthIndex + nNewVars def add_variables(exo, global_vars=None, nodal_vars=None, element_vars=None, node_set_vars=None, side_set_vars=None): """ This function adds variables to the exodus object. The values of the variables are set to their defaults so that the user can populate them later. Parameters ---------- exo : exodus database object Exodus database that variables will be added to. global_vars : list global variable names to add. nodal_vars : list nodal variable names to add. element_vars : list list of element variable names to add to all blocks or tuples ( name, blkIds ) where name is the element variable to add and blkIds is a list of blkIds to add it to. node_set_vars : list list of node set variable names to add to all sets or tuples ( name, setIds ) where name is the node set variable to add and `setIds` is a list of `setIds` to add it to. side_set_vars : list list of side set variable names to add to all sets or tuples ( name, setIds ) where name is the side set variable to add and `setIds` is a list of `setIds` to add it to. Returns ------- exo : exodus database object Exodus database with variables added to it. (The values of the variables are set to their defaults so that the user can populate them later.) Note ---- This function does not allow one to add element attributes to an exodus database. See `exodus.copy_mesh` function for that capability. """ if global_vars is None: global_vars = [] if nodal_vars is None: nodal_vars = [] if element_vars is None: element_vars = [] if node_set_vars is None: node_set_vars = [] if side_set_vars is None: side_set_vars = [] debugPrint = False if not isinstance(global_vars, list): raise Exception("ERROR: global_vars is not a list.") if not isinstance(nodal_vars, list): raise Exception("ERROR: nodal_vars is not a list.") if not isinstance(element_vars, list): raise Exception("ERROR: element_vars is not a list.") if not isinstance(node_set_vars, list): raise Exception("ERROR: node_set_vars is not a list.") if not isinstance(side_set_vars, list): raise Exception("ERROR: side_set_vars is not a list.") if exo.modeChar == 'r': raise Exception( "ERROR: variables cannot be added to an exodus object in read only mode") if debugPrint: print("Add Global Variables") n_new_vars = len(global_vars) n_old_vars = exo.get_variable_number('EX_GLOBAL') n_vars = n_old_vars + n_new_vars default_vals = [0.0] * n_new_vars if n_new_vars > 0: exo.set_variable_number('EX_GLOBAL', n_vars) for i, var_name in enumerate(global_vars): exo.put_variable_name('EX_GLOBAL', var_name, n_old_vars + i + 1) # One might wish to put all the values for a given global variable in the # database at once, but exo.put_global_variable_value() ends up loading # all the global variables for a given step and then putting them all back # in, so we might as well just use # exo.put_all_global_variable_values(). nSteps = exo.num_times() for step in range(nSteps): gValues = exo.get_all_global_variable_values(step + 1) if exo.use_numpy: gValues = exo.np.append(gValues, default_vals) else: gValues.extend(default_vals) exo.put_all_global_variable_values(step + 1, gValues) if debugPrint: print("Add Nodal Variables") n_new_vars = len(nodal_vars) n_old_vars = exo.get_variable_number('EX_NODAL') n_vars = n_old_vars + n_new_vars if n_new_vars > 0: exo.set_variable_number('EX_NODAL', n_vars) for i, var_name in enumerate(nodal_vars): exo.put_variable_name('EX_NODAL', var_name, i + n_old_vars + 1) internal_add_variables(exo, 'EX_ELEM_BLOCK', element_vars, debugPrint) internal_add_variables(exo, 'EX_NODE_SET', node_set_vars, debugPrint) internal_add_variables(exo, 'EX_SIDE_SET', side_set_vars, debugPrint) return exo def internal_add_variables(exo, obj_type, entvars, debugPrint): """ Internal support function for `exodus.add_variables` """ if len(entvars) == 0: return if debugPrint: print("Construct Truth Table for additional variables") new_var_blks = [] blk_ids = exo.get_ids(obj_type) new_var_names = [] for item in entvars: if isinstance(item, tuple): new_var_names.append(item[0]) in_blks = [blk_id for blk_id in item[1] if blk_id in blk_ids] new_var_blks.append(in_blks) elif isinstance(item, str): new_var_names.append(item) new_var_blks.append(blk_ids) else: print(f"Warning additional variable item {item} is not right type to add.") print("should be a string or tuple, skipping") if debugPrint: print("Add Variables") n_new_vars = len(new_var_names) if n_new_vars > 0: n_old_vars = exo.get_variable_number(obj_type) n_vars = n_old_vars + n_new_vars exo.set_variable_number(obj_type, n_vars) old_truth_table = [] if n_old_vars > 0: old_truth_table = exo.get_variable_truth_table(obj_type) truth_table = [] n_blks = len(blk_ids) for j in range(n_blks): for k in range(n_old_vars): ndx = j * n_old_vars + k truth_table.append(old_truth_table[ndx]) for m in range(n_new_vars): if blk_ids[j] in new_var_blks[m]: truth_table.append(True) else: truth_table.append(False) exo.set_variable_truth_table(obj_type, truth_table) for i, var_name in enumerate(new_var_names): exo.put_variable_name(obj_type, var_name, n_old_vars + i + 1) def copyTransfer(fromFileName, toFileName, array_type='ctype', additionalGlobalVariables=None, additionalNodalVariables=None, additionalElementVariables=None, additionalNodeSetVariables=None, additionalSideSetVariables=None, additionalElementAttributes=None): """ This function creates an exodus file `toFileName` and copies everything from exodus file `fromFileName` returning a file handle to `toFileName`. Additional space is allocated for `additionalGlobalVariables`, `additionalNodalVariables` and `additionalElementVariables` if specified. Parameters ---------- fromFileName : string File name of the exodus mesh to be copied toFileName : string File name of the new exodus mesh array_type : 'ctype' | 'numpy' Specifies whether arrays will be imported and copied as ctype or numpy arrays. (This option should make no difference to the user, but it can be used by developers to test whether the commands within this function handle both array types correctly.) additionalGlobalVariables : list list of global variable names to add. additionalNodalVariables: list list of nodal variable names to add. additionalElementVariables: list should be a list of element variable names to add to all blocks or tuples (name, blkIds) where name is the element variable to add and blkIds is a list of blkIds to add it to. additionalElementAttributes: list list of element attribute names to add to all blocks or tuples ( name, blkIds ) where name is the element attribute to add and blkIds is a list of blkIds to add it to. Usage: ------ >>> fromFileName = "input.e" >>> toFileName = "output.e" >>> addGlobalVariables = [] ## Do not add any new global variables >>> ## Add node_dummy1 and node_dummy2 as new node variables >>> addNodeVariables = ["node_dummy1", "node_dummy2"] >>> ## Add elem_dummy1 on blkIds 1, 2, 3 and elem_dummy2 on all blocks >>> addElementVariables = [ ("elem_dummy1", [1, 2, 3]), "elem_dummy2" ] >>> ## Add elem_attr_dummy1 on blkIds 1,2,3 and elem_attr_dummy2 on all blocks >>> addElementAttributes = [ ("elem_attr_dummy1",[1,2,3]), "elem_attr_dummy2" ] >>> toFileHandle = copyTransfer(fromFileName,toFileName,addGlobalVariables,addNodeVariables, ... addElementVariables,addElementAttributes) >>> ## Fill in new variables >>> toFileHandle.close() """ if additionalGlobalVariables is None: additionalGlobalVariables = [] if additionalNodalVariables is None: additionalNodalVariables = [] if additionalElementVariables is None: additionalElementVariables = [] if additionalNodeSetVariables is None: additionalNodeSetVariables = [] if additionalSideSetVariables is None: additionalSideSetVariables = [] if additionalElementAttributes is None: additionalElementAttributes = [] with exodus(fromFileName, "r", array_type=array_type) as exoFrom: exo_to = copy_mesh(fromFileName, toFileName, exoFromObj=exoFrom, additionalElementAttributes=additionalElementAttributes, array_type=array_type) exo_to = transfer_variables( exoFrom, exo_to, additionalGlobalVariables=additionalGlobalVariables, additionalNodalVariables=additionalNodalVariables, additionalElementVariables=additionalElementVariables, additionalNodeSetVariables=additionalNodeSetVariables, additionalSideSetVariables=additionalSideSetVariables, array_type=array_type) return exo_to def ctype_to_numpy(exo, c_array): """ Converts a c-type array into a numpy array Parameters ---------- exo : exodus object exodus database object initialized with the option `array_type = 'numpy'` c_array : c-type array c-type array to be converted into a numpy array Returns ------- np_array : numpy array Numpy array converted from c-type array """ # ctypes currently produce invalid PEP 3118 type codes, which causes numpy # to issue a warning. This is a bug and can be ignored. # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4964101/pep-3118-warning-when-using-ctypes-array-as-numpy-array if not c_array: return exo.np.array([]) with exo.warnings.catch_warnings(): exo.warnings.simplefilter('ignore') np_array = exo.np.ctypeslib.as_array(c_array) return np_array