[Sandia National Laboratories]

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Zoltan Download Page

NOTE: If you have not registered yet, please take a moment to do so at the Download Registration Form (Note: this information is only used to provide usage statistics to our program sponsors).

Join the Mailing Lists

If you haven't done so already, we recommend you subscribe to these mailing lists:
  • zoltan-announce is used for announcement of Zoltan news, such as new releases.
  • zoltan-users is a community forum for discussion of issues related to Zoltan.

Zoltan Releases for Download

The most current version of Zoltan is always available in the Trilinos framework. You can download Trilinos here. In the Trilinos directory, the Zoltan code is in directory Trilinos/packages/zoltan. In this directory, you can continue to build Zoltan separately from Trilinos.

Stand-alone versions of Zoltan are available below. We recommend the latest version. For more details, see the Zoltan release notes.

Zoltan is provided as a compressed tar file. Unpack with 'tar xfz zoltan*.tar.gz'.

Zoltan Tutorial

The Zoltan Tutorial presented at SciDAC2007 is now on-line. Download it here:

Last Updated: September 23, 2008