# TribitsSimpleExampleApp This simple example project `TribitsSimpleExampleApp` is a raw CMake project that pulls in libraries from a few packages from [`TribitsExampleProject`](../TribitsExampleProject/README.md) using just `find_package(TribitsExProj REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...)` and also links a smaller program using a subset of the libraries from one of the packages from `TribitsExampleProject`. After building and installing `TribitsExampleProject` under ``, then configure, build, and test `TribitsSimpleExampleApp` with: ``` cmake \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH= \ /TribitsSimpleExampleApp make ctest ``` NOTE: The version of this project that demonstrates how to use the old interface, with variables that work with much older versions of TriBITS, is given in [`TribitsOldSimpleExampleApp`](../TribitsOldSimpleExampleApp/README.md).