#! /usr/bin/env bash # Text color variables if [[ $TERM != *"xterm"* ]]; then export TERM=dumb fi txtred=$(tput setaf 1) # Red txtgrn=$(tput setaf 2) # Green txtylw=$(tput setaf 3) # Yellow #txtblu=$(tput setaf 4) # Blue #txtpur=$(tput setaf 5) # Purple txtcyn=$(tput setaf 6) # Cyan #txtwht=$(tput setaf 7) # White txtrst=$(tput sgr0) # Text reset # Which compiler to use? export ACCESS=$(pwd) . ${ACCESS}/TPL/compiler.sh function check_exec() { local var=$1 command -v ${var} >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "${txtred}---${var} is required, but is not currently in path. Aborting TPL Install.${txtrst}"; exit 1; } } function check_valid() { if [ "${!1}" == "YES" ] || [ "${!1}" == "ON" ]; then echo "YES" return 1 fi if [ "${!1}" == "NO" ] || [ "${!1}" == "OFF" ]; then echo "NO" return 1 fi echo "${txtred}Invalid value for $1 (${!1}) -- Must be ON, YES, NO, or OFF${txtrst}" exit 1 } #By default, download and then install. DOWNLOAD=${DOWNLOAD:-YES} DOWNLOAD=$(check_valid DOWNLOAD) BUILD=${BUILD:-YES} BUILD=$(check_valid BUILD) # Force downloading and installation even if the TPL already exists in lib/include FORCE=${FORCE:-NO} FORCE=$(check_valid FORCE) DEBUG=${DEBUG:-NO} DEBUG=$(check_valid DEBUG) # Shared libraries or static libraries? # For CRAY, must explicitly specify SHARED=YES, or it will default to NO # All other platforms default to SHARED=YES if [ "$CRAY" == "YES" ] then SHARED="${SHARED:-NO}" else SHARED="${SHARED:-YES}" fi SHARED=$(check_valid SHARED) # Enable Burst-Buffer support in PnetCDF? BB=${BB:-NO} BB=$(check_valid BB) CRAY=${CRAY:-NO} CRAY=$(check_valid CRAY) # Which TPLS? (NetCDF always, PnetCDF if MPI=ON) HDF5=${HDF5:-YES} HDF5=$(check_valid HDF5) CGNS=${CGNS:-${HDF5}} CGNS=$(check_valid CGNS) MATIO=${MATIO:-YES} MATIO=$(check_valid MATIO) PARMETIS=${PARMETIS:-NO} PARMETIS=$(check_valid PARMETIS) METIS=${METIS:-NO} METIS=$(check_valid METIS) if [ "$PARMETIS" == "YES" ] then METIS="YES" fi FMT=${FMT:-YES} FMT=$(check_valid FMT) GNU_PARALLEL=${GNU_PARALLEL:-YES} GNU_PARALLEL=$(check_valid GNU_PARALLEL) USE_ZLIB_NG=${USE_ZLIB_NG:-NO} USE_ZLIB_NG=$(check_valid USE_ZLIB_NG) if [ "${USE_ZLIB_NG}" == "YES" ] then export NEEDS_ZLIB="YES" fi NEEDS_ZLIB=${NEEDS_ZLIB:-NO} NEEDS_ZLIB=$(check_valid NEEDS_ZLIB) NEEDS_SZIP=${NEEDS_SZIP:-NO} NEEDS_SZIP=$(check_valid NEEDS_SZIP) USE_AEC=${USE_AEC:-NO} USE_AEC=$(check_valid USE_AEC) KOKKOS=${KOKKOS:-NO} KOKKOS=$(check_valid KOKKOS) H5VERSION=${H5VERSION:-V112} FAODEL=${FAODEL:-NO} FAODEL=$(check_valid FAODEL) ADIOS2=${ADIOS2:-NO} ADIOS2=$(check_valid ADIOS2) CATALYST2=${CATALYST2:-NO} CATALYST2=$(check_valid CATALYST2) GTEST=${GTEST:-NO} GTEST=$(check_valid GTEST) MPI=${MPI:-NO} MPI=$(check_valid MPI) SUDO=${SUDO:-} JOBS=${JOBS:-2} VERBOSE=${VERBOSE:-1} USE_PROXY=${USE_PROXY:-NO} USE_PROXY=$(check_valid USE_PROXY) if [ "${USE_PROXY}" == "YES" ] then export http_proxy="http://proxy.sandia.gov:80" export https_proxy="https://proxy.sandia.gov:80" fi pwd INSTALL_PATH=${INSTALL_PATH:-${ACCESS}} if [ "$MPI" == "YES" ] && [ "$CRAY" == "YES" ] then CC=cc; export CC CFLAGS=-static; export CFLAGS CXX=CC; export CXX CXXFLAGS=-static; export CXXFLAGS elif [ "$MPI" == "YES" ] then CC=mpicc; export CC fi OS=$(uname -s) if [ "$SHARED" == "YES" ] then if [ "$OS" == "Darwin" ] ; then LD_EXT="dylib" else LD_EXT="so" fi else LD_EXT="a" fi if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then if [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then echo "${txtcyn}Environment Variables used in the script and their default values:" echo "" echo " ACCESS = ${txtgrn}${ACCESS}${txtcyn} (Automatically set to current directory)" echo " INSTALL_PATH = ${txtgrn}${INSTALL_PATH}${txtcyn}" echo " OS = ${txtgrn}${OS}${txtcyn} (Automatically set)" echo " COMPILER = ${COMPILER} (gnu clang intel ibm)" echo " MPI = ${MPI} (Parallel Build?)" echo "" echo " FORCE = ${FORCE}" echo " DOWNLOAD = ${DOWNLOAD}" echo " BUILD = ${BUILD}" echo " SHARED = ${SHARED}" echo " DEBUG = ${DEBUG}" echo " USE_PROXY = ${USE_PROXY}" echo "" echo " HDF5 = ${HDF5}" echo " H5VERSION = ${H5VERSION}" echo " CGNS = ${CGNS}" echo " MATIO = ${MATIO}" echo " METIS = ${METIS}" echo " PARMETIS = ${PARMETIS}" echo " GNU_PARALLEL = ${GNU_PARALLEL}" echo " FMT = ${FMT}" echo " NEEDS_ZLIB = ${NEEDS_ZLIB}" echo " USE_ZLIB_NG = ${USE_ZLIB_NG}" echo " NEEDS_SZIP = ${NEEDS_SZIP}" echo " USE_AEC = ${USE_AEC}" echo " KOKKOS = ${KOKKOS}" echo " BB = ${BB}" echo " FAODEL = ${FAODEL}" echo " ADIOS2 = ${ADIOS2}" echo " CATALYST2 = ${CATALYST2}" echo " GTEST = ${GTEST}" echo "" echo " SUDO = ${SUDO} (empty unless need superuser permission via 'sudo')" echo " JOBS = ${JOBS}" echo " VERBOSE = ${VERBOSE}" echo "${txtrst}" exit 0 fi fi # Check that cmake, git, wget exist at the beginning instead of erroring out later on... check_exec cmake check_exec git check_exec wget if [ "$NEEDS_SZIP" == "YES" ] then if [ "$USE_AEC" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libsz.${LD_EXT} ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ SZIP (via libaec library)${txtrst}" szip_version="1.0.4" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/szip || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf libaec-${szip_version} rm -rf v-${szip_version}.tar.gz wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/MathisRosenhauer/libaec/archive/v${szip_version}.tar.gz tar -xzf v${szip_version}.tar.gz rm -rf v${szip_version}.tar.gz fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd libaec-${szip_version} || exit mkdir build cd build || exit CRAY=${CRAY} SHARED=${SHARED} DEBUG=${DEBUG} MPI=${MPI} bash -x ../../runcmake.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 "${txtred}couldn\'t configure libaec(szip). exiting.${txtrst}" exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 "${txtred}couldn\'t build libaec(szip). exiting.${txtrst}" exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ SZIP already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi else if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libsz.${LD_EXT} ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ SZIP${txtrst}" szip_version="2.1.1" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/szip || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf szip-${szip_version} rm -rf szip-${szip_version}.tar.gz wget --no-check-certificate https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/lib-external/szip/2.1.1/src/szip-${szip_version}.tar.gz tar -xzf szip-${szip_version}.tar.gz rm -rf szip-${szip_version}.tar.gz fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd szip-${szip_version} || exit # mkdir build # cd build || exit ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_PATH} # CRAY=${CRAY} SHARED=${SHARED} DEBUG=${DEBUG} MPI=${MPI} bash -x ../../runcmake.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure szip. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build szip. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ SZIP already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi fi if [ "$NEEDS_ZLIB" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libz.${LD_EXT} ] then if [ "$USE_ZLIB_NG" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ ZLIB-NG${txtrst}" zlib_ng_version="develop" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf zlib-ng git clone https://github.com/zlib-ng/zlib-ng fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd zlib-ng || exit git checkout ${zlib_ng_version} rm -rf build mkdir build cmake -Bbuild -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALL_PATH} -DZLIB_COMPAT=YES . if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure zlib-ng. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi cmake --build build --config Release if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build zlib-ng. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi cmake --install build --config Release fi else echo "${txtgrn}+++ ZLIB${txtrst}" zlib_version="1.2.13" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf zlib-${zlib_version} rm -rf zlib-${zlib_version}.tar.gz wget --no-check-certificate https://zlib.net/fossils/zlib-${zlib_version}.tar.gz tar -xzf zlib-${zlib_version}.tar.gz rm -rf zlib-${zlib_version}.tar.gz fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd zlib-${zlib_version} || exit if [ "$SHARED" == "NO" ] then USE_STATIC="--static" fi ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_PATH} ${USE_STATIC} if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure zlib. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build zlib. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ ZLIB already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== BUILD HDF5 =============== if [ "$HDF5" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libhdf5.${LD_EXT} ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ HDF5${txtrst}" hdf_suffix="" if [ "${H5VERSION}" == "V18" ]; then hdf_version="1.8.23" hdf_base="1.8" elif [ "${H5VERSION}" == "V110" ]; then hdf_version="1.10.10" hdf_base="1.10" elif [ "${H5VERSION}" == "V112" ]; then hdf_version="1.12.2" hdf_base="1.12" elif [ "${H5VERSION}" == "V113" ]; then hdf_version="1.13.1" hdf_base="1.13" elif [ "${H5VERSION}" == "V114" ]; then hdf_version="1.14.1" hdf_base="1.14" hdf_suffix="-2" elif [ "${H5VERSION}" == "develop" ]; then hdf_version="develop" else echo 1>&2 ${txtred}Invalid HDF5 version specified: ${H5VERSION}. Must be one of V18, V110, V112. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/hdf5 || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf hdf5-${hdf_version}${hdf_suffix} rm -f hdf5-${hdf_version}${hdf_suffix}.tar.bz2 if [ "${H5VERSION}" == "develop" ]; then git clone https://github.com/HDFGroup/hdf5.git hdf5-develop else wget --no-check-certificate https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-${hdf_base}/hdf5-${hdf_version}/src/hdf5-${hdf_version}${hdf_suffix}.tar.bz2 fi if [ "${H5VERSION}" != "develop" ] then tar -jxf hdf5-${hdf_version}${hdf_suffix}.tar.bz2 rm -f hdf5-${hdf_version}${hdf_suffix}.tar.bz2 fi fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd hdf5-${hdf_version}${hdf_suffix} || exit rm -rf build mkdir build cd build || exit CRAY=${CRAY} H5VERSION=${H5VERSION} DEBUG=${DEBUG} SHARED=${SHARED} NEEDS_ZLIB=${NEEDS_ZLIB} NEEDS_SZIP=${NEEDS_SZIP} MPI=${MPI} bash -x ../../runcmake.sh #CRAY=${CRAY} H5VERSION=${H5VERSION} DEBUG=${DEBUG} SHARED=${SHARED} NEEDS_ZLIB=${NEEDS_ZLIB} NEEDS_SZIP=${NEEDS_SZIP} MPI=${MPI} bash ../runconfigure.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure hdf5. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make "V=${VERBOSE}" install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build hdf5. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi # Create default plugin directory... mkdir ${INSTALL_PATH}/lib/hdf5 mkdir ${INSTALL_PATH}/lib/hdf5/lib mkdir ${INSTALL_PATH}/lib/hdf5/lib/plugin else echo "${txtylw}+++ HDF5 already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL PnetCDF if parallel build =============== if [ "$MPI" == "YES" ] then # PnetCDF currently only builds static library... if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libpnetcdf.a ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ PnetCDF${txtrst}" pnet_version="1.12.3" pnet_base="pnetcdf" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/pnetcdf || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf ${pnet_base}-${pnet_version} rm -f ${pnet_base}-${pnet_version}.tar.gz wget --no-check-certificate https://parallel-netcdf.github.io/Release/${pnet_base}-${pnet_version}.tar.gz tar -xzf ${pnet_base}-${pnet_version}.tar.gz rm -f ${pnet_base}-${pnet_version}.tar.gz fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd ${pnet_base}-${pnet_version} || exit CRAY=${CRAY} BB=${BB} DEBUG=${DEBUG} SHARED=${SHARED} bash ../runconfigure.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure PnetCDF. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi if [ "$CRAY" == "YES" ] then make -j${JOBS} LDFLAGS=-all-static && ${SUDO} make install else make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install fi if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build PnetCDF. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ PnetCDF already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL NETCDF =============== if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libnetcdf.${LD_EXT} ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ NetCDF${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/netcdf || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf netcdf-c git clone https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c netcdf-c fi # net_version="v4.9.1" net_version="v4.9.2" # net_version="v4.8.1" # net_version="master" if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd netcdf-c || exit if [ "$net_version" != "master" ] then git checkout $net_version fi rm -rf build mkdir build cd build || exit if [ "$HDF5" == "YES" ] then export HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH=${INSTALL_PATH}/lib/hdf5/lib/plugin fi CRAY=${CRAY} SHARED=${SHARED} DEBUG=${DEBUG} HDF5=${HDF5} NEEDS_ZLIB=${NEEDS_ZLIB} MPI=${MPI} bash -x ../../runcmake.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure cmake for NetCDF. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make "VERBOSE=${VERBOSE}" install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build NetCDF. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ NetCDF already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi # =================== INSTALL CGNS =============== if [ "$CGNS" == "YES" ] && [ "$HDF5" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libcgns.${LD_EXT} ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ CGNS${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/cgns || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf CGNS git clone https://github.com/cgns/CGNS fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd CGNS || exit git checkout v4.3.0 rm -rf build mkdir build cd build || exit CRAY=${CRAY} SHARED=${SHARED} DEBUG=${DEBUG} NEEDS_ZLIB=${NEEDS_ZLIB} MPI=${MPI} bash ../../runcmake.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure CGNS. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build CGNS. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ CGNS already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi if [ "$CGNS" == "YES" ] && [ "$HDF5" == "NO" ] then echo "${txtred}+++ CGNS requested, but HDF5 is not enabled. Cannot build CGNS without HDF5.${txtrst}" fi # =================== INSTALL METIS =============== if [ "$METIS" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libmetis.a ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Metis${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/metis || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf metis-5.1.0 rm -f metis-5.1.0.tar.gz wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/scivision/METIS/archive/v5.1.0.1.tar.gz tar zxvf v5.1.0.1.tar.gz fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd METIS- || exit sed 's/TYPEWIDTH 32/TYPEWIDTH 64/' src/include/metis.h > tmp mv tmp src/include/metis.h INSTALL_PATH=${INSTALL_PATH} CRAY=${CRAY} SHARED=${SHARED} DEBUG=${DEBUG} bash ../runconfigure.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure Metis. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi cd build || exit; make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build Metis. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ Metis already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL PARMETIS =============== if [ "$PARMETIS" == "YES" ] && [ "$MPI" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libparmetis.a ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ ParMETIS${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/parmetis || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf parmetis git clone https://github.com/gsjaardema/parmetis fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd parmetis || exit INSTALL_PATH=${INSTALL_PATH} CRAY=${CRAY} MPI=${MPI} SHARED=${SHARED} DEBUG=${DEBUG} bash ../runconfigure.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure ParMETIS. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build ParMETIS. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ ParMETIS already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL MATIO =============== if [ "$MATIO" == "YES" ] then # Check that aclocal, automake, autoconf exist... check_exec aclocal check_exec automake check_exec autoconf matio_version="1.5.23" if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libmatio.${LD_EXT} ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ MatIO${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/matio || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf matio git clone https://github.com/tbeu/matio.git fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd matio || exit git checkout ${matio_version} rm -rf build mkdir build cd build || exit CRAY=${CRAY} SHARED=${SHARED} DEBUG=${DEBUG} NEEDS_ZLIB=${NEEDS_ZLIB} HDF5=${HDF5} bash -x ../../runcmake.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure MatIO. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build MatIO. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ MatIO already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL FMT =============== if [ "$FMT" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/include/fmt/core.h ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ FMT${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/fmt || exit fmt_version="10.0.0" if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf fmt git clone https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd fmt || exit git checkout ${fmt_version} rm -rf build mkdir build cd build || exit cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=${CXX} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${INSTALL_PATH} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR:PATH=lib -DFMT_TEST:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=${SHARED} .. if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure FMT. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build FMT. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ FMT already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL KOKKOS =============== if [ "$KOKKOS" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libkokkoscore.${LD_EXT} ] then kokkos_version="3.6.00" echo "${txtgrn}+++ KOKKOS${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/kokkos || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf kokkos wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos/archive/${kokkos_version}.tar.gz tar -zxf ${kokkos_version}.tar.gz rm -f ${kokkos_version}.tar.gz ln -s kokkos-${kokkos_version} kokkos fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd kokkos-${kokkos_version} || exit rm -rf build mkdir build cd build || exit CUDA=${CUDA} SHARED=${SHARED} DEBUG=${DEBUG} MPI=${MPI} bash ../../runcmake.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure cmake for KOKKOS. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make "VERBOSE=${VERBOSE}" install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build KOKKOS. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ KOKKOS already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL ADIOS2 =============== if [ "$ADIOS2" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libadios2.${LD_EXT} ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ ADIOS2${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/adios2 || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf ADIOS2 git clone https://github.com/ornladios/ADIOS2.git fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd ADIOS2 || exit git checkout v2.5.0 rm -rf build mkdir build cd build || exit CRAY=${CRAY} SHARED=${SHARED} MPI=${MPI} DEBUG=${DEBUG} bash -x ../../runcmake.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure cmake for ADIOS2. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make "VERBOSE=${VERBOSE}" install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build ADIOS2. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ ADIOS2 already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL CATALYST2 =============== if [ "$CATALYST2" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libcatalyst.${LD_EXT} ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Catalyst2${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/catalyst2 || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf catalyst git clone https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/catalyst.git fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd catalyst || exit git checkout master #todo: a specific version rm -rf build mkdir build cd build || exit CRAY=${CRAY} SHARED=${SHARED} MPI=${MPI} DEBUG=${DEBUG} bash -x ../../runcmake.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure cmake for Catalyst2. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make "VERBOSE=${VERBOSE}" install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build Catalyst2. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ Catalyst2 already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL gtest =============== if [ "$GTEST" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libgtest.${LD_EXT} ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ gtest${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/gtest || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf googletest git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd googletest || exit git checkout release-1.11.0 rm -rf build mkdir build cd build || exit CRAY=${CRAY} SHARED=${SHARED} DEBUG=${DEBUG} bash -x ../../runcmake.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure cmake for gtest. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make "VERBOSE=${VERBOSE}" install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build gtest. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ gtest already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL PARALLEL =============== if [ "$GNU_PARALLEL" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/bin/env_parallel ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ GNU Parallel${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/parallel || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf parallel-* wget --no-check-certificate https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/parallel/parallel-latest.tar.bz2 tar -jxf parallel-latest.tar.bz2 rm -rf parallel-latest.tar.bz2 fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" cd parallel-* || exit bash ../runconfigure.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure parallel. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build parallel. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ Parallel already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL FAODEL =============== if [ "$FAODEL" == "YES" ] then if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/lib/libkelpie.a ] then faodel_base="faodel" echo "${txtgrn}+++ Faodel${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit cd TPL/faodel || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf faodel* git clone git@github.com:faodel/faodel.git fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" mkdir ${faodel_base}/build cd ${faodel_base}/build || exit echo "------------- ${faodel_base}" echo "------------- $(pwd)" MPI=${MPI} bash ../../runcmake.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t configure faodel. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi make -j${JOBS} && ${SUDO} make install if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo 1>&2 ${txtred}couldn\'t build faodel. exiting.${txtrst} exit 1 fi fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ Faodel already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # =================== INSTALL CEREAL =============== if [ "$FAODEL" == "YES" ] then # Currently, the FAODEL backend requires cereal, so if Faodel is enabled, we'll install cereal, too. if [ "$FORCE" == "YES" ] || ! [ -e $INSTALL_PATH/include/cereal/archives/portable_binary.hpp ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Cereal${txtrst}" cd $ACCESS || exit CEREAL_DIR="TPL/cereal" if [ ! -d "${CEREAL_DIR}" ]; then mkdir ${CEREAL_DIR} fi cd ${CEREAL} || exit if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Downloading...${txtrst}" rm -rf cereal* wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/USCiLab/cereal/archive/v1.3.0.tar.gz tar xzf v1.3.0.tar.gz rm -f v1.3.0.tar.gz cp -R cereal-1.3.0/include/cereal $INSTALL_PATH/include/ fi if [ "$BUILD" == "YES" ] then echo "${txtgrn}+++ Configuring, Building, and Installing...${txtrst}" fi else echo "${txtylw}+++ Cereal already installed. Skipping download and installation.${txtrst}" fi fi # ================================== cd $ACCESS || exit #ls -l include #ls -l bin #ls -l lib