C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE DBVINI_BL (NVARGL, NVARNP, NVAREL, NVARNS, NVARSS) C======================================================================= C --*** DBVINI *** (EXOLIB) Initialize for DBVTYP_BL and DBVIX_BL C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 10/14/87 C -- C --DBVINI initializes the indices for DBVTYP_BL and DBVID. It must be C --called before either of the other two routines are called. C -- C --Note that the indices are shared because the other two routines C --are ENTRY routines of DBVINI. C -- C --Parameters: C -- NVARGL - IN - the number of global variables C -- NVARNP - IN - the number of nodal variables C -- NVAREL - IN - the number of element variables INTEGER NVARGL, NVARNP, NVAREL, NVARNS, NVARSS C --Definition for the ENTRY routine parameters CHARACTER ITYP, TYP INTEGER IID, ID INTEGER IIX, IX INTEGER IXGV, IXNV, IXEV, IXNS, IXSS INTEGER IXGVE, IXNVE, IXEVE, IXNSE, IXSSE SAVE IXGV, IXNV, IXEV, IXNS, IXSS SAVE IXGVE, IXNVE, IXEVE, IXNSE, IXSSE DATA IXGV, IXNV, IXEV, IXNS, IXSS * / -1, -1, -1, -1, -1/ IXGV = 1 IXGVE = IXGV + NVARGL - 1 IXNV = IXGVE + 1 IXNVE = IXNV + NVARNP - 1 IXEV = IXNVE + 1 IXEVE = IXEV + NVAREL - 1 IXNS = IXEVE + 1 IXNSE = IXNS + NVARNS - 1 IXSS = IXNSE + 1 IXSSE = IXSS + NVARSS - 1 RETURN C======================================================================= ENTRY DBVTYP_BL (IIX, TYP, ID) C======================================================================= C --*** DBVTYP_BL *** (EXOLIB) Return the variable type and number C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 03/18/88 C -- C --DBVTYP_BL is passed a variable index. It returns the variable type C --and variable number. C -- C --Note that DBVINI must be called before this routine to initialize C --the indices. The indices are shared because this routine is an C --ENTRY routine of DBVINI. C -- C --Parameters: C -- IIX - IN - the variable index C -- TYP - OUT - the variable type: 'H'istory, 'G'lobal, 'N'odal, 'E'lement C -- ID - OUT - the variable number within the type IF ((IXGV .LE. 0) & .AND. (IXNV .LE. 0) .AND. (IXEV .LE. 0) & .AND. (IXNS .LE. 0) .AND. (IXSS .LE. 0)) & RETURN IF ((IIX .GE. IXGV) .AND. (IIX .LE. IXGVE)) THEN TYP = 'G' ID = IIX - IXGV + 1 ELSE IF ((IIX .GE. IXNV) .AND. (IIX .LE. IXNVE)) THEN TYP = 'N' ID = IIX - IXNV + 1 ELSE IF ((IIX .GE. IXEV) .AND. (IIX .LE. IXEVE)) THEN TYP = 'E' ID = IIX - IXEV + 1 ELSE IF ((IIX .GE. IXNS) .AND. (IIX .LE. IXNSE)) THEN TYP = 'M' ID = IIX - IXNS + 1 ELSE IF ((IIX .GE. IXSS) .AND. (IIX .LE. IXSSE)) THEN TYP = 'S' ID = IIX - IXSS + 1 ELSE TYP = ' ' ID = 0 END IF RETURN C======================================================================= ENTRY DBVIX_BL (ITYP, IID, IX) C======================================================================= C --*** DBVIX_BL *** (EXOLIB) Return the variable index C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 10/14/87 C -- C --DBVIX_BL is passed a variable type and number. It returns the variable C --index. C -- C --Note that DBVINI must be called before this routine to initialize C --the indices. The indices are shared because this routine is an C --ENTRY routine of DBVINI. C -- C --Parameters: C -- ITYP - IN - the variable type: 'H'istory, 'G'lobal, 'N'odal, 'E'lement C -- IID - IN - the variable number within the type C -- IX - OUT - the variable index ix = 0 IF ((IXGV .LE. 0) & .AND. (IXNV .LE. 0) .AND. (IXEV .LE. 0) & .AND. (IXNS .LE. 0) .AND. (IXSS .LE. 0)) & RETURN IF (ITYP .EQ. 'G') THEN IX = IID + IXGV - 1 ELSE IF (ITYP .EQ. 'N') THEN IX = IID + IXNV - 1 ELSE IF (ITYP .EQ. 'E') THEN IX = IID + IXEV - 1 ELSE IF (ITYP .EQ. 'M') THEN IX = IID + IXNS - 1 ELSE IF (ITYP .EQ. 'S') THEN IX = IID + IXSS - 1 END IF RETURN END