C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details COMMON /DETOPT/ IDTVAR(4), NNDVAR, NEDVAR COMMON /DETOPC/ MODDET(4), MODTYP(4) CHARACTER*8 MODDET, MODTYP C --MODDET - the display mode for each view: C -- may be 'NONE' or 'EMPTY' as in MSHDEF of /MSHOPT/ C -- 'WIREFRAM' = wireframe mesh mode C -- 'SOLID' = solid mesh mode C -- 'CONTOUR' = contour mode C -- 'ELEMCONT' = element contour mode C -- 'VECTOR' = vector mode C -- 'SYMBOL' = element symbol mode C -- 'GAUSS' = element gauss points symbol mode C --MODTYP - the display mode type: C -- For contour mode: C -- 'LINE' = line contour C -- 'PAINT' = paint contour C -- For vector mode: C -- 'NODE' = nodal vector C -- 'ELEMENT' = element vector C -- 'SIGMAX' = sigmax principal stress vector C -- 'SIGMIN' = sigmin principal stress vector C -- For symbol mode and gauss mode: C -- 'USER' = user-supplied element symbol C -- 'ANGLE' = angle element symbol C -- 'CRACK' = crack element symbol C -- 'STATE' = state element symbol C -- 'SPHERE' = spherical element plot C -- 'FSPHERE' = filled sperical element plot C --IDTVAR - the selected variables C --NNDVAR - the number of nodal variables needed C --NEDVAR - the number of element variables needed