C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE FNDDIS (NAMECO, NAMENV, DEFOK, IXDEF, & IYDEF, IZDEF, DEFFAC, NAMLEN) C======================================================================= C --*** FNDDIS *** (MESH) Find displacement variables C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 01/25/88 C -- C --FNDDIS finds the displacement variables. The first two/three nodal C --variables are displacement variables if and only if they begin with C --'D' and end with the last character of the corresponding coordinate C --name. C NAMING CONVENTION FOR DISPLACEMENT VARIABLES C FIRST OPTION C 1) The nodal variables must be the first two or three variables C in the nodal variable names list. C 2) Nodal variables must begin with a 'D' C 3) The last character of the nodal variable must be equal to C the last character in the coordinate name. C 4) The names of the displacement variables must be the same C except for the last character C SECOND OPTION C 1) The nodal variables must appear together in the nodal C variable names list. C 2) The nodal variables must begin with "DISP" C 3) The last character of the nodal variable must be equal to C the last character in the coordinate name. C 4) The names of the displacement variables must be the same C except for the last character C Sample of valid displacement variable names C Coordinate Name: X, Y, Z C Nodal Variable Names: DISPLX, DISPLY, DISPLZ C Note: Nodal variable names should be written with capital letters C -- C --Parameters: C -- NAMECO - IN - the coordinate names C -- NAMENV - IN - the nodal variable names C -- DEFOK - OUT - true iff the displacement variables were found C -- IXDEF - OUT - index of x displacement variable C -- IYDEF - OUT - index of y displacement variable C -- IZDEF - OUT - index of z displacement variable C -- DEFFAC - OUT - the default displacement magnification C -- C --Common Variables: C -- Uses NDIM, NVARNP, NSTEPW of /DBNUMS/ C -- Uses IS3DIM of /D3NUMS/ include 'params.blk' include 'dbnums.blk' include 'd3nums.blk' CHARACTER*(MXSTLN) NAMECO(*) CHARACTER*(NAMLEN) NAMENV(*) LOGICAL DEFOK CHARACTER CDUM CHARACTER*1024 STRING IF ((NSTEPW .GT. 0) .AND. (NVARNP .GE. NDIM)) THEN C --Locate displacement variables DEFOK = .TRUE. NDEF0 = 0 LN = MAX (LENSTR (NAMENV(1)), 2) DO 100 I = 1, NDIM LC = LENSTR (NAMECO(I)) C Check if first character is a 'D' C Check if all displacement names are the same other C than last character C Check if the last character in the displacement nodal variable C name is equal to the last character in the coordinate name. IF ((NAMENV(I)(1:1) .NE. 'D') & .OR. (NAMENV(I)(1:LN-1) .NE. NAMENV(1)(1:LN-1)) & .OR. (NAMENV(I)(LN:LN) .NE. NAMECO(I)(LC:LC))) & DEFOK = .FALSE. 100 CONTINUE IF (.NOT. DEFOK) THEN DO 300 J = 2, NVARNP IF (LENSTR(NAMENV(J)) .GE. 5) THEN IF ((NAMENV(J)(1:4) .EQ. "DISP") & .AND. (J+NDIM-1 .LE. NVARNP)) THEN DEFOK = .TRUE. NDEF0 = J-1 LN = MAX (LENSTR (NAMENV(J)), 2) DO 200 I = 1, NDIM LC = LENSTR (NAMECO(I)) IF ((NAMENV(I+J-1)(1:4) .NE. "DISP") & .OR. (NAMENV(I+J-1)(1:LN-1) .NE. & NAMENV(J)(1:LN-1)) & .OR. (NAMENV(I+J-1)(LN:LN) .NE. & NAMECO(I)(LC:LC))) THEN DEFOK = .FALSE. ENDIF 200 CONTINUE IF (DEFOK) THEN EXIT ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF 300 CONTINUE ENDIF IF (DEFOK) THEN C find the index for the x displacement variable CALL DBVIX_BL ('N', NDEF0+1, IXDEF) C find the index for the y displacement variable CALL DBVIX_BL ('N', NDEF0+2, IYDEF) IF (IS3DIM) THEN C find the index for the z displacement variable CALL DBVIX_BL ('N', NDEF0+3, IZDEF) ELSE IZDEF = 0 END IF END IF ELSE C --If no time steps, no displacement variables DEFOK = .FALSE. END IF IF (.NOT. DEFOK) THEN WRITE (*, 10000) 10000 FORMAT (/, & ' A valid set of displacement functions cannot be found.', / & ' Your mesh plots will not be deformed.') IXDEF = 0 IYDEF = 0 IZDEF = 0 DEFFAC = 0.0 ELSE WRITE (*, *) CALL DBVTYP_BL (IXDEF, CDUM, NXDEF) CALL DBVTYP_BL (IYDEF, CDUM, NYDEF) IF (.NOT. IS3DIM) THEN WRITE (STRING, '(10A)') 'Displacement variables are ', & NAMENV(NXDEF), ' ', NAMENV(NYDEF) ELSE CALL DBVTYP_BL (IZDEF, CDUM, NZDEF) WRITE (STRING, '(10A)') 'Displacement variables are ', & NAMENV(NXDEF), ' ', NAMENV(NYDEF), ' ', NAMENV(NZDEF) END IF CALL SQZSTR (STRING, LSTR) WRITE (*, 10010) STRING(:LSTR) 10010 FORMAT (1X, 5A) DEFFAC = -999.0 END IF RETURN END