C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE PRESET (LINPLT, QAPLT, DBORD0, DVIEW0) C======================================================================= C --*** PRESET *** (BLOT) Initializes special graphics parameters C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 02/20/87 C -- C --PRESET graphics parameters specific to the plot format: C -- o axes (set larger for line plots, same for mesh plots) C -- o tick marks (set larger for line plots, smaller for mesh plots) C -- o grid lines (set smaller for line plots) C -- o normal lines (set larger for line plots, same for mesh plots C -- o curve lines (set larger for line plots) C -- C --It also sets the display area (dependent on QAPLT). C -- C --Parameters: C -- LINPLT - IN - true if line versus mesh plot C -- QAPLT - IN - if true, set up as standard QA plot, else set up to C -- plot the entire screen (minus border) C -- DBORD0 - IN - the display and label area boundary C -- DVIEW0 - OUT - the display area boundary C --Routines Called: C -- PLTGTG - (PLTLIB) Get graph parameters (see PLTSTG) C -- PLTSTG - (PLTLIB) Set graph parameters: C -- 28 = (KAXESZ) axis size C -- 33 = (KTICSZ) tick-mark size C -- 34 = (KGRISZ) grid-line size C -- 29 = (KCRVSZ) line size C -- 15 = (KONGRI) no grid C -- 37 = (KZLINE) delete dashed line at 0 PARAMETER (KLFT=1, KRGT=2, KBOT=3, KTOP=4) PARAMETER (KAXESZ=28, KTICSZ=33, KGRISZ=34, KCRVSZ=29) PARAMETER (KZLINE=37) PARAMETER (KONGRI=15) LOGICAL LINPLT, QAPLT REAL DBORD0(KTOP), DVIEW0(KTOP) LOGICAL LDUM, PLTGTG, PLTSTG LOGICAL FIRST SAVE FIRST SAVE SZAXES, SZTICK, SZGRID, SZCURV DATA FIRST / .TRUE. / IF (QAPLT) THEN DVIEW0(KLFT) = DBORD0(KLFT) + 0.09 DVIEW0(KRGT) = DVIEW0(KLFT) + 0.62 DVIEW0(KBOT) = DBORD0(KBOT) + 0.10 DVIEW0(KTOP) = DVIEW0(KBOT) + 0.62 ELSE BORDER = 0.1 DVIEW0(KLFT) = DBORD0(KLFT) + BORDER DVIEW0(KRGT) = DBORD0(KRGT) - BORDER DVIEW0(KBOT) = DBORD0(KBOT) + BORDER DVIEW0(KTOP) = DBORD0(KTOP) - BORDER END IF C --Save default device settings IF (FIRST) THEN LDUM = PLTGTG (KAXESZ, SZAXES) LDUM = PLTGTG (KTICSZ, SZTICK) LDUM = PLTGTG (KGRISZ, SZGRID) LDUM = PLTGTG (KCRVSZ, SZCURV) FIRST = .FALSE. END IF IF (LINPLT) THEN LDUM = PLTSTG (KAXESZ, 1.75*SZAXES) LDUM = PLTSTG (KTICSZ, 1.75*SZTICK) LDUM = PLTSTG (KGRISZ, 0.50*SZGRID) LDUM = PLTSTG (KCRVSZ, 1.50*SZCURV) ELSE LDUM = PLTSTG (KAXESZ, SZAXES) LDUM = PLTSTG (KTICSZ, 0.50*SZTICK) END IF C --Set no line at zero LDUM = PLTSTG (KZLINE, 0.0) C --Set no grid LDUM = PLTSTG (KONGRI, 0.0) RETURN END