C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE SHOLEG (SHOTYP, XYTYPE, DOQA, DOLEG, DOAXIS, CAPTN, * DOBOX) C======================================================================= C --*** SHOLEG *** (BLOT) Display plot labeling option C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 04/28/88 C -- C --SHOLEG display the plot labeling option requested by the option type: C -- QA - whether the QA information is to be drawn on legend C -- LEGEND - whether the non-QA legend information is to be drawn C -- AXIS - whether the axis is to be numbered C -- CAPTION - the plot caption C -- C --Parameters: C -- SHOTYP - IN - the show option (see above) C -- XYTYPE - IN - true iff current program is an XY curve versus mesh plot C -- DOQA - IN - true iff QA information is to be drawn on legend C -- DOLEG - IN - true iff non-QA legend information is to be drawn C -- DOAXIS - IN - true iff axis is to be labeled C -- CAPTN - IN - the three-line plot caption C -- DOBOX - IN - true iff plot is to be outlined C --Routines Called: C -- LENSTR - (STRLIB) Find string length C -- NUMSTR - (STRLIB) Convert numbers to engineering notation C -- SQZSTR - (STRLIB) Delete extra blanks from string CHARACTER*(*) SHOTYP LOGICAL XYTYPE LOGICAL DOQA, DOLEG, DOAXIS, DOBOX CHARACTER*(*) CAPTN(3) CHARACTER*20 STR20 IF (.NOT. XYTYPE) THEN STR20 = 'mesh' ELSE STR20 = 'X-Y curve' END IF LSTR = LENSTR (STR20) IF (SHOTYP .EQ. 'QA') THEN IF (DOQA) THEN WRITE (*, 10000) 'Include QA information on ', & STR20(:LSTR), ' plot legend' ELSE WRITE (*, 10000) 'Omit QA information from ', & STR20(:LSTR), ' plot legend' END IF ELSE IF (SHOTYP .EQ. 'LEGEND') THEN IF (DOLEG) THEN WRITE (*, 10000) 'Include non-QA legend information on ', & STR20(:LSTR), ' plot' ELSE WRITE (*, 10000) 'Omit non-QA legend information on ', & STR20(:LSTR), ' plot' END IF ELSE IF (SHOTYP .EQ. 'AXIS') THEN IF (DOAXIS) THEN WRITE (*, 10000) 'Number ', STR20(:LSTR), ' axes' ELSE WRITE (*, 10000) 'Do not number ', STR20(:LSTR), ' axes' END IF ELSE IF (SHOTYP .EQ. 'OUTLINE') THEN IF (DOBOX) THEN WRITE (*, 10000) 'Outline Plot' ELSE WRITE (*, 10000) 'Do not outline plot' END IF ELSE IF (SHOTYP .EQ. 'CAPTION') THEN DO 100 IEND = 3, 1, -1 IF (CAPTN(IEND) .NE. ' ') GOTO 110 100 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE IF (STR20 .EQ. 'mesh') STR20 = 'Mesh' IF (IEND .LE. 0) THEN WRITE (*, 10000) & STR20(:LSTR), ' plot caption is not defined' ELSE WRITE (*, 10000) STR20(:LSTR), ' plot caption:' DO 120 I = 1, IEND WRITE (*, 10000) ' ', CAPTN(I)(:LENSTR(CAPTN(I))) 120 CONTINUE END IF END IF RETURN 10000 FORMAT (1X, 5A) END