C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE RDELB (A, IDELB, NAMELB, NUMELB, NUMLNK, NUMATR, & LINK, KATRIB, *) C======================================================================= C --*** RDELB *** (GEN3D) Read database element blocks C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 02/22/88 C -- C --RDELB reads the element block information from the database. C --Some dynamic dimensioning is done. C --An error message is displayed if the end of file is read. C -- C --Parameters: C -- A - IN - the dynamic memory base array C -- IDELB - OUT - the element block ID for each block C -- NUMELB - OUT - the number of elements for each block C -- NUMLNK - OUT - the number of nodes per element for each block C -- NUMATR - OUT - the number of attributes for each block C -- LINK - OUT - the connectivity array (4 nodes per element) C -- KATRIB - OUT - the dynamic memory pointer to the attribute array C -- (named 'ATRIB', packed) C -- * - return statement if end of file or read error C -- C --Common Variables: C -- Uses NDBIN of /DBASE/ C -- Uses NUMEL, NELBLK of /DBNUMS/ INCLUDE 'exodusII.inc' INCLUDE 'g3_dbase.blk' INCLUDE 'g3_dbnums.blk' DIMENSION A(*) CHARACTER*32 NAMELB(NELBLK) INTEGER IDELB(NELBLK) INTEGER NUMELB(NELBLK) INTEGER NUMLNK(NELBLK) INTEGER NUMATR(NELBLK) INTEGER LINK(4,NUMEL) CHARACTER*5 STRA IEATR = 0 ISATR = 0 CALL MDRSRV ('ATRIB', KATRIB, IEATR) CALL MDSTAT (NERR, MEM) IF (NERR .GT. 0) GOTO 30 C ... Set all entries in the LINK array to -1. C This is a kludge, but lets us discriminate between quads, tris, C and shells in other parts of the program (newess) CALL INIINT(4*NUMEL, -1, LINK) call exgebi (ndbin, idelb, ierr) MAXNQ = 0 DO 5 IELB = 1, NELBLK call exgelb(ndbin, idelb(ielb), namelb(ielb), numelb(ielb), & numlnk(ielb), numatr(ielb), ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) goto 30 C ... See if there are any non-quad element blocks since we have to C read in the connectivity different for exodusII than the code C expects if (numlnk(ielb) .ne. 4) then if (numelb(ielb)*numlnk(ielb) .gt. MAXNQ) * MAXNQ = numelb(ielb)*numlnk(ielb) end if 5 continue if (maxnq .gt. 0) then call mdrsrv('LINTMP', klntmp, maxnq) call mdstat (nerr, mem) IF (NERR .GT. 0) GOTO 20 end if IEND = 0 DO 10 IELB = 1, NELBLK ISTART = IEND + 1 IEND = ISTART + NUMELB(IELB) - 1 IF (IEND .GT. NUMEL) GOTO 40 if (numatr(ielb) .gt. 0) then ISATR = IEATR + 1 IEATR = ISATR + NUMATR(IELB) * NUMELB(IELB) - 1 CALL MDLONG ('ATRIB', KATRIB, IEATR) CALL MDSTAT (NERR, MEM) IF (NERR .GT. 0) GOTO 20 end if CALL RELBLK (IDELB(IELB), NUMELB(IELB), NUMLNK(IELB), & NUMATR(IELB), LINK(1,ISTART), A(KATRIB+ISATR-1), & a(klntmp), *50) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE if (maxnq .gt. 0) then call mddel('LINTMP') call mdstat (nerr, mem) IF (NERR .GT. 0) GOTO 50 end if RETURN 30 CONTINUE CALL INTSTR (1, 0, IELB, STRA, LSTRA) CALL PRTERR ('FATAL', & 'Reading ELEMENT BLOCK SIZING PARAMETERS for block ' & // STRA(:LSTRA)) GOTO 50 40 CONTINUE CALL PRTERR ('FATAL', 'Number of elements in blocks > NUMEL') GOTO 50 50 CONTINUE RETURN 1 END