/* * Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2022 National Technology & Engineering Solutions * of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with * NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. * * See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details */ #pragma once namespace SEAMS { struct array; } // namespace SEAMS struct init { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct init_d { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct init_dd { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(double, double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct init_cd { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(char *, double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct init_ddd { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(double, double, double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct init_dddd { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(double, double, double, double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct init_dddddd { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(double, double, double, double, double, double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct init_ccc { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(char *, char *, char *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct init_cc { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(char *, char *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct init_c { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(char *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct init_a { const char *fname; double (*fnct)(const SEAMS::array *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct str_init { const char *fname; const char *(*fnct)(); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct str_c_init { const char *fname; const char *(*fnct)(char *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct str_d_init { const char *fname; const char *(*fnct)(double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct str_a_init { const char *fname; const char *(*fnct)(const SEAMS::array *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct str_dcc_init { const char *fname; const char *(*fnct)(double, char *, char *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct str_cc_init { const char *fname; const char *(*fnct)(char *, char *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct str_ccc_init { const char *fname; const char *(*fnct)(char *, char *, char *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct array_c_init { const char *fname; SEAMS::array *(*fnct)(const char *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct array_cc_init { const char *fname; SEAMS::array *(*fnct)(const char *, const char *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct array_cd_init { const char *fname; SEAMS::array *(*fnct)(const char *, double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct array_ddd_init { const char *fname; SEAMS::array *(*fnct)(double, double, double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct array_dd_init { const char *fname; SEAMS::array *(*fnct)(double, double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct array_d_init { const char *fname; SEAMS::array *(*fnct)(double); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct array_a_init { const char *fname; SEAMS::array *(*fnct)(const SEAMS::array *); const char *syntax; const char *description; }; struct var_init { const char *vname; double value; }; struct svar_init { const char *vname; const char *value; };