/* * Copyright(C) 1999-2021, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions * of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with * NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. * * See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details */ #include "exodusII.h" #include #include #include /* for malloc(), free() */ #define EX_TEST_FILENAME "edgeFace.exo" #define EXCHECK(funcall, errmsg) \ do { \ if ((funcall) < 0) { \ fprintf(stderr, errmsg); \ return 1; \ } \ } while (0) #define EXCHKPI(funcall, errmsg, sucmsg, ival) \ do { \ if ((funcall) < 0) { \ fprintf(stderr, errmsg); \ return 1; \ } \ else { \ fprintf(stdout, sucmsg, ival); \ } \ } while (0) ex_entity_type obj_types[] = {EX_EDGE_BLOCK, EX_FACE_BLOCK, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, EX_NODE_SET, EX_EDGE_SET, EX_FACE_SET, EX_SIDE_SET, EX_ELEM_SET, EX_NODE_MAP, EX_EDGE_MAP, EX_FACE_MAP, EX_ELEM_MAP}; ex_inquiry obj_sizes[] = { EX_INQ_EDGE_BLK, EX_INQ_FACE_BLK, EX_INQ_ELEM_BLK, EX_INQ_NODE_SETS, EX_INQ_EDGE_SETS, EX_INQ_FACE_SETS, EX_INQ_SIDE_SETS, EX_INQ_ELEM_SETS, EX_INQ_NODE_MAP, EX_INQ_EDGE_MAP, EX_INQ_FACE_MAP, EX_INQ_ELEM_MAP, }; const char *obj_typenames[] = {" Edge block", " Face block", "Element block", " Node set", " Edge set", " Face set", " Side set", " Element set", " Node map", " Edge map", " Face map", " Element map"}; int obj_sizeinq[] = {EX_INQ_EDGE, EX_INQ_FACE, EX_INQ_ELEM, EX_INQ_NS_NODE_LEN, EX_INQ_ES_LEN, EX_INQ_FS_LEN, EX_INQ_SS_ELEM_LEN, EX_INQ_ELS_LEN, -1, -1, -1, -1}; #define OBJECT_IS_BLOCK(i) (((i) < 3)) #define OBJECT_IS_SET(i) (((i) > 2) && ((i) < 8)) int cReadEdgeFace(int argc, char **argv) { int nids; char **var_names; int num_vars; /* number of variables per object */ int num_entries; /* number of values per variable per object */ int appWordSize = 8; int diskWordSize = 8; float exoVersion; int exoid = ex_open(EX_TEST_FILENAME, EX_READ, &appWordSize, &diskWordSize, &exoVersion); if (exoid <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open \"%s\" for reading.\n", EX_TEST_FILENAME); return 1; } ex_init_params modelParams; EXCHECK(ex_get_init_ext(exoid, &modelParams), "Unable to read database parameters.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Title: <%s>\n" "Dimension: %" PRId64 "\n" "Nodes: %" PRId64 "\n" "Edges: %" PRId64 "\n" "Faces: %" PRId64 "\n" "Elements: %" PRId64 "\n" "Edge Blocks: %" PRId64 "\n" "Face Blocks: %" PRId64 "\n" "Element Blocks: %" PRId64 "\n" "Node Sets: %" PRId64 "\n" "Edge Sets: %" PRId64 "\n" "Face Sets: %" PRId64 "\n" "Side Sets: %" PRId64 "\n" "Element Sets: %" PRId64 "\n" "Node Maps: %" PRId64 "\n" "Edge Maps: %" PRId64 "\n" "Face Maps: %" PRId64 "\n" "Element Maps: %" PRId64 "\n", modelParams.title, modelParams.num_dim, modelParams.num_nodes, modelParams.num_edge, modelParams.num_face, modelParams.num_elem, modelParams.num_edge_blk, modelParams.num_face_blk, modelParams.num_elem_blk, modelParams.num_node_sets, modelParams.num_edge_sets, modelParams.num_face_sets, modelParams.num_side_sets, modelParams.num_elem_sets, modelParams.num_node_maps, modelParams.num_edge_maps, modelParams.num_face_maps, modelParams.num_elem_maps); int num_timesteps = ex_inquire_int(exoid, EX_INQ_TIME); /* *** NEW API *** */ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(obj_types) / sizeof(obj_types[0]); ++i) { int *truth_tab = NULL; int have_var_names = 0; EXCHECK(ex_inquire(exoid, obj_sizes[i], &nids, 0, 0), "Object ID list size could not be determined.\n"); if (!nids) { fprintf(stdout, "=== %ss: none\n\n", obj_typenames[i]); continue; } fprintf(stdout, "=== %ss: %d\n", obj_typenames[i], nids); int *ids = (int *)malloc(nids * sizeof(int)); char **obj_names = (char **)malloc(nids * sizeof(char *)); for (int obj = 0; obj < nids; ++obj) { obj_names[obj] = (char *)malloc((MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof(char)); } EXCHECK(ex_get_ids(exoid, obj_types[i], ids), "Could not read object ids.\n"); EXCHECK(ex_get_names(exoid, obj_types[i], obj_names), "Could not read object ids.\n"); if ((OBJECT_IS_BLOCK(i)) || (OBJECT_IS_SET(i))) { EXCHECK(ex_get_variable_param(exoid, obj_types[i], &num_vars), "Could not read number of variables.\n"); if (num_vars && num_timesteps > 0) { truth_tab = (int *)malloc(num_vars * nids * sizeof(int)); EXCHECK(ex_get_truth_table(exoid, obj_types[i], nids, num_vars, truth_tab), "Could not read truth table.\n"); int *tp = truth_tab; fprintf(stdout, "Truth:"); for (int obj = 0; obj < nids; ++obj) { for (int j = 0; j < num_vars; ++j, ++tp) { fprintf(stdout, " %d", *tp); } fprintf(stdout, "\n "); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); var_names = (char **)malloc(num_vars * sizeof(char *)); for (int j = 0; j < num_vars; ++j) { var_names[j] = (char *)malloc((MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof(char)); } EXCHECK(ex_get_variable_names(exoid, obj_types[i], num_vars, var_names), "Could not read variable names.\n"); have_var_names = 1; } } if (!have_var_names) { var_names = NULL; } for (int obj = 0; obj < nids; ++obj) { if (obj_names[obj]) { fprintf(stdout, "%s %3d (%s): ", obj_typenames[i], ids[obj], obj_names[obj]); } else { fprintf(stdout, "%s %3d: ", obj_typenames[i], ids[obj]); } if (OBJECT_IS_BLOCK(i)) { int *nconn; int *econn; int *fconn; int ele; int ctr; int num_attrs; int itmp[4]; if (obj_types[i] == EX_ELEM_BLOCK) { EXCHECK(ex_get_block(exoid, obj_types[i], ids[obj], 0, itmp, itmp + 1, itmp + 2, itmp + 3, &num_attrs), "Could not read block params.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Entries: %3d Nodes/entry: %d Edges/entry: %d Faces/entry: %d Attributes: %d", itmp[0], itmp[1], itmp[2], itmp[3], num_attrs); } else { EXCHECK(ex_get_block(exoid, obj_types[i], ids[obj], 0, itmp, itmp + 1, 0, 0, &num_attrs), "Could not read block params.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Entries: %3d Nodes/entry: %d Attributes: %d", itmp[0], itmp[1], num_attrs); itmp[2] = itmp[3] = 0; } fprintf(stdout, "\n "); num_entries = itmp[0]; nconn = itmp[1] ? (int *)malloc(itmp[1] * num_entries * sizeof(int)) : NULL; econn = itmp[2] ? (int *)malloc(itmp[2] * num_entries * sizeof(int)) : NULL; fconn = itmp[3] ? (int *)malloc(itmp[3] * num_entries * sizeof(int)) : NULL; EXCHECK(ex_get_conn(exoid, obj_types[i], ids[obj], nconn, econn, fconn), "Could not read connectivity.\n"); for (ele = 0; ele < num_entries; ++ele) { for (ctr = 0; ctr < itmp[1]; ++ctr) { fprintf(stdout, " %2d", nconn[ele * itmp[1] + ctr]); } if (itmp[2]) { fprintf(stdout, " ++"); for (ctr = 0; ctr < itmp[2]; ++ctr) { fprintf(stdout, " %2d", econn[ele * itmp[2] + ctr]); } } if (itmp[3]) { fprintf(stdout, " ++"); for (ctr = 0; ctr < itmp[3]; ++ctr) { fprintf(stdout, " %2d", fconn[ele * itmp[3] + ctr]); } } fprintf(stdout, "\n "); } free(nconn); free(econn); free(fconn); if (num_attrs) { char **attr_names; double *attr; attr = (double *)malloc(num_entries * num_attrs * sizeof(double)); attr_names = (char **)malloc(num_attrs * sizeof(char *)); for (int j = 0; j < num_attrs; ++j) { attr_names[j] = (char *)malloc((MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof(char)); } EXCHECK(ex_get_attr_names(exoid, obj_types[i], ids[obj], attr_names), "Could not read attributes names.\n"); EXCHECK(ex_get_attr(exoid, obj_types[i], ids[obj], attr), "Could not read attribute values.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n Attributes:\n ID "); for (int j = 0; j < num_attrs; ++j) { fprintf(stdout, " %s", attr_names[j]); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); for (int j = 0; j < num_entries; ++j) { fprintf(stdout, " %2d ", j + 1); for (int k = 0; k < num_attrs; ++k) { fprintf(stdout, " %4.1f", attr[j * num_attrs + k]); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } for (int j = 0; j < num_attrs; ++j) { free(attr_names[j]); } free(attr_names); free(attr); } } else if (OBJECT_IS_SET(i)) { int num_df; EXCHECK(ex_get_set_param(exoid, obj_types[i], ids[obj], &num_entries, &num_df), "Could not read set parameters.\n"); int *set_entry = (int *)malloc(num_entries * sizeof(int)); int *set_extra = (obj_types[i] != EX_NODE_SET && obj_types[i] != EX_ELEM_SET) ? (int *)malloc(num_entries * sizeof(int)) : NULL; EXCHECK(ex_get_set(exoid, obj_types[i], ids[obj], set_entry, set_extra), "Could not read set.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Entries: %3d Distribution factors: %3d\n", num_entries, num_df); if (set_extra) { for (int j = 0; j < num_entries; ++j) { fprintf(stdout, " %2d %2d\n", set_entry[j], set_extra[j]); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < num_entries; ++j) { fprintf(stdout, " %2d\n", set_entry[j]); } } free(set_entry); free(set_extra); double *set_df = num_df ? (double *)malloc(num_df * sizeof(double)) : NULL; if (set_df) { EXCHECK(ex_get_set_dist_fact(exoid, obj_types[i], ids[obj], set_df), "Could not read set distribution factors.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n Distribution factors:\n"); for (int j = 0; j < num_df; ++j) { fprintf(stdout, " %4.1f\n", set_df[j]); } free(set_df); } } else { /* object is map */ switch (obj_types[i]) { case EX_NODE_MAP: num_entries = modelParams.num_nodes; break; case EX_EDGE_MAP: num_entries = modelParams.num_edge; break; case EX_FACE_MAP: num_entries = modelParams.num_face; break; case EX_ELEM_MAP: num_entries = modelParams.num_elem; break; default: num_entries = 0; } if (num_entries) { fprintf(stdout, "Entries: %3d\n :", num_entries); int *map = (int *)malloc(num_entries * sizeof(int)); EXCHECK(ex_get_num_map(exoid, obj_types[i], ids[obj], map), "Could not read map.\n"); for (int j = 0; j < num_entries; ++j) { fprintf(stdout, " %d", map[j]); } free(map); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Entries: none"); } } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); /* Read results variables */ if (((OBJECT_IS_BLOCK(i)) || (OBJECT_IS_SET(i))) && num_vars && num_timesteps > 0) { /* Print out all the time values to exercise get_var */ double *entry_vals = (double *)malloc(num_entries * sizeof(double)); for (int j = 0; j < num_vars; ++j) { if (!truth_tab[num_vars * obj + j]) { continue; } fprintf(stdout, " Variable: %s", var_names[j]); for (int ti = 1; ti <= num_timesteps; ++ti) { EXCHECK(ex_get_var(exoid, ti, obj_types[i], 1 + j, ids[obj], num_entries, entry_vals), "Could not read variable values.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n @t%d ", ti); for (int k = 0; k < num_entries; ++k) { fprintf(stdout, " %4.1f", entry_vals[k]); } } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); free(entry_vals); } } if (((OBJECT_IS_BLOCK(i)) || (OBJECT_IS_SET(i))) && num_vars && num_timesteps > 0) { /* Print out one element's time values to exercise get_var_time */ double *entry_vals = (double *)malloc(num_timesteps * sizeof(double)); int itmp[2]; EXCHECK(ex_inquire(exoid, obj_sizeinq[i], itmp, 0, 0), "Inquire failed.\n"); itmp[1] = 11; while (itmp[1] > itmp[0]) { itmp[1] /= 2; } for (int j = 0; j < num_vars; ++j) { /* FIXME: This works for the dataset created by CreateEdgeFace, but not for any dataset in * general since * NULL truth table entries may mean the referenced elements don't have variable values. */ EXCHECK(ex_get_var_time(exoid, obj_types[i], j + 1, itmp[1], 1, num_timesteps, entry_vals), "Could not read variable over time.\n"); fprintf(stdout, " Variable over time: %s Entry: %3d ", var_names[j], itmp[1]); for (int ti = 1; ti <= num_timesteps; ++ti) { fprintf(stdout, " @t%d: %4.1f", ti, entry_vals[ti - 1]); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } free(entry_vals); } if (var_names) { for (int j = 0; j < num_vars; ++j) { free(var_names[j]); } free(var_names); } free(truth_tab); free(ids); for (int obj = 0; obj < nids; ++obj) { free(obj_names[obj]); } free(obj_names); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } EXCHECK(ex_close(exoid), "Unable to close database.\n"); return 0; } #if !defined(USING_CMAKE) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return cReadEdgeFace(argc, argv); } #endif