171 lines
4.6 KiB
171 lines
4.6 KiB
// Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2022, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#pragma once
#define NO_NETCDF_2
#include "CJ_ObjectType.h"
#include <array>
#include <copy_string_cpp.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <exodusII.h>
#include <fmt/ostream.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Excn {
using IntVector = std::vector<int>;
using DistVector = std::vector<char>;
template <typename INT> struct Mesh
Mesh() = default;
size_t count(ObjectType type) const
switch (type) {
case ObjectType::EBLK: return blockCount;
case ObjectType::NSET: return nodesetCount;
case ObjectType::SSET: return sidesetCount;
case ObjectType::NODE: return nodeCount;
case ObjectType::ELEM: return elementCount;
case ObjectType::TIME: return timestepCount;
case ObjectType::DIM: return dimensionality;
default: return 0;
std::vector<INT> localNodeToGlobal{};
std::vector<INT> localElementToGlobal{};
std::string title{};
size_t dimensionality{0};
size_t nodeCount{0};
size_t elementCount{0};
size_t blockCount{0};
size_t nodesetCount{0};
size_t sidesetCount{0};
size_t timestepCount{0};
bool isActive{true};
struct Block
Block() = default;
Block(const Block &other) = default;
~Block() = default;
Block &operator=(const Block &other) = default;
size_t entity_count() const { return elementCount; }
IntVector truthTable{};
std::vector<std::string> attributeNames{};
std::string name_{};
ex_entity_id id{0};
size_t elementCount{0};
size_t nodesPerElement{0};
size_t attributeCount{0};
size_t offset_{0};
mutable size_t position_{0};
std::string elType{};
template <typename INT> struct NodeSet
NodeSet() = default;
IntVector truthTable{};
ex_entity_id id{0};
size_t nodeCount{0};
size_t dfCount{0};
size_t offset_{0};
size_t position_{0};
std::string name_{};
std::vector<INT> nodeSetNodes{};
std::vector<INT> nodeOrderMap{};
DistVector distFactors{};
size_t entity_count() const { return nodeCount; }
void dump() const
fmt::print("NodeSet {}, Name: '{}', {} nodes, {} df,\torder = {}\n", id, name_,
fmt::group_digits(nodeCount), fmt::group_digits(dfCount), position_);
void dump_order() const
for (size_t i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
fmt::print("{}, ", nodeOrderMap[i]);
template <typename INT> struct SideSet
SideSet() = default;
IntVector truthTable{};
ex_entity_id id{0};
size_t sideCount{0};
size_t dfCount{0};
size_t offset_{0};
size_t position_{0};
std::string name_{};
std::vector<INT> elems{};
std::vector<INT> sides{};
// For conjoin only. Maps the location (of elems, sides, vars) within this sideset into
// the location in the corresponding global sideset
std::vector<INT> elemOrderMap{};
DistVector distFactors{};
size_t entity_count() const { return sideCount; }
void dump() const
fmt::print("SideSet {}, Name: '{}', {} sides, {} df\toffset = {}, order = {}\n", id, name_,
fmt::group_digits(sideCount), fmt::group_digits(dfCount), offset_, position_);
struct CommunicationMap
CommunicationMap() = default;
CommunicationMap(size_t the_id, size_t count, char the_type)
: id(the_id), entityCount(count), type(the_type)
ex_entity_id id{0};
size_t entityCount{0};
char type{'U'}; // 'n' for node, 'e' for element
struct CommunicationMetaData
CommunicationMetaData() = default;
CommunicationMetaData(const CommunicationMetaData &) = delete;
std::vector<CommunicationMap> nodeMap{};
std::vector<CommunicationMap> elementMap{};
size_t processorId{0};
size_t processorCount{0};
size_t globalNodes{0};
size_t globalElements{0};
size_t nodesInternal{0};
size_t nodesBorder{0};
size_t nodesExternal{0};
size_t elementsInternal{0};
size_t elementsBorder{0};
} // namespace Excn