370 lines
11 KiB
370 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright(C) 1999-2021, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
* of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
* NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
* See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#include "EP_ExodusFile.h"
#include "EP_Internals.h"
#include "EP_ParallelDisks.h"
#include "EP_SystemInterface.h"
#include "fmt/color.h"
#include "fmt/ostream.h"
#include "open_file_limit.h"
#include "smart_assert.h"
#include <climits>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
#include <exodusII.h>
std::vector<int> Excn::ExodusFile::fileids_;
std::vector<std::string> Excn::ExodusFile::filenames_;
int Excn::ExodusFile::processorCount_ = 0;
int Excn::ExodusFile::partCount_ = 0;
int Excn::ExodusFile::startPart_ = 0;
int Excn::ExodusFile::outputId_ = -1;
int Excn::ExodusFile::ioWordSize_ = 0;
int Excn::ExodusFile::cpuWordSize_ = 0;
int Excn::ExodusFile::mode64bit_ = 0;
std::string Excn::ExodusFile::outputFilename_;
bool Excn::ExodusFile::keepOpen_ = false;
bool Excn::ExodusFile::verifyValidFile_ = false;
int Excn::ExodusFile::maximumNameLength_ = 32;
Excn::ExodusFile::ExodusFile(int processor) : myProcessor_(processor)
SMART_ASSERT(processor < processorCount_)(processor)(processorCount_);
SMART_ASSERT(fileids_.size() == (size_t)processorCount_);
if (!keepOpen_ && processor != 0) {
float version = 0.0;
int cpu_word_size = cpuWordSize_;
int io_word_size_var = ioWordSize_;
int mode = EX_READ;
mode |= mode64bit_;
fileids_[processor] =
ex_open(filenames_[processor].c_str(), mode, &cpu_word_size, &io_word_size_var, &version);
if (fileids_[processor] < 0) {
std::ostringstream errmsg;
fmt::print(errmsg, "Cannot open file '{}' - exiting\n", filenames_[processor]);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.str());
ex_set_max_name_length(fileids_[processor], maximumNameLength_);
SMART_ASSERT(io_word_size_var == ioWordSize_);
SMART_ASSERT(cpu_word_size == cpuWordSize_);
int Excn::ExodusFile::output()
SMART_ASSERT(outputId_ >= 0);
return outputId_;
Excn::ExodusFile::operator int() const
SMART_ASSERT(fileids_[myProcessor_] >= 0);
return fileids_[myProcessor_];
try {
if (!keepOpen_ && myProcessor_ != 0) {
fileids_[myProcessor_] = -1;
catch (...) {
void Excn::ExodusFile::close_all()
for (int p = 0; p < partCount_; p++) {
if (fileids_[p] >= 0) {
fileids_[p] = -1;
if (outputId_ >= 0) {
outputId_ = -1;
// We have had some issues with file corruption. Everything seems to be
// working fine, but when the file is opened later after EPU has completed,
// one or more of the output files (in subcyle mode) report being invalid.
// Here, if the user requests, we try to reopen the file and report an
// error if there is a problem. This might still not catch all bad files,
// but will hopefully catch some at the point that it happens...
if (verifyValidFile_) {
float version = 0.0;
int cpu_word_size = cpuWordSize_;
int io_word_size_var = ioWordSize_;
int mode = EX_READ;
mode |= mode64bit_;
int exoid = ex_open(outputFilename_.c_str(), mode, &cpu_word_size, &io_word_size_var, &version);
if (exoid < 0) {
ex_get_err(nullptr, nullptr, &exoid);
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::red),
"EPU: Exodus error ({}) {}.\n"
"Output File verification failed for '{}'. Could not reopen output file after "
"closing it\n",
exoid, ex_strerror(exoid), outputFilename_);
else {
void Excn::ExodusFile::unlink_temporary_files()
for (int p = 0; p < partCount_; p++) {
if (fileids_[p] >= 0) {
fileids_[p] = -1;
if (outputId_ >= 0) {
outputId_ = -1;
bool Excn::ExodusFile::initialize(const SystemInterface &si, int start_part, int part_count,
int cycle, bool joining_subcycle)
processorCount_ = si.processor_count(); // Total number processors
partCount_ = part_count; // Total parts we are processing
startPart_ = start_part; // Which one to start with
SMART_ASSERT(partCount_ + startPart_ <= processorCount_)(partCount_)(startPart_)(processorCount_);
// EPU always wants entity (block, set, map) ids as 64-bit quantities...
mode64bit_ = EX_IDS_INT64_API;
if (si.int64()) {
mode64bit_ |= EX_ALL_INT64_API;
// For output...
mode64bit_ |= EX_ALL_INT64_DB;
verifyValidFile_ = si.verify_valid_file();
// See if we can keep files open
int max_files = open_file_limit() - 1; // We also have an output exodus file.
if (partCount_ <= max_files) {
keepOpen_ = true;
if (cycle == 0) {
if ((si.debug() & 1) != 0) {
fmt::print("Files kept open... (Max open = {})\n\n", max_files);
else {
keepOpen_ = false;
if (cycle == 0) {
fmt::print("Single file mode... (Max open = {})\n"
"Consider using the -subcycle option for faster execution...\n\n",
std::string file_prefix = si.basename();
std::string exodus_suffix = si.exodus_suffix();
std::string root_dir = si.root_dir();
std::string sub_dir = si.sub_dir();
ParallelDisks disks;
float version = 0.0;
// create exo names
for (int p = 0; p < partCount_; p++) {
std::string name = file_prefix;
if (!exodus_suffix.empty()) {
name += "." + exodus_suffix;
int proc = p + startPart_;
if (joining_subcycle) {
name = si.output_filename();
disks.rename_file_for_mp("", "", name, proc, processorCount_);
else {
disks.rename_file_for_mp(root_dir, sub_dir, name, proc, processorCount_);
filenames_[p] = name;
if (p == 0) {
int cpu_word_size = sizeof(float);
int io_word_size_var = 0;
int mode = EX_READ;
mode |= mode64bit_;
int exoid = ex_open(filenames_[p].c_str(), mode, &cpu_word_size, &io_word_size_var, &version);
if (exoid < 0) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::red), "Cannot open file '{}'\n", filenames_[p]);
return false;
int int64db = ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_ALL_INT64_DB;
if (int64db != 0) {
// If anything stored on input db as 64-bit int, then output db will have
// everything stored as 64-bit ints and all API functions will use 64-bit
mode64bit_ |= EX_ALL_INT64_API;
mode64bit_ |= EX_ALL_INT64_DB;
int max_name = static_cast<int>(ex_inquire_int(exoid, EX_INQ_DB_MAX_USED_NAME_LENGTH));
if (max_name > maximumNameLength_) {
maximumNameLength_ = max_name;
if (io_word_size_var < static_cast<int>(sizeof(float))) {
io_word_size_var = sizeof(float);
ioWordSize_ = io_word_size_var;
cpuWordSize_ = io_word_size_var;
if (keepOpen_ || p == 0) {
int io_word_size_var = 0;
int mode = EX_READ;
// All entity ids (block, sets) are read/written as 64-bit...
mode |= mode64bit_;
fileids_[p] =
ex_open(filenames_[p].c_str(), mode, &cpuWordSize_, &io_word_size_var, &version);
if (fileids_[p] < 0) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::red), "Cannot open file '{}'\n", filenames_[p]);
return false;
ex_set_max_name_length(fileids_[p], maximumNameLength_);
SMART_ASSERT(ioWordSize_ == io_word_size_var)(ioWordSize_)(io_word_size_var);
if (((si.debug() & 64) != 0) || p == 0 || p == partCount_ - 1) {
fmt::print("[{}] Input({}): '{}'\n", cycle, p, name);
if (((si.debug() & 64) == 0) && p == 0) {
if ((mode64bit_ & EX_ALL_INT64_DB) != 0) {
if (cycle == 0) {
fmt::print("Input files contain 8-byte integers.\n");
return true;
bool Excn::ExodusFile::create_output(const SystemInterface &si, int cycle)
// Create output file...
std::string curdir = si.cwd();
std::string file_prefix = si.basename();
std::string output_suffix = si.output_suffix();
outputFilename_ = std::move(file_prefix);
if (!output_suffix.empty()) {
outputFilename_ += "." + output_suffix;
if (!curdir.empty() && !Excn::is_path_absolute(outputFilename_)) {
outputFilename_ = curdir + "/" + outputFilename_;
if (si.subcycle() > 1) {
Excn::ParallelDisks::Create_IO_Filename(outputFilename_, cycle, si.subcycle());
// See if output file should be opened in netcdf4 format...
// Did user specify it via -netcdf4 or -large_model argument...
int mode = 0;
if (si.compress_data() > 0 || si.szip()) {
// Force netcdf-4 if compression is specified...
mode |= EX_NETCDF4;
else if (si.use_netcdf4()) {
mode |= EX_NETCDF4;
else if (si.use_netcdf5()) {
mode |= EX_64BIT_DATA;
else if (ex_large_model(fileids_[0]) == 1) {
mode |= mode64bit_;
if (si.int64()) {
mode |= EX_ALL_INT64_DB;
mode |= EX_ALL_INT64_API;
if (si.append()) {
fmt::print("[{}] Output: '{}' (appending)\n", cycle, outputFilename_);
float version = 0.0;
mode |= EX_WRITE;
outputId_ = ex_open(outputFilename_.c_str(), mode, &cpuWordSize_, &ioWordSize_, &version);
else {
mode |= EX_CLOBBER;
fmt::print("[{}] Output: '{}'\n", cycle, outputFilename_);
outputId_ = ex_create(outputFilename_.c_str(), mode, &cpuWordSize_, &ioWordSize_);
if (outputId_ < 0) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::red), "Cannot open file '{}'\n", outputFilename_);
return false;
if (si.compress_data() > 0 || si.szip()) {
if (si.szip()) {
else if (si.zlib()) {
ex_set_option(outputId_, EX_OPT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, si.compress_data());
ex_set_option(outputId_, EX_OPT_COMPRESSION_SHUFFLE, 1);
// EPU Can add a name of "processor_id_epu" which is 16 characters long.
// Make sure maximumNameLength_ is at least that long...
if (maximumNameLength_ < 16) {
maximumNameLength_ = 16;
ex_set_option(outputId_, EX_OPT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH, maximumNameLength_);
int int_size = si.int64() ? 8 : 4;
if (cycle == 0) {
fmt::print("IO Word sizes: {} bytes floating point and {} bytes integer.\n", ioWordSize_,
return true;