124 lines
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124 lines
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* Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
* of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
* NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
* See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#include "params.h" // for MAXSETS
#include "structs.h" // for vtx_data
int findindex(int * indices, /* indices sorting values */
double *vals, /* values sorted by indices */
double target, /* target value */
int nvals /* number of values */
double ratio; /* interpolation parameter */
double vlow, vhigh; /* values at limits of search range */
int low, high; /* range left to search */
int new; /* new index limit */
if (target <= vals[indices[0]]) {
return (0);
if (target >= vals[indices[nvals - 1]]) {
return (nvals - 1);
low = 0;
high = nvals - 1;
while (high - low > 1) {
vlow = vals[indices[low]];
vhigh = vals[indices[high]];
if (vlow == vhigh) {
return ((vlow + vhigh) / 2);
ratio = (target - vlow) / (vhigh - vlow);
new = low + ratio *(high - low);
if (new == low) {
else if (new == high) {
if (vals[indices[new]] < target) {
low = new;
else {
high = new;
if (target == vals[indices[high]]) {
return (high);
return (low);
void inits2d(struct vtx_data **graph, /* graph data structure for vertex weights */
double ** xvecs, /* values to partition with */
double * vals[4][MAXSETS], /* values in sorted lists */
int * indices[4][MAXSETS], /* indices sorting lists */
int nvtxs, /* number of vertices */
double * dist, /* trial separation point */
int startvtx[4][MAXSETS], /* indices defining separation */
double * size, /* size of each set being modified */
int * sets /* set each vertex gets assigned to */
double xmid, ymid; /* median x and y values */
double val, bestval; /* values for determining set preferences */
int bestset = 0; /* set vertex wants to be in */
int signx, signy; /* sign values for different target points */
int nsets = 4; /* number of different sets */
int i, j; /* loop counters */
xmid = .25 * (vals[0][1][indices[0][1][nvtxs / 2]] +
vals[0][1][indices[0][1][nvtxs / 2 - 1]]);
ymid = .25 * (vals[0][2][indices[0][2][nvtxs / 2]] +
vals[0][2][indices[0][2][nvtxs / 2 - 1]]);
xmid = .5 * vals[0][1][indices[0][1][nvtxs / 2]];
ymid = .5 * vals[0][2][indices[0][2][nvtxs / 2]];
dist[0] = -xmid - ymid;
dist[1] = xmid - ymid;
dist[2] = -xmid + ymid;
dist[3] = xmid + ymid;
/* Now initialize startvtx. */
startvtx[0][1] = startvtx[2][3] = nvtxs / 2;
startvtx[0][2] = startvtx[1][3] = nvtxs / 2;
startvtx[1][2] = findindex(indices[1][2], vals[1][2], dist[2] - dist[1], nvtxs);
startvtx[0][3] = findindex(indices[0][3], vals[0][3], dist[3] - dist[0], nvtxs);
for (i = 0; i < nsets; i++) {
size[i] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
/* Which set is this vertex in? */
signx = signy = -1;
bestval = 0;
for (j = 0; j < nsets; j++) {
val = -dist[j] + 2 * (signx * xvecs[1][i] + signy * xvecs[2][i]);
if (j == 0 || val < bestval) {
bestval = val;
bestset = j;
if (signx == 1) {
signy *= -1;
signx *= -1;
sets[i] = bestset;
size[bestset] += graph[i]->vwgt;