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* Copyright(C) 1999-2021, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
* of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
* NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
* See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
/* This program takes an Exodus II FEM database file and a parallel */
/* load-balance file and creates a set of parallel Exodus II FEM files for */
/* use by SALSA. */
#include "add_to_log.h" // for add_to_log
#include "exodusII.h" // for ex_opts, ex_int64_status, etc
#include "fmt/ostream.h"
#include "nem_spread.h" // for NemSpread, second, etc
#include "ps_pario.h" // for PIO_Info
#include "ps_pario_const.h" // for Parallel_IO
#include "rf_allo.h" // for safe_free
#include "rf_io.h" // for ExoFile, Debug_Flag, etc
#include <cstdint> // for int64_t
#include <cstdio> // for stderr, etc
#include <cstdlib> // for exit
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h> // for getopt, optarg, optind
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_MSC_VER) || \
defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__MINGW64__)
#include "XGetopt.h"
#include "getopt.h" // for getopt
extern int read_mesh_file_name(const char *filename);
template <typename T, typename INT>
int read_pexoII_info(NemSpread<T, INT> &spreader, const char *filename);
template <typename T, typename INT>
int nem_spread(NemSpread<T, INT> &spreader, const char *salsa_cmd_file, int subcycles, int cycle);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const char *salsa_cmd_file;
int c;
double g_start_t = second();
bool force_64_bit = false;
int start_proc = 0;
int num_proc = 0;
int subcycles = 0;
int cycle = -1;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "64Vhp:r:s:n:S:c:")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'h':
fmt::print(stderr, " usage:\n");
"\tnem_spread [-s <start_proc>] [-n <num_proc>] [-S <subcycles> -c <cycle>] "
fmt::print(stderr, "\t\tDecompose for processors <start_proc> to <start_proc>+<num_proc>\n");
fmt::print(stderr, "\t\tDecompose for cycle <cycle> of <subcycle> groups\n");
fmt::print(stderr, "\tnem_spread [-V] [-h] (show version or usage info)\n");
fmt::print(stderr, "\tnem_spread [command file] [<-p Proc> <-r raid #>]\n");
case 'V':
fmt::print("{} version {}\n", UTIL_NAME, VER_STR);
case 'p': /* Which proc to use? Also for compatibility */ break;
case 'r': /* raid number. Seems to be unused; left around for compatibility */ break;
case 's': /* Start with processor <x> */ sscanf(optarg, "%d", &start_proc); break;
case 'n': /* Number of processors to output files for */ sscanf(optarg, "%d", &num_proc); break;
case '6':
case '4':
force_64_bit = true; /* Force storing output mesh using 64bit integers */
case 'S': /* Number of subcycles to use (see below) */ sscanf(optarg, "%d", &subcycles); break;
case 'c': /* Which cycle to spread (see below) */ sscanf(optarg, "%d", &cycle); break;
if (optind >= argc) {
salsa_cmd_file = "nem_spread.inp";
else {
salsa_cmd_file = argv[optind];
fmt::print("{} version {}\n", UTIL_NAME, VER_STR);
/* initialize some variables */
ExoFile[0] = '\0';
Exo_Res_File[0] = '\0';
Debug_Flag = -1;
Num_Nod_Var = -1;
Num_Elem_Var = -1;
Num_Glob_Var = -1;
Num_Nset_Var = -1;
Num_Sset_Var = -1;
PIO_Info.Dsk_List_Cnt = -1;
PIO_Info.Num_Dsk_Ctrlrs = -1;
PIO_Info.PDsk_Add_Fact = -1;
PIO_Info.Zeros = -1;
PIO_Info.NoSubdirectory = 0;
PIO_Info.Par_Dsk_Root[0] = '\0';
PIO_Info.Par_Dsk_SubDirec[0] = '\0';
PIO_Info.Staged_Writes = true;
// Read the ASCII input file and get the name of the mesh file
// so we can determine the floating point and integer word sizes
// needed to instantiate the templates...
if (read_mesh_file_name(salsa_cmd_file) < 0) {
static char yo[] = "nem_spread";
"{} ERROR: Could not read in the the I/O command file"
" \"{}\"!\n",
yo, salsa_cmd_file);
// Open the mesh file and determine word sizes...
int io_ws = 0;
int cpu_ws = sizeof(float);
float version;
int exoid = ex_open(ExoFile.c_str(), EX_READ, &cpu_ws, &io_ws, &version);
// See if any 64-bit integers stored on database...
int int64api = 0;
int int64db = ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_ALL_INT64_DB;
if (int64db != 0) {
int64api = EX_ALL_INT64_API;
force_64_bit = true;
int status;
if (io_ws == 4) {
if (int64api != 0) {
NemSpread<float, int64_t> spreader;
spreader.io_ws = io_ws;
spreader.int64db = int64db;
spreader.int64api = int64api;
spreader.force64db = force_64_bit;
spreader.Proc_Info[4] = start_proc;
spreader.Proc_Info[5] = num_proc;
status = nem_spread(spreader, salsa_cmd_file, subcycles, cycle);
else {
NemSpread<float, int> spreader;
spreader.io_ws = io_ws;
spreader.int64db = int64db;
spreader.int64api = int64api;
spreader.force64db = force_64_bit;
spreader.Proc_Info[4] = start_proc;
spreader.Proc_Info[5] = num_proc;
status = nem_spread(spreader, salsa_cmd_file, subcycles, cycle);
else {
if (int64api != 0) {
NemSpread<double, int64_t> spreader;
spreader.io_ws = io_ws;
spreader.int64db = int64db;
spreader.int64api = int64api;
spreader.force64db = force_64_bit;
spreader.Proc_Info[4] = start_proc;
spreader.Proc_Info[5] = num_proc;
status = nem_spread(spreader, salsa_cmd_file, subcycles, cycle);
else {
NemSpread<double, int> spreader;
spreader.io_ws = io_ws;
spreader.int64db = int64db;
spreader.int64api = int64api;
spreader.force64db = force_64_bit;
spreader.Proc_Info[4] = start_proc;
spreader.Proc_Info[5] = num_proc;
status = nem_spread(spreader, salsa_cmd_file, subcycles, cycle);
double g_end_t = second() - g_start_t;
fmt::print("The average run time was: {:4f}s\n", g_end_t);
add_to_log(argv[0], g_end_t);
return status;
template <typename T, typename INT>
int nem_spread(NemSpread<T, INT> &spreader, const char *salsa_cmd_file, int subcycles, int cycle)
static char yo[] = "nem_spread";
/* Local declarations. */
double start_t;
double end_t;
fmt::print("Using {} byte integers and {} byte floating point values.\n", sizeof(INT), sizeof(T));
* Read in the ASCII input file from the front end.
* NOTE: In this case we read only the information needed to create the
* parallel exodus files.
fmt::print("Reading the command file, {}\n", salsa_cmd_file);
if (read_pexoII_info(spreader, salsa_cmd_file) < 0) {
"{} ERROR: Could not read in the the I/O command file"
" \"{}\"!\n",
yo, salsa_cmd_file);
if (!spreader.check_inp()) {
fmt::print(stderr, "{} ERROR: Error in user specified parameters.\n", yo);
/* If debug is on the turn on netCDF/Exodus information as well */
if (Debug_Flag > 0) {
else {
* Read initial information from the mesh file.
* - This provides error checking against the load balance file
* - Broadcast the information
* Process the load balance information
* - Read info from the lb file with Proc 0
* - Distribute the information to all processors
start_t = second();
end_t = second() - start_t;
fmt::print("\nLoad load balance information time: {} (sec.)\n\n", end_t);
/* Process subcycle and cycle if specified. */
if ((subcycles > 0 && cycle == -1) || (cycle != -1 && subcycles == 0)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "ERROR: Only one of the -subcycle and -cycle options was specified.\n");
fmt::print(stderr, " Either both or neither are required.\n");
if (subcycles > 0) {
/* Determine number of processors per subcycle. */
int part_count = (spreader.Proc_Info[0] + subcycles - 1) / subcycles;
int start_part = part_count * cycle;
spreader.Proc_Info[4] = start_part;
spreader.Proc_Info[5] = part_count;
* Verify parameters in case spreading a subset of mesh...
if (spreader.Proc_Info[4] < 0) {
spreader.Proc_Info[4] = 0;
if (spreader.Proc_Info[5] <= 0) {
spreader.Proc_Info[5] = spreader.Proc_Info[0];
if (spreader.Proc_Info[4] + spreader.Proc_Info[5] > spreader.Proc_Info[0]) {
spreader.Proc_Info[5] = spreader.Proc_Info[0] - spreader.Proc_Info[4];
if (spreader.Proc_Info[4] != 0 || spreader.Proc_Info[5] != spreader.Proc_Info[0]) {
"\nSpreading subset of mesh. Starting with processor {} and outputting {} processors.\n",
spreader.Proc_Info[4], spreader.Proc_Info[5]);
* Get any restart parameter information
* - Read the parameters from the input ExodusII file
if (spreader.Restart_Info.Flag > 0) {
fmt::print("Load exoII restart param info to each proc.\n\n");
start_t = second();
end_t = second() - start_t;
fmt::print("Load restart parameters time: {} (sec.)\n\n", end_t);
* Read the ExodusII mesh file and distribute information
* contained in it to all processors
* - Each processor only gets the information that it needs
* to solve its piece of the mesh
fmt::print("Load exoII mesh info to each proc.\n\n");
start_t = second();
end_t = second() - start_t;
fmt::print("Load mesh time: {} (sec.)\n\n", end_t);
* Get any restart variable data
* - Read the restart data from the input ExodusII file, distribute
* it to the processors, and write it to the parallel files
if (spreader.Restart_Info.Flag > 0) {
fmt::print("Load exoII restart data info to each proc.\n\n");
start_t = second();
end_t = second() - start_t;
fmt::print("Load restart data time: {} (sec.)\n\n", end_t);
fmt::print("Write of parallel exodus complete\n");
safe_free(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&(PIO_Info.RDsk_List)));
for (int i = 0; i < spreader.Proc_Info[0]; i++) {
if (spreader.globals.Elem_Type != nullptr) {
safe_free((void **)&spreader.globals.Elem_Type[i]);
safe_free((void **)&spreader.globals.Proc_SS_Ids[i]);
safe_free((void **)&spreader.globals.Proc_SS_GEMap_List[i]);
safe_free((void **)&spreader.globals.Proc_NS_Ids[i]);
safe_free((void **)&spreader.globals.Proc_NS_GNMap_List[i]);
safe_free((void **)&spreader.globals.Proc_Nodes_Per_Elem[i]);
safe_free((void **)&spreader.globals.GElem_Blks[i]);
safe_free((void **)&spreader.globals.Elem_Type);
return 0;