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C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
program testcpd
c This is a test program for the Fortran binding of the EXODUS II
c database copy function (excopy).
implicit none
include ''
integer iin, iout, exoid, exoid1, ierr, cpu_ws, io_ws
real vers
data iin /5/, iout /6/
c open EXODUS II input file
c the setting of cpu_ws isn't used in copying but will test the
c conversion routines
cpu_ws = 8
io_ws = 0
exoid = exopen ("test.exo", EXREAD, cpu_ws, io_ws, vers, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exopen, error = ",i3)')
1 ierr
write (iout, '("test.exo is an EXODUSII file; version ",
1 f4.2)') vers
write (iout, '(" I/O word size: ",i4)') io_ws
c create EXODUS II output file with 8-byte reals
c the setting of cpu_ws isn't used in copying but will test the
c conversion routines
cpu_ws = 8
io_ws = 8
exoid1 = excre ("testcpd.exo",
1 EXCLOB, cpu_ws, io_ws, ierr)
write (iout,'("after excre, id = ", i3, ", error = ",i3)')
1 exoid1, ierr
write (iout,'(" I/O word size: ",i4)') io_ws
write (iout,'("after excre, error = ", i4)') ierr
call excopy (exoid, exoid1, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after excopy, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call exclos (exoid, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exclos, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call exclos (exoid1, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exclos, error = ", i3)' ) ierr