Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2022 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
* of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
* NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
* See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
/* devid.h - these functions are used to map SVDI device code numbers
* to device code character strings and vice versa
#pragma once
struct device_ids
char *devid_char;
float devid_num;
/* to add new devices to this table: increment MAX_DEVID value
add to table per example below */
#define MAX_DEVID 74
static struct device_ids device_values[MAX_DEVID] = {
{"tk4", 1.}, {"tk6", 1.1}, {"tek", 1.2}, {"tp2", 1.3}, {"tp8", 1.4}, {"t14", 1.5},
{"t13", 1.6}, {"t05", 1.7}, {"t07", 1.8}, {"t15", 1.9}, {"16c", 2.1}, {"16b", 2.2},
{"35c", 2.3}, {"3mc", 2.31}, {"810", 2.32}, {"35b", 2.4}, {"3mb", 2.41}, {"35a", 2.5},
{"24l", 2.6}, {"48l", 2.7}, {"csq", 2.8}, {"bsq", 2.9}, {"r94", 3.}, {"t27", 4.},
{"t25", 4.1}, {"alp", 5.}, {"hc1", 6.}, {"lxy", 7.}, {"tst", 8.}, {"v25", 9.},
{"v40", 9.1}, {"v41", 9.2}, {"v34", 9.21}, {"aed", 10.}, {"ae7", 10.1}, {"ae1", 10.2},
{"met", 11.}, {"hpp", 12.}, {"h75", 12.1}, {"h72", 12.2}, {"h74", 12.3}, {"h50", 12.4},
{"ret", 14.}, {"ap5", 15.}, {"jp7", 16.}, {"jp1", 16.1}, {"ger", 17.}, {"xyn", 18.},
{"ps3", 20.}, {"qms", 21.}, {"c51", 22.}, {"c10", 22.1}, {"r25", 23.}, {"r38", 23.1},
{"f3c", 23.2}, {"f3m", 23.3}, {"f16", 23.4}, {"fsq", 23.5}, {"f8t", 23.6}, {"qlf", 24.},
{"q35", 24.1}, {"t45", 25.}, {"ls5", 26.}, {"i10", 27.}, {"i30", 27.1}, {"btk", 28.},
{"ln3", 29.}, {"a60", 30.}, {"sun", 31.}, {"uis", 31.1}, {"ult", 32.}, {"tal", 33.},
{"nws", 34.}, {"x10", 35.}};
#if !defined(NO_GET_DEVID_CHAR)
/* *
* function get_devid_char will return a pointer to the character string *
* associated with a floating point number for cgid inquiries. *
* INPUT: a pointer to the 3 character string *
* RETURN: floating point device number *
* */
static char *get_devid_char(float number)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_DEVID; i++) {
if (device_values[i].devid_num == number) {
return (device_values[i].devid_char);
/* return a null pointer if there is no floating point number match */
return (0);