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# @FUNCTION: tribits_dir_is_basedir()
# Function to determine if a given path is a base dir of another path.
# Usage::
# tribits_dir_is_basedir(<absBaseDir> <absFullDir> <isBaseDirVarOut>)
# If the absolute path ``<absBaseDir>`` is a subdir of the absolute path
# ``<absFullDir>``, then the variable ``<isBaseDirVarOut>`` is set to
# ``TRUE``. Otherwise, ``<isBaseDirVarOut>`` is set to ``FALSE``.
# For example, the output var ``isBaseDir`` would be set to ``TRUE`` in the
# following examples::
# tribits_dir_is_basedir(/some/base/path /some/base/path/more isBaseDir)
# tribits_dir_is_basedir(/some/base/path /some/base/path isBaseDir)
# However, in the following examples, ``isBaseDir`` would be set to ``FALSE``::
# tribits_dir_is_basedir(/some/base/path/more /some/base/path isBaseDir)
# tribits_dir_is_basedir(/some/base/path /some/other/path isBaseDir)
function(tribits_dir_is_basedir absBaseDir absFullDir isBaseDirVarOut)
# Assume not base dir by default unless we find it is
set(isBaseDir FALSE)
string(LENGTH "${absBaseDir}" absBaseDirLen)
string(LENGTH "${absFullDir}" absFullDirLen)
if (absBaseDir STREQUAL absFullDir)
set(isBaseDir TRUE)
elseif (NOT absBaseDirLen GREATER absFullDirLen)
string(FIND "${absFullDir}" "${absBaseDir}/" baseDirIdx)
if (baseDirIdx EQUAL 0)
set(isBaseDir TRUE)
set(${isBaseDirVarOut} ${isBaseDir} PARENT_SCOPE)
# @FUNCTION: tribits_get_dir_array_below_base_dir()
# Returns the array of directories below a base directory.
# Usage::
# tribits_get_dir_array_below_base_dir(<absBaseDir> <absFullDir>
# <trailingDirArrayVarOut>)
# The following show examples of what this returns:
# tribits_get_dir_array_below_base_dir("/a/b/c" "/a/b/c", dirArray)
# => dirArray = ""
# tribits_get_dir_array_below_base_dir("/a/b/c" "/a/b/c/d", dirArray)
# => dirArray = "d"
# tribits_get_dir_array_below_base_dir("/a/b/c" "/a/b/c/d/e", dirArray)
# => dirArray = "d;e"
function(tribits_get_dir_array_below_base_dir absBaseDir absFullDir
tribits_dir_is_basedir("${absBaseDir}" "${absFullDir}" isBaseDir)
if (NOT isBaseDir)
"ERROR: '${absBaseDir}' is not a base dir of '${absFullDir}'")
string(LENGTH "${absBaseDir}" absBaseDirLen)
string(LENGTH "${absFullDir}" absFullDirLen)
if (absBaseDirLen EQUAL absFullDirLen)
set(trailingDirArray "")
math(EXPR trailingDirsStrStartIdx "${absBaseDirLen}+1")
string(SUBSTRING "${absFullDir}" ${trailingDirsStrStartIdx} -1 trailingDirsStr)
split("${trailingDirsStr}" "/" trailingDirArray)
set(${trailingDirArrayVarOut} "${trailingDirArray}" PARENT_SCOPE)