Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.

205 lines
9.8 KiB

# Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
# of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
# NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
# See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
# script to run all tests and compare them to saved dump files.
# To run the tests with valgrind checking, uncomment the next line and comment the
# following line. Can also define other prefixes if wanted.
#set PREFIX = "valgrind --tool=memcheck"
set PREFIX = ""
echo "************************************************************************"
echo "************************************************************************"
rm -f test.output
echo "testwt - single precision write test..."
echo "begin testwt" > test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt >> test.output
echo "end testwt" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue |grep -v maximum_name_length > ${SRCDIR}/test.dmp
echo "testrd - single precision read test..."
echo "begin testrd" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrd | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrd.dmp
echo "end testrd" >> test.output
echo "testrdv - single precision read test with varid..."
echo "begin testrdv" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrdv | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrdv.dmp
echo "end testrdv" >> test.output
echo "testcp_ss - single-to-single precision copy test..."
echo "begin testcp_ss" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testcp >> test.output
echo "end testcp_ss" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 testcp.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testcp_ss.dmp
echo "testcp_sd - single-to-double precision copy test..."
echo "begin testcp_sd" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testcpd >> test.output
echo "end testcp_sd" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 testcpd.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testcp_sd.dmp
echo "testcp_ln - large model to normal model single precision copy test..."
echo "begin testcp_ln" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testcp_ln >> test.output
echo "end testcp_ln" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 testcp.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testcp_ln.dmp
echo "testcp_nl - normal_model to large_model single precision copy test..."
echo "begin testcp_nl" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testcp_nl >> test.output
echo "end testcp_nl" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 testcp_nl.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testcp_nl.dmp
echo "testwt_clb - single precision write test using concatenated puts..."
echo "begin testwt_clb" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt_clb >> test.output
echo "end testwt_clb" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/test_clb.dmp
echo "testwtd - double precision write test..."
echo "begin testwtd" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwtd >> test.output
echo "end testwtd" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testd.dmp
echo "testrdd - double precision read test..."
echo "begin testrdd" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrdd | grep -v version >- ${SRCDIR}/testrdd.dmp
echo "end testrdd" >> test.output
echo "testcp_dd - double-to-double precision copy test..."
echo "begin testcp_dd" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testcpd >> test.output
echo "end testcp_dd" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 testcpd.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testcp_dd.dmp
echo "testcp_ds - double-to-single precision copy test..."
echo "begin testcp_ds" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testcp >> test.output
echo "end testcp_ds" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 testcp.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testcp_ds.dmp
echo "testwt1 - single precision write files with several side sets..."
echo "testwt1 ... [Expect WEDGE6 warning from this test]"
echo "begin testwt1" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt1 >> test.output
echo "end testwt1" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/test1.dmp
echo "testrd1 - single precision read test of a file with several side sets..."
echo "testrd1 ... [Expect file create failure error, NOCLOBBER]"
echo "testrd1 ... [Expect failure locating elem var 1 for elem block 12]"
echo "begin testrd1" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrd1 | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrd1.dmp
echo "end testrd1" >> test.output
echo "testwt_ss - write files to test side sets..."
echo "testwt_ss ... [Expect WEDGE6 warning from this test]"
echo "begin testwt_ss" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt_ss >> test.output
echo "end testwt_ss" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testwt_ss.dmp
echo "testrd_ss - read test of a file with several side sets..."
echo "testrd_ss ... [Expect warning for NULL sidesets 30 and 31]"
echo "begin testrd_ss" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrd_ss | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrd_ss.dmp
echo "end testrd_ss" >> test.output
echo "testwt2 - single precision write 2 files (simultaneously open) test..."
echo "begin testwt2" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt2 >> test.output
echo "end testwt2" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/test2-1.dmp
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test2.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/test2-2.dmp
echo "testrdwt - read from one and write to another (simultaneously open) file..."
echo "begin testrdwt" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrdwt >> test.output
echo "end testrdwt" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test2.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/test2.dmp
echo "testwt_nc - write x y z components of coordinates separately..."
echo "begin testwt_nc" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt_nc >> test.output
echo "end testwt_nc" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/test.dmp
echo "testrd_nc - read x y z components of coordinates separately..."
echo "begin testrd_nc" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrd_nc | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrd_nc.dmp
echo "end testrd" >> test.output
echo "testwt-zeron - write file with zero nodes and elements..."
echo "begin testwt-zeron" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt-zeron >> test.output
echo "end testwt-zeron" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testwt-zeron.dmp
echo "testrd - read test of file with zero nodes and elements..."
echo "begin testrd zero nodes" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrd | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrd_zeron.dmp
echo "end testrd zero nodes" >> test.output
echo "testwt-zeroe - write file with zero elements..."
echo "begin testwt-zeroe" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt-zeroe >> test.output
echo "end testwt-zeroe" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testwt-zeroe.dmp
echo "testrd - read test of file with zero elements..."
echo "begin testrd zero elements" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrd | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrd_zeroe.dmp
echo "end testrd zero elements" >> test.output
echo "testwt-one-attrib - read/write test of element attributes - read one at a time..."
echo "begin testwt-one-attrib - read attributes one at a time" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt-one-attrib | tee testrd_zeroe.res
echo "end testwt-one-attrib - read attributes one at a time" >> test.output
echo "testwt-nsided - write file with nsided elements..."
echo "begin testwt-nsided" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt-nsided >> test.output
echo "end testwt-nsided" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test-nsided.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testwt-nsided.dmp
echo "testrd-nsided - read file with nsided elements..."
echo "begin testrd-nsided" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrd-nsided | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrd-nsided.dmp
echo "end testrd-nsided" >> test.output
echo "testwt-nfaced - write file with nfaced elements..."
echo "begin testwt-nfaced" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt-nfaced >> test.output
echo "end testwt-nfaced" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test-nfaced.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue > ${SRCDIR}/testwt-nfaced.dmp
echo "testrd-nfaced - read file with nfaced elements..."
echo "begin testrd-nfaced" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrd-nfaced | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrd-nfaced.dmp
echo "end testrd-nfaced" >> test.output
echo "testwt-long-name - write file with long (64-character) names..."
echo "begin testwt-long-name" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testwt-long-name >> test.output
echo "end testwt-long-name" >> test.output
${NCDUMP} -d5,5 test.exo | grep -v version | grep -v int64_status| grep -v _FillValue ${SRCDIR}/testwt-long-name.dmp
echo "testrd - read long name file truncating to 32 characters on read..."
echo "begin testrd (truncate)" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrd | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrd-nm32.dmp
echo "end testrd (truncate)" >> test.output
echo "testrd-long-name - read long name file..."
echo "begin testrd-long-name" >> test.output
${PREFIX} ${SRCDIR}/testrd-long-name | grep -v version > ${SRCDIR}/testrd-long-name.dmp
echo "end testrd-long-name" >> test.output
echo "************************************************************************"
echo "************************************************************************"