Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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12 KiB

// Copyright(C) 1999-2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#pragma once
#include "iotm_export.h"
#include <Ioss_CodeTypes.h>
#include <Ioss_EntityType.h> // for EntityType
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <cstdint> // for int64_t
#include <map> // for map, etc
#include <string> // for string
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility> // for pair
#include <vector> // for vector
#include "Ioss_ElementTopology.h"
#include "Ioss_StandardElementTypes.h"
#include "Iotm_TextMeshTopologyMapping.h"
#include "Iotm_TextMeshUtils.h"
namespace Iotm {
using Topology = TopologyMapEntry;
using TextMeshData = text_mesh::TextMeshData<int64_t, Topology>;
using ElementData = text_mesh::ElementData<int64_t, Topology>;
using SidesetData = text_mesh::SidesetData<int64_t, Topology>;
using NodesetData = text_mesh::NodesetData<int64_t>;
using AssemblyData = text_mesh::AssemblyData;
using Coordinates = text_mesh::Coordinates<int64_t>;
using TextMeshParser = text_mesh::TextMeshParser<int64_t, IossTopologyMapping>;
using ErrorHandler = text_mesh::ErrorHandler;
using SideBlockInfo = text_mesh::SideBlockInfo;
using SplitType = text_mesh::SplitType;
using AssemblyType = text_mesh::AssemblyType;
struct IOTM_EXPORT BlockPartition
size_t offset;
std::string name;
std::set<int64_t> elemIds;
BlockPartition() : offset(0), name("") {}
BlockPartition(size_t offset_, const std::string &name_, const std::set<int64_t> &elemIds_)
: offset(offset_), name(name_), elemIds(elemIds_)
class IOTM_EXPORT TextMesh
explicit TextMesh(const std::string &parameters, IOSS_MAYBE_UNUSED int proc_count = 1,
int my_proc = 0);
explicit TextMesh(int proc_count = 1, int my_proc = 0);
TextMesh(const TextMesh &) = delete;
TextMesh &operator=(const TextMesh &) = delete;
virtual ~TextMesh() = default;
* Return number of nodes in the entire model.
virtual int64_t node_count() const;
* Return number of nodes on this processor.
virtual int64_t node_count_proc() const;
* Return number of element blocks in the entire model.
virtual int64_t block_count() const;
* Return number of nodesets in the entire model.
virtual int64_t nodeset_count() const;
* Return number of nodeset nodes on nodeset 'id'
int64_t nodeset_node_count(int64_t id) const;
* Return number of nodeset nodes on nodeset 'id' on the current processor
virtual int64_t nodeset_node_count_proc(int64_t id) const;
* Return number of sidesets in the entire model.
virtual int64_t sideset_count() const;
* Return number of sideset 'sides' on sideset 'id'
int64_t sideset_side_count(int64_t id) const;
* Return number of sideset 'sides' on sideset 'id' on the current
* processor.
virtual int64_t sideset_side_count_proc(int64_t id) const;
* Return number of sideblock 'sides' on sideset 'id' and sideblock 'sideBlockName'
int64_t sideblock_side_count(int64_t id, const std::string &sideBlockName) const;
* Return number of sideset 'sides' on sideset 'id' and sideblock 'sideBlockName' on the current
* processor.
virtual int64_t sideblock_side_count_proc(int64_t id, const std::string &sideBlockName) const;
* Return number of elements in all element blocks in the model.
virtual int64_t element_count() const;
* Return number of elements in all element blocks on this processor.
int64_t element_count_proc() const;
int64_t timestep_count() const { return m_timestepCount; }
* Return number of elements in the element block with id
* 'block_number'.
virtual int64_t element_count(int64_t block_number) const;
* Return number of elements on this processor in the element
* block with id 'block_number'.
int64_t element_count_proc(int64_t block_number) const;
* Return number of assemblies in the entire model.
int64_t assembly_count() const;
* Returns pair containing "topology type string" and "number of
* nodes / element". The topology type string will be "hex8" for
* the hex element block and "shell4" for the shell element blocks.
virtual std::pair<std::string, int> topology_type(int64_t block_number) const;
virtual int64_t communication_node_count_proc() const;
virtual void node_communication_map(Ioss::Int64Vector &map, std::vector<int> &proc);
virtual void owning_processor(int *owner, int64_t num_node);
* Fill the passed in 'map' argument with the node map
* "map[local_position] = global_id" for the nodes on this
* processor.
virtual void node_map(Ioss::Int64Vector &map) const;
virtual void node_map(Ioss::IntVector &map) const;
* Fill the passed in 'map' argument with the element map
* "map[local_position] = global_id" for the elements on this
* processor in block "block_number".
virtual void element_map(int64_t block_number, Ioss::Int64Vector &map) const;
virtual void element_map(int64_t block_number, Ioss::IntVector &map) const;
* Fill the passed in 'map' argument with the element map
* "map[local_position] = global_id" for all elements on this
* processor
virtual void element_map(Ioss::Int64Vector &map) const;
virtual void element_map(Ioss::IntVector &map) const;
* Return the connectivity for the elements on this processor in
* the block with id 'block_number'. If the elements in this block
* have 'npe' nodes per element, then the first 'npe' entries in
* the 'conn' vector will be the nodal connectivity for the first
* element; the next 'npe' entries are the nodal connectivity for
* the second element. The 'connect' vector will be resized to the
* size required to contain the nodal connectivity for the
* specified block; all information in 'connect' will be overwritten.
void connectivity(int64_t block_number, Ioss::Int64Vector &connect) const;
void connectivity(int64_t block_number, Ioss::IntVector &connect) const;
void connectivity(int64_t block_number, int64_t *connect) const;
virtual void connectivity(int64_t block_number, int *connect) const;
* Return the coordinates for all nodes on this processor. The
* first 3 entries in the 'coord' vector are the x, y, and z
* coordinates of the first node, etc. The 'coord' vector will be
* resized to the size required to contain the nodal coordinates;
* all information in 'coord' will be overwritten.
virtual void coordinates(std::vector<double> &coord) const;
virtual void coordinates(double *coord) const;
* Return the coordinates for all nodes on this processor in
* separate vectors. The vectors will be resized to the size
* required to contain the nodal coordinates; all information in
* the vectors will be overwritten.
virtual void coordinates(std::vector<double> &x, std::vector<double> &y,
std::vector<double> &z) const;
* Return the coordinates for componenet 'comp' (1=x, 2=y, 3=z)
* for all nodes on this processor. The
* vector will be resized to the size required to contain the
* nodal coordinates; all information in the vector will be
* overwritten.
* It is an error to request the coordinates via this function
* if a rotation is defined.
virtual void coordinates(int component, std::vector<double> &xyz) const;
virtual void coordinates(int component, double *xyz) const;
* Return the list of nodes in nodeset 'id' on this processor.
* The 'nodes' vector will be resized to the size required to
* contain the node list. The ids are global ids.
virtual void nodeset_nodes(int64_t id, Ioss::Int64Vector &nodes) const;
* Return the list of the face/ordinal pairs
* "elem_sides[local_position] = element global_id" and
* "elem_sides[local_position+1] = element local face id (0-based)"
* for the faces in sideset 'id' on this
* processor. The 'elem_sides' vector will be resized to the size
* required to contain the list. The element ids are global ids,
* the side ordinal is 0-based.
virtual void sideset_elem_sides(int64_t id, Ioss::Int64Vector &elemSides) const;
virtual void sideblock_elem_sides(int64_t sidesetId, const std::string &sideBlockName,
Ioss::Int64Vector &elemSides) const;
virtual std::vector<std::string> sideset_touching_blocks(int64_t set_id) const;
size_t get_variable_count(Ioss::EntityType type) const
return m_variableCount.find(type) != m_variableCount.end()
? m_variableCount.find(type)->second
: 0;
// Element block query
std::vector<std::string> get_part_names() const;
int64_t get_part_id(const std::string &name) const;
// Nodeset query
std::vector<std::string> get_nodeset_names() const;
std::string get_nodeset_name(int64_t id) const;
int64_t get_nodeset_id(const std::string &name) const;
// Sideset query
std::vector<std::string> get_sideset_names() const;
std::string get_sideset_name(int64_t id) const;
int64_t get_sideset_id(const std::string &name) const;
// Assembly query
std::vector<std::string> get_assembly_names() const;
std::string get_assembly_name(int64_t id) const;
int64_t get_assembly_id(const std::string &name) const;
Ioss::EntityType get_assembly_type(const std::string &name) const;
std::vector<std::string> get_assembly_members(const std::string &name) const;
Ioss::EntityType assembly_type_to_entity_type(const AssemblyType type) const;
unsigned spatial_dimension() const;
std::vector<SideBlockInfo> get_side_block_info_for_sideset(const std::string &name) const;
std::vector<size_t> get_local_side_block_indices(const std::string &name,
const SideBlockInfo &info) const;
SplitType get_sideset_split_type(const std::string &name) const;
template <typename INT> void raw_element_map(int64_t block_number, std::vector<INT> &map) const;
template <typename INT> void raw_element_map(std::vector<INT> &map) const;
template <typename INT> void raw_connectivity(int64_t block_number, INT *connect) const;
template <typename INT> void raw_node_map(std::vector<INT> &map) const;
void set_variable_count(const std::string &type, size_t count);
void initialize();
void build_part_to_topology_map();
void build_block_partition_map();
void build_element_connectivity_map();
std::vector<int64_t> get_part_ids(const std::vector<std::string> &partNames);
std::vector<size_t> get_part_offsets(const std::vector<int64_t> &partIds);
Topology get_topology_for_part(int64_t id) const;
std::set<int64_t> get_local_element_ids_for_block(int64_t id) const;
std::set<std::string> get_blocks_touched_by_sideset(const SidesetData *sideset) const;
size_t m_myProcessor{0};
size_t m_timestepCount{0};
std::map<Ioss::EntityType, size_t> m_variableCount;
TextMeshData m_data;
ErrorHandler m_errorHandler;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Topology> m_partToTopology;
std::unordered_map<int64_t, BlockPartition> m_blockPartition;
std::unordered_map<int64_t, std::vector<int64_t>> m_elementConnectivity;
} // namespace Iotm