Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1314 lines
48 KiB

// Copyright(C) 2021, 2022, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#include <cstdlib>
#include <numeric>
#include "Cell.h"
#include "Decompose.h"
#include "Grid.h"
#include "ZE_SystemInterface.h"
#include "ZE_Version.h"
#include <Ioss_CommSet.h>
#include <Ioss_ElementBlock.h>
#include <Ioss_IOFactory.h>
#include <Ioss_NodeBlock.h>
#include <Ioss_ParallelUtils.h>
#include <Ioss_Region.h>
#include <Ioss_SideBlock.h>
#include <Ioss_SideSet.h>
#include <Ioss_SmartAssert.h>
#include <exodusII.h>
#include <fmt/chrono.h>
#include <fmt/color.h>
#include <fmt/ostream.h>
#include <open_file_limit.h>
#include <time_stamp.h>
#include <tokenize.h>
//! \file
extern unsigned int debug_level;
#if __cplusplus == 201103L
// From:
namespace std {
template <class T> struct _Unique_if
typedef unique_ptr<T> _Single_object;
template <class T> struct _Unique_if<T[]>
typedef unique_ptr<T[]> _Unknown_bound;
template <class T, size_t N> struct _Unique_if<T[N]>
typedef void _Known_bound;
template <class T, class... Args>
typename _Unique_if<T>::_Single_object make_unique(Args &&...args)
return unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template <class T> typename _Unique_if<T>::_Unknown_bound make_unique(size_t n)
typedef typename remove_extent<T>::type U;
return unique_ptr<T>(new U[n]());
template <class T, class... Args>
typename _Unique_if<T>::_Known_bound make_unique(Args &&...) = delete;
} // namespace std
namespace {
std::string tsFormat = "[{:%H:%M:%S}]";
int axis_index(const std::string &axis_str)
char axis = axis_str[0];
if (axis == 'x' || axis == 'i') {
return 0;
if (axis == 'X' || axis == 'I') {
return 1;
if (axis == 'y' || axis == 'j') {
return 2;
if (axis == 'Y' || axis == 'J') {
return 3;
if (axis == 'z' || axis == 'k') {
return 4;
if (axis == 'Z' || axis == 'K') {
return 5;
return -1;
unsigned int which_sidesets(const std::string &sideset_string)
unsigned generate = 0;
for (const auto &c : sideset_string) {
if (c == 'x' || c == 'i') {
generate |= (unsigned)Flg::MIN_I;
if (c == 'y' || c == 'j') {
generate |= (unsigned)Flg::MIN_J;
if (c == 'z' || c == 'k') {
generate |= (unsigned)Flg::MIN_K;
if (c == 'X' || c == 'I') {
generate |= (unsigned)Flg::MAX_I;
if (c == 'Y' || c == 'J') {
generate |= (unsigned)Flg::MAX_J;
if (c == 'Z' || c == 'K') {
generate |= (unsigned)Flg::MAX_K;
return generate;
Ioss::PropertyManager parse_properties(SystemInterface &interFace, int int_size);
std::shared_ptr<Ioss::Region> create_input_region(const std::string &key, std::string filename,
bool ints_32_bits);
template <typename INT>
std::vector<INT> generate_node_map(Grid &grid, const Cell &cell, Mode mode, INT /*dummy*/);
void output_summary(Ioss::Region *region, std::ostream &strm);
size_t handle_elements(Grid &grid, int start_rank, int rank_count);
size_t handle_nodes(Grid &grid, int start_rank, int rank_count);
void handle_communications(Grid &grid, int start_rank, int rank_count);
void handle_surfaces(Grid &grid, int start_rank, int rank_count);
void generate_surfaces(Grid &grid, int start_rank, int rank_count);
} // namespace
Grid::Grid(SystemInterface &interFace)
: m_offset(interFace.offset()), m_scaleFactor(interFace.scale_factor()),
m_parallelSize(interFace.ranks()), m_rankCount(interFace.rank_count()),
m_startRank(interFace.start_rank()), m_equivalenceNodes(interFace.equivalence_nodes()),
m_subCycle(interFace.subcycle()), m_minimizeOpenFiles(interFace.minimize_open_files()),
void Grid::set_extent(size_t extent_i, size_t extent_j, size_t /* unused */)
m_gridI = extent_i;
m_gridJ = extent_j;
m_grid.resize(m_gridI * m_gridJ);
bool Grid::initialize(size_t i, size_t j, const std::string &key)
if (unit_cells().find(key) == unit_cells().end()) {
return false;
const auto &unit_cell = unit_cells()[key];
SMART_ASSERT(unit_cell->m_region != nullptr)(i)(j)(key);
auto &cell = get_cell(i, j);
cell.initialize(i, j, unit_cell);
return true;
void Grid::add_unit_cell(const std::string &key, const std::string &unit_filename, bool ints32bit)
static size_t open_files = open_file_limit();
if (!minimize_open_files(Minimize::UNIT) && unit_cells().size() >= open_files) {
// Just hit the limit... Close all previous unit_cell files and set the minimize_open_files
// behavior to UNIT.
for (const auto &unit_cell : m_unitCells) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::yellow),
"\nWARNING: Number of unit cells exceeds open file limit. Setting "
"'mimimize_open_file' mode to UNIT.\n\n");
m_minimizeOpenFiles = Minimize((unsigned)m_minimizeOpenFiles | (unsigned)Minimize::UNIT);
if (unit_cells().find(key) != unit_cells().end()) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::red),
"\nERROR: There is a duplicate `unit cell` ({}) in the lattice dictionary.\n\n",
auto region = create_input_region(key, unit_filename, ints32bit);
if (region == nullptr) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::red),
"\nERROR: Unable to open the database '{}' associated with the unit cell '{}'.\n\n",
unit_filename, key);
unit_cells().emplace(key, std::make_shared<UnitCell>(region));
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::UNIT)) {
if (debug_level & 2) {
m_pu.progress(fmt::format("\tCreated Unit Cell {}", key));
void Grid::set_coordinate_offsets()
// All unit_cells have same X, Y (and Z) extent. Only need X and Y
auto x_range = get_cell(0, 0).get_coordinate_range(Axis::X);
auto y_range = get_cell(0, 0).get_coordinate_range(Axis::Y);
auto delta_x = x_range.second - x_range.first;
auto delta_y = y_range.second - y_range.first;
for (size_t j = 0; j < JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < II(); i++) {
auto &cell = get_cell(i, j);
cell.m_offX = delta_x * (double)i;
cell.m_offY = delta_y * (double)j;
if (debug_level & 2) {
fmt::format("\tCell({}, {}) X = {}, Y = {}", i, j, cell.m_offX, cell.m_offY));
void Grid::create_output_regions(SystemInterface &interFace)
if (debug_level & 2) {
int int_size = interFace.ints32bit() ? 4 : 8;
Ioss::PropertyManager properties = parse_properties(interFace, int_size);
if (parallel_size() == 1) {
properties.add(Ioss::Property("OMIT_EXODUS_NUM_MAPS", 1));
// Disable this for now. Readers need to be modified and propagated to allow this.
// properties.add(Ioss::Property("MINIMAL_NEMESIS_DATA", 1));
if (debug_level & 2) {
properties.add(Ioss::Property("ENABLE_TRACING", 1));
for (int i = m_startRank; i < m_startRank + m_rankCount; i++) {
// Define the output database(s)...
if (m_parallelSize > 1) {
properties.add(Ioss::Property("processor_count", parallel_size()));
properties.add(Ioss::Property("my_processor", i));
Ioss::DatabaseIO *dbo =
Ioss::IOFactory::create("exodus", interFace.outputName_, Ioss::WRITE_RESTART,
Ioss::ParallelUtils::comm_self(), properties);
if (dbo == nullptr || !dbo->ok(true)) {
m_outputRegions[i] = std::make_unique<Ioss::Region>(dbo, "zellij_output_region");
output_region(i)->property_add(Ioss::Property("code_name", qainfo[0]));
output_region(i)->property_add(Ioss::Property("code_version", qainfo[2]));
if (interFace.minimize_open_files() == Minimize::OUTPUT ||
interFace.minimize_open_files() == Minimize::ALL) {
void Grid::set_sideset_names(const std::string &names)
// 'names' is a string of the form "Axis:name,Axis:name, ..."
// For example "x:left,y:top,X:right,Y:bottom"
// Parse the list and only update the names specified in the list...
if (names.empty()) {
auto tokens = Ioss::tokenize(names, ",");
for (auto &token : tokens) {
auto axis = token.substr(0, 1);
bool valid = axis.find_first_not_of("ijkIJKxyzXYZ") == std::string::npos;
if (!valid) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::red),
"\nERROR: Invalid axis '{}' specified for sideset name. Valid is one of "
// Now get the name...
auto ss_name = token.substr(2);
// Update the name in the list of generated sideset names...
auto index = axis_index(axis);
SMART_ASSERT(index >= 0)(axis)(index);
generated_surface_names[index] = std::move(ss_name);
void Grid::decompose(const std::string &method)
if (debug_level & 2) {
decompose_grid(*this, m_parallelSize, method);
void Grid::categorize_processor_boundaries()
if (debug_level & 2) {
// Now iterate the cells and tell each cell the rank of all neighboring cells...
// boundary with its "left" or "lower" neighboring cell.
for (size_t j = 0; j < JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < II(); i++) {
auto &cell = get_cell(i, j);
if (i > 0) {
const auto &left = get_cell(i - 1, j);
cell.set_rank(Loc::L, left.rank(Loc::C));
if (j > 0) {
const auto &BL = get_cell(i - 1, j - 1);
cell.set_rank(Loc::BL, BL.rank(Loc::C));
if (j < JJ() - 1) {
const auto &TL = get_cell(i - 1, j + 1);
cell.set_rank(Loc::TL, TL.rank(Loc::C));
if (i < II() - 1) {
const auto &right = get_cell(i + 1, j);
cell.set_rank(Loc::R, right.rank(Loc::C));
if (j > 0) {
const auto &BR = get_cell(i + 1, j - 1);
cell.set_rank(Loc::BR, BR.rank(Loc::C));
if (j < JJ() - 1) {
const auto &TR = get_cell(i + 1, j + 1);
cell.set_rank(Loc::TR, TR.rank(Loc::C));
if (j > 0) {
const auto &B = get_cell(i, j - 1);
cell.set_rank(Loc::B, B.rank(Loc::C));
if (j < JJ() - 1) {
const auto &T = get_cell(i, j + 1);
cell.set_rank(Loc::T, T.rank(Loc::C));
if (debug_level & 32) {
auto width = Ioss::Utils::number_width(parallel_size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < II(); i++) {
const auto &cell = get_cell(i, j);
auto left = cell.processor_boundary(Loc::L) ? '<' : ' ';
auto below = cell.processor_boundary(Loc::B) ? '^' : ' ';
fmt::print(" {0}{1:{3}}{2}", left, cell.rank(Loc::C), below, width);
void Grid::generate_sidesets()
if (m_generatedSideSets != 0) {
for (const auto &unit_cell : m_unitCells) {
void Grid::internal_process()
if (debug_level & 2) {
auto node_count = handle_nodes(*this, m_startRank, m_rankCount);
auto element_count = handle_elements(*this, m_startRank, m_rankCount);
handle_communications(*this, m_startRank, m_rankCount);
if (m_useInternalSidesets) {
handle_surfaces(*this, m_startRank, m_rankCount);
generate_surfaces(*this, m_startRank, m_rankCount);
for (int i = m_startRank; i < m_startRank + m_rankCount; i++) {
if (debug_level & 64) {
output_summary(output_region(i), std::cerr);
if (util().parallel_rank() == 0) {
fmt::print(" {} Nodes; {} Elements.\n", fmt::group_digits(node_count),
template void Grid::process(SystemInterface &, int64_t);
template void Grid::process(SystemInterface &, int);
template <typename INT> void Grid::process(SystemInterface &interFace, INT /* dummy */)
bool subcycle = m_subCycle;
int start_rank = m_startRank;
int rank_count = m_rankCount;
int end_rank = subcycle ? m_parallelSize : m_startRank + m_rankCount;
if (end_rank > m_parallelSize) {
end_rank = m_parallelSize;
m_rankCount = m_parallelSize - m_startRank;
for (int begin = start_rank; begin < end_rank; begin += rank_count) {
m_startRank = begin;
if (m_startRank + m_rankCount > m_parallelSize) {
m_rankCount = m_parallelSize - m_startRank;
if (debug_level & 2) {
fmt::print(stderr, "{} Processing Ranks {} to {}\n", time_stamp(tsFormat), begin,
begin + rank_count - 1);
if (debug_level & 2) {
fmt::print(stderr, "{} Lattice Processing Finalized\n", time_stamp(tsFormat));
if (debug_level & 2) {
fmt::print(stderr, "{} Model Output\n", time_stamp(tsFormat));
template void Grid::output_model(int64_t);
template void Grid::output_model(int);
// Write the output database(s) for all ranks...
template <typename INT> void Grid::output_model(INT /*dummy*/)
if (debug_level & 2) {
// Coordinates do not depend on order of operations, so can do these
// a rank at a time which can be more efficient once we exceed
// maximum number of open files... Also easier to parallelize...
for (int r = m_startRank; r < m_startRank + m_rankCount; r++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < II(); i++) {
const auto &cell = get_cell(i, j);
if (cell.rank(Loc::C) == r) {
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::OUTPUT)) {
if (debug_level & 2) {
util().progress("\tEnd Nodal Coordinate Output");
// Surfaces do not depend on order of operations, so can do these
// a rank at a time which can be more efficient once we exceed
// maximum number of open files... Also easier to parallelize...
for (int r = m_startRank; r < m_startRank + m_rankCount; r++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < II(); i++) {
auto &cell = get_cell(i, j);
if (cell.rank(Loc::C) == r) {
if (m_useInternalSidesets) {
output_surfaces(cell, INT(0));
output_generated_surfaces(cell, INT(0));
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::OUTPUT)) {
if (debug_level & 2) {
util().progress("\tEnd Surface Output");
// All the rest of these depend on progressing through the cells in
// correct order so that can pass information correctly from cell to
// cell. Need to figure out how to eliminate this ordering so can
// parallelize and not worry about open file count.
for (size_t j = 0; j < JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < II(); i++) {
auto &cell = get_cell(i, j);
auto node_map = generate_node_map(*this, cell, Mode::PROCESSOR, INT(0));
output_block_connectivity(cell, node_map);
if (parallel_size() > 1) {
output_nodal_communication_map(cell, node_map);
if (debug_level & 2) {
util().progress("\tEnd Nodal Communication Map Output");
if (parallel_size() > 1) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < II(); i++) {
auto &cell = get_cell(i, j);
output_node_map(cell, INT(0));
output_element_map(cell, INT(0));
if (debug_level & 2) {
util().progress("\tEnd Node/Element Map Output");
void Grid::output_nodal_coordinates(const Cell &cell)
int rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
auto *nb = cell.region()->get_node_blocks()[0];
std::vector<double> coord_x;
std::vector<double> coord_y;
std::vector<double> coord_z;
// Are we modifying the coordinates ... scale and/or offset and/or offset_unit_cell...
bool mod_x = cell.m_offX != 0.0 || m_scaleFactor != 1.0 || m_offset[0] != 0.0;
bool mod_y = cell.m_offY != 0.0 || m_scaleFactor != 1.0 || m_offset[1] != 0.0;
bool mod_z = m_scaleFactor != 1.0 || m_offset[2] != 0.0;
double scale = m_scaleFactor;
nb->get_field_data("mesh_model_coordinates_x", coord_x);
if (mod_x) {
double offset = m_offset[0];
std::for_each(coord_x.begin(), coord_x.end(),
[&cell, scale, offset](double &d) { d = (d + cell.m_offX) * scale + offset; });
nb->get_field_data("mesh_model_coordinates_y", coord_y);
if (mod_y) {
double offset = m_offset[1];
std::for_each(coord_y.begin(), coord_y.end(),
[&cell, scale, offset](double &d) { d = (d + cell.m_offY) * scale + offset; });
nb->get_field_data("mesh_model_coordinates_z", coord_z);
if (mod_z) {
double offset = m_offset[2];
std::for_each(coord_z.begin(), coord_z.end(),
[scale, offset](double &d) { d = d * scale + offset; });
// Filter coordinates down to only "new nodes"...
if (m_equivalenceNodes && (cell.has_neighbor_i() || cell.has_neighbor_j())) {
auto mode = parallel_size() > 1 ? Mode::PROCESSOR : Mode::GLOBAL;
auto categorized_nodes = cell.categorize_nodes(mode);
size_t nn = 0;
for (size_t n = 0; n < categorized_nodes.size(); n++) {
if (categorized_nodes[n] == 0) {
coord_x[nn] = coord_x[n];
coord_y[nn] = coord_y[n];
coord_z[nn] = coord_z[n];
int exoid = output_region(rank)->get_database()->get_file_pointer();
auto start = cell.m_localNodeIdOffset + 1;
auto count = cell.added_node_count(Mode::PROCESSOR, m_equivalenceNodes);
ex_put_partial_coord(exoid, start, count,,,;
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::UNIT)) {
template <typename INT> void Grid::output_generated_surfaces(Cell &cell, INT /*dummy*/)
auto generated_ijk = get_generated_sidesets();
if (generated_ijk == 0) {
int rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
const std::array<int, 6> boundary_rank{
cell.rank(Loc::L), cell.rank(Loc::R), cell.rank(Loc::B), cell.rank(Loc::T), -1, -1};
std::array<enum Flg, 6> boundary_flag{Flg::MIN_I, Flg::MAX_I, Flg::MIN_J,
Flg::MAX_J, Flg::MIN_K, Flg::MAX_K};
int exoid = output_region(rank)->get_database()->get_file_pointer();
for (int face = 0; face < 6; face++) {
if ((generated_ijk & (unsigned)boundary_flag[face]) && boundary_rank[face] == -1) {
// Find surface on output mesh...
auto *osurf = output_region(rank)->get_sideset(generated_surface_names[face]);
SMART_ASSERT(osurf != nullptr);
auto &oblocks = osurf->get_side_blocks();
SMART_ASSERT(oblocks.size() == 1)(oblocks.size());
auto &boundary = cell.unit()->boundary_blocks[face];
auto count = boundary.size();
std::vector<INT> elements;
std::vector<INT> faces;
for (const auto &block_faces : boundary.m_faces) {
const auto &block_name = block_faces.first;
const auto &bnd_faces = block_faces.second;
// This is the offset within this element block -- i.e., the 'element_offsetth' element in
// this block.
size_t element_offset = cell.m_localElementIdOffset[block_name];
// This is the offset of the elements in this element block within all of the elements in
// the output file.
size_t global_offset = output_region(rank)->get_element_block(block_name)->get_offset();
for (const auto &bface : bnd_faces) {
elements.push_back(bface / 10 + element_offset + global_offset);
faces.push_back(bface % 10 + 1);
auto id = osurf->get_property("id").get_int();
auto start = cell.m_localSurfaceOffset[generated_surface_names[face]];
ex_put_partial_set(exoid, EX_SIDE_SET, id, start + 1, count,,;
template <typename INT> void Grid::output_surfaces(Cell &cell, INT /*dummy*/)
int rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
int exoid = output_region(rank)->get_database()->get_file_pointer();
// Get the surfaces on this cell...
const auto &surfaces = cell.region()->get_sidesets();
for (const auto *surface : surfaces) {
// Find corresponding surface on output mesh...
auto *osurf = output_region(rank)->get_sideset(surface->name());
SMART_ASSERT(osurf != nullptr);
const auto &oblocks = osurf->get_side_blocks();
std::vector<INT> elements;
std::vector<INT> faces;
const auto &blocks = surface->get_side_blocks();
for (const auto *block : blocks) {
// Get the element/face pairs for the SideBlock in this surface...
std::vector<INT> element_side;
block->get_field_data("element_side_raw", element_side);
// Now separate the element and the face into different vectors and
// update the element number to match the elements in this cell...
const auto *parent = block->parent_element_block();
SMART_ASSERT(parent != nullptr);
// This is the offset of the elements in the unit cell parent element block
size_t unit_block_offset = parent->get_offset();
// This is the offset within this element block -- i.e., the 'element_offsetth' element in
// this block.
size_t element_offset = cell.m_localElementIdOffset[parent->name()];
// This is the offset of the elements in this element block within all of the elements in the
// output file.
size_t global_offset = output_region(rank)->get_element_block(parent->name())->get_offset();
size_t entity_count = block->entity_count();
for (size_t i = 0; i < entity_count; i++) {
auto element = element_side[2 * i + 0];
auto output_element = element - unit_block_offset + element_offset + global_offset;
faces.push_back(element_side[2 * i + 1]);
auto id = osurf->get_property("id").get_int();
auto start = cell.m_localSurfaceOffset[osurf->name()];
auto count = elements.size();
ex_put_partial_set(exoid, EX_SIDE_SET, id, start + 1, count,,;
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::UNIT)) {
template <typename INT>
void Grid::output_block_connectivity(Cell &cell, const std::vector<INT> &node_map)
int rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
if (rank >= m_startRank && rank < m_startRank + m_rankCount) {
int exoid = output_region(rank)->get_database()->get_file_pointer();
const auto &blocks = cell.region()->get_element_blocks();
std::vector<INT> connect;
for (const auto *block : blocks) {
block->get_field_data("connectivity_raw", connect);
for (size_t k = 0; k < connect.size(); k++) {
connect[k] = node_map[connect[k]];
auto start = cell.m_localElementIdOffset[block->name()] + 1;
auto count = block->entity_count();
auto id = block->get_property("id").get_int();
if (debug_level & 8) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Rank: {}, Cell({}, {}), Block {}, id {}, start {}, count {}\n", rank,
cell.m_i, cell.m_j, block->name(), id, start, count);
ex_put_partial_conn(exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, id, start, count,, nullptr, nullptr);
if (debug_level & 2) {
util().progress(fmt::format("Generated Node Map / Output Connectivity for Cell({}, {})",
cell.m_i, cell.m_j));
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::UNIT)) {
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::OUTPUT)) {
template <typename INT>
void Grid::output_nodal_communication_map(Cell &cell, const std::vector<INT> &node_map)
// The `node_map` has the processor-local node ids for all nodes on this cell.
// Note that the `node_map` starts at index 1 in the vector...
// Need to check the boundaries of the cell and determine which boundaries are on a different rank
// and output the nodes and processors to the communication map.
int rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
if (rank >= m_startRank && rank < m_startRank + m_rankCount) {
std::vector<INT> nodes;
std::vector<INT> procs;
cell.populate_node_communication_map(node_map, nodes, procs);
int exoid = output_region(rank)->get_database()->get_file_pointer();
auto start = cell.m_communicationNodeOffset + 1;
auto count = cell.m_communicationNodeCount;
ex_put_partial_node_cmap(exoid, 1, start, count,,, rank);
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::OUTPUT)) {
if (debug_level & 32) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Rank: {}, Cell({}, {}), Node Comm Map: start {}, count {}\n", rank,
cell.m_i, cell.m_j, start, count);
if (debug_level & 2) {
fmt::format("Output Nodal Communication Map for Cell({}, {})", cell.m_i, cell.m_j));
template <typename INT> void Grid::output_node_map(const Cell &cell, INT /*dummy*/)
int rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
auto start = cell.m_localNodeIdOffset + 1;
auto count = cell.added_node_count(Mode::PROCESSOR, m_equivalenceNodes);
if (parallel_size() == 1) {
auto gid = cell.m_globalNodeIdOffset + 1;
std::vector<INT> map(count);
std::iota(map.begin(), map.end(), gid);
int exoid = output_region(rank)->get_database()->get_file_pointer();
ex_put_partial_id_map(exoid, EX_NODE_MAP, start, count,;
else {
auto map = generate_node_map(*this, cell, Mode::GLOBAL, INT(0));
if (rank >= m_startRank && rank < m_startRank + m_rankCount) {
// Filter nodes down to only "new nodes"...
if (m_equivalenceNodes && (cell.has_neighbor_i() || cell.has_neighbor_j())) {
auto mode = Mode::PROCESSOR;
auto categorized_nodes = cell.categorize_nodes(mode);
size_t nn = 0;
for (size_t n = 0; n < categorized_nodes.size(); n++) {
if (categorized_nodes[n] == 0) {
map[nn + 1] = map[n + 1];
if (debug_level & 8) {
fmt::print("Cell({}, {}), start {}, count {}\n", cell.m_i, cell.m_j, start, count);
int exoid = output_region(rank)->get_database()->get_file_pointer();
ex_put_partial_id_map(exoid, EX_NODE_MAP, start, count, &map[1]);
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::OUTPUT)) {
if (debug_level & 2) {
util().progress(fmt::format("Generated Node Map for Rank {}, Cell({}, {}): start {}, count "
rank, cell.m_i, cell.m_j, start, count));
template <typename INT> void Grid::output_element_map(Cell &cell, INT /*dummy*/)
int rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
if (rank >= m_startRank && rank < m_startRank + m_rankCount) {
int exoid = output_region(rank)->get_database()->get_file_pointer();
const auto &output_blocks = output_region(rank)->get_element_blocks();
// This is the element block offset for the "single output file"
// for the block being output For example, if the total mesh has
// 3 blocks, with 100, 200, 100 elements, then the element block
// offset would be 0, 100, 300 (Ioss::ElementBlock::get_offset())
size_t global_id_offset = 0;
for (const auto *output_element_block : output_blocks) {
auto *block = cell.region()->get_element_block(output_element_block->name());
if (block != nullptr) {
auto gid = cell.m_globalElementIdOffset[block->name()] + 1 + global_id_offset;
auto element_count = block->entity_count();
std::vector<INT> map(element_count);
std::iota(map.begin(), map.end(), gid);
auto output_block_offset = output_element_block->get_offset();
// This cells element block ids start this far into the portion of the map for this
// element block
auto local_offset = cell.m_localElementIdOffset[block->name()];
auto start = output_block_offset + local_offset + 1;
ex_put_partial_id_map(exoid, EX_ELEM_MAP, start, element_count,;
if (debug_level & 8) {
fmt::print("Rank {}: Cell({}, {}), Block {}, start {}, element_count {}, gid {}\n", rank,
cell.m_i, cell.m_j, block->name(), start, element_count, gid);
// If we were outputting a single file, then this element
// block in that file would have this many elements.
auto global_block_element_count =
global_id_offset += global_block_element_count;
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::OUTPUT)) {
void Grid::handle_file_count()
// If the user has specified a 'minimize_open_files' behavior on the command line,
// honor that mode here. Note that we have already processed the unit cells and
// if the unit cell count exceeds the open file limit, then that code has already
// automatically set the minimize_open_files to include UNIT...
if (m_minimizeOpenFiles == Minimize::ALL) {
size_t open_files = open_file_limit();
if (util().parallel_rank() == 0) {
fmt::print("\n Maximum Open File Count = {}\n", open_file_limit());
auto unit_cell_size = unit_cells().size();
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::UNIT)) {
unit_cell_size = 1; // There will only be a single unit cell file open at a time.
if (unit_cell_size + m_rankCount > open_files) {
// Too many files, need to close some of them after accessing...
// We have already checked the unit_cell() size earlier.
// If user has specified 'minimize_open_files == OUTPUT', then honor that...
if (minimize_open_files(Minimize::OUTPUT)) {
// Have decision on whether to keep all unit_files open
// and reduce open output files further, or to close
// unit files and have more output files open...
int output_open = open_files - (int)unit_cell_size;
if (output_open < (int)(.2 * m_rankCount)) {
// Close the unit files. Prefer to have output files open instead.
m_minimizeOpenFiles = Minimize((unsigned)m_minimizeOpenFiles | (unsigned)Minimize::UNIT);
unit_cell_size = 1;
// Set the rank count to the number of files left after subtracting off 'unit_cell_size'
// and set the 'subcycle' mode.
auto max_rank_count = open_files - unit_cell_size;
if (max_rank_count < (size_t)m_rankCount) {
m_rankCount = max_rank_count;
m_subCycle = true;
if (util().parallel_rank() == 0 && m_minimizeOpenFiles != Minimize::NONE) {
std::array<std::string, 4> smode{"NONE", "UNIT", "OUTPUT", "ALL"};
fmt::print(" Setting `minimize_open_files` mode to {}.\n", smode[(int)m_minimizeOpenFiles]);
namespace {
size_t handle_elements(Grid &grid, int start_rank, int rank_count)
// Not all unit cells have the same element blocks and the output
// grid will contain the union of the element blocks on each unit
// cell...
// While finalizing the cells, we will create this union for use in
// the output region. Would be quicker to do iteration on unit_cell
// map which is smaller, but for now do it here and see if becomes
// bottleneck.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Ioss::ElementBlock>> output_element_blocks;
std::vector<std::map<std::string, size_t>> element_block_elem_count(grid.parallel_size());
std::map<std::string, size_t> global_element_block_elem_count;
for (size_t j = 0; j < grid.JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.II(); i++) {
auto &cell = grid.get_cell(i, j);
auto rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
const auto &element_blocks = cell.region()->get_element_blocks();
for (const auto *block : element_blocks) {
auto &blk = block->name();
cell.m_globalElementIdOffset[blk] = global_element_block_elem_count[blk];
cell.m_localElementIdOffset[blk] = element_block_elem_count[rank][blk];
element_block_elem_count[rank][blk] += block->entity_count();
global_element_block_elem_count[blk] += block->entity_count();
if (debug_level & 8) {
fmt::print("rank, i, j, blk, loffset, goffset, block_count: {}: {} {} {} {} {} {}\n",
rank, i, j, blk, cell.m_localElementIdOffset[blk],
cell.m_globalElementIdOffset[blk], element_block_elem_count[rank][blk]);
// Create output element block if does not exist yet...
if (output_element_blocks.find(blk) == output_element_blocks.end()) {
blk, std::make_unique<Ioss::ElementBlock>(Ioss::ElementBlock(*block)));
// Calculate values needed to set the "global_entity_count" property on the output element
// blocks.
size_t global_element_count = 0;
std::map<const std::string, int64_t> global_block_element_count;
for (auto &blk : output_element_blocks) {
for (int rank = 0; rank < grid.parallel_size(); rank++) {
auto *block = blk.second.get();
global_block_element_count[block->name()] += element_block_elem_count[rank][block->name()];
global_element_count += element_block_elem_count[rank][block->name()];
// Define the element blocks in the output database...
for (int rank = start_rank; rank < start_rank + rank_count; rank++) {
for (auto &blk : output_element_blocks) {
auto *block = new Ioss::ElementBlock(*blk.second.get());
block->property_update("entity_count", element_block_elem_count[rank][block->name()]);
block->property_update("global_entity_count", global_block_element_count[block->name()]);
Ioss::Property("global_element_count", (int64_t)global_element_count));
if (debug_level & 8) {
fmt::print("rank, blk, element_count: {}: {} {}\n", rank, block->name(),
return global_element_count;
size_t handle_nodes(Grid &grid, int start_rank, int rank_count)
size_t global_node_count = 0;
std::vector<size_t> local_node_count(grid.parallel_size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < grid.JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.II(); i++) {
auto &cell = grid.get_cell(i, j);
auto rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
cell.m_globalNodeIdOffset = global_node_count;
cell.m_localNodeIdOffset = local_node_count[rank];
SMART_ASSERT(cell.region() != nullptr)(i)(j);
auto new_global_nodes = cell.added_node_count(Mode::GLOBAL, grid.equivalence_nodes());
auto new_processor_nodes = cell.added_node_count(Mode::PROCESSOR, grid.equivalence_nodes());
if (debug_level & 8) {
fmt::print("rank: i, j, node_offset, added_nodes: {}: {} {} {} {} {}\n", rank, i, j,
local_node_count[rank], new_global_nodes, new_processor_nodes);
local_node_count[rank] += new_processor_nodes;
global_node_count += new_global_nodes;
// Define the output database node block...
for (int i = start_rank; i < start_rank + rank_count; i++) {
std::string block_name = "nodeblock_1";
int spatial_dimension = 3;
auto block = new Ioss::NodeBlock(grid.output_region(i)->get_database(), block_name,
local_node_count[i], spatial_dimension);
block->property_add(Ioss::Property("id", 1));
Ioss::Property("global_node_count", (int64_t)global_node_count));
return global_node_count;
void handle_communications(Grid &grid, int start_rank, int rank_count)
// Need to determine the number of nodes on the processor
// boundaries for each output database and create a CommSet...
std::vector<size_t> bnode(grid.parallel_size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < grid.JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.II(); i++) {
auto &cell = grid.get_cell(i, j);
auto rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
cell.m_communicationNodeOffset = bnode[rank];
auto bnd = cell.processor_boundary_node_count();
bnode[rank] += bnd;
if (debug_level & 32) {
fmt::print("rank: {}, Cell({}, {}): Boundary Count = {}, Total = {}\n", rank, i, j, bnd,
// Now add communication sets to all output databases...
for (int rank = start_rank; rank < start_rank + rank_count; rank++) {
auto *cs = new Ioss::CommSet(grid.output_region(rank)->get_database(), "commset_node", "node",
void handle_surfaces(Grid &grid, int start_rank, int rank_count)
// Not all unit cells have the same surfaces and the output
// grid will contain the union of the surfaces on each unit
// cell that has a surface on the boundary of the output mesh.
// While finalizing the cells, we will create this union for use in
// the output region. Would be quicker to do iteration on unit_cell
// map which is smaller, but for now do it here and see if becomes
// bottleneck.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Ioss::SideSet>> output_surfaces;
std::map<std::string, size_t> global_surface_face_count;
// Per rank...
std::vector<std::map<std::string, size_t>> surface_face_count(grid.parallel_size());
std::vector<std::map<std::string, size_t>> local_surface_offset(grid.parallel_size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < grid.JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.II(); i++) {
auto &cell = grid.get_cell(i, j);
auto rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
const auto &surfaces = cell.region()->get_sidesets();
for (const auto *surface : surfaces) {
auto &surf = surface->name();
cell.m_localSurfaceOffset[surf] = local_surface_offset[rank][surf];
const auto &blocks = surface->get_side_blocks();
for (const auto *blk : blocks) {
surface_face_count[rank][surf] += blk->entity_count();
global_surface_face_count[surf] += blk->entity_count();
local_surface_offset[rank][surf] += blk->entity_count();
// Create output surface if does not exist yet...
if (output_surfaces.find(surf) == output_surfaces.end()) {
output_surfaces.emplace(surf, std::make_unique<Ioss::SideSet>(Ioss::SideSet(*surface)));
// Define the surfaces in the output database...
for (int rank = start_rank; rank < start_rank + rank_count; rank++) {
for (auto &surf : output_surfaces) {
auto *surface =
new Ioss::SideSet(grid.output_region(rank)->get_database(), surf.second->name());
auto *block =
new Ioss::SideBlock(grid.output_region(rank)->get_database(), surf.second->name(),
"quad4", "hex8", surface_face_count[rank][surface->name()]);
block->property_update("global_entity_count", global_surface_face_count[surface->name()]);
surface->property_update("global_entity_count", global_surface_face_count[surface->name()]);
block->property_update("distribution_factor_count", 0);
void generate_surfaces(Grid &grid, int start_rank, int rank_count)
// The user may have requested that sidesets on one or more
// of the models boundary surfaces (min i,j,k and/or max i,j,k)
// be automatically generated (they don't exist on the input
// unit cells). Handle those sidesets here.
auto generated_ijk = grid.get_generated_sidesets();
if (generated_ijk == 0) {
std::array<size_t, 6> global_surface_face_count{};
// Per rank...
std::vector<std::array<size_t, 6>> surface_face_count(grid.parallel_size());
std::vector<std::array<size_t, 6>> local_surface_offset(grid.parallel_size());
std::array<enum Flg, 6> boundary_flag{Flg::MIN_I, Flg::MAX_I, Flg::MIN_J,
Flg::MAX_J, Flg::MIN_K, Flg::MAX_K};
for (size_t j = 0; j < grid.JJ(); j++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < grid.II(); i++) {
auto &cell = grid.get_cell(i, j);
auto rank = cell.rank(Loc::C);
const std::array<int, 6> boundary_rank{
cell.rank(Loc::L), cell.rank(Loc::R), cell.rank(Loc::B), cell.rank(Loc::T), -1, -1};
for (int face = 0; face < 6; face++) {
if ((generated_ijk & (unsigned)boundary_flag[face]) && boundary_rank[face] == -1) {
cell.m_localSurfaceOffset[grid.generated_surface_names[face]] =
auto count = cell.unit()->boundary_blocks[face].size();
global_surface_face_count[face] += count;
surface_face_count[rank][face] += count;
local_surface_offset[rank][face] += count;
// Define the surfaces in the output database...
for (int rank = start_rank; rank < start_rank + rank_count; rank++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (global_surface_face_count[i] > 0) {
auto *surface = new Ioss::SideSet(grid.output_region(rank)->get_database(),
auto *block = new Ioss::SideBlock(grid.output_region(rank)->get_database(),
grid.generated_surface_names[i], "quad4", "hex8",
surface->property_update("global_entity_count", global_surface_face_count[i]);
block->property_update("global_entity_count", global_surface_face_count[i]);
block->property_update("distribution_factor_count", 0);
template <typename INT>
std::vector<INT> generate_node_map(Grid &grid, const Cell &cell, Mode mode, INT /*dummy*/)
// Generate a "map" from nodes in the input connectivity to the
// output connectivity in global nodes. If no neighbors, then
// this would just be adding `cell.m_globalNodeIdOffset` to each
// connectivity entry.
std::vector<INT> map = cell.generate_node_map(mode, grid.equivalence_nodes(), INT(0));
if (debug_level & 8) {
fmt::print("Cell({},{}) PROCESSOR MAP: {}\n", cell.m_i, cell.m_j, fmt::join(map, " "));
// Now that we have the node map for this cell, we need to save
// the mappings for the max_I and max_J faces and max_I-max_J edge
// for use by later neighbors... Check whether cell has neighbors
// on max_I or max_J faces...
if (grid.equivalence_nodes()) {
if ((mode == Mode::GLOBAL ||
(mode == Mode::PROCESSOR && cell.rank(Loc::C) == cell.rank(Loc::R))) &&
(cell.m_i + 1 < grid.II())) {
const auto &neighbor = grid.get_cell(cell.m_i + 1, cell.m_j);
cell.populate_neighbor(Loc::L, map, neighbor);
if ((mode == Mode::GLOBAL ||
(mode == Mode::PROCESSOR && cell.rank(Loc::C) == cell.rank(Loc::T))) &&
(cell.m_j + 1 < grid.JJ())) {
const auto &neighbor = grid.get_cell(cell.m_i, cell.m_j + 1);
cell.populate_neighbor(Loc::B, map, neighbor);
if (mode == Mode::PROCESSOR) {
if (cell.processor_boundary(Loc::L) && (cell.rank(Loc::TL) == cell.rank(Loc::C))) {
const auto &tl_corner = grid.get_cell(cell.m_i - 1, cell.m_j + 1);
cell.populate_neighbor(Loc::BR, map, tl_corner);
// Now the other "corner case"
if (cell.processor_boundary(Loc::R) && (cell.rank(Loc::TR) == cell.rank(Loc::C))) {
const auto &tr_corner = grid.get_cell(cell.m_i + 1, cell.m_j + 1);
cell.populate_neighbor(Loc::BL, map, tr_corner);
return map;
Ioss::PropertyManager parse_properties(SystemInterface &interFace, int int_size)
Ioss::PropertyManager properties;
if (int_size == 8) {
properties.add(Ioss::Property("INTEGER_SIZE_DB", 8));
properties.add(Ioss::Property("INTEGER_SIZE_API", 8));
if (interFace.use_netcdf4()) {
properties.add(Ioss::Property("FILE_TYPE", "netcdf4"));
if (interFace.use_netcdf5()) {
properties.add(Ioss::Property("FILE_TYPE", "netcdf5"));
if (interFace.compression_level() > 0 || interFace.szip()) {
properties.add(Ioss::Property("FILE_TYPE", "netcdf4"));
properties.add(Ioss::Property("COMPRESSION_LEVEL", interFace.compression_level()));
properties.add(Ioss::Property("COMPRESSION_SHUFFLE", true));
if (interFace.szip()) {
properties.add(Ioss::Property("COMPRESSION_METHOD", "szip"));
else if (interFace.zlib()) {
properties.add(Ioss::Property("COMPRESSION_METHOD", "zlib"));
return properties;
std::shared_ptr<Ioss::Region> create_input_region(const std::string &key, std::string filename,
bool ints_32_bits)
// Check that 'filename' does not contain a starting/ending double quote...
filename.erase(remove(filename.begin(), filename.end(), '\"'), filename.end());
Ioss::DatabaseIO *dbi = Ioss::IOFactory::create("exodus", filename, Ioss::READ_RESTART,
if (dbi == nullptr || !dbi->ok(true)) {
if (ints_32_bits) {
else {
// Splitting surfaces by element block makes it easier to transform the input
// element id into the output element ids.
// Generate a name for the region based on the key...
std::string name = "Region_" + key;
// NOTE: region owns database pointer at this time...
return std::make_shared<Ioss::Region>(dbi, name);
void output_summary(Ioss::Region *region, std::ostream &strm)
int64_t nodes = region->get_property("node_count").get_int();
int64_t elements = region->get_property("element_count").get_int();
fmt::print(strm, " Database: {}\tNodes = {} \tElements = {}\n",
region->get_database()->get_filename(), fmt::group_digits(nodes),
} // namespace