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434 lines
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// Copyright(C) 2021, 2022, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#include "ZE_SystemInterface.h"
#include "ZE_Version.h" // for qainfo
#include <Ioss_ParallelUtils.h>
#include <copyright.h>
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <cstdlib> // for exit, strtod, strtoul, abs, etc
#include <fmt/color.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <iosfwd> // for ostream
#include <tokenize.h>
//! \file
SystemInterface::SystemInterface(int my_rank) : myRank_(my_rank) { enroll_options(); }
SystemInterface::~SystemInterface() = default;
namespace {
void parse_offset(const char *tokens, vector3d &offset, int myRank);
void SystemInterface::enroll_options()
options_.usage("[options] -lattice <lattice_definition_file>");
options_.enroll("lattice", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Name of file to read lattice definition from. [required]", "");
options_.enroll("output", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Name of output file to create. Default is `zellij-out.e`", "zellij-out.e",
nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("rcb", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use recursive coordinate bisection method to decompose the input lattice for "
"parallel output.",
"rib", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use recursive inertial bisection method to decompose the input lattice for parallel output.",
options_.enroll("hsfc", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use hilbert space-filling curve method to decompose the input lattice for "
"parallel output. [default]",
options_.enroll("linear", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use the linear method to decompose the input lattice for parallel output.\n"
"\t\tElements in order first n/p to proc 0, next to proc 1.",
options_.enroll("cyclic", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use the cyclic method to decompose the input lattice for parallel output.\n"
"\t\tElements handed out to id % proc_count",
options_.enroll("random", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use the random method to decompose the input lattice for parallel output.\n"
"\t\tElements assigned randomly to processors in a way that preserves balance\n"
"\t\t(do *not* use for a real run)",
nullptr, nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("ranks", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Number of ranks to decompose mesh/lattice across", "1");
options_.enroll("start_rank", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"In partial output mode, start outputting decomposed files at this rank", "0");
options_.enroll("rank_count", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"In partial output or subcycle modes, output this number of ranks", "0");
options_.enroll("subcycle", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Process cells in groups of '-rank_count'. Helps minimize open files,\n"
"\t\tbut is faster than only having a single file open.",
options_.enroll("offset", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Comma-separated x,y,z offset for coordinates of the output mesh.\n"
"\t\tThe output coordinates will be xyz_out = xyz * scale + offset_xyz",
options_.enroll("scale", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Scale the output mesh coordinates by the specified value", "1");
"minimize_open_files", Ioss::GetLongOption::OptionalValue,
"Close files after accessing them to avoid issues with too many open files.\n"
"\t\tIf argument is 'output' then close output, if 'unit' then close unit cells;\n"
"\t\tif 'all' or no argument close all.\n"
"\t\tShould not need to use this option unless you get an error message "
"indicating this issue.",
nullptr, "all", true);
options_.enroll("ignore_sidesets", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Do not copy any sidesets in the unit cells to the output file.", nullptr);
options_.enroll("generate_sidesets", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Which surfaces on the output mesh should have sidesets generated,\n"
"\t\t Valid options are:\n"
"\t\t 'x' or 'i' for surface on minimum X coordinate, default name = `min_i`\n"
"\t\t 'y' or 'j' for surface on minimum Y coordinate, default name = `min_j`\n"
"\t\t 'z' or 'k' for surface on minimum Z coordinate, default name = `min_k`\n"
"\t\t 'X' or 'I' for surface on maximum X coordinate, default name = `max_i`\n"
"\t\t 'Y' or 'J' for surface on maximum Y coordinate, default name = `max_j`\n"
"\t\t 'Z' or 'K' for surface on maximum Z coordinate, default name = `max_k`\n"
"\t\t For example `xyXY` would generate sidesets on min/max X and Y surfaces.",
"sideset_names", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Specify names for one or more of the generated sidesets.\n"
"\t\t Form is `axis:name,axis:name,...`\n"
"\t\t where 'axis' is one of 'ijkIJKxyzXYZ', and 'name' is the name of the sideset.\n"
"\t\t The default names are 'min_i', 'max_i', 'min_j', 'max_j', 'min_k', 'max_k'.\n"
"\t\t For example `x:left,X:right` would name the sideset on the min x face 'left' and the "
"max X face 'right'.",
"", nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("netcdf3", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Output database will be a netcdf3 "
"native classical netcdf file format (32-bit only)",
options_.enroll("netcdf4", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Output database will be a netcdf4 "
"hdf5-based file instead of the "
"classical netcdf file format (default)",
options_.enroll("netcdf5", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Output database will be a netcdf5 (CDF5) "
"file instead of the classical netcdf file format",
nullptr, nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("32-bit", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"True if forcing the use of 32-bit integers for the output file", nullptr);
options_.enroll("64-bit", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"True if forcing the use of 64-bit integers for the output file (default)",
nullptr, nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("zlib", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use the Zlib / libz compression method if compression is enabled "
"(default) [exodus only].",
options_.enroll("szip", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use SZip compression. [exodus only, enables netcdf-4]", nullptr);
options_.enroll("compress", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Specify the hdf5 zlib compression level [0..9] or szip [even, 4..32] to be used "
"on the output file.",
nullptr, nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("separate_cells", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Do not equivalence the nodes between adjacent unit cells.", nullptr);
"repeat", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Each lattice entry will be used the specified number of times as will\n"
"\t\teach row in the lattice (for debugging). `-repeat 2` would double the lattice.",
"skip", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Skip the specified number of lattice entries and rows. For example, -skip 1\n"
"\t\twould read every other entry on the row and every other row. (for debugging)",
options_.enroll("help", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue, "Print this summary and exit", nullptr);
options_.enroll("version", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue, "Print version and exit", nullptr);
options_.enroll("debug", Ioss::GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"debug level (values are or'd)\n"
"\t\t 1 = Exodus Verbose mode.\n"
"\t\t 2 = Memory and time stamp information.\n"
"\t\t 4 = Verbose Unit Cell information.\n"
"\t\t 8 = Verbose output of Grid finalization calculations.\n"
"\t\t 16 = Put exodus library into verbose mode.\n"
"\t\t 32 = Verbose decomposition information.\n"
"\t\t 64 = Verbose output database summary information.\n"
"\t\t 128 = Verbose sideset generation information.",
options_.enroll("copyright", Ioss::GetLongOption::NoValue, "Show copyright and license data.",
bool SystemInterface::parse_options(int argc, char **argv)
int option_index = options_.parse(argc, argv);
if (option_index < 1) {
return false;
if (options_.retrieve("help") != nullptr) {
if (myRank_ == 0) {
fmt::print("\n\tCan also set options via ZELLIJ_OPTIONS environment variable.\n"
"\n\tDocumentation: "
"\n\t->->-> Send email to for zellij support.<-<-<-\n");
if (options_.retrieve("version") != nullptr) {
// Version is printed up front, just exit...
if (options_.retrieve("rcb") != nullptr) {
decompMethod_ = "RCB";
if (options_.retrieve("rib") != nullptr) {
decompMethod_ = "RIB";
if (options_.retrieve("hsfc") != nullptr) {
decompMethod_ = "HSFC";
if (options_.retrieve("linear") != nullptr) {
decompMethod_ = "LINEAR";
if (options_.retrieve("cyclic") != nullptr) {
decompMethod_ = "CYCLIC";
if (options_.retrieve("random") != nullptr) {
decompMethod_ = "RANDOM";
subcycle_ = (options_.retrieve("subcycle") != nullptr);
equivalenceNodes_ = options_.retrieve("separate_cells") == nullptr;
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("minimize_open_files");
if (temp != nullptr) {
auto mode = Ioss::Utils::lowercase(temp);
if (mode == "all") {
minimizeOpenFiles_ = Minimize::ALL;
else if (mode == "unit") {
minimizeOpenFiles_ = Minimize::UNIT;
else if (mode == "output") {
minimizeOpenFiles_ = Minimize::OUTPUT;
else if (mode == "none") {
minimizeOpenFiles_ = Minimize::NONE;
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("offset");
if (temp != nullptr) {
parse_offset(temp, offset_, myRank_);
scaleFactor_ = options_.get_option_value("scale", scaleFactor_);
ranks_ = options_.get_option_value("ranks", ranks_);
startRank_ = options_.get_option_value("start_rank", startRank_);
rankCount_ = options_.get_option_value("rank_count", rankCount_);
debugLevel_ = options_.get_option_value("debug", debugLevel_);
if (options_.retrieve("copyright") != nullptr) {
if (myRank_ == 0) {
fmt::print("{}", copyright("2021"));
// Get options from environment variable also...
char *options = getenv("ZELLIJ_OPTIONS");
if (options != nullptr) {
if (myRank_ == 0) {
"\nThe following options were specified via the ZELLIJ_OPTIONS environment variable:\n"
options_.parse(options, options_.basename(*argv));
outputName_ = options_.get_option_value("output", outputName_);
lattice_ = options_.get_option_value("lattice", lattice_);
ignoreInternalSidesets_ = options_.retrieve("ignore_sidesets") != nullptr;
sidesetSurfaces_ = options_.get_option_value("generate_sidesets", sidesetSurfaces_);
sidesetNames_ = options_.get_option_value("sideset_names", sidesetNames_);
// Default to 64...
ints32bit_ = options_.retrieve("32-bit") != nullptr;
if (options_.retrieve("64-bit") != nullptr) {
ints32bit_ = false;
if (options_.retrieve("netcdf3") != nullptr) {
ints32bit_ = true;
useNetcdf4_ = false;
useNetcdf5_ = false;
if (options_.retrieve("netcdf4") != nullptr) {
useNetcdf4_ = true;
useNetcdf5_ = false;
if (options_.retrieve("netcdf5") != nullptr) {
useNetcdf4_ = false;
useNetcdf5_ = true;
if (options_.retrieve("szip") != nullptr) {
szip_ = true;
zlib_ = false;
zlib_ = (options_.retrieve("zlib") != nullptr);
if (szip_ && zlib_) {
if (myRank_ == 0) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::red),
"\nERROR: Only one of 'szip' or 'zlib' can be specified.\n");
compressionLevel_ = options_.get_option_value("compress", compressionLevel_);
skip_ = options_.get_option_value("skip", skip_);
repeat_ = options_.get_option_value("repeat", repeat_);
// Adjust start_rank and rank_count if running in parallel...
Ioss::ParallelUtils pu{};
if (pu.parallel_size() > 1) {
if (subcycle_) {
if (myRank_ == 0) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::yellow),
"\nWARNING: The `subcycle` option is ignored if running in parallel.\n");
subcycle_ = false;
auto size = pu.parallel_size();
auto ranks_per_mpi = ranks_ / size;
auto extra = ranks_ % size;
auto my_rank = pu.parallel_rank();
if (my_rank < extra) {
startRank_ = (ranks_per_mpi + 1) * my_rank;
else {
startRank_ = (ranks_per_mpi + 1) * extra + ranks_per_mpi * (my_rank - extra);
rankCount_ = ranks_per_mpi + (my_rank < extra ? 1 : 0);
if ((rankCount_ == 0) || (startRank_ + rankCount_ > ranks_)) {
rankCount_ = ranks_ - startRank_;
if (lattice().empty()) {
if (myRank_ == 0) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::red),
"\nERROR: Missing specification of lattice file.\n");
return false;
else {
return true;
void SystemInterface::show_version()
"\t(A code for tiling 1 or more template databases into a single output database.)\n"
"\t(Version: {}) Modified: {}\n",
qainfo[2], qainfo[1]);
namespace {
void parse_offset(const char *tokens, vector3d &offset, int myRank)
// Break into tokens separated by ","
if (tokens != nullptr) {
std::string token_string(tokens);
auto var_list = Ioss::tokenize(token_string, ",");
// At this point, var_list should contain 1,2,or 3 strings
// corresponding to the x, y, and z coordinate offsets.
offset[0] = offset[1] = offset[2] = 0.0;
std::string offx = var_list[0];
double x = std::stod(offx);
offset[0] = x;
if (var_list.size() >= 2) {
std::string offy = var_list[1];
double y = std::stod(offy);
offset[1] = y;
if (var_list.size() == 3) {
std::string offz = var_list[2];
double z = std::stod(offz);
offset[2] = z;
if (var_list.size() > 3) {
if (myRank == 0) {
fmt::print(stderr, fmt::fg(fmt::color::red),
"ERROR: Incorrect number of offset components ({}) specified -- max is 3; "
"ignoring extras.\n\n",
} // namespace