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* Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2022 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
* of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
* NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
* See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#pragma once
* Calling Chaco from other programs. Throughout this document we have
* assumed that Chaco is being used as a stand{alone program. However,
* this needn't be the case. We designed version 2.0 to allow for easy
* interface with other codes written in either C or Fortran. The
* mechanism for this interface is described below. Some familiarity
* with the remainder of this document is assumed. The interface()
* routine and can be found in \code/main/interface.c". This is the
* routine that Chaco itself invokes after prompting the user for all
* the necessary input. Consequently, no functionality is lost by
* calling interface() yourself.
* The input can still be checked for consistency, all the output
* options are still active and the ability to modify parameters at
* run time by reading a file as described in x6.10 is
* maintained. (The parameters ARCHITECTURE, EIGEN TOLERANCE and
* RANDOM SEED are made obsolete by the arguments to interface() as
* detailed below, and DEBUG INPUT and PROMPT become irrelevant, but
* all other parameters remain active.) The ability to control the
* goals argument described below actually gives you greater
* functionality than you would have in standalone mode.
* The interface routine returns 0 if the partitioning is successful,
* and 1 otherwise. Typically, a return code of 1 indicates the
* detection of some inconsistencies in the input arguments. The
* arguments to interface() describe the graph, input and output files
* and arrays, properties of the desired decomposition and the
* requested partitioning algorithm. The arguments are described below
* in the order in which they occur.
* A. Arguments describing the graph.
* 1. nvtxs. Type int. This is the number of vertices in the graph. Vertices are
* numbered from 1 to nvtxs.
* 2. start. Type int *. Although Chaco internally uses a C structure to represent
* the graph, a simpler representation at the start allows for interface with Fortran
* programs. The start array is of size (nvtxs+1). It's values are indices into the
* adjacency array. The values in adjacency from start i ; 1] to start i];1 are the
* vertices adjacent to vertex i in the graph. (Note that C arrays begin at zero,
* so in Fortran, the relevant range would be start i] to start(i + 1) ; 1.)
* 3. adjacency. Type int *. As indicated in the description of start, this array contains
* a list of edges for all vertices in the graph. Note that if the FREE GRAPH
* parameter from x6.8 is set to TRUE, then after converting to a new data structure,
* both start and adjacency are freed. If this is inappropriate for your application
* (e.g. you want to keep the graph, or you didn't dynamically allocate
* these arrays), then you should set FREE GRAPH to FALSE.
* 4. vwgts. Type int *. This array of length nvtxs specifies weights for all the
* vertices. If you pass in a NULL pointer, then all vertices are given unit weight.
* Vertex weights should be positive.
* 5. ewgts. Type float * (Fortran type real*4). This array
* specifies weights for all the edges. It is of the same length
* as adjacency and is indexed in the same way. If you use
* Kernighan-Lin or the multilevel partitioner, these values
* will be rounded to the nearest integer. We suggest scaling
* them so they are neither very small nor very big. Edge
* weights should be positive.
* 6. x. Type float *. If you are using the inertial
* partitioner, you need to specify geometric coordinates for
* each vertex. This array of length nvtxs specifies the x
* coordinate for each vertex.
* 7. y. Type float *. This array specifies the y coordinate for
* each vertex. If it is NULL, the geometry is assumed to
* one-dimensional.
* 8. z. Type float *. This array specifies the z coordinate for
* he each vertex. If z is NULL and y is not NULL, the geometry
* is assumed to be two-dimensional.
* B. Output le names.
* 9. outassignname. Type char *. If you desire the final
* assignment to be written to a file, this argument gives the
* name of that file. If this argument is NULL or if the
* parameter OUTPUT ASSIGN is 0, then the assignment is not
* written to a file.
* 10. out filename. Type char *. This is the name of a file in
* which the results of the run are printed. If it is NULL or if
* the parameter ECHO is not negative, then no file output is
* performed.
* C. Assignment.
* 11. assignment. Type int *. This is the only output argument to interface().
* It is an array of length nvtxs and returns the set number to which each vertex
* is assigned. The set number for vertex i is returned in assignment i ; 1] (or for
* Fortran, in assignment(i)). This can also be an input argument if global method,
* argument 16 below, is set to 7. A description of what functionality can be used
* with an input assignment can be found in x4.4
* NOTE: This argument was a short in the original implementation and documentation.
* Since this limits the processor decompositon to < 32,768 processors, it needed
* to be changed to an integer as were all other shorts in the library.
* D. Description of the target machine.
* 12. architecture. Type int. This parameter designates the topology of the par-
* allel machine for which you are partitioning. Current capabilities include a
* hypercube (indicated by a value of 0), and a one-, two- or three-dimensional
* mesh (indicated by a value of 1, 2 or 3 respectively.) Note that this argument
* overrides the ARCHITECTURE parameter.
* 13. ndims tot. Type int. If architecture is zero, indicating a hypercube, this
* value is the number of dimensions in the hypercube.
* 14. mesh dims. Type int array of size 3. If architecture is 1, 2 or 3, indicating a
* mesh, the values in this array denote the size of the mesh in each dimension.
* 15. goal. Type double *. This optional array speci es the desired sizes of the
* di erent sets. The total number of sets is implicit in the architectural speci -
* cations provided by the preceding three parameters. If a null value is passed
* for goal, the code will try to make each set have the same vertex weight sum.
* If it is not null, the goal array should be as long as the total number of sets.
* The value in goal i] (or, for Fortran, goal(i + 1)) should be the desired sum
* of vertex weights of vertices assigned to set i. Note that set numbers begin
* at zero. Chaco will try to get as close to this goal as possible, but may not
* succeed exactly. The sum of all the goals should equal the sum of all the vertex
* weights, and values should be nonnegative.
* Although the default is to make all set sizes equal, there are applications where
* this may be undesirable. One example would be if you are decomposing a
* computation among processors of di erent speeds. All the code in Chaco
* handles this more general case, and should work for any consistent values in
* goal.
* E. Partitioning options.
* 16. global method. Type int. This argument speci es the global partitioning
* method and should have a value from 1 and 7. These values are the same
* as those on the "Global method" menu when running Chaco in standalone
* method, as reviewed in x5.4.
* 17. local method. Type int. This argument speci es the local
* partitioning method and should have a value of 1 or 2. These
* values are the same as those on the "Local method" menu when
* running Chaco in stand{alone method, as reviewed in x5.4.
* 18. rqi flag. Type int. If you requested spectral partitioning and wish to use the
* multilevel RQI/Symmlq eigensolver, this argument should be set to 1. If you
* wish instead to use Lanczos, it should be set to 0.
* 19. vmax. Type int. If you are using either the multilevel-KL partitioner, or
* the multilevel RQI/Symmlq eigensolver, you need to specify when the coarsest
* graph is small enough. When a coarse graph has no more than vmax vertices,
* the recursive coarsening is finished.
* 20. ndims. Type int. This argument should have a value of 1, 2 or 3 indicating
* partitioning by bisection, quadrisection or octasection.
* 21. eigtol. Type double. If you are using a spectral method or multilevel-KL,
* this argument specifies the tolerance you request for the eigensolver. A
* discussion of an appropriate choice can be found in the description of the
* EIGEN TOLERANCE parameter in x6.2. Note that this argument overrides the
* value of the EIGEN TOLERANCE parameter.
* 22. seed. Type long. This is a seed for the random number generator "rand()".
* Note that it overrides the RANDOM SEED parameter.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define INTER_FACE interFace
#define INTER_FACE interface
extern int INTER_FACE(int nvtxs, /**< number of vertices in full graph */
int *start, /**< start of edge list for each vertex */
int *adjacency, /**< edge list data */
int *vwgts, /**< weights for all vertices */
float *ewgts, /**< weights for all edges */
float *x, float *y, float *z, /**< coordinates for inertial method */
char *outassignname, /**< name of assignment output file */
char *outfilename, /**< output file name */
int *assignment, /**< set number of each vtx (length n) */
int architecture, /**< 0 => hypercube, d => d-dimensional mesh */
int ndims_tot, /**< total number of cube dimensions to divide */
int mesh_dims[3], /**< dimensions of mesh of processors */
double *goal, /**< desired set sizes for each set */
int global_method, /**< global partitioning algorithm */
int local_method, /**< local partitioning algorithm */
int rqi_flag, /**< should I use RQI/Symmlq eigensolver? */
int vmax, /**< how many vertices to coarsen down to? */
int ndims, /**< number of eigenvectors (2^d sets) */
double eigtol, /**< tolerance on eigenvectors */
long seed); /**< for random graph mutations */
/* Chaco interface to read assignment vector from file */
extern int input_assign(FILE *, char *, int, int *);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* close brackets on extern "C" declaration */