Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
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C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
program testwt3
c This is a test program for the Fortran binding of the EXODUS II
c database write routines. This test writes GENISIS (geometry)
c data to the history file.
c 08/10/93 V.R. Yarberry - Updated for use with 2.01 API
include ''
integer iin, iout
integer exoid, exoidh, num_dim, num_nodes, num_elem, num_elem_blk
integer num_elem_in_block(2), num_node_sets
integer num_side_sets, error
integer i, j, k, m, elem_map(2), connect(4)
integer node_list(10), elem_list(10)
integer ebids(2),ids(2), num_nodes_per_set(2), num_elem_per_set(1)
integer node_ind(2), elem_ind(1), num_qa_rec, num_info
integer num_his_vars, num_glo_vars, num_nod_vars, num_ele_vars
integer truth_tab(3,2)
integer hist_time_step, whole_time_step, num_time_steps
integer cpu_word_size, io_word_size
real hist_var_vals(10), glob_var_vals(10), nodal_var_vals(8)
real time_value, elem_var_vals(20)
real x(8), y(8), dummy(1)
real attrib(1), dist_fact(8)
character*(MXLNLN) title
character*(MXSTLN) coord_names(3)
character*(MXSTLN) cname
character*(MXSTLN) var_names(3)
character*(MXSTLN) qa_record(4,2)
character*(MXLNLN) inform(3)
logical whole
data iin /5/, iout /6/
c create EXODUS II files
cpu_word_size = 4
io_word_size = 4
c first create a "regular" file that contains everything except
c history variable info
exoid = excre ("test.exo",
1 "r", EXCLOB, cpu_word_size, io_word_size, ierr)
write (iout,'("after excre for test.exo, id: ", i3)') exoid
write (iout,'("after excre, error = ", i3)') ierr
c create a "history" file if you will output history variables
exoidh = excre ("testh.exo",
1 "h", EXCLOB, cpu_word_size, io_word_size, ierr)
write (iout,'("after excre for testh.exo, id: ", i3)') exoidh
write (iout,'("after excre, error = ", i3)') ierr
c initialize file with parameters
title = "This is test 3 - genisis data in history file"
num_dim = 2
num_nodes = 8
num_elem = 2
num_elem_blk = 2
num_node_sets = 2
num_side_sets = 1
call expini (exoid, title, num_dim, num_nodes,
1 num_elem, num_elem_blk, num_node_sets,
2 num_side_sets, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expini, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expini (exoidh, title, num_dim, num_nodes,
1 num_elem, num_elem_blk, num_node_sets,
2 num_side_sets, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expini (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write nodal coordinates values and names to database
x(1) = 0.0
x(2) = 1.0
x(3) = 1.0
x(4) = 0.0
x(5) = 1.0
x(6) = 2.0
x(7) = 2.0
x(8) = 1.0
y(1) = 0.0
y(2) = 0.0
y(3) = 1.0
y(4) = 1.0
y(5) = 0.0
y(6) = 0.0
y(7) = 1.0
y(8) = 1.0
call expcor (exoid, x, y, dummy, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expcor, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expcor (exoidh, x, y, dummy, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expcor (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
coord_names(1) = "xcoorjun"
coord_names(2) = "ycoorjun"
call expcon (exoid, coord_names, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expcon, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expcon (exoidh, coord_names, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expcon (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write element order map
do 10 i = 1, num_elem
elem_map(i) = i
10 continue
call expmap (exoid, elem_map, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expmap, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expmap (exoidh, elem_map, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expmap (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write element block parameters
num_elem_in_block(1) = 1
num_elem_in_block(2) = 1
ebids(1) = 10
ebids(2) = 11
cname = "quadjunk"
call expelb (exoid, ebids(1), cname, num_elem_in_block(1),
1 4,1,ierr)
write (iout, '("after expelb, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expelb (exoid, ebids(2), cname, num_elem_in_block(2),
1 4,1,ierr)
write (iout, '("after expelb, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expelb (exoidh, ebids(1), cname, num_elem_in_block(1),
1 4,1,ierr)
write (iout, '("after expelb (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expelb (exoidh, ebids(2), cname, num_elem_in_block(2),
1 4,1,ierr)
write (iout, '("after expelbi(h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write element connectivity
connect(1) = 1
connect(2) = 2
connect(3) = 3
connect(4) = 4
call expelc (exoid, ebids(1), connect, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expelc, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expelc (exoidh, ebids(1), connect, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expelci (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
connect(1) = 5
connect(2) = 6
connect(3) = 7
connect(4) = 8
call expelc (exoid, ebids(2), connect, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expelc, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expelc (exoidh, ebids(2), connect, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expelc (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write element block attributes
attrib(1) = 3.14159
call expeat (exoid, ebids(1), attrib, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expeat, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expeat (exoidh, ebids(1), attrib, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expeat (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
attrib(1) = 6.14159
call expeat (exoid, ebids(2), attrib, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expeat, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expeat (exoidh, ebids(2), attrib, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expeat (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write individual node sets
call expnp (exoid, 20, 5, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expnp, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expnp (exoidh, 20, 5, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expnp (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
node_list(1) = 100
node_list(2) = 101
node_list(3) = 102
node_list(4) = 103
node_list(5) = 104
dist_fact(1) = 1.0
dist_fact(2) = 2.0
dist_fact(3) = 3.0
dist_fact(4) = 4.0
dist_fact(5) = 5.0
call expns (exoid, 20, node_list, dist_fact, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expns, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expns (exoidh, 20, node_list, dist_fact, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expns (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expnp (exoid, 21, 3, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expnp, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expnp (exoidh, 21, 3, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expnp (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
node_list(1) = 200
node_list(2) = 201
node_list(3) = 202
dist_fact(1) = 1.1
dist_fact(2) = 2.1
dist_fact(3) = 3.1
call expns (exoid, 21, node_list, dist_fact, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expns, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expns (exoidh, 21, node_list, dist_fact, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expns (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write concatenated node sets; this produces the same information as
c the above code which writes individual node sets
c ids(1) = 20
c ids(2) = 21
c num_nodes_per_set(1) = 5
c num_nodes_per_set(2) = 3
c node_ind(1) = 1
c node_ind(2) = 6
c node_list(1) = 100
c node_list(2) = 101
c node_list(3) = 102
c node_list(4) = 103
c node_list(5) = 104
c node_list(6) = 200
c node_list(7) = 201
c node_list(8) = 202
c dist_fact(1) = 1.0
c dist_fact(2) = 2.0
c dist_fact(3) = 3.0
c dist_fact(4) = 4.0
c dist_fact(5) = 5.0
c dist_fact(6) = 1.1
c dist_fact(7) = 2.1
c dist_fact(8) = 3.1
c call expcns (exoid, ids, num_nodes_per_set, node_ind, node_list,
c 1 dist_fact, ierr)
c write (iout, '("after expcns, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write individual side sets
call expsp (exoid, 30, 2, 4, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expsp, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expsp (exoidh, 30, 2, 4, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expsp (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
elem_list(1) = 1
elem_list(2) = 2
node_list(1) = 1
node_list(2) = 2
node_list(3) = 3
node_list(4) = 4
dist_fact(1) = 0.0
dist_fact(2) = 0.0
dist_fact(3) = 0.0
dist_fact(4) = 0.0
call expss (exoid, 30, elem_list, node_list, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expss, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expssd (exoid, 30, dist_fact, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expssd, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expss (exoidh, 30, elem_list, node_list, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expss (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expssd (exoidh, 30, dist_fact, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expssd (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write concatenated side sets; this produces the same information as
c the above code which writes individual side sets
c ids(1) = 30
c num_elem_per_set(1) = 2
c num_nodes_per_set(1) = 4
c elem_ind(1) = 1
c node_ind(1) = 1
c elem_list(1) = 1
c elem_list(2) = 2
c node_list(1) = 1
c node_list(2) = 2
c node_list(3) = 3
c node_list(4) = 4
c dist_fact(1) = 0.0
c dist_fact(2) = 0.0
c dist_fact(3) = 0.0
c dist_fact(4) = 0.0
c call expcss (exoid, ids, num_elem_per_set, num_nodes_per_set,
c 1 elem_ind, node_ind, elem_list, node_list, dist_fact,
c 2 ierr)
c write (iout, '("after expcss, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write QA records
num_qa_rec = 2
qa_record(1,1) = "PRONTO2D"
qa_record(2,1) = "pronto2d"
qa_record(3,1) = "3/10/92"
qa_record(4,1) = "15:41:33"
qa_record(1,2) = "FASTQ"
qa_record(2,2) = "fastq"
qa_record(3,2) = "2/10/92"
qa_record(4,2) = "11:41:33"
call expqa (exoid, num_qa_rec, qa_record, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expqa, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expqa (exoidh, num_qa_rec, qa_record, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expqa (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write information records
num_info = 3
inform(1) = "This is the first information record."
inform(2) = "This is the second information record."
inform(3) = "This is the third information record."
call expinf (exoid, num_info, inform, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expinf, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expinf (exoidh, num_info, inform, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expinf (h), error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write results variables parameters and names
num_his_vars = 1
var_names(1) = "his_vars"
call expvp (exoidh, "h", num_his_vars, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expvp, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expvan (exoidh, "h", num_his_vars, var_names, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expvan, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
num_glo_vars = 1
var_names(1) = "glo_vars"
call expvp (exoid, "g", num_glo_vars, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expvp, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expvan (exoid, "g", num_glo_vars, var_names, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expvan, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
num_nod_vars = 2
var_names(1) = "nod_var0"
var_names(2) = "nod_var1"
call expvp (exoid, "n", num_nod_vars, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expvp, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expvan (exoid, "n", num_nod_vars, var_names, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expvan, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
num_ele_vars = 3
var_names(1) = "ele_var0"
var_names(2) = "ele_var1"
var_names(3) = "ele_var2"
call expvp (exoid, "e", num_ele_vars, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expvp, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expvan (exoid, "e", num_ele_vars, var_names, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expvan, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write element variable truth table
k = 0
do 30 i = 1,num_elem_blk
do 20 j = 1,num_ele_vars
truth_tab(j,i) = 1
20 continue
30 continue
call exgebi (exoid, ebids, ierr)
write (iout, '("after exgebi, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call expvtt (exoid, num_elem_blk, num_ele_vars, truth_tab, ebids,
& ierr)
write (iout, '("after expvtt, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c for each time step, write the analysis results;
c the code below fills the arrays hist_var_vals, glob_var_vals,
c nodal_var_vals, and elem_var_vals with values for debugging purposes;
c obviously the analysis code will populate these arrays
whole = .true.
hist_time_step = 1
whole_time_step = 1
num_time_steps = 10
do 110 i = 1, num_time_steps
time_value = real(i)/100
c if history time step
c write time value to history file
call exptim (exoidh, hist_time_step, time_value, ierr)
write (iout, '("after exptim, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write history variables to history file
do 40 j = 1, num_his_vars
hist_var_vals(j) = real(j+1) * time_value
40 continue
call exphv (exoidh, hist_time_step, num_his_vars,
1 hist_var_vals, ierr)
write (iout, '("after exphv, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
hist_time_step = hist_time_step + 1
c update the history file
call exupda (exoidh, ierr)
write (iout, '("after exupda, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c if whole time step
if (whole) then
c write time value to regular file
call exptim (exoid, whole_time_step, time_value, ierr)
write (iout, '("after exptim, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write global variables
do 50 j = 1, num_glo_vars
glob_var_vals(j) = real(j+1) * time_value
50 continue
call expgv (exoid, whole_time_step, num_glo_vars,
1 glob_var_vals, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expgv, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
c write nodal variables
do 70 k = 1, num_nod_vars
do 60 j = 1, num_nodes
nodal_var_vals(j) = real(k) + (real(j) * time_value)
60 continue
call expnv (exoid, whole_time_step, k, num_nodes,
1 nodal_var_vals, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expnv, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
70 continue
c write element variables
do 100 k = 1, num_ele_vars
do 90 j = 1, num_elem_blk
do 80 m = 1, num_elem_in_block(j)
elem_var_vals(m) = real(k+1) + real(j+1) +
1 (real(m)*time_value)
80 continue
call expev (exoid, whole_time_step, k, ebids(j),
1 num_elem_in_block(j), elem_var_vals, ierr)
write (iout, '("after expev, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
90 continue
100 continue
whole_time_step = whole_time_step + 1
c update the data file; this should be done at the end of every time
c step to ensure that no data is lost if the analysis dies
call exupda (exoid, ierr)
write (iout, '("after exupda, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
110 continue
c close the EXODUS files
call exclos (exoid, ierr)
write (iout, '("after exclos, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
call exclos (exoidh, ierr)
write (iout, '("after exclos, error = ", i3)' ) ierr