Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
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22 lines
1002 B

Explicitly enabled top-level packages on input (by user): 0
Explicitly enabled packages on input (by user): 0
Explicitly disabled top-level packages on input (by user or by default): 0
Explicitly disabled packages on input (by user or by default): ThyraCrazyStuff 1
Explicitly enabled external packages/TPLs on input (by user): 0
Explicitly disabled external packages/TPLs on input (by user or by default): 0
Final set of enabled top-level packages: 0
Final set of enabled packages: 0
Final set of non-enabled top-level packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt Thyra 6
Final set of non-enabled packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt \
ThyraCoreLibs ThyraGoodStuff ThyraCrazyStuff ThyraEpetra ThyraEpetraExt Thyra 11
Final set of enabled external packages/TPLs: 0
Final set of non-enabled external packages/TPLs: MPI BLAS LAPACK Boost UMFPACK AMD PETSC 7
*** WARNING: There were no packages configured so no libraries or tests/examples will be built!