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91 lines
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* Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
* of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
* NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
* See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#include "prototypes.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Finds first extended eigenpair of system corresponding to
tridiagonal T using using Rafael's bisection technique. */
void get_extval(double *alpha, /* j-vector of Lanczos scalars (using elements 1 to j) */
double *beta, /* (j+1)-vector of " " (has 0 element but using 1 to j-1) */
int j, /* number of Lanczos iterations taken */
double ritzval, /* Ritz value */
double *s, /* Ritz vector (length n, re-computed in this routine) */
double eigtol, /* tolerance on eigenpair */
double wnorm_g, /* W-norm of n-vector g, the rhs in the extended eig. problem */
double sigma, /* the norm constraint on the extended eigenvector */
double *extval, /* the extended eigenvalue this routine computes */
double *v, /* the j-vector solving the extended eig problem in T */
double *work1, /* j-vector of workspace */
double *work2 /* j-vector of workspace */
extern int DEBUG_EVECS; /* debug flag for eigen computation */
double lambda_low; /* lower bound on extended eval */
double lambda_high; /* upper bound on extended eval */
double tol; /* bisection tolerance */
double norm_v; /* norm of the extended T eigenvector v */
double lambda; /* the parameter that iterates to extval */
int cnt; /* debug iteration counter */
double diff; /* distance between lambda limits */
/* Compute the Ritz vector */
Tevec(alpha, beta - 1, j, ritzval, s);
/* Shouldn't happen, but just in case ... */
if (wnorm_g == 0.0) {
*extval = ritzval;
cpvec(v, 1, j, s);
if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) {
printf("Degenerate extended eigenvector problem (g = 0).\n");
/* ... not really an extended eigenproblem; just return Ritz pair */
/* Set up the bisection parameters */
lambda_low = ritzval - wnorm_g / sigma;
lambda_high = ritzval - (wnorm_g / sigma) * s[1];
lambda = 0.5 * (lambda_low + lambda_high);
tol = eigtol * eigtol * (1 + fabs(lambda_low) + fabs(lambda_high));
if (DEBUG_EVECS > 2) {
printf("Computing extended eigenpairs of T\n");
printf(" target norm_v (= sigma) %g\n", sigma);
printf(" bisection tolerance %g\n", tol);
if (DEBUG_EVECS > 3) {
printf(" lambda iterates to the extended eigenvalue\n");
printf(" lambda_low lambda lambda_high norm_v\n");
/* Bisection loop - iterate until norm constraint is satisfied */
cnt = 1;
diff = 2 * tol;
while (diff > tol) {
lambda = 0.5 * (lambda_low + lambda_high);
tri_solve(alpha, beta, j, lambda, v, wnorm_g, work1, work2);
norm_v = ch_norm(v, 1, j);
if (DEBUG_EVECS > 3) {
printf("%2i %18.16f %18.16f %18.16f %g\n", cnt++, lambda_low, lambda, lambda_high,
if (norm_v <= sigma) {
lambda_low = lambda;
if (norm_v >= sigma) {
lambda_high = lambda;
diff = lambda_high - lambda_low;
/* Return the extended eigenvalue (eigvec is automatically returned) */
*extval = lambda;