Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
949 B

{a = csv_array("rect.csv")}
{_therow = rows(a)}
{_col = cols(a)}
{_r = 0}
{_c = 0}
a[{_r},{_c}] = {a[_r,_c++]}
{b = make_array(3,2)}
{_therow = rows(b)}
{_col = cols(b)}
{_r = 0}
{_c = 0}
{b[_r,_c] = 10*(_r+1) + _c++ + 1}
b = {print_array(b)}
{c = make_array(2,3)}
{_therow = rows(c)}
{_col = cols(c)}
{_r = 0}
{_c = 0}
{c[_r,_c] = 10*(_r+1) + _c++ + 1}
c = {print_array(c)}
{d = b * c}
d = b * c = {print_array(d)}
{e = c * b}
e = c * b = {print_array(e)}
{et = transpose(e)}
e' = {print_array(transpose(e))}
sum = e + e = {print_array(e+e)}
-e = {print_array(-e)}
e+e-2*e = {print_array(e+e-2*e)}
scale = {print_array(e*1/e[0,0])}
{asub = csv_array("rect.csv", 10)}
{asub_rows = rows(asub)}
{a_rows = rows(a)}